Selaa terveellisiä välipaloja Meillä on laaja valikoima vegaanisia levitteitä, pakastekuivattuja hedelmiä ja marjoja ja paljon muuta. Jokainen tuote on valmistettu GMO-vapaista luomuainesosista, mukaan lukien gluteenittomat keksimme ja välipalamme, joten voit nauttia välipalasta huoletta. Pidätkö hedelmäisestä gelatiinista? Tarjoamme herkullisia gelatiinikarhuja täynnä vitamiineja ja proteiinia. Etsitkö nopeaa gluteenitonta välipalaa, joka on vähäkalorinen mutta korkea makuinen? Kokeile maissivälipalojamme. Huolehdimme myös kaikista suklaanhimoistasi makeisvalikoimallamme. Jos pidät raikkaasta mausta, veriappelsiini-inkiväärikaramelli- ja hedelmäsoseemme ovat loistava valinta. Terveysmatkalla olevien ruokavalio- ja laihdutustuotteemme ovat tutustumisen arvoisia, mukaan lukien urheiluruokamme ja -patukat sekä ravintolisävalikoimamme. Olemme ylpeitä voidessamme tarjota tuotteita, jotka on kasvatettu ja valmistettu Sveitsissä, mikä antaa sinulle parhaan laadun jokaisessa puremassa.
Energy Oatsnack Currant 65 gTarvitsetko nopean lisäenergian liikkeellä ollessasi? Älä etsi kauempaa kuin Energy Oatsnack Currant 65 g. Tämä välipala on valmistettu aidoista, terveellisistä ainesosista, ja se on täydellinen aktiivisille yksilöille, jotka tarvitsevat jatkuvaa energiaa koko päivän ajan. Ravitsemukselliset edutEnergy Oatsnack Currant 65 g on täynnä ravintoaineita, jotka pitävät yllä sinä menet. Yksi annos sisältää 10 grammaa proteiinia ja 4 grammaa kuitua, jotka auttavat pitämään kylläisyyden ja tyytyväisyyden tunteen. Lisäksi välipala on vähäsokerinen eikä sisällä keinotekoisia säilöntäaineita, joten se on terveellisempi valinta kuin perinteiset välipalapatukat.Maukas ja käteväTämän Energy Oatsnackin herukkamaku ei ole vain ravitsevaa, mutta se on myös uskomattoman herkullista. Välipala on valmistettu aidoista herukoista ja täysjyväviljasekoituksesta, jotka tarjoavat maukkaan, tyydyttävän rapsun. Lisäksi kätevän, matkalla mukana kulkevan pakkauksen ansiosta se on helppo ottaa mukaasi minne ikinä haluatkin mennä.Täydellinen aktiiviseen elämäntyyliinOletpa sitten menossa kuntosalille , patikoi vuorella tai tarvitset vain noudon keskipäivällä, Energy Oatsnack Currant 65 g tarjoaa sinulle kaiken. Sekoitus proteiinia, kuitua ja täysjyväviljaa pitää sinut energisenä ja keskittyneenä, olipa päivä mitä tahansa.Joten miksi odottaa? Lisää Energy Oatsnack Currant 65 g päivittäiseen rutiiniin ja koe jatkuvan energian ja herkullisen maun edut...
Energy Oatsnack Brazil-Nut 65 g
This Energy Oatsnack Brazil-Nut 65 g is a delicious and healthy snack for people who are always on-the-go. It is packed with nutritious ingredients including oats and Brazil nuts that are known to have various health benefits. This snack is perfect for individuals who are looking for an easy way to fuel their body and curb their hunger while on the move.
Key Features:
Made with high-quality ingredients like oats, Brazil nuts, dates and honey.
Each Energy Oatsnack pack contains 65 g of snack.
The snack is rich in protein and fibre content, making it ideal for people who are following an active and healthy lifestyle.
Suitable for vegans and people who are avoiding gluten in their diet.
This Oatsnack is easy to carry and is a perfect snack for busy individuals who need a quick and nutritious energy boost.
Health Benefits:
Oats are known to be beneficial for people who want to have a healthy heart. It is rich in fibre content and can help lower cholesterol levels. Brazil nuts are an excellent source of healthy fats and are known to be beneficial for skin health, cognitive function, and boosting the immune system. Dates are also rich in fibre and can help regulate blood sugar levels. In addition, honey is a natural sweetener and is a great source of antioxidants.
How to Enjoy:
This Energy Oatsnack Brazil-Nut 65 g can be enjoyed as a snack between meals, as a post-workout treat or as a breakfast food. It is perfect for people who are always on the move and need a quick and nutritious energy boost to keep up with their busy lifestyle.
