Antioksüdantsed omadused
Bioligo 114 zinc lös 50 ml
Bioligo 114 Zinc Lös 50 ml Bioligo 114 Zinc Lös 50 ml is a dietary supplement that contains high-quality zinc in the form of zinc sulfate. Zinc is an essential mineral that plays an important role in many physiological processes in the body. Benefits of Bioligo 114 Zinc Lös 50 ml Supports normal cognitive function Helps maintain a healthy immune system Contributes to the maintenance of normal skin, hair, and nails Assists in normal carbohydrate metabolism Has antioxidant properties Recommended Use The recommended dose for adults is 5-10 drops per day, which can be mixed with a glass of water or juice. Do not exceed the recommended dose. Warnings If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your healthcare professional before using this product. Keep out of reach of children. Bioligo 114 Zinc Lös 50 ml is a high-quality dietary supplement that can help you maintain optimal levels of zinc in your body. Order yours today and experience the benefits of this essential mineral!..
29.60 USD
Burgerstein taurine 100 tabletti
Dietary supplement in tablet form with taurine Composition Taurine , modified starch, fillers (cellulose, cross-linked sodium carboxymethylcellulose), release agent (silicon dioxide, magnesium salts of fatty acids), coating agent (hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, talc, calcium carbonate, triglycerides), color (safflower). Contains 1 g taurine per daily serving (2 tablets).. Properties From a chemical point of view, taurine is not an amino acid, but a compound similar to amino acids. This substance is formed in the liver of healthy adults from methionine and cysteine ??and, like its two precursor substances, contains sulphur.Burgerstein taurine is a dietary supplement that is primarily used to compensate for a low-meat or vegetarian diet. Thanks to the antioxidant properties, certain elimination functions in the body are supported. This is also used in endurance sports.Developed and manufactured in Switzerland. Application Take 2 tablets daily with some liquid. Notes Store at room temperature. Keep out of reach of children. The specified recommended daily dose must not be exceeded. Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. ..
50.99 USD
Dixa olive leaves pheur bio cut 500 g
Dixa Olive Leaves PhEur BIO Cut 500 g Introducing the Dixa Olive Leaves PhEur BIO Cut, a high-quality and organic product that is perfect for those who want to experience the full benefits of olive leaf extract. This product is made from organic olive leaves sourced from carefully selected farms in the Mediterranean region. The olive leaves are harvested at the peak of their potency and then carefully processed to maintain their natural properties. This ensures that you get the maximum benefits of the Olive Leaf extract. Benefits of Olive Leaf Extract Olive leaf extract is well known for its numerous health benefits. It has been traditionally used for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antimicrobial properties. Here are some of the benefits of Olive Leaf Extract: Helps support the immune system May help lower blood pressure Has anti-inflammatory benefits May help manage diabetes May help improve cardiovascular health May help reduce high cholesterol levels Why Choose Dixa Olive Leaves PhEur BIO Cut? There are several reasons why you should choose Dixa Olive Leaves PhEur BIO Cut. Firstly, it is an organic product that is free from any harmful chemicals and pesticides. Secondly, the product is made from carefully selected olive leaves that guarantee high potency and quality. Thirdly, the product is in cut form making it easy to use or make a tea out of it. How to Use The Dixa Olive Leaves PhEur BIO Cut can be used to make a herbal tea, which can be taken once a day. To make the tea, take one tablespoon of the product and steep it in hot water for five minutes. You could also use Dixa Olive Leaves PhEur BIO Cut in cooking, blending them into your smoothies or juices to obtain the full benefits of the olive leaf extract. Experience the benefits of olive leaf extract by choosing Dixa Olive Leaves PhEur BIO Cut, your trusted organic source for olive leaf extract...
36.00 USD
Heybee propolis immun-komplex kaps
Tutvustame HEYBEE Propolis Immun-Komplex kapsleid – esmaklassilist immuunsüsteemi toetavat valemit, mis on loodud teie keha kaitsevõime optimeerimiseks. Need kapslid sisaldavad oma antioksüdantsete ja antibakteriaalsete omaduste poolest tuntud tugevat taruvaiku, tugevat mesindussaadust ning pakuvad terviklikku lähenemist teie immuunsüsteemi tugevdamisele. Peamiste toitainete sünergiline segu parandab teie üldist heaolu ja vastupidavust. Looduse jõudu rakendavad HEYBEE Propolis Immun-Komplex kapslid on teie parim lahendus tugeva ja terve immuunvastuse säilitamiseks. Selle kvaliteetse toidulisandiga hoolitsege oma tervise eest...
