

Tooted 51 - 75, tooteid kokku 104, lehekülgi 5
Kogege parimat Šveitsi nahahooldust niisutava tootesarjaga. Teie kuiva naha parim sõber, meie tooted, mis hõlmavad kõiki kategooriaid näohooldusest kehahoolduse ja kosmeetikani, on rikastatud nahka armastavate koostisosadega, nagu Aloe Vera, hüaluroonhape ja õhtune priimula. Oleme spetsialiseerunud tundlikule nahale ja normaalsetele juustele mõeldud toodetele, millel on antioksüdantsed omadused, mis aitavad nahal taastuda ja detoksifitseerida terve välimuse. Lisaks nahahooldusele on meie kollektsioonis ka juuksehooldustooted, päikesekaitse, intiimhooldus ja palju muud. Peske ja hooldage juukseid meie niisutavate šampoonidega, leevendage päikesepõletust Aloe Vera geeliga, säilitage oma intiimhügieen õrnade losjoonide ja pihustitega või tõstke meeli meie massaažitoodetega. Meie kollektsioon pakub igakülgset hooldust kõigile, imetavatest emadest kontaktläätsede kasutajateni. Sukelduge Beeovita tervise- ja ilutoodete lohutavasse niiskusesse juba täna.
Aromalife kids bubble träum sweet fl 300 ml

Aromalife kids bubble träum sweet fl 300 ml

Tootekood: 7752322

Lubatage oma väikelapsele veetlev vannikogemus koos Aromalife Kids vannivanniga Sweet Dreams. See õrn ja rahustav mullivann on spetsiaalselt loodud lastele, pakkudes rahustavat ja lõõgastavat mõju enne magamaminekut. Magusa ja peene aroomiga loob see vannis lõbusa ja kutsuva atmosfääri, muutes vannisoleku lastele nauditavaks. 300 ml pudel tagab pikaajalise kasutamise, samas kui toitvad koostisosad aitavad nahka puhastada ja niisutada, jättes selle pehmeks ja niisutatuks. Muutke vanniaeg rõõmsaks ja rahulikuks rituaaliks Aromalife Kidsi mullivanni magusate unenägude abil...

22.08 USD

Bepanthen silmatilgad 20 monodos 0,5 ml

Bepanthen silmatilgad 20 monodos 0,5 ml

Tootekood: 7649471

Bepanthen silmatilgad 20 monodos 0,5 ml Bepanthen® PRO silmatilgad on tõhus lahendus kuivadele ja ärritunud silmadele. Need on säilitusainetevabad ja pakuvad niiskuse ja kaitse kaudu kestvat hooldust. Bepanthen® PRO silmatilgad on loodud selleks, et ületada silmade kuivustunne – levinud probleem, mis võib tekkida erinevatel põhjustel, nagu töökoormus, ülekuumenemine või dehüdratsioon. Koostisosad hüaluroonhape ja dekspanthenool aitavad kuivade, punetavate, sügelevate või põletavate silmade nähtude vastu. Selle tõhusa kombinatsiooni eesmärk on stabiliseerida pisarakile ning säästvalt niisutada ja rahustada silmi. Nende silmatilkade igapäevane kasutamine tagab pideva kaitse ja hoolduse, leevendades kuivade ja ärritunud silmade ebamugavustunnet. Tänu säilitusainetevabale koostisele on need õrnad ja kauakestvad, mistõttu on need ideaalsed igapäevaseks kasutamiseks...

