Suolen hallinta
(1 sivua)
Peristeen plus peräaukon huuhtelu katetrit 15 kpl
Peristeen Plus peräaukon huuhtelukatetrit ovat kätevä ja käytännöllinen ratkaisu henkilöille, jotka etsivät tehokasta suoliston hoitoa. Tämä pakkaus sisältää 15 korkealaatuista katetria, jotka on suunniteltu käytettäväksi Peristeen Plus Anal Irrigation -järjestelmän kanssa. Nämä katetrit ovat pehmeitä, sileitä ja hellävaraisia herkälle peräsuolen alueelle varmistaen mukavan ja hygieenisen kokemuksen. Katetrit helpottavat tehokasta suolen evakuointia toimittamalla vettä paksusuoleen, edistämällä säännöllisyyttä ja minimoimalla suolistoon liittyvien komplikaatioiden riskiä. Yksinkertaista suolenhoitorutiiniasi Peristeen Plus -peräaukon huuhtelukatetrien avulla saadaksesi luotettavat ja tehokkaat tulokset...
505.14 USD
Reprop clyster set basic irrigator/klistier
Reprop Clyster Set Basic Irrigator/Klistier The Reprop Clyster Set is an essential tool for those who require regular and dependable bowel management. With a compact and user-friendly design, this basic irrigator/klistier set is ideal for those who want the convenience of home bowel management without the hassle of larger and more complex systems. Features and Benefits The set comes complete with a squeeze bulb, nozzle and plastic container for easy and convenient use. The nozzle is designed for a comfortable and effective insertion, with a smooth finish that makes it easy to use without discomfort or irritation. The plastic container is durable and easy to clean, ensuring that the system is hygienic and safe for use over an extended period of time. The squeeze bulb is designed with a simple and easy-to-use mechanism, making it perfect for those who are new to home bowel management or those who require a reliable and compact system for travel or outdoor use. The Reprop Clyster Set is versatile and can be used for a range of different applications, including enemas, douches, and other forms of bowel management. Buying and Care Instructions The Reprop Clyster Set is available for purchase online, and comes with a comprehensive set of instructions for safe and effective use. It is recommended that users wash the nozzle and plastic container with warm soapy water after each use, and store the set in a cool, dry place to ensure maximum longevity. With its user-friendly design, reliable components, and easy maintenance, the Reprop Clyster Set is the perfect solution for those who require regular and dependable home bowel management. ..
38.54 USD
(1 sivua)