Herbachaud kuumaplaaster 19x7 cm 2 tk
HerbaChaud, naturaalne kuumusplaaster, karbis 6 PatchestHerbaChaud looduslikud soojusplaastrid on füüsilised lõhnatud soojusplaastrid, mis eraldavad sügavalt mõjuvat soojust kuni 12 tundi. HerbaChaud kuumaplaaster koosneb 100% looduslikest ja taimsetest toimeainetest. Aitab:HerbaChaud ei ole soojuspadi. HerbaChaudi eripära seisneb selle kauakestvas ja pidevas sügavas soojuses. See on koondunud käivituspunktile (mineraalkatte ümmargune auk). Sügavusefekt ulatub kogu valupunkti ümbritsevasse piirkonda. ..
23.62 USD
Herbachaud kuumaplaaster 19x7 cm 6 tk
HerbaChaud, naturaalne kuumusplaaster, karbis 6 PatchestHerbaChaud looduslikud soojusplaastrid on füüsilised lõhnatud soojusplaastrid, mis eraldavad sügavalt mõjuvat soojust kuni 12 tundi. HerbaChaud kuumaplaaster koosneb 100% looduslikest ja taimsetest toimeainetest. Aitab:HerbaChaud ei ole soojuspadi. HerbaChaudi eripära seisneb selle kauakestvas ja pidevas sügavas soojuses. See on koondunud käivituspunktile (mineraalkatte ümmargune auk). Sügavusefekt ulatub kogu valupunkti ümbritsevasse piirkonda. ..
53.39 USD
Leukotape k sillutiside sideaine 5mx5cm punane
Leukotape K is an elastic adhesive bandage based on high-quality cotton and is used as an accompanying therapy for sports injuries and muscle tension. Colour: red Properties Leukotape K is an elastic adhesive bandage based on high-quality cotton which can usually be worn for several days without any loss of quality of the tape effect. The tape has elasticity properties similar to skin in terms of thickness, heaviness and stretchability. The adhesive has sinusoidal grooves to allow air and liquid circulation.Colour: Red Application The tape is mainly used as a Support of the sensory functions, for functional treatment of diseases of the ligament and support apparatus and as accompanying therapy for sports injuries and muscle tensionThis product is CE certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..
26.20 USD
Leukotape k sillutiside sideaine 5mx5cm tan
Leukotape K is an elastic adhesive bandage based on high-quality cotton and is used as an accompanying therapy for sports injuries and muscle tension. Colour: skin colour Properties Leukotape K is an elastic adhesive bandage based on high-quality cotton which can usually be worn for several days without any loss of quality of the tape effect. The tape has elasticity properties similar to skin in terms of thickness, heaviness and stretchability. The adhesive has sinusoidal grooves to allow air and liquid to circulate.Colour: Flesh Application The tape is mainly used as a Support of the sensory functions, for functional treatment of diseases of the ligament and support apparatus and as accompanying therapy for sports injuries and muscle tensionThis product is CE certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..
26.20 USD
Leukoteip sillutise sideaine 5mx5cm sinine
Leukotape K is an elastic adhesive bandage based on high-quality cotton and is used as an accompanying therapy for sports injuries and muscle tension. Colour: blue Properties Leukotape K is an elastic adhesive bandage based on high quality cotton which can usually be worn for several days without any loss of quality of the tape effect. The tape has elasticity properties similar to skin in terms of thickness, heaviness and stretchability. The adhesive has sinusoidal grooves to allow air and liquid circulation.Colour: Blue Application The tape is mainly used as a Support of the sensory functions, for functional treatment of diseases of the ligament and support apparatus and as accompanying therapy for sports injuries and muscle tensionThis product is CE certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..