27.81 USD

Bepanthen silmatilgad fl 10 ml

Bepanthen silmatilgad fl 10 ml

Tootekood: 7649465

Bepanthen silmatilgad Fl 10 ml Bepantheni silmatilgad moodustavad sarvkesta jaoks ühe steriilse säilitusainetevaba viskoelastse läbipaistva kaitsekile. Need on valmistatud looduslikust; bioloogilised ained. Nende hulka kuuluvad hüaluroonhappe naatriumsool; millel on oma eriliste füüsikaliste omaduste tõttu ühtlane; Moodustab sarvkestale stabiilse ja eriti kauakestva kaitsekile visuaalset jõudlust kahjustamata. Lisaks sisaldavad Bepanthen silmatilgad provitamiini B5 (dekspanthenool), millel on oma suure veesidumisvõime tõttu võime värskendada ja lisaks hooldada silma. See toetab tõhusalt naatriumhüaluronaadi niisutavaid omadusi. Naatriumhüaluronaadi (pisarakile stabiliseeriv) ja dekspanthenooli (toitev, rahustav) kombinatsioon kaitseb ja niisutab silma pinda ning muudab selle määritavaks. See pakub pikaajalist leevendust kaebustele, mis on seotud? mehaaniline pinge, nt. mis on põhjustatud kõvade või pehmete kontaktläätsede kandmisest või diagnostiliste silmaprotseduuride käigus; keskkonnastress, nt. põhjustatud kliimaseadmest, tuulest, külmast; Kuivus või õhusaaste;? pingutatud silmad, nt. arvutiekraanidel töötades või pikkadel autosõitudel.Kuna need ei sisalda säilitusaineid, on Bepantheni silmatilgad eriti hästi talutavad isegi pikaajalisel kasutamisel. Bepanthen silmatilgad sobivad ka kontaktläätsede kandjatele. Kaitske ja niisutage oma silmi Bepanthen® PRO silmatilkadega, mis on saadaval praktilises 10 ml tilgutipudelis. Hüaluroonhape loob sarvkestale eriti kauakestva kaitsekile ning provitamiin B5 (dekspantenool) niisutab ja toidab. Silmatilgad moodustavad steriilse ja säilitusainetevaba kaitsekile, mis annab kauakestva leevenduse. Tilgad on püsiva niisutava toimega ja kaitsevad silmi nägemisvõimet kahjustamata. Kuivad silmad võivad kimbutada eelkõige kontaktläätsede kandjaid, kuid silmad on liigselt koormatud ka pidevalt ekraani taga töötades või pikkadel autosõitudel. Silmade kuivust võivad põhjustada ka keskkonnamõjud, nagu heitgaasid ja õietolm, samuti kuiv kütteõhk või konditsioneer. Tulemuseks on punased, ärritunud ja sügelevad silmad. Bepanthen® PRO silmatilgad pakuvad kiiret ja usaldusväärset leevendust. Tilgutage üks tilk mõlemasse silma 3-5 korda päevas. Need hooldavad, kaitsevad ja on eriti hästi talutavad isegi pikaajalisel kasutamisel...

26.14 USD

Bioderma atoderm intensive eye 100 ml

Bioderma atoderm intensive eye 100 ml

Tootekood: 7765702

Bioderma Atoderm Intensive Eye 100ml The Bioderma Atoderm Intensive Eye 100ml is an innovative and powerful cream aimed at addressing the needs of people with sensitive and dry skin around the eye area. The cream is designed to help nourish, soothe, and moisturize the delicate skin around the eyes, keeping it soft and youthful. The cream is formulated with active ingredients, including glycerin, niacinamide, and canola oil, which work together to provide long-lasting moisturization and hydration. These ingredients also help to strengthen the skin barrier and improve skin firmness and elasticity. The Bioderma Atoderm Intensive Eye 100ml cream is gentle and non-irritating, making it ideal for people with sensitive skin. It is free from parabens, fragrance, and other harmful chemicals. The cream is hypoallergenic and has been tested under dermatological and ophthalmological supervision, ensuring it is safe for use around the eyes. The cream is easy to apply, just use your fingertips to dab a small amount around the eye area and gently massage until fully absorbed. The formula is non-greasy and lightweight, making it suitable for both day and night use. The cream comes in a convenient 100ml tube, making it ideal for use over an extended period. Whether you're experiencing dryness, puffiness, or other signs of aging around your eyes, the Bioderma Atoderm Intensive Eye 100ml cream is the perfect solution. Use it regularly to give your eyes the care they need, and enjoy a youthful and radiant look...