Order your pack of Energy Oatsnack Brazil-Nut 65 g today and take the first step towards a healthier and more active lifestyle!..
Energy Oatsnack Chocolate 65g
Are you looking for a healthy and delicious snack that can give you the energy boost you need during the day? Energy Oatsnack Chocolate 65g is the perfect solution for you! Made with all-natural ingredients, this snack is not only nutritious but also satisfies your sweet cravings.
Rich in fiber and protein, providing long-lasting energy
Contains slow-release carbohydrates that keep you feeling full for longer periods
Low in sugar, making it a guilt-free indulgence
No added preservatives or artificial flavors
Gluten-free, making it perfect for those with gluten sensitivity
Our Energy Oatsnack Chocolate 65g contains a blend of healthy ingredients that provide essential nutrients to keep you going throughout the day. These include oats, cocoa powder, almonds, dates, coconut oil, and sea salt.
How to Enjoy
Energy Oatsnack Chocolate 65g is an excellent snack for any time of day. Whether you need a mid-afternoon munch, pre-workout energy or just a quick snack on the go, this product has got you covered.
Simply unwrap and enjoy this delicious and satisfying snack whenever the cravings strike. It's also perfect for keeping in your bag or pocket when you're on the go.
Order Now
Order now and start enjoying the benefits of our Energy Oatsnack Chocolate 65g today! It's convenient, healthy, and delicious, making it the ideal snack for anyone looking for a quick energy boost. ..
FRUCHTBAR Frucht Tasche Bio Dink Blaub Ap
Looking for a healthy and delicious snack that you can enjoy anytime and anywhere? Check out FRUCHTBAR Frucht Tasche Bio Dink Blaub Ap! This amazing product is perfect for busy people who need a quick and nutritious snack on the go.
Each package contains a delicious blend of organic fruit and wholegrain spelt flakes that are carefully selected and blended to create a satisfying snack that will keep you energized throughout the day. The ingredients are all-natural with no preservatives or artificial flavors, making it the perfect choice for health-conscious individuals.
FRUCHTBAR Frucht Tasche Bio Dink Blaub Ap is a great source of dietary fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants that will help you support your immune system, improve digestion, and maintain overall health and wellbeing. The product is vegan-friendly and gluten-free, making it suitable for people with different dietary requirements.
Whether you're heading to work, going for a hike, or simply need a quick snack to satisfy your cravings, FRUCHTBAR Frucht Tasche Bio Dink Blaub Ap is the perfect choice. With its convenient packaging and delicious taste, it's the ultimate snack that you can take with you anywhere!
Key Features:
Organic fruit and wholegrain spelt flakes blend
All-natural ingredients with no preservatives or artificial flavors
Great source of dietary fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants
Vegan-friendly and gluten-free
Convenient packaging that you can take anywhere
Try FRUCHTBAR Frucht Tasche Bio Dink Blaub Ap today and experience the ultimate snack for busy and health-conscious individuals!
Esittelyssä FRUCHTBAR luomuhedelmäpussi herkullisella omenamakulla. Tämä ravitseva välipala on täydellinen valinta terveystietoisille henkilöille, jotka haluavat ruokkia kehoaan terveellisillä ainesosilla. Tämä hedelmäpussi on täynnä luomuhedelmiä ja ilman keinotekoisia lisäaineita, joten se tarjoaa kätevän tavan nauttia luonnollisesta energianpurskeesta tien päällä. Noudatatpa sitten uudistus-/terveellistä ruokailusuunnitelmaa tai vain etsit maukasta välipalavaihtoehtoa, FRUCHTBAR on herkullinen vaihtoehto tyydyttääksesi himosi syyttömästi. Valitse terveellisempi välipala FRUCHTBAR-hedelmäpussin avulla ja nauti luomuhedelmien hyvyydestä missä tahansa...
Hemmottele Fruchtbar Fruit Puree luomumansikka-omenapussin ihastuttavaa makua. Tämä kätevä 100 g:n pussi on täytetty harmonisella luomumansikoiden ja omenoiden sekoituksella, mikä tarjoaa luonnollisen makean ja virkistävän herkkupalan. Tämä sose on täynnä aitojen hedelmien hyvyyttä, ja se on loistava vitamiinien ja antioksidanttien lähde yleisen terveyden tukemiseksi. Tämä tuote on täydellinen välipalaan tien päällä tai lisänä smoothieihin, jogurttiin tai jälkiruokiin. Tämä tuote on syytön tapa tyydyttää himosi. Koe kypsien hedelmien puhdas olemus Fruchtbar Fruit Puree luomumansikka-omenapussilla – herkullinen ja ravitseva valinta tasapainoiseen elämäntapaan...
