Veebisaidil oleme pühendunud ainult Šveitsi parimate tervise- ja ilutoodete pakkumisele. Üks meie hinnatumaid kategooriaid hõlmab kehahooldust ja kosmeetikat, kus rahuldame teie vajadust kvaliteetse ripsmetušši ja ripsmevärvi järele. Meie dekoratiivkosmeetika valik sisaldab tooteid, mis on loodud teie ilu esile tõstmiseks, tagades silmapaistva välimuse igal juhul. Muutke oma välimust meie silmameigivalikuga, mis sisaldab nii ripsmete kui ka kulmude toonimist ja veekindlat ripsmetušši. Meie vesinikperoksiidi tooted on neile, kes otsivad poolpüsivat lahendust. Mõistame esmaklassiliste nahahooldustoodete tähtsust teie igapäevases rutiinis; Seetõttu pakume kindlasti eksklusiivset valikut kehahooldustooteid Šveitsist. on teie kõigi teie iluvajaduste jaoks sobiv sihtkoht. Täiustage oma loomulikku ilu meie tipptasemel ripsmetušši ja teiste silmi kaunistavate toodetega!
Eyelashes and eyebrows colored with Refectocil simply look better! The lashes appear significantly longer and more voluminous because the coloring emphasizes the full length of the tips bleached by the sun and water. Light eyebrows can be emphasized with a dark color; dark eyebrows can be lightened and matched to bleached hair or the brightness and shade can be matched to any hair color.
Refectocil Oxydant Liquid is required for every application of Refectocil Colors Developer 3%
Eyelashes and eyebrows colored with Refectocil simply look better! The lashes appear significantly longer and more voluminous because the coloring emphasizes the full length of the tips bleached by the sun and water. Light eyebrows can be emphasized with a dark color; dark eyebrows can be lightened and matched to bleached hair or the brightness and shade can be matched to any hair color.
Refectocil Oxydant Liquid is required for every application of Refectocil Colors Developer 3%
Developer solution with 3% hydrogen peroxide for use with RefectoCil eyelash and eyebrow tints.
Developer solution with 3% hydrogen peroxide for use with RefectoCil eyelash and eyebrow tints.10 drops are needed for each tint.
18.71 USD
Tooted 1 - 5, tooteid kokku 5, lehekülgi 1
Beeovita Huebacher 36
8153 Rümlang
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