Oleme uhked, et saidil Beeovita.com on Aromalife toasprei meie tervise- ja ilutoodete kollektsioonis. Need ülima Šveitsi täpsusega loodud pihustid ei ole lihtsalt keemia-tehnilised tooted, vaid elamus teie meeltele. Need on loodud mitte ainult teie toa eest hoolitsemiseks, vaid ka mugava ja lõõgastava atmosfääri loomiseks. Teie leibkonna kaitseingliks tituleeritud need tagavad värske ja külalislahke keskkonna. Sukelduge oma ruumi erinevatesse kütkestavatesse lõhnadesse, mida pakub meie Aromalife'i toasprei valik. Ostke kohe ja tooge Beeovita.com kaudu koju Šveitsi sädelevad aroomid.
The Aromalife energy room spray with Swiss flower essences (mustard, olive, willow, zinnia and sweet chestnut) and essential oils from grapefruit, lemon, Himalayan cedar, angelica, ornamental pine and lemon myrtle revitalises, stimulates and gives motivating new energy. The spray has an uplifting effect and promotes cheerfulness and helps to achieve a more positive attitude. Notes May cause allergic reactions trigger. Keep out of the reach of children. Keep away from sources of ignition and do not smoke...
The Aromalife room spray Good Night spreads a relaxing and calming fragrance. The fine and delicately scented room spray consists of 100% naturally pure essential oils such as lavender, spruce needles, lemon, rosemary.
For sweet dreamsWithout animal testingVegan
Aromalife Room Spray Good Night Spray 2-3 sprays into the room or on the pillow as required.
Ingr edients Alcohol and 100% natural essential oils such as lavender, spruce needles, litsea and patchouli...