tarjoaa laajan valikoiman sveitsiläisiä laadukkaita terveys- ja kauneustuotteita, jotka on suunniteltu erityisesti vieroitushoitoon. Luonnonhoitotuotteet vaihtelevat homeopatiaratkaisuista, eteerisistä öljyistä, vartalonhoidosta, kosmetiikasta, ravintolisistä ruuansulatuksen ja aineenvaihdunnan tehostajiin. Käytämme raaka-aineita ja kemiallisteknisiä tuotteita, mikä varmistaa, että tuotteemme voivat tehokkaasti auttaa vieroitustyössä. Tietomme eri kategorioissa, kuten ihotauti, emmolientia ja ihosuojaus, lihas- ja luustojärjestelmä, antaa meille myös mahdollisuuden kehittää tehokkaita ratkaisuja yleisen hyvinvoinnin vahvistamiseen. Valikoimastamme löytyy erilaisia ihonhoitotuotteita, jotka palvelevat erilaisia huolenaiheita, mukaan lukien aknen hoito, ikääntymisen esto ja ihon suojaus. Terveyden ja ravitsemuksen osalta tuotteemme tukevat lukuisia ongelmia, kuten sydämen ja verisuonten ja maksan terveyttä, ruoansulatushäiriöitä ja painonhallintaa. Olemme ylpeitä voidessamme tarjota joukon tuotteita, jotka edistävät kehon luonnollista vieroitusprosessia ja parantavat entisestään terveyttäsi ja kauneuttasi.
Tutustu BIOSANA MSM -tablettien muuttavaan voimaan. Nämä tabletit on erityisesti suunniteltu tukemaan terveyttäsi ja hyvinvointiasi, ja ne tarjoavat tiivistetyn annoksen MSM:ää, luonnossa esiintyvää orgaanista rikkiyhdistettä, joka tunnetaan lukuisista eduistaan. BIOSANA MSM -tabletit voivat edistää nivelten terveyttä, vähentää tulehdusta ja tukea vieroitusprosesseja, joten ne ovat monipuolinen lisä päivittäiseen rutiinisi. Haluatpa parantaa yleistä terveyttäsi, tukea painonhallintatavoitteitasi tai lisätä ravintoaineiden saantiasi, nämä tabletit ovat erinomainen valinta. Ota BIOSANA MSM -tabletit osaksi hyvinvointiohjelmaasi ja koe ero itse...
Bonneville Epsom Salt Ds 1kg
Bonneville Epsom Salt Ds 1kg is a premium quality, natural magnesium sulfate that is perfect for a wide range of applications. It is a cost-effective way to indulge in a luxurious spa experience right in the comfort of your own home. The magnesium sulfate in the Epsom salt has been known to help soothe the skin, reduce inflammation, and increase circulation, while the sulfate aids in detoxification.
100% natural magnesium sulfate
No additives or preservatives
Indulge in a luxurious spa experience at home
Cost-effective and versatile
The Bonneville Epsom Salt Ds 1kg provides a myriad of benefits that enable individuals to achieve total wellness.
Relaxation: The magnesium sulfate content promotes relaxation and makes you feel refreshed and rejuvenated.
Detoxification: The sulfate is known to help the body eliminate toxins and heavy metals that accumulate in the body.
Aid Digestion: Epsom salt can help stimulate the digestive system by breaking down food and toxins, and promote bowel movement.
Pain Relief: Magnesium sulfate aids in reducing pain and inflammation associated with muscle soreness, cramps, and arthritis.
Skin Care: The Epsom salt is gentle on the skin and helps exfoliate and reduce inflammation, revealing healthy and glowing skin.
How to Use
The Bonneville Epsom Salt Ds 1kg can be used in multiple ways to achieve the benefits mentioned above.
Bath Soak: Add 2 cups of Epsom salt to warm bathwater and soak for 20 minutes to promote relaxation and soothe muscles.
Foot Soak: Add 1/2 cup of Epsom salt to warm water and soak the feet for 30 minutes to combat foot odor or soothe tired feet.