26.20 USD
Thermacare® kaela õla käetugi 9 ühikut
The ThermaCare Neck, Shoulder and Arm Rest with 9 pads, which are specially tailored for these areas, helps to relieve tension in the neck, shoulder and arm. All ThermaCare patches contain natural ingredients that react with air to produce heat (when the airtight packaging is opened). The self-heating plaster can be used for chronic and occasional pain caused by muscle tension, strains or arthritis. After a half-hour warm-up time, the patch warms the affected area reliably for 12 hours at around 40 degrees, all the way down. The warmth improves the blood supply to the muscle and provides it with sufficient nutrients, thus relieving tension and cramps. The plaster contains no medicines and is odorless. Deep heat relieves tensionHeats for 12 hoursWithout medicinal substancesOdourlessThin, inconspicuous under clothing Application As neededThe patch should be worn continuously for at least 3 hours and up to 12 hours for ideal effect. Instructions Do not open airtight packaging until shortly before useFrom the age of about 55, wear the patch over thin clothing and not while sleeping.Do not combine the patch with liniment, other patches or other sources of heat. Use only on healthy, intact skin.Do not use on bruises or swelling.In the presence of diabetes, circulatory disorders, heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis or during pregnancy, consult a doctor before use. Ingredients Iron powder, salt, activated charcoal and water. ..
83.68 USD
Thermacare® suuremad valupiirkonnad 2 tk
Thanks to its special shape, the ThermaCare heat plaster for flexible use XL can be used individually on larger affected areas. All ThermaCare patches contain natural ingredients that react with air and generate heat (when the airtight packaging is opened). The self-heating plaster can be used for chronic and occasional pain caused by muscle tension, strains or arthrosis. After a half-hour warm-up time, the patch warms the affected area reliably for 8 hours at around 40 degrees, deep down. The warmth improves blood circulation in the muscles and supplies them with sufficient nutrients, thereby relieving tension and cramps. The plaster does not contain any medicinal substances and is odourless. Deep heat relieves tensionWarms for 8 hoursWithout medicinal substancesOdorlessThin, inconspicuous under clothing Application As requiredThe plaster should be left on for at least 3 hours worn continuously and for an ideal effect of up to 8 hours. Notes Only open the airtight packaging just before useFrom the age of approx. 55 wear the plaster over thin clothing and not while sleeping.Do not combine the plaster with liniments, other plasters or other heat sources.Use only on healthy, intact skin.Do not use on bruises or swelling.If you have diabetes, circulatory disorders, heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis or are pregnant, you should consult your doctor before use. Ingredients Iron powder, salt, activated charcoal and water..
27.11 USD
Vitility massaažipall 8cm
Vitility massaažipall 8 cm Kas otsite mitmekülgset tööriista, mis aitab leevendada lihasvalu ja -pingeid? Otsige rohkem kui 8 cm Vitility massaažipalli. See uuenduslik massaažipall on loodud pingete leevendamiseks, valulike lihaste leevendamiseks ning aitab teil end lõdvestunud ja värskemana tunda. Vitility 8 cm massaažipall on valmistatud vastupidavatest materjalidest ja seda on lihtne kasutada, mistõttu on see ideaalne valik paljudele inimestele. Olenemata sellest, kas olete sportlane, kes soovib pärast treeningut lihasvalu leevendada, või lihtsalt keegi, kes soovib tunda end kogu päeva lõdvestunud ja mugavamalt, selles massaažipallis on kõik, mida vajate töö tegemiseks. Üks parimaid asju 8cm Vitility massaažipalli juures on selle ainulaadne tekstuur. Pallil on rida väikseid täppe, mis lisavad massaažile lisarõhku ja tekstuuri, aidates leevendada valulikke lihaseid ja soodustada lõõgastumist. Lisaks muudab selle kompaktne suurus selle hõlpsaks liikvele kaasa võtmiseks, nii et saate seda kasutada igal ajal ja kõikjal, kus seda kõige rohkem vajate. Ükskõik, kas võitlete kroonilise valuga, taastute vigastusest või soovite lihtsalt tunda end oma kehas mugavamalt ja lõõgastunult, on 8 cm suurune Vitility Massage Ball ideaalne valik. Miks siis oodata? Tellige omale juba täna ja kogege selle suurepärase massaaživahendi paljusid eeliseid! ..
13.28 USD