32.37 USD

Bioderma pigmentbio sensitive areas tb 75 ml

Bioderma pigmentbio sensitive areas tb 75 ml

Tootekood: 1006310

BIODERMA Pigmentbio tundlikele aladele Tb 75 ml BIODERMA Pigmentbio Sensitive Areas Tb 75 ml on toode, mis aitab vähendada ja ennetada mis tahes nähtavaid hüperpigmentatsiooni või naha tumenemise märke. See toode on spetsiaalselt loodud kasutamiseks tundlikes nahapiirkondades, nagu kaenlaalused, kubemes ja intiimpiirkonnad. Toode sobib neile, kellel on tundlik nahk või kes on hiljuti läbinud kosmeetilisi hooldusi, mis on põhjustanud naha tundlikkust. Funktsioonid ja eelised Vähendab hüperpigmentatsiooni: see toode sisaldab helendavaid aineid, mis aitavad vähendada ja ennetada naha hüperpigmentatsiooni või tumenemise nähtavaid märke. Õrn koostis: selle toote koostis on õrn ja sobib kasutamiseks tundlikel nahapiirkondadel. Hoiab ära tumedate laikude teket: toode hoiab ära higist, hõõrdumisest või raseerimisest tingitud tumedate laikude tekkimise nahale. Niisutab: BIODERMA Pigmentbio Sensitive Areas Tb 75 ml valem on ka niisutav, mis hoiab nahka hüdreeritud ja toidetuna. Peab lõhna vastu: toode sisaldab ka aineid, mis kõrvaldavad lõhna ja hoiavad teid kogu päeva värskena. Kasutamine: Kandke BIODERMA Pigmentbio Sensitive Areas Tb 75 ml soovitud nahapiirkonnale ja masseerige õrnalt, kuni see on imendunud. Optimaalsete tulemuste saavutamiseks kasutage seda kaks korda päevas. Koostisained: Vesi (vesi), alfa-arbutiin, piimhape, glütsiin-soja (sojaoa) õli, isoheksadekaan, niatsiinamiid, butüleenglükool, glütseriin, PEG-100 stearaat, glütserüülstearaat, dimetikoon, kaprüül-/kapriintriglütseriid, naatriumhüdroksiid, tsetüülalkohol, sidrunhape, Ksantaankummi, sorbitaanisostearaat, fenoksüetanool, polüsorbaat 60, klorofenesiin, dinaatriumedta, parfüüm (lõhnaaine). BIODERMA Pigmentbio Sensitive Areas Tb 75 ml on kohustuslik toode neile, kes soovivad kergendada ja niisutada tundlikke nahapiirkondi. Ostke kohe ja jätke hüvasti hüperpigmentatsiooni ja tumedate laikudega!..

46.06 USD

Carmex lippenbalsam naturally berry

Carmex lippenbalsam naturally berry

Tootekood: 7782682

CARMEX huulepalsami Naturally Berry Stick 4,25 g omadusedKogus pakendis: 1 gKaal: 14 g Pikkus: 18 mm Laius: 76 mm Kõrgus: 127 mm Ostke Šveitsist veebist CARMEXi huulepalsam Naturally Berry Stick 4,25 g..

5.16 USD

Cerave sa glättende reinigung

Cerave sa glättende reinigung

Tootekood: 7751004

Cleansing for dry, rough and uneven skin. Moisturizes and regenerates maintaining a natural skin barrier. Properties The Cerave Sa Smoothing Cleansing is a cleansing for dry, rough and uneven skin. The skin is gently peeled and cleaned without attacking the natural skin barrier.The active complex consists of three components. The hyaluronic acid ensures long-lasting moisture, the salicylic acid for fine, supple skin and 3 essential ceramides regenerate the preservation of the natural skin protection barrier. Thanks to the MVE technology, the release of the ingredients of the Sa Smoothing Cleansing by Cerave is controlled over a period of 24 hours. With 3 essential ceramides, salicylic acid and hyaluronic acidFor dry, rough and uneven skinMVE technologyWithout perfume, without parabensTolerance confirmed Application Massage Cerave Sa Smoothing Cleanser onto the affected areas and rinse off with water. ..

25.43 USD

Cetaphil pro dryness control repair käsikreem

Cetaphil pro dryness control repair käsikreem

Tootekood: 7784925

CETAPHIL PRO DRYNESS CONT REPAIR KÄTEKREEM Cetaphil® Pro Dryness Control Repair kätekreem 100 ml kaitseb nahka ja võitleb kuivuse vastu. Niiduvahuõli ja B3-vitamiiniga valem toetab naha taastumist. Cetaphil® Pro Dryness Control Repair kätekreem niisutab kuivasid ja stressis käsi. Nahabarjääri loomulikku taastumisprotsessi toetavad õhtupriimulaõli, glütseriin ja vitamiin B3. Ning pehmete käte jaoks...