Exfoliation Scrub: Mix 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt with 1 tablespoon of olive oil, and massage into the skin for a gentle exfoliation and to reduce inflammation.
Overall, the Bonneville Epsom Salt Ds 1kg is a versatile and cost-effective way to promote relaxation, rejuvenation, and total wellness, right in the comfort of your own home...
Indulge in a relaxing bath with the DERMASEL Badesalz PUR D/F ? a high-quality bath salt that helps detoxify, soften and nourish the skin, leaving it feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. This bath salt is made with mineral-rich Dead Sea salt, which is known for its therapeutic properties that help improve skin health, soothe sore muscles, and calm the mind.
The DERMASEL Badesalz PUR D/F contains 100% natural ingredients, making it an excellent choice for sensitive skin. It is free from artificial fragrances, colours, and preservatives, making it a gentle and safe choice for all skin types. The bath salt is also free from microplastics, parabens, and silicones, ensuring that it is eco-friendly and sustainable.
Simply add the DERMASEL Badesalz PUR D/F to your bathwater and let it dissolve. Soak in the bath for at least 20 minutes to allow the skin to absorb the minerals and enjoy the soothing effects of the bath salt.
Benefits of DERMASEL Badesalz PUR D/F:
Detoxifies the skin
Softens and nourishes the skin
Soothes sore muscles and joints
Promotes relaxation and calms the mind
Gentle and safe for all skin types
Free from artificial fragrances, colours, and preservatives
Free from microplastics, parabens, and silicones
Eco-friendly and sustainable
Experience the benefits of the DERMASEL Badesalz PUR D/F for yourself and indulge in a relaxing bath that will leave your skin feeling soft, supple, and refreshed. Order now and enjoy the therapeutic properties of Dead Sea salt in the comfort of your own home...
Dr. Jacob's Lactacholin liq Fl 100 ml
Dr. Jacob's Lactacholin liq Fl 100 ml is a high-quality dietary supplement designed to support liver function and overall health. This unique formula is carefully crafted with essential nutrients that help promote the natural detoxification processes of the liver, including choline and lactobacilli.
The liver plays an essential role in the body's natural detoxification processes, helping to filter and eliminate harmful toxins from the bloodstream. However, modern diets and lifestyles can place a significant strain on the liver, making it difficult for it to carry out its crucial functions. That's where Dr. Jacob's Lactacholin liq Fl 100 ml comes in.
With its powerful combination of ingredients, this supplement helps support the liver's natural detoxification processes, improving overall liver function and promoting optimal health. Choline is a key component of the liver's fat metabolism, helping to prevent the buildup of fat in the liver and reduce the risk of liver damage.
In addition, Dr. Jacob's Lactacholin liq Fl 100 ml is formulated with lactobacilli, which are crucial for maintaining a healthy gut microbiome. A healthy gut microbiome is vital for overall health and wellbeing, as it helps support the immune system and aids in digestion and nutrient absorption.
If you're looking for a high-quality supplement to support your liver and overall health, Dr. Jacob's Lactacholin liq Fl 100 ml is an excellent choice. With its unique blend of nutrients, this supplement provides comprehensive support for optimal liver function and overall wellness...
Paranna maksasi terveyttä Dünner Artichoke Liver Function -kapseleilla. Jokainen pullo sisältää 30 kapselia, jotka on täytetty tehokkaalla artisokkauutteella, joka tunnetaan kyvystään tukea optimaalista maksan toimintaa. Artisokan luonnolliset yhdisteet edistävät maksan vieroitusprosesseja ja auttavat parantamaan maksan yleistä terveyttä. Sisällytä Dünner-artisokka-maksatoiminto päivittäiseen rutiinisi ylläpitääksesi tervettä maksaa ja tukeaksesi kehosi luonnollisia vieroitusreittejä. Pidä huolta maksastasi tällä kätevällä lisäravinteella ja koe parantuneen maksan toiminnan edut...
