Tundlikud hambad ja igemed
Tepe hambavahehari 0,45mm x-pehme oranž blist 6 tk
TePe hambavahehari 0,45 mm x-pehme oranž Blist 6 tk Garanteerib väga õrna hambavahede puhastamise ja on seega ideaalne tundlikele hammastele ja igemetele. Toote kirjeldus Rootsi kaubamärk TePe pakub erinevaid tooteid suu ja hammaste tervise hoidmiseks. Raskesti ligipääsetavad kohad mängivad hambaravis olulist rolli. Lai valik TePe hambavaheharju ja spetsiaalseid hambaharju võimaldab optimaalselt ulatuda ja puhastada hamba iga 5 külge. Kõik TePe tooted töötati välja koostöös hambaarstide spetsialistidega...
19.57 USD
Tepe hambavahehari 0,8mm x-soft roheline blist 6 tk
TePe hambavahehari 0,8 mm x-soft roheline Blist 6 tk – ostke Šveitsist Internetist Brush Original hambavaheharjad töötas välja PL kaubamärk TePe koostöös hambaarstidega. Spetsiaalsed väikesed seadmed on mõeldud puhastama hambavahesid, kuhu tavaline hari ei ulatu. Need on mõeldud igapäevaseks kasutamiseks, äärmiselt lihtsad, mugavad ja turvalised. Need aitavad tagada kvaliteetse suuhügieeni, et vältida halba hingeõhku, kaariest ja igemepõletikke. TePe Brush Original hambavaheharjade komplekti omadused:- saadaval on erinevad suurused - alates suurusest 0 (0,4 mm) kuni suuruseni 8 (1,5 mm); - väiksematel (0-3) on painduv kael paremaks ligipääsemiseks, suurematel (4-8) jämedam painduv traat;- kõik harjad on sobib puhastamiseks hammaste, implantaatide, kroonide ja sildade vahed, samuti fikseeritud klambrite puhastamine;- mugava käepidemega, mis tagab usaldusväärse haarde ja juhtimise; - ümardatud otsaga turvalisuse ja mugavuse tagamiseks;- valmistatud kirurgilisest õmblusmaterjalist - polüamiidniit kaetud meditsiinilise silikooniga;- regulaarsel kasutamisel on need aitab eemaldada 40% rohkem hambakattu tahvel kui pintsel. ..
19.57 USD
Trisa suuvesi revital sensitive fl 500 ml
Trisa Mouthwash Revital Sensitive Fl 500 ml This Trisa Mouthwash Revital Sensitive Fl 500 ml is a great choice for people who want fresh and clean breath while also taking care of their sensitive teeth and gums. This mouthwash is specially formulated to provide gentle yet effective cleaning and protection for those who may experience discomfort or irritation when using other mouthwashes. Features and Benefits: Trisa mouthwash is a one-stop solution for all your oral hygiene needs. This product is specifically designed to provide relief to people with sensitive teeth and gums, so you can enjoy a refreshing and invigorating mouthwash experience without any discomfort or irritation. Gentle yet effective: This mouthwash is gentle on your teeth and gums, while still providing effective cleaning and protection against cavities and other oral health issues. Fights bad breath: Trisa mouthwash is formulated with powerful anti-bacterial agents that combat mouth odor and leave your breath feeling fresh and clean. Protects against cavities: Regular use of Trisa mouthwash can help protect your teeth against cavities and other dental problems, keeping your smile healthy and bright. Easy to use: This mouthwash comes in a convenient 500 ml bottle with an easy-to-use cap, making it simple to incorporate into your daily oral hygiene routine. Safe and gentle: Trisa mouthwash is free from harsh chemicals and is safe for people with sensitive teeth and gums, making it perfect for daily use. Usage Instructions: To use Trisa Mouthwash Revital Sensitive Fl 500 ml, simply fill the cap with mouthwash and swish it around in your mouth for 30 seconds to 1 minute, then spit it out. Use twice daily after brushing your teeth for optimal results. Overall, Trisa Mouthwash Revital Sensitive Fl 500 ml is an excellent choice for those who want fresh breath and healthy teeth and gums, without the discomfort or irritation caused by other products. Try it today and experience the benefits for yourself!..
8.24 USD