Fruchtbar Fruchtpüree Bio Kirsche Banane Btl 120 g
Fruchtbar Fruchtpüree Bio Kirsche Banane Btl 120 g on herkullinen ja ravitseva välipala, joka on valmistettu 100 % luomuhedelmistä. Tämä tuote sopii ihmisille, jotka haluavat terveellisen välipalan, joka on helppo kuljettaa mukana ja jossa ei ole lisä- ja säilöntäaineita.
Fruchtbar Fruchtpüree Bio Kirsche Banane Btl 120 g pakkaus sisältää soseutettuja kirsikoita ja banaaneja, jotka sisältävät runsaasti vitamiineja, kivennäisaineita ja ravintokuitua. Tuote ei sisällä lisättyjä sokereita tai keinotekoisia makuaineita, joten se on täydellinen välipala ihmisille, jotka yrittävät seurata kalorinsaantiaan.
Kätevän pakkauskoon ansiosta tämä herkullinen ja ravitseva välipala on helppo kuljettaa minne ikinä menetkin. Se sopii erinomaisesti koululounaaksi, toimiston välipalaksi tai nopeaksi ja terveelliseksi herkuksi tien päällä.
Fruchtbar Fruchtpüree Bio Kirsche Banane Btl 120 g on hyvämaineisen luomuelintarvikkeiden tuottajan valmistama, mikä varmistaa, että saat korkealaatuisen ja terveellisen tuotteen. Joten jos haluat maukkaan ja ravitsevan välipalan, joka on helppo kuljettaa mukana, kokeile Fruchtbar Fruchtpüree Bio Kirsche Banane Btl 120 g jo tänään!
Fruchtbar Knusper Schildkröten Bio Mango Banane Mais 30g
Indulge in the delicious and healthy snack of Fruchtbar Knusper Schildkröten, a perfect blend of organic mango, banana, and corn that gives you an energizing boost to your day. With a crunchy texture, this snack is packed with wholesome goodness and natural nutrients.
Product Features
Organic ingredients
No added sugar
No artificial colors or flavors
The snack is ideal for all age groups, and it makes a perfect addition to your kid's lunch box, mid-day snack, or post-workout refuel. The fruity combination offers a great taste and nutritional value, making it an excellent alternative to unhealthy snacks.
The Fruchtbar Knusper Schildkröten contains organic ingredients, including mango, banana, and corn, all carefully selected to ensure they are of high quality and meet strict organic standards. These ingredients are naturally rich in nutrients like vitamin C, fiber, and potassium, which offer a host of health benefits.
How to Use
This 30g pack is perfect for enjoying a quick snack on the go, sharing with friends, or adding to your favorite recipe. You can also sprinkle it on your yogurt, cereal, or smoothie bowl for an added crunch and flavor.
Get your pack today
Order your pack of Fruchtbar Knusper Schildkröten Bio Mango Banane Mais today and enjoy a delicious and healthy snack that's perfect for any time of the day. Our customer service team is always ready to assist you with any queries or concerns you may have...
Fruchtbar Knusper Schnitte Bio Erdbeere Banane 3 x 23 g
Introducing the Fruchtbar Knusper Schnitte Bio Erdbeere Banane, a deliciously organic snack perfect for those who have a sweet tooth but still want something healthy. Each pack contains three sachets of 23g each, giving you enough to snack on throughout the day or share with friends and family.
This snack is made from natural, organic ingredients that are not only delicious but also highly nutritious. It is made from wholegrain oats, natural sweeteners, and a blend of carefully selected fruits. The ingredients used are GMO-free, gluten-free, and free from preservatives, artificial sweeteners, and additives.
This Fruchtbar Knusper Schnitte has a unique flavor combination of organic strawberries and bananas, making for a deliciously sweet and tangy snack that will leave you feeling satisfied. Every bite is crisp and crunchy, making it a perfect go-to snack any time of the day.
With its organic and natural ingredients, this snack is packed full of nutrients that are essential to overall health and wellbeing. The oats are a great source of fiber, while the fruits are rich in vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals. This snack is also ideal for someone who is looking for a gluten-free, GMO-free, and no added sugar option for snacking.
The Fruchtbar Knusper Schnitte Bio Erdbeere Banane is a delicious, healthy, and organic snack that is perfect for any time of day. Its unique flavor and crisp texture make it a perfect go-to snack, and with its numerous health benefits, it is an excellent option for those looking for a healthy snacking alternative.