EQUI-BASE kylpysuola alkalinen 700 g
?Rauhoittava perusvartalonhoitosarja happo-emäkselle Tasapainottaa ihoasi. Biosanan luonnollisilla EQUI-BASE-vartalonhoitotuotteilla ihosi stimuloidaan erittämään happoja ja myrkkyjä. Tämä edistää ihosi kosteutusta neutraloimalla happoja. EQUI-BASE voi vähentää selluliittia ja saada ruskeat ikäpisteet katoamaan. Ihon ulkonäkö on hienostunut ja iho kiinteytynyt detoksifikaatioprosessin ansiosta. Ihosi tuntuu jälleen sileältä, silkkiseltä ja joustavalta.
Huomautuksia On suositeltavaa kylpeä Equi-Base-emäksisellä kylpysuolalla vähintään 30 ja mieluiten 45-60 minuuttia ja hieroa itseäsi välillä pesulappulla tai harjalla. Jos sinulla on suonikohjuja, on parempi kylpeä alhaisemmissa lämpötiloissa (kehon lämpötila). Ruokalusikallinen Jalkakylpy: 1 taso ruokalusikallinen Kompressiot: 1 taso teelusikallinen 2 dl:ssa vettä Huuhtelut: 1 veitsen kärki 1-2 dl:ssa vettä..
Hübner Silicea Magen Darm Gel Fl 200 ml
Hübner Silicea Magen Darm Gel is a natural supplement that helps to cleanse and soothe the digestive system. This German-made product is made from pure silica gel, which is a natural mineral found in rocks and minerals.
Silica is important for healthy digestion because it helps to remove harmful toxins from the body. Silica molecules bind to heavy metals and other toxins, allowing them to be safely excreted from the body. This helps to prevent digestive problems like bloating, constipation, and diarrhea.
Hübner Silicea Magen Darm Gel is also useful for soothing irritated digestive tissue. Its natural anti-inflammatory properties help to reduce inflammation in the stomach and intestines, relieving discomfort and pain.
Benefits of Hübner Silicea Magen Darm Gel Fl 200 ml
Cleanses digestive system
Soothes irritated tissue
Reduces inflammation
Prevents constipation, bloating, and diarrhea
Improves overall digestive health
How to use Hübner Silicea Magen Darm Gel Fl 200 ml
For best results, take 15 ml (1 tablespoon) of Hübner Silicea Magen Darm Gel three times a day. Shake the bottle well before use.
This product is suitable for adults and children aged 12 years and above. It is not recommended for children under 12 years of age.
If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your doctor before using this product.
Hübner Silicea Magen Darm Gel Fl 200 ml is a natural supplement that promotes healthy digestion and soothes irritated digestive tissue. Its unique formula helps to cleanse the digestive system of harmful toxins and reduce inflammation, improving overall digestive health. ..
LRK Liver Dr. Ph. Goebles 27 Huiles essentielles et 7 Huiles végétales on erikoistunut terveydenhuoltotuote, joka on suunniteltu maksan tukemiseen ja myrkkyjen poistamiseen. Tohtori Ph. Goeblesin laatima sekoitus yhdistää 27 eteeristä öljyä ja 7 kasviöljyä, jotka tunnetaan parantavista ominaisuuksistaan. Tämä ainutlaatuinen yhdistelmä toimii synergistisesti edistääkseen maksan terveyttä, auttaakseen vieroitusprosessissa ja tukemaan yleistä hyvinvointia. Halusitpa parantaa maksan toimintaa, vahvistaa immuunijärjestelmääsi tai parantaa kehosi luonnollisia vieroitusmekanismeja, LRK Liver Dr. Ph. Goebles on luotettava ratkaisu. Lisää tämä luonnollinen lääke terveydenhuoltorutiinisi saadaksesi optimaalisen tuen ja elvyttämisen...
METACARE Leber Kaps is an all-natural, dietary supplement designed to support liver health. Its unique blend of ingredients is formulated to provide support for a healthy liver function by aiding in cleansing the liver and promoting the regeneration of damaged liver cells.