24.46 USD

Equi-base körperlotion

Equi-base körperlotion

Tootekood: 3159238

A soothing, alkaline intensive care for the skin, which eliminates acids and toxins and promotes neutralization and moisturizing of the skin. Properties Equi-Base body lotion is a soothing, basic intensive care for your skin, which is easily absorbed and moisturizes and invigorates the skin. It is stimulated to excrete acids and toxins, which promotes the neutralization and replenishment of your skin. It can also reduce cellulite and make brown age spots disappear. The complexion is refined by this purification and the skin is tightened, making it feel smooth, silky and supple again. ..

28.31 USD

Eucerin dermatoclean puhastav värskendav fl 200 ml

Eucerin dermatoclean puhastav värskendav fl 200 ml

Tootekood: 7752073

The DermatoCLEAN cleansing gel from Eucerin is a mild facial cleansing. It is suitable for the daily use of dry, sensitive, normal and combination skin. It removes dirt particles and water-soluble make-up. The gel is moisturizing and thus prevents the skin from drying out.The gentle cleansing gel combines various moisturizing ingredients such as hyaluronic acid to maintain the skin's natural moisture balance.The cleansing gel leaves the skin noticeably soothed and cleansed, feeling soft and smooth. Application Moisten the face, neck and décolleté with a little water and apply the cleansing gel. Then rinse off thoroughly with warm water. Note Without fragrances and alcohol.Efficacy and compatibility have been tested. Composition Aqua, glycerol, coco-betaines, coco glucosides, glyceryl glucosides, acrylates-C10-30-alkyl-acrylate-crosspolymer, sodium hyaluronates, trisodium EDTA, sodium chlorides, sodium benzoates..

30.69 USD

Eucerin ph5 lip activ (neu)

Eucerin ph5 lip activ (neu)

Tootekood: 7745081

Cares for and protects sensitive lips: whether they are rough and brittle or simply keep them smooth and cared for. Composition Cera Microcristallina, Octyldodecanol, Hydrogenated Polydecene, Ricinus Communis Seed Oil, Cetyl Palmitate, Polyglyceryl-3 Diisostearate, Panthenol, Ethylhexyl Triazone, Butyl Methoxydibenzoylmethane, Cetearyl Alcohol, Bis-Diglyceryl Polyacyladipate -2, Myristyl Myristate, C20-40 Alkyl Stearate, Glycerin, Copernicia Cerifera Cera, Aqua, Tocopheryl Acetate, Simmondsia Chinensis Seed Oil, Shea Butter, Simmondsia Chinensis, Bisabolol, Cera Alba. Properties Eucerin Lip Activ was specially developed for the needs of dry and sensitive lips. The included Eucerin pH Balance System restores the skin's optimal pH value and strengthens its natural protective function. At the same time, it reduces the sensitivity of the skin and strengthens its resistance to environmental influences.The contained dexpanthenol and vitamin E also protect the skin from everyday external factors such as low moisture levels or UV radiation. At the same time, they provide the skin with moisture and smooth it. With sun protection factor 15Without fragrances Application Apply Eucerin Lip Activ as needed. Apply regularly for quick relief and constant protection of the thin skin of the lips. ..

10.70 USD

Goloy 33 massage shape vitalize fl 125 ml

Goloy 33 massage shape vitalize fl 125 ml

Tootekood: 7765412

GOLOY Massage Lotion The GOLOY Massage Lotion helps with muscle well-being and is ideal for a gentle massage to relax. The GOLOY Massage Lotion for soothing relaxation and moisturizes your skin at the same time. It is suitable for a wide range of applications. ..

