Looduslikud eeterlikud õlid
Aromalife bergamot äth / õli fl 10 ml
Aromalife bergamot Äth / õli Fl 10 ml omadusedKogus pakendis: 1 mlKaal: 0,00000000g Pikkus: 0 mm Laius: 0 mm Kõrgus: 0 mm Ostke Šveitsist veebist Aromalife bergamot Äth / õli Fl 10 ml..
30.54 USD
Aromalife ylang ylang äth / õli 5 ml
Aromalife Ylang Ylang Äth / õli 5 ml omadusedKogus pakendis: 1 mlKaal: 0,00000000 g Pikkus: 0 mm Laius: 0 mm Kõrgus: 0 mm Ostke Aromalife Ylang Ylang Äth / õli 5 ml Internetist Šveitsist..
28.37 USD
Bergland aloe vera geel 200 ml
The Bergland Aloe Vera Gel is a careful preparation of aloe vera leaf juice concentrate and natural essential oils. The "Aloe Barbadensis Miller" from the ideal soil and climate conditions in Mexico, which is particularly suitable for cosmetic purposes, moisturizes and nourishes and refreshes the skin. Application To care for normal, dry, sun-stressed or even very sensitive skin, apply a thin layer regularly, rub in lightly and leave to take effect. It should be used very sparingly...
32.22 USD
Farfalla aromamischung lavendel gute nacht 5 ml
"Good night" aroma blend with lavender. Composition Mixture of 100% natural essential oils (lavender, vanilla extract, bergamot, orange, tonka bean, etc.). Contains limonene, linalool, citral, beta-pinene.. Properties Let the thoughts go, let the day pass and wrap yourself in soothing arms well-deserved relaxation. Like no other fragrance, the natural aroma blend with lavender oil makes it easier to fall asleep and improves the quality of sleep. A faithful helper for everyone who has trouble falling asleep and staying asleep. With 100% natural essential oils (lavender, vanilla extract, bergamot, orange, tonka bean, etc.).Vegan. Notes Warning. Flammable liquid and vapour. Causes skin irritation. Causes serious eye irritation. May cause an allergic skin reaction. Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects. If medical advice is needed, have product container or label at hand. Keep out of the reach of children. Read label before use. IF ON SKIN (or hair): Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. Rinse skin with water. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. If possible, remove contact lenses. Continue rinsing. Dispose of contents in accordance with local regulations. ..
22.00 USD
Farfalla bio-raumspray lebensfreude vanille-mandarine glücksmomente 75 ml
farfalla Bio-Raumspray Lebensfreude Vanille-Mandarine Glücksmomente 75 ml This farfalla Bio-Raumspray Lebensfreude Vanille-Mandarine Glücksmomente 75 ml is a natural and organic room spray that fills your living space with a refreshing aroma of vanilla and mandarin. It is a blend of natural essential oils that create a revitalizing and uplifting atmosphere, perfect for creating happy and joyful moments. The spray is certified organic, vegan, and cruelty-free, which makes it a perfect choice for conscious buyers who value ethical and sustainable products. It is also free from synthetic fragrances, phthalates, and other harmful chemicals. The spray comes in a convenient 75 ml bottle that can easily fit in your travel or handbag, making it perfect for on-the-go use. You can use it to freshen up your home, office, or car with a light touch of joyful fragrances. The Bio-Raumspray Lebensfreude Vanille-Mandarine Glücksmomente is ideal for creating a warm ambiance at home, especially during the winter season when you need a little bit of sunshine to make you feel good. It brings happiness and positivity to any room, making you feel inspired and motivated. So, if you are looking for a natural, organic, and sustainable solution to freshen up your living space, try the farfalla Bio-Raumspray Lebensfreude Vanille-Mandarine Glücksmomente 75 ml today. ..
23.49 USD
Farfalla kissenspray gute nacht lavendel
"Good night" pillow spray with organic lavender. Composition Organic alcohol, natural essential oils (lavender, vanilla extract, bergamot, orange, tonka bean, etc.).. Properties Leave your pillow to cloud nine and take you from it to the land of dreams. The gently floral pillow spray with fine lavender helps to get a good night's sleep. Leaves no stains on the textiles. With 100% natural essential oils (lavender, vanilla extract, bergamot, orange, tonka bean, etc.).Vegan. Application Directly onto the pillow spray on. Leaves no stains. ..