Fruchtbar Knusper Stäbchen Bio Mais Käse Btl 30 g
Fruchtbar Knusper Stäbchen Bio Mais Käse Btl 30 g is an irresistible and healthy snack that is perfect for people who love the delicious taste of cheese. This product is made exclusively from natural ingredients that have been carefully selected and processed to produce an excellent snack that is not only tasty but also nutritious.
Organic and Nutritious Ingredients
The ingredients in this snack are entirely organic, meaning you can snack without worrying about ingesting any harmful chemicals or GMOs. The primary ingredients include organic corn, organic coconut oil, organic cheddar cheese, organic whey powder, and organic sea salt.
The Perfect Snack Anytime!
You can snack on Fruchtbar Knusper Stäbchen Bio Mais Käse Btl 30 g at any time of the day, whether it?s between meals or as a party snack. Its convenient packaging makes it easy to take with you wherever you go, whether to work or to school.
Product Features
100% organic
Delicious cheese flavor
Made from healthy and nutritious ingredients
Convenient packaging ideal for on-the-go snacking
In conclusion, Fruchtbar Knusper Stäbchen Bio Mais Käse Btl 30 g is a delectable snack that is not only tasty but also healthy. Its use of organic ingredients and gluten-free properties make it an ideal snack for people looking to stay healthy. With its savory cheese flavor and convenient packaging, this snack is sure to satisfy your cravings any time of day...
FRUCHTBAR Laugen Seepferdchen Bio mit Dinkel
FRUCHTTBAR Laugen Seepferdchen Bio mit Dinkel on herkullinen ja terveellinen välipala lapsille ja aikuisille. Nämä maukkaat pretzelit on valmistettu luomuainesosista, mukaan lukien spelttijauhoista, eivätkä ne sisällä keinotekoisia lisä- ja säilöntäaineita.
Ei keinotekoisia lisä- tai säilöntäaineita
Valmistettu spelttijauhoista
Sopii kasvissyöjille
Nämä Seepferdchenin muotoiset pretzelit sopivat täydellisesti lounasrasiaan pakattavaksi, piknikille tuotavaksi tai nopeaksi välipalaksi tien päällä nauttimiseen. Ne ovat herkullisia hummukseen, juustoon tai muihin levitteisiin upotettuina, joten ne ovat monipuolinen lisä kaikkiin välipalakokoelmaan. FRUCHTBAR Laugen Seepferdchen Bio mit Dinkel ei ole vain herkullinen, vaan myös terveellinen välipalavaihtoehto. Spelttijauhossa on enemmän ravintoaineita kuin tavallisessa vehnäjauhossa, ja nämä pretzelit ovat myös vähärasvaisia ja sokerittomia. Lisäksi ne ovat loistava täysjyväviljojen lähde, jotka ovat välttämättömiä terveelliselle ja tasapainoiselle ruokavaliolle. Miksi et kokeilisi FRUCHTBAR Laugen Seepferdchen Bio mit Dinkeliä jo tänään? Rapean koostumuksensa ja herkullisen makunsa ansiosta niistä tulee varmasti uusi suosikkivälipala.
Hinta: 4,99 $
Lisää ostoskoriin
Grethersin sokerittomat mustaherukkapastillit Haluatko makeaa herkkua ilman sokerimurhaa? Grethersin sokerittomat mustaherukkapastillit ovat täydellinen valinta. Nämä herkulliset pastillit tarjoavat saman hyvän maun, jota rakastat, mutta ilman lisättyä sokeria. Nauti syyttömästä hemmottelusta milloin tahansa, missä tahansa. Sokeriton Herkullinen mustaherukkamaku Täydellinen diabeetikoille ja sokerinsaantiaan seuraaville Kätevä pussikoko Etsitkö terveellistä välipalaa tai tyydyttävää herkkua, Grethersin sokerittomat mustaherukkapastillit ovat täydellinen valinta. Tilaa omasi jo tänään ja koe ero!..
Esittelemme HOLLE Tasty Turtle -omenapäärynän jogurtilla, ravitsevan ja herkullisen välipalan, joka on räätälöity lasten terveyteen ja hyvinvointiin. Tämä hienosti muotoiltu sekoitus yhdistää omenan ja päärynän makeuden jogurtin kermaisuuteen luoden ihastuttavan herkkupalan, josta lapset pitävät. Valmistettu korkealaatuisista luomuainesosista, tämä vauvan ja lasten ravintotuote ei sisällä keinotekoisia lisäaineita, värejä ja säilöntäaineita. HOLLE Tasty Turtle on täynnä tärkeitä ravintoaineita ja vitamiineja, ja se tukee lapsesi kasvua ja kehitystä. Ihanteellinen välipalaan tien päällä tai terveellisenä lisänä ruokailuun, tämä lasillinen hyvää on kätevä tapa tarjota lapsellesi terveellinen ja maukas välipala. Anna lapsellesi ihastuttava ruokailukokemus HOLLE Tasty Turtle -omenapäärynällä jogurtilla...