84.54 USD

Le petit marseillais dušikreem bio orange blossom fl 250 ml

Le petit marseillais dušikreem bio orange blossom fl 250 ml

Tootekood: 7774523

Le petit Marseillais Shower Cream BIO Orange Blossom Fl 250 ml Product Description: The Le petit Marseillais Shower Cream BIO Orange Blossom Fl 250 ml is a luxurious and gentle shower cream that is perfect for those who want to experience the benefits of organic skincare. Made from high-quality natural ingredients, this shower cream is free from parabens, silicones, and colorants, making it safe for sensitive skin. The shower cream is formulated with orange blossom, which is known for its soothing and refreshing properties. It is also enriched with glycerin, which moisturizes and softens the skin, leaving it feeling silky and smooth. The subtle scent of orange blossom will leave you feeling relaxed and refreshed after every shower. The Le petit Marseillais Shower Cream BIO Orange Blossom Fl 250 ml is easy to use. Simply apply a small amount of the cream to your skin, lather it up, and rinse it off. The shower cream has a luxurious creamy texture that feels gentle on the skin. The 250ml bottle is the perfect size for daily use and is easy to store in your bathroom cabinet. Key Benefits: Contains organic ingredients that are gentle on sensitive skin Enriched with glycerin to moisturize and soften the skin Soothing and refreshing properties of orange blossom Leaves skin feeling silky and smooth Subtle scent of orange blossom leaves you feeling relaxed and refreshed after every shower Overall, the Le petit Marseillais Shower Cream BIO Orange Blossom Fl 250 ml is a luxurious and gentle shower cream that is perfect for those who want to experience the benefits of organic skincare. Its subtle scent, creamy texture, and moisturizing properties make it a must-have product for anyone who wants to pamper their skin. ..

7.49 USD

Linola hand tb 75 ml

Linola hand tb 75 ml

Tootekood: 1002233

Linola Hand Tb 75 ml Linola Hand Tb 75 ml on tõhus kätekreem, mis on loodud spetsiaalselt kuiva, kareda ja ärritunud naha toitmiseks ja kaitsmiseks. Kreem on rikas lipiidide poolest ja sisaldab asendamatuid rasvhappeid, mis aitavad parandada ja taastada naha loomulikku barjäärifunktsiooni. See on eriti kasulik inimestele, kelle käed puutuvad sageli kokku pesuvahendite, kemikaalide, külma ilma ja muude karmide tingimustega. Kreem koosneb linoolhappest, asendamatust rasvhappest, mida organism ise toota ei saa ja mida tuleb saada dieedi või paikse manustamise teel. On näidatud, et linoolhape parandab naha hüdratatsiooni ja omab ka põletikuvastaseid omadusi, mis vähendavad naha ärritust ja punetust. See muudab Linola Hand Tb suurepäraseks valikuks inimestele, kellel on ekseem, psoriaas või muud nahahaigused, mis põhjustavad kuivust ja tundlikkust. Kreem on rikastatud ka uureaga, mis on naha niiskusbarjääri loomulik komponent. Karbamiid aitab siduda niiskust nahaga ja vältida veekadu, jättes käed niisutatuks ja pehmeks. Linola Hand Tb on kerge tekstuuriga, mis imendub kiiresti ja ei jäta rasvaseid jääke. Lisaks on see lõhnavaba, mistõttu sobib see tundliku nahaga inimestele. 75 ml tuubi on lihtne kaasas kanda ja see sobib suurepäraselt liikvel olles. Kandke Linola Hand Tb nii sageli kui vaja, eriti pärast käte pesemist või kui nahk tundub kuiv ja kare. Regulaarsel kasutamisel on teie käed pehmed, siledad ja terved...

15.32 USD

Livsane lippenpflege sonnenschutz

Livsane lippenpflege sonnenschutz

Tootekood: 7720393

Livsane Lippenpflege Sonnenschutz is a specially formulated lip balm that provides effective protection against harmful UVA and UVB rays. This lip balm is designed to keep your lips moisturized while protecting them from the sun's harmful rays. The Livsane Lippenpflege Sonnenschutz lip balm contains a blend of natural ingredients including beeswax, cocoa butter, and jojoba oil that work together to nourish and soothe dry and chapped lips. The lip balm also contains SPF 20 which effectively protects your lips from the sun's powerful rays, preventing damage and premature aging. This lip balm is easy to apply and is ideal for use during extended periods of sun exposure such as when you're on vacation, hiking or participating in outdoor sports. It is lightweight, non-greasy, and has a pleasant vanilla flavor that will keep your lips moisturized and comfortable all day long. The Livsane Lippenpflege Sonnenschutz lip balm comes in a compact and convenient tube that is perfect for carrying with you while you're out and about. Whether you're at a music festival or enjoying a day out on the beach, this lip balm is the perfect companion to keep your lips protected and moisturized. Overall, the Livsane Lippenpflege Sonnenschutz lip balm is a must-have item for anyone who wants to keep their lips safe from the sun's harmful rays while also keeping them soft and supple. Try it today and discover the benefits of a lip balm with built-in sun protection!..

