(1 sivua)
Abbott freestyle libre -anturi
Abbott FreeStyle Libre -anturin ominaisuudetSertifioitu Euroopassa CESäilytyslämpötila min/max 15/25 celsiusastettaMäärä pakkauksessa: 1 kpl Paino: 97 g Pituus: 57 mm Leveys: 120 mm Korkeus: 85 mm Osta Abbott FreeStyle Ilmainen anturi verkossa Sveitsistä..
145.09 USD
Accu-chek aviva testiliuskat 2 x 50 kpl
For quantitative blood glucose determination with the measuring systems from Roche Diagnostics: Accu-Chek AvivaAccu-Chek Aviva NanoAccu-Chek Aviva Combo The new technology of the Accu-Chek Aviva has a unique safety package through the interaction of device, test strips and code chip.Possible influences of humidity, temperature , underdosing and damage to the test strips are checked during the measurement. This lays an even broader basis for a precise measurement result...
116.48 USD
Accu-chek instant teststreifen
ACCU-CHEK Instant Test Strips DS 100 kpl ovat välttämättömiä lisävarusteita verensokeritasojen tarkkaa ja helppoa seurantaa varten. Nämä testiliuskat on suunniteltu käytettäviksi yhteensopivien ACCU-CHEK-verensokerin seurantajärjestelmien kanssa, mikä takaa tarkat tulokset muutamassa sekunnissa. 100 liuskan pakkauksen avulla käyttäjät voivat kätevästi seurata glukoositasojaan säännöllisesti ja tehdä tietoisia päätöksiä terveydenhoidosta. Näiden testiliuskojen korkealaatuinen rakenne ja edistynyt tekniikka tarjoavat luotettavat lukemat, mikä tekee niistä luotettavan valinnan diabetesta hoitaville henkilöille. Pysy aktiivisena hyvinvoinnistasi ACCU-CHEK Instant Test Strips DS 100 kpl -testiliuskojen avulla...
117.10 USD
Accu-chek testiliuskat 50 kpl ohje
Accu-Chek testiliuskojen ominaisuudet 50 kpl OhjeSertifioitu Euroopassa CESäilytyslämpötila min/max 15/30 Celsius-astettaMäärä pakkaus: 50 kappalettaPaino: 31 g Pituus: 40 mm Leveys: 56 mm Korkeus: 58 mm Osta Accu-Chek testiliuskoja 50 kpl Guide verkosta Sveitsistä..
67.39 USD
Accu-chek testiliuskat ohjaus 2 x 50 kpl
Accu-Chek-testiliuskojen ominaisuudet Guide 2 x 50 kplSertifioitu Euroopassa CESäilytyslämpötila min/max 15/30 celsiusastetta Määrä pakkauksessa: 100 kappalettaPaino: 55 g Pituus: 57 mm Leveys: 55 mm Korkeus: 57 mm Osta Accu-Chek testiliuskoja Guide 2 x 50 kpl verkosta Sveitsistä..
116.59 USD
Alphacheck ammattilainen blutzucker teststr
The ALPHACHECK professional Blutzucker Teststr is a highly reliable and accurate blood glucose test strip for individuals who need to regularly monitor their blood sugar levels. These test strips work in conjunction with a blood glucose meter to provide a fast and accurate reading of blood glucose levels at home or on the go. Designed for professional use, these test strips offer a number of features that make them ideal for healthcare providers and those with diabetes. The test strips are compatible with all ALPHACHECK blood glucose meters, ensuring consistent and reliable results. One of the main advantages of the ALPHACHECK professional Blutzucker Teststr is their ease of use. The strips require only a small sample of blood, and the results are available in just a few seconds. For individuals with diabetes, this can make testing their blood sugar levels more convenient and less time-consuming. The ALPHACHECK professional Blutzucker Teststr are also highly accurate. The strips are designed to detect even small variations in blood glucose levels, making them an invaluable tool for individuals with diabetes who need to continuously monitor their blood sugar levels. The test strips are also designed to be hygienic and easy to dispose of. Once the test has been completed, the strip can be easily disposed of in a safe manner. If you're looking for a reliable and easy-to-use blood glucose test strip, the ALPHACHECK professional Blutzucker Teststr are an excellent choice. With their accuracy and ease of use, they're ideal for anyone who needs to regularly monitor their blood sugar levels. ..
36.20 USD
Contour next anturit 50 kpl
Contour Next -anturien ominaisuudet 50 kplSertifioitu Euroopassa CESäilytyslämpötila min/max 15/30 celsiusastettaMäärä pakkauksessa: 50 kappalettaPaino: 30 g Pituus: 46 mm Leveys: 46 mm Korkeus: 56 mm Osta Contour Seuraavat anturit 50 kpl verkossa Sveitsistä..