IBONSin inkiväärikarkkien ominaisuudet passionhedelmä ilman sokeria 10x75gSäilytyslämpötila min/max 15/25 celsiusastettaMäärä pakkauksessa: 1 kplPaino: 975 g Pituus: 225 mm Leveys: 135 mm Korkeus: 180 mm Osta IBONSin inkiväärikaramelli-passionhedelmä ilman sokeria 10x75g verkossa Sveitsistä..
Flowers Crispy Bread Slices Multigrain 150g
Introducing our Flowers Crispy Bread Slices Multigrain 150g that is a delicious and healthy option for your daily bread cravings. This pack consists of crispy bread slices that are made from a blend of multigrains ? wheat, corn, barley and oats ? to provide a high-fibre and protein-packed snack with every bite.
Our Crispy Bread Slices are baked to perfection to provide a light and crispy texture that is perfect to be paired with your favourite toppings or enjoyed as it is. They are free from any added preservatives or artificial flavours, ensuring that you get a healthy and wholesome snack option.
The Flowers Crispy Bread Slices Multigrain 150g pack is perfect for those on the go or with busy schedules, as it provides a quick and healthy snack option that can be enjoyed at any time of the day. The pack comes with an easy-to-use zip lock that ensures the freshness of the bread slices is maintained till the last slice.
Made from a blend of multigrains ? wheat, corn, barley and oats
High-fibre and protein-packed snack
Baked to perfection to provide a light and crispy texture
Free from any added preservatives or artificial flavours
Comes with an easy-to-use zip lock to ensure freshness
Get your hands on the Flowers Crispy Bread Slices Multigrain 150g pack and enjoy a delicious and healthy snack option that is perfect for those with active lifestyles...
Flowers Crispy bread slices Cocoa 160 g
Indulge your taste buds in a luxurious chocolate experience with Flowers Crispy bread slices Cocoa 160 g. These crispy and light bread slices are infused with a rich cocoa flavor and are perfect for satisfying your sweet tooth cravings. Each slice is made with high-quality ingredients and is free from artificial colors and flavors, making it a healthy and delicious snack option.
These bread slices are perfect for a quick snack, breakfast, or dessert. You can enjoy them with your favorite toppings, such as peanut butter, Nutella, jam or fruits. They are also great to dip in your morning coffee or hot chocolate for a decadent breakfast treat or an afternoon pick-me-up.
The Flowers Crispy bread slices Cocoa 160 g come in a resealable pack, making it easy to store and maintain their freshness. These bread slices are the perfect size to carry for on-the-go snacking, and they are ideal for kids? lunchboxes, picnics or long car rides.
Whether you are a chocolate lover or just crave a tasty snack, Flowers Crispy bread slices Cocoa 160 g is a must-try. Buy them today and experience the delicious taste of real cocoa in every bite...
Introducing Flowers Crispy Bread Slices Buckwheat without Added Sugar 150g
Looking for a gluten-free, healthy and tasty snack to munch on anytime? Look no further than Flowers Crispy Bread Slices Buckwheat without Added Sugar 150g. Made with the finest-quality buckwheat, these oven-baked bread slices are loaded with wholesome nutrition and bursting with natural flavors.
Best Ingredients and Manufacturing Processes
We use only the best ingredients and state-of-the-art manufacturing processes to ensure that every bite you take is rich in nutrients and flavor. Buckwheat is a wonder food that is loaded with antioxidants, fiber, protein, and various other essential nutrients. We combine these amazing qualities with our unique baking techniques to create delicious and crispy bread slices that are perfect as a snack, a meal accompaniment, or a base for your favorite toppings.
No Added Sugar or Harmful Additives
One of the best things about our bread slices is that they contain no added sugar or harmful additives. We understand the importance of healthy eating, and our products are designed to provide you with all the nourishment you need without compromising on taste. These crispy bread slices are perfect for anyone looking to maintain a healthy lifestyle or follow a low carbohydrate diet.
Perfect for Everyone
Flowers Crispy Bread Slices Buckwheat without Added Sugar 150g is perfect for everyone, including those with gluten intolerance or celiac disease. These slices are certified gluten-free and made with ingredients that are sourced from trusted suppliers.
Enjoy Anytime, Anywhere
With their handy, resealable packaging, these crispy bread slices are ready to grab and go anytime, anywhere. Enjoy them at home, at work, on the road, or on the trail. They are an excellent choice for a snack, a meal accompaniment, or simply as a crunchy treat.