45.14 USD
Naturstein kakao-vascare kaps
NATURSTEIN Kakao-Vascare Kaps on esmaklassiline toidulisand, mis on hoolikalt koostatud südame-veresoonkonna tervise ja üldise heaolu edendamiseks. Iga kapsel sisaldab looduslike koostisosade segu, sealhulgas kakao ekstrakti, mis on tuntud oma antioksüdantsete omaduste poolest, mis võivad aidata toetada südame tööd. Lisatud Vascare kompleksiga on see uuenduslik valem suunatud vereringele ja veresoonte tervisele. Selle võimsa kombinatsiooni eesmärk on säilitada terve vererõhu tase ja aidata kaasa tugevale südame-veresoonkonna süsteemile. NATURSTEIN Kakao-Vascare Kaps on mugav viis seada prioriteediks oma südametervis ja võtta omaks ennetav lähenemine heaolule. Optimaalse kasu saamiseks lisage see oma igapäevasesse rutiini...
42.26 USD
Phytomed tissue selenium amorphum tbl d 12 100 g
PHYTOMED Tissue Selenium amorphum tbl D 12 100 g omadusedSäilitustemperatuur min/max 15/25 kraadi Celsiuse järgiKogus pakendis: 1 gKaal: 120 g Pikkus: 54 mm Laius: 54 mm Kõrgus: 84 mm Ostke PHYTOMED Tissue Selenium amorphum tbl D 12 100 g Internetis Šveitsist..
44.17 USD
Ubiquinone compositum heel tabletid ds 50 tk
Tootekirjeldus: Ubiquinone compositum kontsatabletid 50 tk Ubiquinone compositum Heel tabletid on populaarne homöopaatiline ravim, mis aitab parandada organismi immuunsüsteemi ja üldist tervist. See ravim on tuntud oma silmapaistvate antioksüdantsete omaduste poolest, mis aitavad tugevdada keha loomulikku kaitsesüsteemi kahjulike patogeenide ja vabade radikaalide vastu. Koostis: Need tabletid sisaldavad ainulaadset toimeainete segu, mis toimivad sünergiliselt, et pakkuda tervislikku kasu tervisele. Peamised komponendid on järgmised: Ubikinoon: 60 mg Arsenicumi album: 10 mg Natrium diethyloxaceticum: 10 mg Acidum alfa-liponicum: 10 mg Coccculus: 10 mg Koonium: 10 mg Lycopodium: 10 mg Eelised: Ubiquinone compositum Heel tabletid pakuvad oma võimsate koostisosade tõttu kehale mitmeid tervisega seotud eeliseid. Need eelised hõlmavad järgmist: Immuunsüsteemi tugevdamine Oksüdatiivse stressi vähendamine Südame tervise kaitsmine Rakkude energiatootmise tõhustamine Veresuhkru taseme reguleerimine Neuroloogiliste haiguste ennetamine Põletiku vähendamine Kasutus: Neid tablette tuleb võtta vastavalt tervishoiutöötaja ettekirjutusele või etiketil olevatele juhistele. Tavaline soovitatav annus on 1 tablett kolm korda päevas või vastavalt teie tervishoiutöötaja juhistele. Tablette tuleb võtta suu kaudu, vähemalt 20 minutit enne või pärast sööki, lasta neil keele all lahustuda. Järeldus: Üldiselt on Ubiquinone compositum Heel tabletid suurepärane homöopaatiline ravim, mis pakub kehale mitmesuguseid tervisega seotud eeliseid. See on tõhus ravim neile, kes soovivad parandada oma immuunsüsteemi ja üldist tervist, vältides samal ajal sünteetilisi kemikaale või kahjulikke kõrvalmõjusid. Regulaarsel kasutamisel võivad need tabletid aidata teil saavutada optimaalset tervist ja heaolu. Niisiis, tellige oma pakk kohe ja tehke esimene samm tervislikuma ja õnnelikuma elu suunas! ..
32.19 USD
Vita benefit q10 cape 50 tk
Vita Benefit Q10 is a dietary supplement with green tea extract, which is enriched with polyphenols, coenzyme Q10, vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Coenzyme Q10 plays an important role in the body's own energy production, while vitamins A, C, E, selenium and green tea extract have an antioxidant effect.These can intercept harmful free radicals and highly reactive oxygen compounds and render them harmless they are important for the maintenance and function of the cells. Gluten-freeLactose-free Notes Do not take on an empty stomach.Do not take on a strict, low-calorie diet and do not take at the same time as other green tea-based products. Food supplements are not a substitute for a balanced and varied diet or a healthy lifestyle. ..
79.77 USD