mõistame, kui oluline on põlve stabiilsus ja taastumine, eriti sportlastele või neile, kellel on krooniline põlvevalu. Seetõttu pakume laia valikut põlvetoe tooteid – alates sportlikest põlvetugedest ja sportlikest põlvetugedest kuni spetsiaalsete lahendusteni nagu GenuTrain S aktiivside ja BILASTO traksid põlve optimaalseks stabiliseerimiseks. Meie põlvetoed aitavad oma disainiga leevendada valu, vähendada turset ja kiirendada põlvevigastuse taastumisprotsessi. Olgu see siis igapäevaseks kasutamiseks, sportimiseks või vigastustest taastumiseks, meil on teie vajadustele vastav täiuslik põlvetugi. Laos on ka infusioonikomplektid, kehahooldus- ja nahahooldustooted, mis täiendavad meie põlvetoe valikut – kõik on valmistatud Šveitsis. Kogege suurepärase kvaliteedi erinevust.
3M Futuro Knee Bandage with Lateral Joint Rail Adaptable
The 3M Futuro Knee Bandage with Lateral Joint Rail Adaptable is a high-quality knee support that provides excellent stability and support to your knee joint. It is designed to help alleviate knee pain and swelling caused by sports injuries, arthritis, or other conditions.
This knee bandage features a lateral joint rail that adapts to your knee's shape, providing targeted support and stability to your knee joint. The rail is designed to support lateral movements, providing excellent support to your knee joint during activities that require side-to-side movement.
The 3M Futuro Knee Bandage with Lateral Joint Rail Adaptable is made of high-quality materials that provide superior comfort and durability. Its soft neoprene blend allows for a comfortable fit, while its durable construction ensures long-lasting use.
This knee bandage is easy to use and can be worn all day without causing any discomfort or irritation. Its adjustable straps allow you to customize the fit according to your needs, providing a secure and comfortable fit that stays in place no matter what activity you engage in.
The 3M Futuro Knee Bandage with Lateral Joint Rail Adaptable is ideal for athletes or individuals who engage in high-impact activities, such as running, soccer, basketball or skiing. It is also suitable for individuals who suffer from knee pain or swelling caused by arthritis, tendinitis or other conditions.
Overall, the 3M Futuro Knee Bandage with Lateral Joint Rail Adaptable is an excellent choice for individuals looking for a high-quality knee support that provides stability, support, and comfort. So, make a smart choice, and order this knee bandage today to alleviate your knee pain and enjoy your daily activities without any limitations!..
Actimove Everyday Support Knee Support M avatud põlvekedra omadusedEuroopa CE sertifikaatKogus pakendis: 1 tkKaal: 158 g Pikkus: 38 mm Laius: 95 mm Kõrgus: 108 mm Ostke Šveitsist Internetist Actimove Everyday Support Knee Support M avatud põlvekedra..
Actimove Everyday Support Knee Support M suletud põlvekedra omadusedEuroopa CE sertifikaatKogus pakendis: 1 tkKaal: 81 g Pikkus: 38 mm Laius: 95 mm Kõrgus: 108 mm Ostke Šveitsist Internetist Actimove Everyday Support Knee Support M kinnine põlvekedra..
Actimove Everyday Support Knee Support S suletud põlvekedra omadusedEuroopa CE sertifikaatKogus pakendis: 1 tkKaal: 74 g Pikkus: 38 mm Laius: 95 mm Kõrgus: 108 mm Ostke Šveitsist Internetist Actimove Everyday Support Knee Support S suletud põlvekedra..
The Everyday Support knee support from Actimove has a patella opening which reduces pressure on the kneecap and helps to relieve patellar pain.The spiral-shaped stabilizing bars provide additional stabilization of the knee. Thanks to the balanced application of the pronounced compression, pain relief is supported.The knee support offers reliable, lasting support for daily mobility and has reinforced edges which ensure durability. The anatomical shape and special structure of the design ensure a good fit. The bandage has a durable, high level of wearing comfort due to the use of soft yarns.Fields of application:Degenerative knee diseases, overloading, chronic knee pain..
Actimove Sport Knee Support L Pad Stabilizing Bars
The Actimove Sport Knee Support L Pad Stabilizing Bars is a must-have accessory for athletes and fitness enthusiasts who are prone to knee injuries. This product is designed to provide maximum support to your knee joint, ensuring maximum stability, and reducing the risk of injury during physical activities.