Order Now
Order your pack of Flowers Crispy Bread Slices Buckwheat without Added Sugar 150g today and enjoy the best combination of flavor, nutrition, and convenience. ..
Modifast Biscuits Chocolat Getreide 4 x 50 g
Looking for a healthy and delicious snack to satisfy your chocolate cravings? Try Modifast Biscuits Chocolat Getreide! These biscuits are packed with wholegrain goodness and decadent chocolate flavor, making them the perfect guilt-free treat for any time of day.
Each pack contains four individual biscuits, each weighing 50 grams. These biscuits are low in calories and high in dietary fiber, making them a great option for anyone looking to maintain a healthy diet. They're also free from artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives, making them a natural and wholesome choice for your snack time.
Modifast Biscuits Chocolat Getreide are suitable for vegetarians and are lactose-free, making them a great choice for anyone with specific dietary requirements. They're also portion-controlled, making them a convenient option for anyone looking to manage their calorie intake.
So why wait? Add Modifast Biscuits Chocolat Getreide to your diet today and enjoy a tasty and nutritious snack that won't derail your healthy lifestyle...
Naughty Friends Cereal Bars Mango & Orange 4 x 23 g
Experience a flavourful and satisfying snack with the Naughty Friends Cereal Bars Mango & Orange. Made from high-quality ingredients, these bars come in a pack of four 23 g bars, perfect for on-the-go snacking or as a quick breakfast option. The combination of sweet and tangy mango and orange flavours with the crunchiness of cereal makes for a delicious and nourishing treat that is sure to delight your taste buds.
These bars are a great source of energy, with each serving packing in 109 calories, 2.2 g of protein and 19.4 g of carbohydrates. With no artificial colours or preservatives, Naughty Friends Cereal Bars Mango & Orange make for a guilt-free snack option that you can enjoy anytime, anywhere.
Pack of four 23 g bars
Mango and orange flavour
High-quality ingredients
109 calories per serving
2.2 g of protein per serving
19.4 g of carbohydrates per serving
No artificial colours or preservatives
Convenient snack for on-the-go
Provides energy
Satisfies cravings with a delicious flavour
Low-calorie option
Good source of protein and carbohydrates
No harmful additives or preservatives
Enjoy the goodness of mango and orange in each bite with Naughty Friends Cereal Bars Mango & Orange. These bars are perfect for an afternoon snack or as a quick breakfast option when you are running late. With no artificial colours or preservatives, these bars are a healthy option that you can indulge in. Order your pack today and experience the delightful taste of Naughty Friends Cereal Bars Mango & Orange...
Nutramino Protein Bar Vanil Caramell & 64 g
Nutramino Protein Bar Vanilla Caramel & 64 g on herkullinen ja ravitseva välipala tukemaan aktiivista elämäntapaasi. Tämä 20 g korkealaatuista proteiinia sisältävä proteiinipatukka on täydellinen nopeaan välipalaan treenin jälkeen tai kun tarvitset terveellistä välipalaa tien päällä. Jokainen patukka sisältää täydellisen sekoituksen hiilihydraatteja ja proteiineja, jotka auttavat täydentämään glykogeenivarastoja ja tukemaan lihasten palautumista.
20 g proteiinia: Nutramino Protein Bar Vanilla Caramel & 64 g sisältää 20 g korkealaatuista proteiinia, joka tukee lihasten kasvua ja palautumista.
Herkullinen maku: Tässä proteiinipatukkassa on herkullinen vaniljakaramellimaku, joka tyydyttää makeansyöjäsi pakkaamatta liikaa kaloreita.
Vähän sokeria: Jokainen patukka sisältää vain 1,4 g sokeria ja 197 kaloria, mikä tekee siitä terveellisen välipalavaihtoehdon kaikille, jotka haluavat pysyä kuntotavoitteissaan.
Kätevä: Nutramino Protein Bar Vanilla Caramel & 64 g on täydellinen välipala, jonka voit nauttia milloin tahansa ja missä tahansa. Pidä sitä kuntosalilaukussasi, laukussasi tai työpöydässäsi, jotta saat nopean ja helpon välipalan nälkä iskeessä.
Nutramino Protein Bar Vanilla Caram & 64 g on herkullinen ja kätevä tapa tukea aktiivista elämäntapaasi. Tarvitsetpa nopeaa välipalaa harjoituksen jälkeen tai terveellistä välipalaa tien päällä, tämä proteiinipatukka auttaa sinua.