Key Ingredients
Milk Thistle Extract
Dandelion Root Extract
Artichoke Extract
Burdock Root Extract
N-Acetyl Cysteine
Vitamin C
Milk Thistle Extract is the primary ingredient and is known for its liver-protective effects. It helps to regenerate healthy liver cells and protect the liver from oxidative damage. Dandelion Root Extract supports the liver?s natural cleansing process by promoting the production of bile. Artichoke Extract aids in digestion and helps to reduce inflammation in the liver. Burdock Root Extract is a powerful antioxidant that supports liver detoxification. N-Acetyl Cysteine is a precursor to glutathione, a potent antioxidant that plays a crucial role in liver detoxification. Vitamin C helps to prevent oxidative damage to the liver.
Benefits of METACARE Leber Kaps
Supports Liver Health
Promotes Liver Function
Helps to Cleanse the Liver
Supports Regeneration of Damaged Liver Cells
May Help Improve Digestion
May Reduce Inflammation in the Liver
May Improve Overall Health & Well-being
METACARE Leber Kaps is made with high-quality, all-natural, and non-GMO ingredients. It is free from artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives. Our product is manufactured in an FDA-registered facility following strict GMP guidelines to ensure the highest quality standards.
Take two capsules of METACARE Leber Kaps daily with meals or as directed by your healthcare practitioner. Use consistently for at least three months for optimal results. Consult your doctor before use if you have a medical condition, are pregnant or nursing, or are taking any medication.
MORGA Chlorella VegicapsEsittelemme uusimman lisäyksen terveysravintolisävalikoimaamme - MORGA Chlorella Vegicaps. Chlorella on viherlevätyyppi, joka on täynnä ravinteita ja jolla on osoitettu olevan lukuisia terveyshyötyjä.Mikä Chlorella on?Chlorella on yksisoluinen makean veden levä jota käytetään usein ravintolisänä sen korkean ravintoainepitoisuuden vuoksi. Chlorella on täynnä proteiinia, vitamiineja, kivennäisaineita ja antioksidantteja, joten se on suosittu valinta niille, jotka haluavat parantaa yleistä terveyttään.Klorellan edutKlorellan on osoitettu niillä on lukuisia terveyshyötyjä, mukaan lukien:
Immuunijärjestelmän toiminnan parantaminen
Ruoansulatuksen tuki
Tulehduksen vähentäminen
Alentaa kolesterolia ja verenpainetta
Suoliston terveyden parantaminen
Miksi valita MORGA Chlorella Vegicaps?MORGA Chlorella Vegicaps on valmistettu korkealaatuisesta orgaanisesta klorellasta, joka on huolellisesti käsitelty ravintoainepitoisuuden säilyttämiseksi. Vihanneskapselimme on valmistettu kasvipohjaisista materiaaleista, joten ne sopivat vegaaneille ja kasvissyöjille.Jokainen MORGA Chlorella Vegicap sisältää 500 mg puhdasta, orgaanista chlorellaa, mikä tekee siitä helpon sisällyttää päivittäiseen rutiinisi. Ota 2–3 kasviskapselia päivässä vesilasillisen kera aloittaaksesi chlorellan hyödyn hyödyntämisen.Sijoita terveytesi MORGA Chlorella Vegicapsin avullaMORGA on sitoutunut auttaa ihmisiä elämään terveellisintä ja onnellisinta elämäänsä. Siksi olemme laatineet huolellisesti terveyslisävalikoimamme tarjotaksemme ravintoaineita, joita kehosi tarvitsee menestyäkseen. MORGA Chlorella Vegicapsimme avulla voit ottaa askeleen lähemmäksi optimaalista terveyttä...
Naturstein Basen Plv Glasfl 180 g
This Naturstein Basen Plv Glasfl is a natural blend of minerals and salts designed to help balance your body's pH levels and promote overall health and wellness. This product is made from a unique combination of minerals that are sourced from natural stone deposits, including potassium, magnesium, and calcium.