5.99 USD

Livsane panthenol creme 100 ml

Livsane panthenol creme 100 ml

Tootekood: 1006137

Introducing Livsane Panthenol Creme 100 ml Livsane Panthenol Creme is a skincare product designed to soothe and protect dry, irritated, and sensitive skin. This cream is made with panthenol, a form of vitamin B5 known for its moisturizing and healing properties, as well as other nourishing ingredients such as glycerin and allantoin. The result is a rich and gentle cream that can provide relief and hydration for even the most delicate skin. Key Features: Soothes and protects dry, irritated, and sensitive skin Contains panthenol, glycerin, and allantoin for nourishment and hydration Free from parabens, silicones, and artificial colors Gentle and suitable for daily use How to Use: Apply Livsane Panthenol Creme to clean, dry skin as needed. Massage the cream gently into the skin until fully absorbed. This cream can be used on the face and body, and is suitable for a range of skin types. Ingredients: Aqua C12-15 Alkyl Benzoate Panthenol Glycerin Glyceryl Stearate Cetearyl Alcohol Isopropyl Myristate Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride Dimethicone Phenoxyethanol Caprylyl Glycol Sodium Cetearyl Sulfate Ceteareth-20 Allantoin Acrylates/C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer Sodium Hydroxide Try Livsane Panthenol Creme today and experience the benefits of soft, nourished, and moisturized skin!..

28.27 USD

Nivea men pflegedusche sport 250 ml

Nivea men pflegedusche sport 250 ml

Tootekood: 7750059

Nivea Men Pflegedusche Sport 250 ml is the perfect shower gel for men who lead an active lifestyle. It is specially designed for sports enthusiasts who want to keep their skin clean, refreshed, and moisturized after a workout or game. This product is formulated with a unique 3-in-1 formula that provides a refreshing shower experience, invigorating your senses with a masculine fragrance. With Nivea Men Pflegedusche Sport 250 ml, you can feel the freshness after every shower. This shower gel has a formula that effectively removes sweat, dirt, and odor from your skin, without stripping away its natural moisture. It contains revitalizing caffeine, which helps to invigorate your body and mind. The shower gel also helps to soothe your skin, thanks to its pH-balanced formula that supports your skin's natural protection barrier. The Nivea Men Pflegedusche Sport 250 ml comes in a sleek design that ensures easy handling and usage. It is perfect for men on-the-go, as it comes in a compact 250ml bottle that can fit easily in your gym bag or travel kit. The bottle's simple and masculine design makes it an ideal addition to every man's bathroom collection. If you're looking for a shower gel that cleanses, refreshes, and moisturizes your skin, then Nivea Men Pflegedusche Sport 250 ml is the perfect product for you. You can use it every day, before or after any physical activity, to keep your skin looking and feeling its best. ..

10.76 USD

Octenicare repair kreem tb 50 ml

Octenicare repair kreem tb 50 ml

Tootekood: 7649442

Octenicare Repair Cream Tb 50 ml Octenicare Repair Cream Tb 50 ml Do you suffer from dry, damaged or irritated skin? Look no further than Octenicare Repair Cream Tb 50 ml. This soothing and nourishing cream is specifically designed to repair and restore your skin, leaving it feeling soft, smooth and hydrated. Key Benefits: Relieves dryness and irritation Nourishes and repairs damaged skin Hydrates and restores skin's natural moisture barrier Anti-inflammatory properties reduce redness and inflammation Protects skin from environmental stressors Key Ingredients: Octenicare Repair Cream Tb 50 ml is formulated with a unique blend of natural ingredients, including: Panthenol: also known as vitamin B5, has excellent moisturizing and soothing properties Urea: provides intense hydration and helps to soften rough, dry skin Bisabolol: a natural anti-inflammatory that helps to reduce redness and inflammation Allantoin: promotes skin healing and regeneration Vitamin E: a powerful antioxidant that protects skin from free radicals How to Use: Apply Octenicare Repair Cream Tb 50 ml to clean, dry skin as needed. Gently massage into the skin until fully absorbed. Use daily for best results. Don't let dry, damaged or irritated skin hold you back. Try Octenicare Repair Cream Tb 50 ml today and experience the benefits of rejuvenated, healthy-looking skin...