Product Description: Optimy Enjoyment Hazelnuts Dark Chocolate Bio 150g
Elevate your chocolate experience with the Optimy Enjoyment Hazelnuts Dark Chocolate Bio 150g. It is an organic and sustainably sourced treat that perfectly balances the sweetness of chocolate with the nutty flavour and crunchiness of hazelnuts. Each bar is made from high-quality, GMO-free ingredients that have been carefully selected to ensure optimum taste and texture.
Features and Benefits
Organic and Environmentally Friendly - The chocolate is made from sustainably sourced organic cocoa beans that have been harvested in a way that is both environmentally and socially responsible. As a result, the final product is free from harmful additives or preservatives, making it a healthy and delicious snack.
Rich Taste - The hazelnuts add a rich and complex flavour to the dark chocolate, offering a unique taste that's hard to resist. The chocolate has a smooth and silky texture that melts in your mouth, leaving a pleasant aftertaste that will leave you craving for more.
Perfect for Sharing - The 150g bar is large enough to share with friends or family, making it an ideal choice for movie nights or dinner parties. It also makes a great gift for chocolate lovers, offering a unique and luxurious taste experience.
Health Benefits - The antioxidants present in dark chocolate and nuts have been linked to a range of health benefits, including improved heart health, reduced inflammation, and better brain function. Furthermore, this bar is free from artificial additives, making it a healthier option than many other chocolate bars on the market.
The Optimy Enjoyment Hazelnuts Dark Chocolate Bio 150g only contains a few simple ingredients:
Organic dark chocolate (cocoa mass, cane sugar, cocoa butter, vanilla extract)
Roasted organic hazelnuts
How to Enjoy
This chocolate bar is perfect for snacking on its own or for dipping into a hot cup of tea or coffee. You can also try incorporating it into your favourite recipes to add a touch of luxury and flavour. Alternatively, chop it up and use it to top cakes, ice cream, or other desserts for added texture and taste.
Overall, the Optimy Enjoyment Hazelnuts Dark Chocolate Bio 150g is a truly indulgent chocolate experience that's hard to resist. It's organic, delicious, and contains only the highest quality ingredients, making it a must-try for all chocolate lovers out there. Try it today and see for yourself why it's quickly becoming one of the most popular chocolate bars on the market...
QNT 36% Protein Joy Bar Low Sugar Cookie & Cream 60 g
The QNT 36% Protein Joy Bar Low Sugar Cookie & Cream 60 g is the perfect snack for anyone who wants a healthy and satisfying snack on-the-go. This delicious and nutritious bar contains 36% protein, making it an ideal snack for people who are looking to build muscle or maintain a healthy diet.
The QNT 36% Protein Joy Bar Low Sugar Cookie & Cream 60 g is also low in sugar, which means that it won't cause a spike in blood sugar levels or lead to a crash later in the day. Instead, it provides sustained energy that will keep you going throughout the day.
This protein bar is a delicious combination of creamy vanilla, chocolate chips, and crunchy cookie pieces. It contains high-quality whey protein isolate, which is known for its ability to be quickly absorbed and utilized by the body for muscle growth and repair.
This snack is perfect for anyone who loves the taste of cookies and cream but wants to maintain a healthy diet. It's also perfect for athletes and anyone who wants to supplement their protein intake.
The QNT 36% Protein Joy Bar Low Sugar Cookie & Cream 60 g is a high-quality, nutritious, and delicious snack that is perfect for anyone who wants to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
RIIIIS Original Bio Btl 49 g
Introducing RIIIIS Original Bio Btl 49 g, a delicious and healthy snack option made with 100% organic ingredients. Each bottle contains a sweet and crunchy mix of nuts, seeds, and dried fruits that will satisfy your hunger and boost your energy levels.
Organic Ingredients:
Brazil nuts
Sunflower seeds
Pumpkin seeds
Crunchy corn
Chopped dates
Each of these ingredients is carefully selected, ensuring that they are all natural, organic, and free from any artificial preservatives or additives. This makes RIIIIS Original Bio Btl 49 g an ideal snack option for those who are health-conscious and looking for natural and wholesome foods.
Suitable for Vegans:
This snack is also suitable for vegans, as it is made from plant-based ingredients only, ensuring that everyone can enjoy the delicious taste of RIIIIS Original Bio Btl 49 g, regardless of their dietary requirements.
Benefits of RIIIIS Original Bio Btl 49 g:
Great source of energy: The combination of nuts, seeds, and dried fruits makes this snack a perfect source of energy for an active lifestyle.
Nutrient-packed: Each ingredient is packed with essential nutrients, providing your body with the necessary vitamins and minerals it needs to function properly.