By increasing the alkalinity in the body, Naturstein Basen Plv Glasfl can help to neutralize acid levels, which can contribute to a range of health issues, including fatigue, inflammation, and digestive problems. This product is also a natural source of electrolytes, which can help to improve hydration and support the body's natural detoxification processes.
This Naturstein Basen Plv Glasfl comes in a convenient glass bottle with a 180 g capacity. Simply add a teaspoon of the powder to a glass of water or juice and enjoy the benefits of this natural mineral supplement. This product is vegetarian and gluten-free, and is free from artificial colors, flavors, and sweeteners.
Supports pH balance in the body
Increases alkalinity
Supports natural detoxification processes
Provides natural source of electrolytes
Gluten-free and vegetarian
Overall, Naturstein Basen Plv Glasfl is a natural and effective way to support your body's overall health and wellness. With its unique blend of minerals and salts, this product can help to promote pH balance, increase alkalinity, and support natural detoxification processes...
Nutergia Ergydetox Gélules Ds 60 pcs
The Nutergia Ergydetox Gélules Ds 60 pcs is a food supplement that aids in the elimination of toxins and impurities in the body. It contains a blend of natural, plant-based ingredients that support the liver, kidneys, and the overall detoxification process. This supplement is formulated to help individuals counter the effects of environmental pollutants and oxidative stress, which can lead to health issues over time.
The active ingredients in Nutergia Ergydetox Gélules Ds 60 pcs include:
Choline and Methionine, two essential nutrients that contribute to normal liver function and fat metabolism.
Artichoke, a plant extract that stimulates bile production and helps regulate digestive processes.
Turmeric, a powerful antioxidant that aids in fighting inflammations and cell damage.
Dandelion, a natural diuretic that promotes kidney function and helps eliminate waste products.
Together, these components work synergistically to promote vital organ functions, improve circulation, and support the immune system. This supplement is ideal for individuals who are looking to restore balance and improve their vitality, particularly during seasonal changes or after periods of overindulgence. Nutergia Ergydetox Gélules Ds 60 pcs is suitable for vegans and is free of gluten, lactose, and GMOs.
Directions for use: This supplement is taken orally, with a recommended dose of 2 capsules, twice a day, preferably with meals. It is essential to follow the recommended dosage and to consult with a healthcare professional if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or taking any medication. Nutergia Ergydetox Gélules Ds 60 pcs is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Oligopharm Nutritional C24 Complex Cu Ag Au 150 ml
Oligopharm Nutritional C24 Complex on ravintolisä, jota käytetään tukemaan tervettä immuunitoimintaa ja yleistä hyvinvointia. Ainutlaatuinen koostumus sisältää kuparia, hopeaa ja kultaa, jotka ovat välttämättömiä hivenaineita, joilla on tärkeä rooli monissa fysiologisissa prosesseissa.
Tukee tervettä immuunijärjestelmää
Auttaa vieroitusprosesseissa
Parantaa ihon kimmoisuutta ja ulkonäköä
Kohottaa energiatasoa
Paranna yleistä hyvinvointia
Oligopharm Nutritional C24 Complex sisältää sekoituksen tärkeitä hivenaineita, mukaan lukien:
Kupari – auttaa kollageenin muodostumisessa, suojaa soluvaurioilta ja tukee tervettä immuunitoimintaa.
Hopea, joka tunnetaan antibakteerisista ja virustenvastaisista ominaisuuksistaan, tukee immuunijärjestelmää ja edistää paranemista.
Kulta – tukee tervettä aivojen toimintaa, auttaa puhdistamaan myrkkyjä ja edistää tervettä ihoa.
Oligopharm Nutritional C24 Complex Cu Ag Au on helppokäyttöinen. Ota 5 ml (1 tl) suun kautta kerran päivässä tai terveydenhuollon ammattilaisen ohjeiden mukaan. 150 ml:n pullo tarjoaa yhden kuukauden tarvikkeen. Ravista hyvin ennen käyttöä ja säilytä avaamisen jälkeen jääkaapissa tuoreuden säilyttämiseksi.