The L Pad stabilizing bars of this knee support help in keeping the patella in its proper position, ensuring that it tracks properly within the femoral groove. This helps in reducing the wear and tear of the joint, thereby preventing injuries like patellofemoral pain syndrome, runner's knee, and patellar tendinitis.
The knee support is made using high-quality materials that are durable and comfortable. It is designed to wick away moisture and heat, providing you with a cool and dry experience during long hours of physical activity. The support is designed to fit securely on your knee, providing you with maximum support without restricting motion or movement.
This product is perfect for anyone who plays sports like basketball, football, soccer, tennis, or supports activities such as running or cycling. It can also be used by people who are recovering from knee injuries, as it helps in reducing pain and discomfort and providing the necessary support to speed up the healing process.
Overall, the Actimove Sport Knee Support L Pad Stabilizing Bars is an essential accessory for anyone who wants to keep their knees healthy and injury-free during physical activities. The support is designed to provide maximum support and stability while still allowing the knee to move naturally. It is a must-have accessory for anyone who is serious about their fitness and wants to stay active and injury-free...
The Bilasto Uno knee support has a kneecap stabilizer and can be used to protect and stabilize the kneecap. In addition, this knee strap contains inside and outside 2 spiral supports, which provide additional support and stability to the knee. The bandage increases blood circulation and compression. This prevents strains and other injuries. The materials used are soft and breathable.
Universal size: S-XLKnee circumference: 30-43cminside and outside each 2 spiral supportsHigh freedom of movement thanks to individually adjustable fitInner layer made of natural cottonBreathable and heat-regulating neoprene Can be used right and left
Before using the bandage, the type and duration of use should be determined with a medical specialist . If an ointment is applied to the same area, wait 30 minutes before putting it on.
Care advice
Wash with mild detergent at a maximum temperature of 35 degrees. Do not rub or squeeze when washing by hand. Do not allow the product to dry on a radiator, do not iron, do not lighten and do not dry-clean.
60% aeroprene, 15% cotton, 20% polyester, 5% latex, metal spiral rods..
The Bilasto Uno knee support has a kneecap stabilizer and can be used to protect and stabilize the kneecap. The bandage increases blood circulation and compression. This prevents strains and other injuries. The materials used are soft and breathable.
Universal size: S-XLKnee circumference: 34-46cmHigh freedom of movement thanks to individually adjustable fitInner layer made of natural cottonBreathable and heat-regulating neopreneCan be used right and left
Before using the bandage, the type and duration of use should be determined with a medical specialist. If an ointment is applied to the same area, wait 30 minutes before putting it on.
Care advice
Wash with mild detergent at a maximum temperature of 35 degrees. Do not rub or squeeze when washing by hand. Do not allow the product to dry on a radiator, do not iron, do not lighten and do not dry-clean.
65% Aeroprene, 15% Cotton, 20% Polyester..
Cellacare Genu Classic Gr2
Cellacare Genu Classic Gr2 on põlvetugi, mis on loodud toetama ja stabiliseerima inimesi, kes kogevad põlvevalu või vigastusi, nagu nikastused, venitused või artriit. See traks on valmistatud kvaliteetsetest materjalidest, mis pakuvad maksimaalset mugavust ja vastupidavust, tagades, et kasutajad saavad seda kanda pikka aega ilma ebamugavust või ärritust kogemata.
Sellel traksil on kerge konstruktsioon, mis muudab selle kandmise ja liikumise lihtsaks, pakkudes samas ka kindlat ja stabiilset sobivust. Genu Classic Gr2-l on ka reguleeritavad rihmad, mis võimaldavad kasutajatel kohandada sobivust ja tihendustaset vastavalt nende konkreetsetele vajadustele ja eelistustele.
Cellacare Genu Classic Gr2 on mitmekülgne põlvetugi, mida saab kasutada mitmesuguste tegevuste jaoks, sealhulgas sportimiseks, treenimiseks ja igapäevaseks kasutamiseks. See sobib ka inimestele, kes on läbinud põlveoperatsiooni või taastuvad vigastusest.
Cellacare Genu Classic Gr2 muud põhifunktsioonid on järgmised:
Pehmest kootud materjal, mida on mugav kanda
Anatoomiline sobivus, mis vastab põlve kujule
Avatud põlvekedra disain, mis leevendab survet põlvekedrale
Saadaval erinevates suurustes, mis sobivad erinevatele kehatüüpidele
Kui otsite kvaliteetset põlvetuge, mis aitaks teil hallata põlvevalu või vigastusi, on Cellacare Genu Classic Gr2 suurepärane valik. Kerge konstruktsiooni, kohandatava sobivuse ja mugava disainiga traksid pakuvad tuge ja stabiliseerimist, mida vajate aktiivse ja tervena püsimiseks.
