Sportlik põlvetugi
3m futuro ultra performance knie-bandage m
3M Futuro Ultra Performance Knie-Bandage M The 3M Futuro Ultra Performance Knie-Bandage M is a specially designed knee support that offers superior protection and comfort to individuals who suffer from knee injuries or joint pain. This knee brace is designed to fit snugly around your knee, providing compression and support to the area, while allowing for a full range of motion. Features Ultra Performance Compression: The knee brace is made from high-quality materials that provide targeted compression to the knee joint, helping to reduce swelling and inflammation, as well as improving circulation. Anatomical Design: The 3M Futuro Ultra Performance Knie-Bandage M has a specially designed shape that contours to the natural shape of the knee, providing a comfortable and secure fit. The brace also has a silicone finish that helps prevent slipping and bunching. Adjustable Straps: The knee support features adjustable straps that allow you to customize the level of compression and support you need. These straps are also easy to adjust, so you can get the perfect fit quickly and easily. Breathable Material: The knee brace is made from a breathable material that wicks away moisture and prevents overheating, keeping you cool and comfortable even during intense physical activity. Washable: The 3M Futuro Ultra Performance Knie-Bandage M is machine washable, making it easy to clean and maintain. Benefits The 3M Futuro Ultra Performance Knie-Bandage M provides a range of benefits, including: Reducing swelling and inflammation in the knee joint Relieving pain and discomfort caused by knee injuries Improving circulation and promoting healing Providing support and stability to the knee joint Helping to prevent further injury or damage to the knee joint If you suffer from knee pain or have recently sustained a knee injury, the 3M Futuro Ultra Performance Knie-Bandage M is the perfect solution for you. With its superior compression, comfortable fit, and adjustable straps, this knee brace provides the support and protection you need to get back to your daily activities in no time...
87.68 USD
Actimove sport knee support l padja stabiliseerivad latid
Actimove Sport Knee Support L Pad Stabilizing Bars The Actimove Sport Knee Support L Pad Stabilizing Bars is a must-have accessory for athletes and fitness enthusiasts who are prone to knee injuries. This product is designed to provide maximum support to your knee joint, ensuring maximum stability, and reducing the risk of injury during physical activities. The L Pad stabilizing bars of this knee support help in keeping the patella in its proper position, ensuring that it tracks properly within the femoral groove. This helps in reducing the wear and tear of the joint, thereby preventing injuries like patellofemoral pain syndrome, runner's knee, and patellar tendinitis. The knee support is made using high-quality materials that are durable and comfortable. It is designed to wick away moisture and heat, providing you with a cool and dry experience during long hours of physical activity. The support is designed to fit securely on your knee, providing you with maximum support without restricting motion or movement. This product is perfect for anyone who plays sports like basketball, football, soccer, tennis, or supports activities such as running or cycling. It can also be used by people who are recovering from knee injuries, as it helps in reducing pain and discomfort and providing the necessary support to speed up the healing process. Overall, the Actimove Sport Knee Support L Pad Stabilizing Bars is an essential accessory for anyone who wants to keep their knees healthy and injury-free during physical activities. The support is designed to provide maximum support and stability while still allowing the knee to move naturally. It is a must-have accessory for anyone who is serious about their fitness and wants to stay active and injury-free...