Oligopharm Nutritional C24 Complex on korkealaatuinen ravintolisä, joka sisältää välttämättömiä hivenaineita tukemaan tervettä immuunitoimintaa, myrkkyjen poistumista ja yleistä hyvinvointia. Säännöllisellä käytöllä saat paremman energiatason ja säteilevämmän ihon sekä paremman yleisen terveyden. Tilaa pullo tänään!..
PHYTOPHARMA Mariendistel Kaps
Product Description
PHYTOPHARMA Mariendistel Kaps is a natural dietary supplement formulated to support liver health and detoxification. The key ingredient in this product is milk thistle extract, which has strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Milk thistle has been traditionally used to support liver function and promote healthy liver cells.
Each capsule of PHYTOPHARMA Mariendistel Kaps contains 500mg of standardized milk thistle extract, which is equivalent to 450mg of silymarin. Silymarin is the active ingredient in milk thistle that provides the health benefits for the liver. In addition, this product also contains vitamin E, which is a powerful antioxidant that works together with milk thistle to protect the liver from oxidative stress.
This dietary supplement is ideal for people who want to maintain a healthy liver function and support their body's natural detoxification process. It is also suitable for individuals who have a history of liver problems or are exposed to environmental toxins that can affect the liver. PHYTOPHARMA Mariendistel Kaps is easy to take and can be integrated into your daily supplement routine.
Benefits of PHYTOPHARMA Mariendistel Kaps:
Promotes liver health and detoxification
Contains standardized milk thistle extract with 450mg of silymarin per capsule
Provides antioxidant protection to the liver with vitamin E
Supports the body's natural detoxification process
Easy to take and integrate into your supplement routine
PHYTOPHARMA Mariendistel Kaps is a natural and effective way to support liver health and detoxification. With its high-quality milk thistle extract and vitamin E, it provides antioxidant protection and promotes healthy liver function. Add this supplement to your daily routine for optimal health and wellness.
Phytopharma Burdock Kaps 350 mg 80 pcs
Phytopharma Burdock Kaps 350 mg 80 pcs is an herbal supplement formulated with burdock root extract. Each capsule contains 350 mg of burdock root extract, which has been used for centuries in traditional medicine for its healing properties.
The burdock root contains several beneficial compounds such as essential oils, polyacetylenes, inulin, and flavonoids which make it a powerful natural remedy for various ailments.
Health Benefits of Phytopharma Burdock Kaps 350 mg 80 pcs:
Detoxification: Burdock root is known for its detoxifying effects on the body. It helps in the elimination of toxins, heavy metals, and excess fluids from the body.
Improves Digestion: Burdock root contains inulin, a prebiotic fiber that promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut. It aids in digestion and prevents constipation.
Supports Skin Health: Burdock root is rich in antioxidants, which protect the skin from oxidative damage. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that help in treating skin problems like acne, eczema, and psoriasis.
Boosts Immunity: Phytopharma Burdock Kaps 350 mg 80 pcs helps in boosting the immune system by stimulating the production of white blood cells.
Anti-cancer properties: Burdock root contains several compounds that have anti-cancer properties. It reduces the risk of cancer and slows down the growth of cancer cells.
Phytopharma Burdock Kaps 350 mg 80 pcs is suitable for vegetarians and those with lactose intolerance. It is free from gluten, lactose, and artificial preservatives. It is recommended to take two capsules per day with meals, or as directed by a healthcare professional.
Try Phytopharma Burdock Kaps 350 mg 80 pcs today and enjoy the numerous health benefits of this ancient herbal remedy!
Regulatpro Active DTX Fl 350 ml:n ominaisuudetSäilytyslämpötila min/max 15/25 Celsius-astettaMäärä pakkauksessa: 1 mlPaino: 763 g Pituus: 60 mm Leveys: 75 mm Korkeus: 190 mm Osta Regulatpro Active DTX Fl 350 ml verkosta Sveitsistä p>..