61.88 USD
Glucocard x-sensor testiliuska 100 kpl
Glucocard X-sensor -testiliuskan ominaisuudet 100 kplEuroopassa CE-sertifioituMäärä pakkauksessa: 100 kappalettaPaino: 60 g Pituus: 61 mm Leveys: 47 mm Korkeus: 76 mm Osta Glucocard X-sensor -testiliuska 100 kpl verkosta Sveitsistä..
114.76 USD
Glucocard x-sensor testiliuska 50 kpl
Glucocard X-sensor -testiliuskan ominaisuudet 50 kplEuroopassa CE-sertifioituMäärä pakkauksessa: 50 kplPaino: 30 g Pituus: 30 mm Leveys: 46 mm Korkeus: 77 mm Osta Glucocard X-sensor -testiliuska 50 kpl verkosta Sveitsistä..
57.41 USD
Healthpro axapharm blutzucker-teststreifen 50 stk
Healthpro Axapharm Blutzucker-Teststreifen 50 Stk - Product Description If you are looking for an effective way to monitor your blood sugar levels regularly, you might want to consider the Healthpro Axapharm Blutzucker-Teststreifen 50 Stk. These test strips are designed to work with various glucometers available in the market, making it easy for you to practice blood glucose monitoring even from the comfort of your home. The Healthpro Axapharm Blutzucker-Teststreifen 50 Stk is a high-quality product designed to deliver accurate results fast and with minimal invasiveness. The test strips are easy to use, and they come in a pack of 50, ensuring you have enough supplies for several rounds of testing. They are also compact, making them ideal for travel or on-the-go use. The test strips work by measuring the amount of glucose in a drop of blood obtained from a fingertip or other appropriate areas. The system uses advanced technology to provide precise readings that help you track your blood glucose levels and adjust your medication accordingly. The Healthpro Axapharm Blutzucker-Teststreifen 50 Stk are suitable for use by people with diabetes, those at risk of developing it, or anyone wanting to practice blood sugar monitoring. They are also affordable, making them ideal for individuals who want to manage their glucose levels without breaking the bank. Overall, the Healthpro Axapharm Blutzucker-Teststreifen 50 Stk is a reliable and efficient solution for monitoring your blood glucose levels, providing you with accurate results, and enabling you to take control of your health. ..
47.76 USD
Humapen savvio pen for insulin injections blue
HumaPen Savvio -kynä vihreään insuliiniinjektioonHumaPen Savvio Pen on insuliinikynä, jota käytetään vihreään insuliiniinjektioihin. Se on sulavalinjainen ja tyylikäs kynä, joka on suunniteltu huomaamattomaksi, joten voit kuljettaa sitä mukanasi minne ikinä menetkin. HumaPen Savvio Pen on kehitetty diabeetikoita silmällä pitäen, ja sen tarkoituksena on tehdä injektioista helpompaa, mukavampaa ja hallittavampaa.Tuotteen ominaisuudet Yksinkertainen, helppokäyttöinen muotoilu Tarkka annostelu, 0,5 yksikön välein, jopa 60 yksikköä injektiota kohden Nopea ja helppo kynäneulan kiinnitys ja irrottaminen Mukava injektiokokemus erityisesti suunnitellun ruiskutusmekanismin ansiosta Yhteensopiva Sanofin vihreiden insuliinipatruunoiden kanssa Tyhjän insuliinisäiliön ikkunan avulla voit seurata insuliinitasojasi Laatu ja käyttömukavuusHumaPen Savvio Pen -kynä on valmistettu korkealaatuisista materiaaleista, joten se on kestävä, luotettava ja helppo puhdistaa. Lisäksi sen läpinäkyvän insuliinipatruunan ikkunan ansiosta insuliinitasojasi on helppo pitää silmällä ja varmistaa, että insuliini ei lopu koskaan. Kaiken kaikkiaan tämä kynä on luotu mukavuuttasi ja mukavuuttasi silmällä pitäen.HumaPen Savvio Pen -kynän käyttöHumaPen Savvio Pen -kynä on suunniteltu yksinkertaiseksi ja helppokäyttöiseksi sen kanssa sen yksinkertainen valitsin ja ruiskutusmekanismi. Käyttääksesi yksinkertaisesti aseta vihreä insuliinisäiliö patruunan pidikkeeseen, käännä valitsinta oikeaan annokseen, kiinnitä kynäneula ja pistä.HumaPen Savvio Pen on loistava vaihtoehto diabeetikoille, jotka etsivät kätevää, luotettavaa ja helppokäyttöistä insuliinikynää. HumaPen Savvio Pen on täydellinen valinta sinulle, olitpa sitten uusi insuliinipistosten parissa tai haluat vain vaihtaa uusimpaan ja parhaaseen kynään. Kokeile jo tänään ja tunne ero! ..