26.76 USD

Perspirex comfort higistamisvastane uus valem roll-on 20ml

Perspirex comfort higistamisvastane uus valem roll-on 20ml

Tootekood: 7765221

Especially effective antiperspirant roll-on, Comfort. Composition Aqua, Aluminum Chloride, Dipropylheptyl Carbonate, PPG-20 Methyl Glucose Ether, C15-19 Alkanes, Glycerin, Polyacrylate Crosspolymer-6, Tocopherol, Sodium Hydroxide.. Properties This unique formula fights body odor and provides extra protection against perspiration for 2 to 3 days. The latter has been confirmed by clinical tests. The Comfort skin care system contains ingredients that moisturize the skin - for a better skin feeling. Application Apply the antiperspirant to completely dry, undamaged skin in the evening. No need to reapply in the morning. ..

35.72 USD

Protect & sterillium® care gel fl 35 ml

Protect & sterillium® care gel fl 35 ml

Tootekood: 7669031

Sterillium Protect&Care geelipudel 35 ml Desinfitseeriv geel kätele. Sterillium Protect and Care: end tõestanud desinfitseeriv geel kätele. Praktiline ja igakülgselt tõhus käte desinfitseeriv geel niisutavate hoolduskomponentidega. Kasutusvalmis alkoholiga hõõrumispreparaat - veest ja kraanikausist sõltumatu - käte hügieeniliseks desinfitseerimiseks kodus ja liikvel olles - eemaldab 99,99% mikroobidest - lühike kokkupuuteaeg 30 sekundit, noroviirus alates 15 sekundist - väga hea naha taluvus - suurendab nahka niiskus - tilkumiskindel annus - kuivab kiiresti - ei jäta kleepuvaid jääke - dermatoloogiliselt testitud - etanool 850 mg/g - tänu koostisele 85 g etanooliga, tõhus kiiresti bakterite, seente ja ümbrisega viiruste (sh koroonaviirus) ja noroviiruse vastu ja rotaviirus. - igale vajadusele sobiv suurus (35 ml, 50 ml, 100 ml, 475 ml). Kasutage desinfektsioonivahendit ettevaatlikult. Enne kasutamist lugege alati läbi etikett ja tooteteave...

6.55 USD

Röösli kätekreem tb 75 ml

Röösli kätekreem tb 75 ml

Tootekood: 7748356

Röösli kätekreemi Tb 75 ml omadusedSäilitustemperatuur min/max 15/25 kraadi Celsiuse järgiKogus pakendis: 1 mlKaal: 87 g Pikkus: 34 mm Laius: 53 mm Kõrgus: 134 mm Ostke Šveitsist Internetist Röösli kätekreemi Tb 75 ml p>..

24.31 USD

Röösli lippenbalsam

Röösli lippenbalsam

Tootekood: 7748358

Röösli huulepalsami Tb 10 ml omadusedSäilitustemperatuur min/max 15/25 kraadi Celsiuse järgiKogus pakendis: 1 mlKaal: 16 g Pikkus: 29 mm Laius: 29 mm Kõrgus: 97 mm Ostke Šveitsist Internetist Röösli huulepalsamit Tb 10 ml p>..