69.24 USD
Bilasto põlveside beež l
BILASTO Knee Bandage Beige L The BILASTO Knee Bandage is specially designed to provide maximum support and comfort to your knees during physical activities. Made of premium quality materials, this knee bandage is a perfect blend of style, durability, and functionality. This product is ideal for anyone dealing with knee injuries, including athletes, hikers, and fitness enthusiasts. The BILASTO Knee Bandage is made of breathable and stretchable materials. The bandage conforms perfectly to the shape of your knees, providing maximum compression without restricting your movements. It has an anatomical design that helps in reducing pain and stiffness in the knees. The bandage also eases the tension on the quadriceps and patellar tendon, reducing the risk of injury or aggravation of existing injuries. The Beige color of the BILASTO Knee Bandage gives it an elegant look, making it a perfect accessory for anyone looking to make a fashion statement with their fitness gear. This Knee Bandage is a must-have for anyone dealing with knee pain or seeking extra support for their knees during physical activities. It provides unparalleled comfort, support, and protection for your knees. The BILASTO Knee Bandage comes in Large Size (L) and is suitable for people with Knee Circumference of 38-40cm. The product is easy to use and can be adjusted to fit your knees perfectly. The bandage is also easy to clean, and its high-quality materials ensure that it can withstand the rigors of daily use. Overall, the BILASTO Knee Bandage is an excellent product for anyone looking for extra support and protection for their knees. Its comfort and durability make it the go-to choice for anyone who wants to stay active without worrying about knee pain or injury. Order your BILASTO Knee Bandage today and experience unparalleled comfort and support for your knees! ..
36.50 USD
Dermaplast active genu soft m
DERMAPLAST Active Genu Soft M DERMAPLAST Active Genu Soft M on täiustatud põlvetugi, mis on mõeldud sportlastele ja fitnessihuvilistele. See kvaliteetsetest materjalidest valmistatud põlvetugi tagab optimaalse kokkusurumise ja stabiilsuse, et vältida vigastusi ja parandada jõudlust. Põhifunktsioonid: Optimaalne kokkusurumine: põlvetugi pakub põlveliigesele optimaalset kokkusurumist, soodustades vereringet ja vähendades põletikku. Stabiilsus: tugi on loodud põlveliigese maksimaalse stabiilsuse tagamiseks, vältides külg- ja mediaalset liikumist. Mugav istuvus: põlvetoel on pehme ja mugav istuvus, mis ei takista painduvust ega liikumist. Hingav: toe hingav kangas hoiab põlve jahedana ja kuivana, hoides ära higi kogunemise ja lõhna. Unisex disain: põlvetugi on mõeldud nii meestele kui naistele ja sobib mugavalt enamiku suuruste jaoks. Kellele on kasulik DERMAPLAST Active Genu Soft M? DERMAPLAST Active Genu Soft M on suurepärane valik inimestele, kellel on kalduvus saada põlvevigastusi, näiteks sportlastele või neile, kes tegelevad suure mõjuga tegevustega. See on kasulik ka neile, kes kannatavad artriidi, kõõlusepõletiku või muude seisundite tõttu põlvevalu või ebamugavustunde all. Kasutamine: DERMAPLAST Active Genu Soft M-i saab kanda füüsilise tegevuse või taastumisperioodi ajal. Tugi tuleks kanda üle põlve ja see peaks istuma tihedalt, kuid mitte liiga pingul. Puhastamine ja hooldus: Tugi saab pesta käsitsi, kasutades pehmet pesuainet ja külma vett. See peaks olema õhu käes kuivatatud, mitte masinas kuivatatud. Ärge pleegitage ega triikige tuge. DERMAPLAST Active Genu Soft M on tõhus ja usaldusväärne põlvetugi, mis pakub suurepärast survet, stabiilsust ja mugavust. Nõuetekohase hoolduse korral võib see pakkuda pikaajalist tuge ja vältida põlvevigastusi...