112.98 USD
Humapen savvio pen for insulin injections red
HumaPen Savvio Pen for Insulin Injections Pink The HumaPen Savvio Pen for insulin injections is a reliable and stylish tool for people who need to administer insulin injections. This pink version of the HumaPen Savvio Pen is perfect for patients who want to add some color and personality to their insulin routine. Easy to use: The HumaPen Savvio Pen is designed to be easy to use, with a simple mechanism that allows for accurate dosage delivery. Accurate dosing: The HumaPen Savvio Pen allows you to deliver doses of insulin with precision, which is important for maintaining blood sugar levels. Portable: The HumaPen Savvio Pen is portable and can be taken with you wherever you go, discreetly fitting in your pocket or purse. Customizable dosing: The HumaPen Savvio Pen allows you to adjust the dose according to your specific needs, making it a versatile tool for people with diabetes. Stylish: The pink color and sleek design of the HumaPen Savvio Pen make it a stylish accessory to add to your diabetes kit. The HumaPen Savvio Pen for insulin injections pink is also compatible with a wide range of insulin cartridges, giving you the flexibility to use your preferred insulin brand. It is recommended to replace the pen after a maximum of 28 days of use to maintain its accuracy and safety. Start using the HumaPen Savvio Pen for insulin injections pink today and take control of your diabetes management in style! ..
112.98 USD
One touch plus delica lancing -laite
One Touch Plus Delica Lancing Device The One Touch Plus Delica Lancing Device is a sleek and compact device designed for people with diabetes to easily and safely monitor their blood sugar levels. This device is part of the One Touch Plus family of products and has been created to offer an alternative to traditional lancets for those who find them uncomfortable or difficult to use. Features and Benefits Extra Fine 33G Lancets: The One Touch Plus Delica Lancing Device uses the thinnest lancets available for more comfortable and accurate testing results. Advanced Glide Control System: This feature allows users to adjust the depth of the lancet for optimal penetration, making testing as comfortable as possible, even on more sensitive areas of the body. Lancets Ejector: With one simple touch of a button, the lancet used for testing is safely and hygienically ejected from the device without having to touch it or manually remove it. Ergonomic Design: The compact and sleek design makes it easy to carry the One Touch Plus Delica Lancing Device with you wherever you go. It fits comfortably in the palm of your hand and is easy to operate with one touch. Compatibility: The One Touch Plus Delica Lancing Device is compatible with the One Touch Ultra, One Touch Verio IQ, and One Touch Select Plus blood glucose monitoring systems for accurate and reliable testing results. How to Use The One Touch Plus Delica Lancing Device is easy to use with just a few simple steps: Insert a new lancet into the device by twisting off the protective cap and inserting the lancet firmly into the holder until it clicks. Adjust the depth of the lancet by twisting the dial until the desired level is reached. Prepare the finger by cleaning it with alcohol or soap and water and allowing it to dry completely. Place the lancet against the side of the finger, push the release button, and then apply pressure to the finger to obtain a drop of blood for testing. Eject the used lancet by pressing the blue button on the top of the device and dispose of it safely and hygienically. Overall, the One Touch Plus Delica Lancing Device is an essential tool for those with diabetes looking for a safe, comfortable, and accurate way to monitor their blood sugar levels. This device combines cutting-edge technology with user-friendly design to provide a superior testing experience...
33.75 USD
One touch verio testiliuskat 100 kpl
One Touch Verio Test Strips 100 pcs The One Touch Verio Test Strips 100 pcs are designed to help individuals with diabetes monitor their blood glucose levels accurately and easily. These test strips are compatible with the One Touch Verio Blood Glucose Monitoring System, which uses advanced technology to provide accurate results in just a few seconds. With the One Touch Verio Test Strips 100 pcs, you can enjoy the convenience of testing your blood glucose levels from the comfort of your own home. These test strips are easy to use, and require only a small sample of blood to provide accurate results. The test strips are also designed to be easy to handle, with a simple design that allows you to quickly insert them into your blood glucose monitoring system. The One Touch Verio Test Strips 100 pcs are also incredibly reliable, providing accurate results every time you test your blood glucose levels. These test strips are calibrated to work with the One Touch Verio Blood Glucose Monitoring System, which means you can trust that you are getting the most accurate results possible. Overall, the One Touch Verio Test Strips 100 pcs are an essential tool for individuals with diabetes who want to monitor their blood glucose levels accurately and easily. Whether you are newly diagnosed or have been managing your diabetes for years, these test strips can help you stay on track and stay healthy...
108.61 USD
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