Rubimed Bothrops jararaca plus tippojen 50 ml ominaisuudetSäilytyslämpötila min/max 15/25 astettaMäärä pakkauksessa: 1 mlPaino : 115 g Pituus: 39 mm Leveys: 40 mm Korkeus: 107 mm Osta Rubimed Bothrops jararaca plus tippoja 50 ml verkosta Sveitsistä ..
Synergia Glutaform 20 Btl
Introducing Synergia Glutaform 20 Btl, a powerful dietary supplement designed to boost glutathione levels in the body. Glutathione is an essential antioxidant that helps protect the body from oxidative stress, toxins, and free radicals that can cause cell damage and lead to chronic diseases. However, as we age, our body's natural glutathione production declines, making supplementation crucial.
Synergia Glutaform 20 Btl is formulated to provide a range of health benefits, including:
Increased energy levels
Improved immune function
Enhanced detoxification and elimination of toxins from the body
Rejuvenated skin and improved complexion
Reduced inflammation and oxidative damage
Improved overall health and wellness
Synergia Glutaform 20 Btl is formulated with a powerful blend of ingredients that work together to provide optimal results. These ingredients include:
L-Glutathione - the most powerful antioxidant in the body that plays a critical role in detoxification and immune function
Vitamin C - a potent antioxidant that supports the immune system and enhances glutathione production
B Vitamins - essential nutrients that support energy production and metabolism
Vitamin E - a powerful antioxidant that protects against oxidative stress and enhances glutathione activity
Zinc - an essential mineral that supports immune function and enhances glutathione synthesis
Directions for use
To use Synergia Glutaform 20 Btl, simply mix one sachet of the powder with water or your favorite beverage and consume once per day. For best results, it is recommended to take the supplement in the morning on an empty stomach.
Experience the power of Synergia Glutaform 20 Btl and take your health and wellness to the next level...
Vitabase Alkaline Bath Salts DS 500g
Indulge in a relaxing and rejuvenating bath experience with Vitabase Alkaline Bath Salts DS 500g. These bath salts are specially formulated with premium quality ingredients to help restore your skin's pH balance, promote detoxification, and improve overall skin health.
Helps maintain the skin's natural pH levels
Promotes detoxification and removal of toxins
Improves overall skin health and appearance
Relieves stress and promotes relaxation
Key Ingredients:
Vitabase Alkaline Bath Salts DS contain a blend of potent minerals that work together to deliver a nourishing and invigorating bath experience. These minerals include:
Calcium - Stimulates new cell growth and promotes healthy skin
Potassium - Helps balance skin moisture levels and promotes healing
Sodium - Promotes detoxification and soothes irritated skin
Magnesium - Reduces inflammation and improves skin texture
How to Use:
Add 2-3 tablespoons of Vitabase Alkaline Bath Salts DS to warm bath water and allow the salts to dissolve before soaking for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off with clean water after your bath.
Why Choose Vitabase?
Vitabase is committed to providing high-quality, science-backed products that are formulated with top-quality ingredients to deliver optimal health benefits. Our Alkaline Bath Salts DS are carefully crafted to meet the highest standards of quality and potency, ensuring that you get the best results every time you use our products.
Pysy virkeänä ja virkeänä ZUCCARI BOULEAU Complex BIRCH tikkupakkauksella. Tämä koivuuutteen luonnollista voimaa hyödyntävä innovatiivinen juomasekoitus on terveyshyötyjen voimavara. Täynnä antioksidantteja ja välttämättömiä ravintoaineita, se tukee myrkkyjen poistumista, kosteutusta ja yleistä hyvinvointia. Jokainen kätevä tikkupakkaus on helppokäyttöinen tien päällä, joten se on täydellinen valinta kiireiseen elämäntyyliin. Nauti virkistävästä mausta ja tunne tämän ainutlaatuisen juoman virkistävät vaikutukset. Paranna terveyttäsi ja ravitse kehoasi ZUCCARI BOULEAU Complex BIRCH tikkupakkauksella...
65.88 USD
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