15.20 USD
Perskindol classic bad fl 500 ml
Perskindol Classic Bad sisaldab aktiivsete koostisosadena suurel määral looduslikke eeterlikke õlisid. Šveitsi meditsiini poolt heakskiidetud patsienditeavePERSKINDOL® Classic BadVERFORA SAAMZVMis on PERSKINDOL Classic Bad ja millal seda kasutatakse? PERSKINDOL Classic Bad sisaldab aktiivsete koostisosadena suurel määral looduslikke eeterlikke õlisid. Leevendab reuma (lihaste reuma), sidemete ja liigesevalu põhjustatud kaebusi. PERSKINDOL Classic Bad lõdvestab, kui lihasluukonna süsteem on ülekoormatud (lihaste valulikkus, pinge ja lihaskrambid). Samas toob eeterlike õlide sissehingamine leevendust hingamisteede külmetushaigustele. Vann soodustab naha vereringet, mis stimuleerib naha loomulikke funktsioone. Millal ei tohi PERSKINDOL Classic Badi kasutada?Kui olete mõne koostisosa suhtes allergiline (vt koostist), ei tohi PERSKINDOL Classic Badi kasutada. Suuremate nahavigastuste, nahahaiguste, südame- ja vereringeprobleemide, kõrge vererõhu ja palavikuga kaasnevate haiguste korral võib täisvanne, sõltumata koostisainetest, kasutada alles pärast arstiga konsulteerimist. PERSKINDOL Classic Bad ei sobi väikelastele ja imikutele. Neerupuudulikkusega patsiendid ei tohi PERSKINDOL Classic Bad'i kasutada pikka aega ilma professionaalse nõustamiseta. Millal on PERSKINDOL Classic Bad kasutamisel vajalik ettevaatus?Juhiste järgi kasutamisel muid ettevaatusabinõusid ei ole. Rääkige oma arstile, apteekrile või apteekrile, kui teil on haigusi, olete allergiline või kasutate muid ravimeid, sealhulgas neid, mille olete ise ostnud. Kas PERSKINDOL Classic Badi võib kasutada raseduse või rinnaga toitmise ajal?Varasemate kogemuste põhjal ei ole juhiste järgi kasutamisel teadaolevat ohtu lapsele. Süstemaatilisi teaduslikke uuringuid pole aga kunagi tehtud. Ettevaatusabinõuna peaksite raseduse ja imetamise ajal hoiduma ravimite võtmisest või küsima nõu oma arstilt või apteekrilt. Kuidas kasutada vanni PERSKINDOL Classic?Standardsete suuruste jaoks umbes 120-150 liitrise mahuga vanni jaoks. Täitke vann sooja veega (nii nagu te seda talute) ja kasutage kaasasolevat mõõtetopsi, et lisada soovitud vanni jaoks sobiv kogus (olenevalt kehakaalust ja vanusest): Täisvann: 20–30 ml.Puuvann: 10–15 ml.Jalavann: 5–10 ml. Segage õrnalt kätega ja vannitage. Mittevahutav, sobib vahuvanniks. Ärge kasutage ravimvannis seepi jms. Vanniskäik peaks olema 10–20 minutit. Pärast seda on soovitatav teha paus. Pidage kinni brošüüris antud või arsti määratud annusest. Kui arvate, et PERSKINDOL Classic Bad on liiga nõrk või liiga tugev, pidage nõu oma arsti, apteekri või apteekriga. PERSKINDOL Classic Badi kasutamist ja ohutust väikelastel ei ole veel testitud. Millised kõrvaltoimed võivad PERSKINDOL Classic Badil olla?Kui märkate kõrvaltoimeid (nahareaktsioone, nagu sügelus või nahapunetus), lõpetage PERSKINDOL Classic Badi kasutamine. . Millega veel arvestada?Hoida lastele kättesaamatus kohas! Ärge neelake. PERSKINDOL Classic Badi tohib kasutada ainult kuni kuupäevani, mis on märgitud pakendile «EXP». Teie arst, apteeker või apteeker võib teile anda lisateavet. Mida sisaldab PERSKINDOL Classic Bath?100 ml koostis: männiokkaõli 4,30 g, apelsiniõli 1,89 g, lavendliõli 0,086 g, rosmariiniõli 0,52g, sidruniõli 0,52g, eukalüptiõli 1,29g, talvehaljasõli 1,72g. See preparaat sisaldab ka abiaineid. Kinnitusnumber53532 (Swissmedic). Kust saab PERSKINDOL Classic Badi hankida? Millised pakendid on saadaval?Apteekides ja apteekides ilma arsti retseptita. 250 ml, 500 ml, 2 × 500 ml. Loa omanikVERFORA SA, CH-1752 Villars-sur-Glâne. Seda infolehte kontrollis viimati ravimiamet (Swissmedic) 2011. aasta oktoobris. ..