71.64 USD
Dermaplast active genu soft s
DERMAPLAST Active Genu Soft S DERMAPLAST Active Genu Soft S on kvaliteetne põlvetoe toode, mis on loodud pakkuma teie põlvedele füüsiliste tegevuste ajal maksimaalset mugavust ja tuge. See põlvetugi on valmistatud hingavast pehmest kangast, mis võimaldab mugavalt istuda ja sobib ideaalselt neile, kes kannatavad põlveprobleemide käes või vajavad füüsilise tegevuse ajal lisatuge. Põlvetuge on lihtne selga panna ja ära võtta, reguleeritavate rihmadega kohandatud sobivuse tagamiseks. Toel on ka silikoonrõngas, mis pakub täiendavat tuge põlveliigese ümber, aidates stabiliseerida ja vältida vigastusi selliste tegevuste ajal nagu jooksmine, sörkimine või treenimine. DERMAPLAST Active Genu Soft S on ideaalne toode sportlastele, fitnessi harrastajatele või inimestele, kes vajavad oma põlvedele täiendavat tuge. Tugi sobib ka põlveoperatsioonist või vigastusest taastuvatele inimestele, aidates kiirendada paranemisprotsessi ja vältida edasisi vigastusi. Mõned DERMAPLAST Active Genu Soft S põhifunktsioonid on järgmised: Hingav ja pehme kangas maksimaalse mugavuse tagamiseks Reguleeritavad rihmad kohandatud sobivuse tagamiseks Silikoonrõngas täiendavaks toeks põlveliigese ümber Sobib põlveprobleemidega inimestele Ideaalne sportlastele, fitness-entusiastidele või neile, kes taastuvad põlveoperatsioonist Üldiselt on DERMAPLAST Active Genu Soft S suurepärane põlvetoe toode, mis pakub teie põlvedele füüsiliste tegevuste ajal maksimaalset mugavust ja tuge. Oma hingava, pehme kanga ja reguleeritava disainiga põlvetugi on ideaalne valik kõigile, kes soovivad minimeerida põlvevalu ja vältida vigastusi füüsilise tegevuse ajal. ..
71.64 USD
Genutrain aktiivne tugi gr3 titaan
GenuTrain aktiivne tugi Gr3 titaan – teie põlve parim sõber Kas olete väsinud põlvevalu või ebastabiilsusest? GenuTraini aktiivtugi Gr3 titaan on loodud pakkuma ülimat põlvetuge ja mugavust. Ükskõik, kas olete vigastusest taastuv sportlane või soovite lihtsalt tulevasi probleeme ennetada, on see põlvetugi ideaalne lahendus. Põhifunktsioonid: Uudne 3D-kudumistehnoloogia täiusliku sobivuse tagamiseks Integreeritud titaansegmendid sihipäraseks toeks Hingav materjal tagab kogu päeva mugavuse Parandab põlve stabiilsus ja vähendab valu GenuTraini aktiivtugi Gr3 titaan on midagi enamat kui lihtsalt põlvetugi. See on meditsiinilise kvaliteediga seade, mis pakub tuge ja stabiilsust, mida vajate, et naasta selle juurde, mida armastate. Tellige oma juba täna ja kogege erinevust!..
143.13 USD
Genutrain aktiivne tugi gr5 comfort titan
Description: The GenuTrain active support Gr5 Comfort titan is a high-quality knee brace designed to provide active support and relief for knee pain, inflammation, and injury. This knee brace is made from breathable knit fabric that conforms to the shape of your knee, providing a comfortable and secure fit that promotes optimal range of motion and flexibility. The Gr5 Comfort titan knee brace incorporates a special viscoelastic pad that helps to redistribute pressure around the knee joint, reducing pain and promoting healing. This pad conforms to the contours of your knee and provides targeted compression to key areas, helping to reduce inflammation and swelling while also promoting blood flow and oxygenation to the affected area. Whether you're an athlete recovering from a knee injury or you're simply looking for a comfortable and supportive knee brace to help you manage chronic pain and inflammation, the GenuTrain active support Gr5 Comfort titan is the perfect solution. With its advanced design, breathable fabric, and viscoelastic pad technology, this knee brace is sure to provide the active support and pain relief you need to stay active and comfortable all day long. Features: Designed for active support and relief for knee pain, inflammation, and injury Made from breathable knit fabric that conforms to the shape of your knee, providing a comfortable and secure fit that promotes optimal range of motion and flexibility Incorporates a special viscoelastic pad that helps to redistribute pressure around the knee joint, reducing pain and promoting healing Conforms to the contours of your knee and provides targeted compression to key areas, helping to reduce inflammation and swelling while also promoting blood flow and oxygenation to the affected area Perfect for athletes recovering from a knee injury or for individuals with chronic knee pain and inflammation ..
143.13 USD