17.68 USD

Scholl taastav jalakreem

Scholl taastav jalakreem

Tootekood: 7640493

Scholl ExpertCare taastav jalakreem Tb 75 ml Scholl ExpertCare taastav jalakreem Tb 75 ml on spetsiaalselt välja töötatud jalahoolduskreem, mis tagab, et kuivad ja karedad jalad muutuvad taas pehmeks ja elastseks. Kreem sisaldab väärtuslikke koostisosi nagu sheavõi, allantoiin ja pantenool, mis koosmõjus aitavad tõsta naha niiskust ja parandada jumet. Ükskõik, kas kannatate tööalase ülekoormuse all, tegelete palju spordiga või teil on eriti kuiv nahk – Scholl ExpertCare taastav jalakreem Tb 75 ml annab teie jalgadele vajaliku niiskuse ja hooldab neid intensiivselt. Kreem imendub kiiresti ja ei jäta õlist kilet, nii et saate kohe jalanõudesse tagasi libiseda. Eelised lühidalt: Hoolitseb ja taastab kuivi, karedaid ja stressis jalgu Sisaldab väärtuslikke koostisosi nagu sheavõi, allantoiin ja pantenool Suurendab naha niiskust ja parandab jumet Imendub kiiresti ega jäta õlist kilet Ideaalne kõigile, kes teevad palju sporti või peavad tööl palju seisma või kõndima Scholl ExpertCare taastava jalakreemiga Tb 75 ml saate oma jalgu iga päev täiendavalt hooldada ning muuta need taas pehmeks ja elastseks. Proovige järele!..

21.80 USD

Sterillium protect&care display 30stk

Sterillium protect&care display 30stk

Tootekood: 7740557

STERILLIUM Protect&Care Display 30Stk Looking for a reliable way to keep your hands germ-free? Look no further than STERILLIUM Protect&Care Display 30Stk! This product is designed to kill germs and bacteria effectively, leaving your skin feeling clean and refreshed. STERILLIUM Protect&Care Display 30Stk comes in a convenient pack of 30, making it the perfect option for households and offices alike. The compact size of each bottle makes it easy to carry around, ensuring that you can keep your hands clean and germ-free, no matter where you are. STERILLIUM Protect&Care Display 30Stk contains a powerful formula that works quickly to eliminate germs and bacteria. This product is particularly effective against viruses such as COVID-19, ensuring that you and your family are protected at all times. With a long-lasting effect, STERILLIUM Protect&Care Display 30Stk provides sustained protection for up to 6 hours after application. STERILLIUM Protect&Care Display 30Stk is also incredibly gentle on the skin. Unlike other hand sanitizers that can dry out your skin, this product contains moisturizing agents that keep your skin soft and supple. It has a pleasant fragrance that leaves your hands smelling fresh and clean. Whether you're at home, at work, or on the go, STERILLIUM Protect&Care Display 30Stk is an essential tool for maintaining good hygiene. Order yours today and start enjoying the benefits of clean, germ-free hands! ..

178.54 USD

Vichy structure force tb 50 ml

Vichy structure force tb 50 ml

Tootekood: 7683634

Invigorating facial care with an anti-wrinkle effect. For sensitive and demanding male skin. Composition Aqua, glycerin, alcohol Denatured, Dimethicone, Pentaerythrityl Tetraethylhexanoate, Glyceryl Sstearate Se, Polyglyceryl-3 Methylglucose Distearate, Stearyl Alcohol, Stearic Acid, Carbomer, Sorbitan Oleate, Sorbic Acid, Vaccinium Myrtillus Fruit Extract, Saccharum Officinarum Extract, Triethanolamine, Dimethiconol, Parfum, Isohexadecane, Methylsilanol Mannuronate , Sodium Phytate, Sodium Hyaluronate, Myristic Acid, Palmitic Acid, Phenoxyethanol, Caprylyl Glycol, Citrus Aurantium Dulcis Fruit Extract, Citrus Limon Fruit Extract, Acer Saccharum Extract, Xanthan Gum, Acrylamide/ Sodium Acryloyldimethyltaurate Copolymer, Polysorbate 80.. Properties The invigorating facial care product from Vichy with an anti-wrinkle effect was specially developed for sensitive and demanding male skin. The skin is moisturized for 24 hours, gains more elasticity, is revitalized and firmer. Reduces wrinkles around the eyes and improves the skin structure. Anti-wrinkle effectVitalizes and invigorates the skinSupplies the skin with moisture for 24 hours RefreshesSuitable for sensitive skin Application Morning and evening on the entire face including the eye contours Instruct. The care can also be used after shaving or over the beard. ..

51.20 USD

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Huebacher 36
8153 Rümlang
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