Convenient: The RIIIIS Original Bio Btl 49 g is the perfect snack option for those who are always on the go. The bottle is easy to carry, making it a convenient snack option to have on hand when hunger strikes.
No added sugar: This snack contains no added sugar, making it a healthier option than many other processed snacks available on the market.
So, if you're looking for a delicious and wholesome snack option that provides you with the energy and nutrients your body needs, then look no further than RIIIIS Original Bio Btl 49 g!..
Warping Delishios gluten free Btl 125 g
Introducing our newest creation, the Warping Delishios gluten free snacks. These bite-sized, crunchy snacks are perfect for those who are looking for a healthier snack option that is gluten-free. Made with a blend of carefully selected ingredients, Warping Delishios gluten-free snacks are full of flavor and are perfect for snacking on-the-go.
Each bottle contains 125 grams of snackable goodness, making it the perfect snack to take to work or school. The resealable bottle ensures that your snacks stay fresh and crunchy, so you can enjoy them whenever you want. The bottle is also lightweight and easy to carry, making it the perfect companion for your outdoor adventures or travels.
Our gluten-free snacks are made without any artificial flavors or additives, ensuring that you get only the best quality ingredients. They are also free from common allergens like wheat, soy, and dairy, making them suitable for people with food intolerances or allergies. Whether you are following a gluten-free lifestyle or just looking for a healthy snack, Warping Delishios gluten-free snacks are the perfect choice!
The snacks come in a delightful mix of flavors, including Cheese and Herb, Spicy Chilli, and Tangy Barbeque. Each flavor is unique and delicious, and you are sure to find your favorite among them. We use only the finest ingredients to ensure that our snacks are bursting with flavor and nutrients.
So why not give Warping Delishios gluten-free snacks a try today? They are the perfect way to satisfy your snack cravings without compromising on your health or wellbeing. Get your hands on a bottle today and enjoy the goodness of our delicious gluten-free snacks!..
ZWICKY Vitaglucan Knuspermix
Esittelemme täydellisen sekoituksen herkullisia ja terveellisiä välipalavaihtoehtoja - ZWICKY Vitaglucan Knuspermix. Tämä rapea ja maukas sekoitus on täynnä tärkeitä ravintoaineita, joita kehosi tarvitsee pysyäkseen terveenä.Tuotetiedot:
Ainesosat: ZWICKY Vitaglucan Knuspermix koostuu täydellisestä tasapainosta vitamiineja, kivennäisaineita, kuituja ja proteiineja. Se on valmistettu täysjyväkaurasta, kurpitsansiemenistä, manteleista ja karpaloista. Kaikki käytetyt ainesosat ovat orgaanisia eivätkä sisällä haitallisia kemikaaleja tai säilöntäaineita.
Ravinto: Yksi annos ZWICKY Vitaglucan Knuspermixiä sisältää 155 kaloria, 4 g proteiinia, 19 g hiilihydraatteja, 9 g rasvaa ja 4 g kuitua. Se on erinomainen antioksidanttien, omega-3-rasvahappojen ja välttämättömien vitamiinien ja kivennäisaineiden, kuten raudan, kalsiumin ja kaliumin, lähde.
Tervelliset edut: ZWICKY Vitaglucan Knuspermix on täydellinen välipalavaihtoehto ihmisille, jotka ovat tietoisia terveydestään ja kuntostaan. Täysjyväkaura ja kuitupitoiset ainesosat pitävät kylläisenä pidempään, alentavat kolesterolitasoja ja parantavat ruoansulatusta. Seos on gluteeniton ja maidoton, joten se on ihanteellinen vaihtoehto ihmisille, joilla on ruoka-aineallergioita tai -intoleransseja.
Käyttö: ZWICKY Vitaglucan Knuspermix on monipuolinen välipalavaihtoehto, jota voi nauttia mihin aikaan päivästä tahansa. Voit nauttia sen nopeana aamiaisvaihtoehtona, keskipäivän välipalana tai täytteenä smoothie- tai jogurttikulhoon. Voit myös lisätä sen kotitekoisiin granolapatukoihin tai trail-sekoitukseen.
Pakkaus: ZWICKY Vitaglucan Knuspermix on suljettavassa pussissa, joten se on helppo kuljettaa ja säilyttää. Pakkaus säilyttää seoksen tuoreuden ja maun pidempään.
Nauti terveellisten ainesosien hyvyydestä ZWICKY Vitaglucan Knuspermixillä. Se on täydellinen sekoitus makua ja terveyttä, ja se antaa sinulle energialisäyksen, jota tarvitset päivääsi...
11.05 USD
Näytetään 26 - 50 / 54 (3 sivua)
Beeovita Huebacher 36
8153 Rümlang
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