90.99 USD
Puressentiel display sinus roll-on 12 stk tester
PURESSENTIEL Display Sinus Roll-on 12 Stk Tester The PURESSENTIEL Display Sinus Roll-on 12 Stk Tester is a perfect combination of science and natural ingredients that offer quick relief in cases of sinus congestion. It is a must-have for anyone who suffers from sinus problems and is looking for a natural and effective solution. This display pack contains 12 sinus roll-ons, each of them a tester, perfect for anyone looking to try the product before they make a purchase. The roll-on is made with 100% natural active ingredients that help to decongest blocked sinuses, clear nasal passages, and relieve sinus pain and pressure. The roll-on contains a blend of essential oils, including eucalyptus, peppermint, and Niaouli, which work together to eliminate congestion and help you breathe easier. The compact and travel-friendly size of the roll-on makes it perfect for on-the-go use, providing immediate relief from sinus pain and sinusitis symptoms. The PURESSENTIEL Display Sinus Roll-on 12 Stk Tester is easy to apply, and the rollerball applicator helps to massage and stimulate the facial pressure points, providing additional relief. Just roll the applicator over your temples, on the sides of your nose, and along your hairline to experience the benefits of the natural essential oils. If you are searching for a natural and effective way to deal with your sinus congestion, then the PURESSENTIEL Display Sinus Roll-on is the product for you. Try it out today with our 12 Stk testers to start experiencing the benefits of natural essential oils. ..
190.48 USD
Weleda aroomidušš love
WELEDA Aroma Shower Love Aroomi dušigeel "Energia" Kompositsioon Vesi (vesi), alkohol*, dinaatriumkokoüülglutamaat, kookosglükosiid, glütseriin, lõhnaaine (parfum), ksantaankummi, naatriumkokoüülglutamaat, piimhape, sidrunhape, tokoferool, letsitiin, glütserüüloleaat, hüdrogeenitud palmiglütseriidid tsitraat , askorbüülpalmitaat, limoneen, linalool, tsitronellool, geraniool, tsitraal. *orgaaniline koostisosa.. Atribuudid Elavdus kehale ja meeltele. Värskendav ja täis energiat. Ergutav dušikogemus 100% looduslike eeterlike õlide ja taimeekstraktide nagu ingveri, tsitronella ja seedripuu lõhnaga. Tunne end ärkvel ja täis energiat. Biolagunev valem Ergutav lõhn teaduslikult tõestatud 100% looduslike eeterlike õlidegaKoostisained 100% looduslikku päritolu Orgaaniline ..
15.00 USD
Weleda aroomidušienergia
WELEDA aroomidušienergia Aroomi dušigeel "Energia" Kompositsioon Vesi (vesi), alkohol*, dinaatriumkokoüülglutamaat, kookosglükosiid, glütseriin, lõhnaaine (parfum), ksantaankummi, naatriumkokoüülglutamaat, piimhape, sidrunhape, tokoferool, letsitiin, glütserüüloleaat, hüdrogeenitud palmiglütseriidid tsitraat , askorbüülpalmitaat, limoneen, linalool, tsitronellool, geraniool, tsitraal. *orgaaniline koostisosa.. Atribuudid Elavdus kehale ja meeltele. Värskendav ja täis energiat. Ergutav dušikogemus 100% looduslike eeterlike õlide ja taimeekstraktide nagu ingveri, tsitronella ja seedripuu lõhnaga. Tunne end ärkvel ja täis energiat. Biolagunev valem Ergutav lõhn teaduslikult tõestatud 100% looduslike eeterlike õlidegaKoostisained 100% looduslikku päritolu Orgaaniline ..
15.00 USD
Weleda baby calendula taimeseep 100 g
The ideal mild cleansing for delicate baby skin or highly sensitive skin, which gently cares and makes the skin silky soft. Composition Base soap made from palm oil, coconut oil and olive oil, water, glycerine, mixture of natural essential oils, marigold / calendula (extract), chamomile (extract), orris rhizome (extract), pansy (excerpt), malt and rice (extract), table salt. Properties Mild cleansing for delicate baby skin. Also suitable for adults with sensitive skin for body cleaning or frequent hand washing. Without synthetic colors, fragrances and preservatives as well as raw materials based on mineral oil. ..
10.29 USD
Weleda granaatõuna regenereerimisõli 100 ml
Pomegranate Regeneration Oil: Firms the skin and stimulates cell renewal.The actively regenerating pomegranate care oil with valuable pomegranate seed oil protects the skin from free radicals, activates the cell renewal of the skin and improves its elasticity and firmness.The valuable vegetable oils nourish the skin intensively and retain its moisture. Vegan Composition Jojoba oil, Sesame oil, Sunflower oil, Wheat germ oil, Macadamia nut oil, Extract from millet seeds, Mixture of natural essential oils (1), Pomegranate seed oil, Unsaponifiable portion of olive oil, Extract from sunflower petals, Mixture of natural essential oils (1)1. Made from natural essential oils..
36.20 USD
Weleda salvia deodorant 100 ml
The Weleda Salvia deodorant has a naturally tart effect and is provided with real essential oils. With natural essential oils from sage, lavender, rosemary and thyme, it gives freshness and well-being. It naturally inhibits the development of body odor without closing the pores, which means that regulating skin functions are retained...
22.85 USD