Cellacare Genu Comfort Plus Gr4 omadusedEuroopa CE sertifikaatSäilitustemperatuur min/max 15/25 kraadi Celsiuse järgiKogus pakendis: 1 tükidKaal: 261 g Pikkus: 34 mm Laius: 144 mm Kõrgus: 340 mm Ostke Cellacare Genu Comfort Plus Gr4 veebis Šveitsist..
GenuTrain Active Support with Silicone Bead Gr4 Titan
Introducing the GenuTrain Active Support with Silicone Bead Gr4 Titan, the perfect product for those who suffer from knee pain and discomfort! This high-quality knee support is designed to provide optimal comfort, support, and stability to help you stay active and on-the-go.
The GenuTrain Active Support with Silicone Bead Gr4 Titan is made using high-quality materials that are durable and long-lasting. The silicone bead technology featured in the knee support ensures that you get the perfect fit and maximum support without compromising on comfort. The integrated stays support the knee and promote proper alignment and stability throughout your activities.
This knee support is designed with an anatomical shape that fits comfortably and snugly around your knee. The breathable knit fabric allows for optimal ventilation, preventing excess heat and moisture buildup, ensuring a comfortable fit even during extended use. Whether you are out for a run, playing sports, or simply going about your daily routine, this knee support is the perfect companion for your knees.
One of the standout features of the GenuTrain Active Support with Silicone Bead Gr4 Titan is its easy-to-use design. This knee support slips on easily and is adjustable, allowing for a customized fit every time you wear it. This product comes in a size that fits most, with size adjustments possible to ensure the perfect fit for you.
The GenuTrain Active Support with Silicone Bead Gr4 Titan is perfect for anyone looking to reduce knee pain and discomfort or support recovering knees. With its durable, high-quality design and adjustable fit, this knee support provides optimal stability, support, and comfort. With regular use, it can help you stay active and healthy while protecting your knees from everyday wear and tear.
GenuTrain aktiivse toe omadused Gr4 Comfort titanEuroopa CE sertifikaatKogus pakendis: 1 tkKaal: 247 g Pikkus: 30 mm Laius: 112 mm Kõrgus: 330 mm Ostke Šveitsist veebist GenuTraini aktiivtugi Gr4 Comfort titan..
GenuTraini aktiivtoe omadused gr0 titanEuroopas CE sertifitseeritudKogus pakendis: 1 tkKaal: 254 g >Pikkus: 26 mm Laius: 111 mm Kõrgus: 328 mm Ostke Šveitsist võrgust GenuTraini aktiivtugi gr0 titan..
Sigvaris MOBILIS GenuActive Knee Support XL omadusedEuroopa CE sertifikaatKogus pakendis: 1 tkKaal: 220 g Pikkus: 124 mm Laius: 31 mm Kõrgus: 352 mm Ostke Sigvaris MOBILIS GenuActive Knee Support XL võrgust Šveitsist..
Sigvaris MOBILIS GenuCare Knee Bandage XL on esmaklassiline põlveside, mis on loodud optimaalse toe ja kompressiooni tagamiseks põlvevigastuste ja seisundite korral. See on valmistatud täiustatud materjalidest, et pakkuda mugavat istuvust, vastupidavust ja tõhusat stabiliseerimist liikumise ajal. See põlveside sobib ideaalselt erinevate põlveprobleemide (nt venitused, nikastused, turse ja ebastabiilsus) raviks. XL suurus tagab korraliku ja kindla istuvuse suuremate põlvemõõtmete korral. Sigvaris MOBILIS GenuCare Knee Bandage XL pakub nii igapäevaseks kandmiseks kui ka füüsiliste tegevuste ajal usaldusväärset tuge parandamaks taastumist ja liikuvust...
Sigvaris MOBILIS GenuCare põlveside S on kvaliteetne ja mitmekülgne lahendus põlve toetamiseks ja stabiilsuseks. See mugavust ja funktsionaalsust silmas pidades loodud side pakub õrna kokkusurumist ja kaitset põlvepiirkonnale. Olenemata sellest, kas paranete vigastusest, ravite kroonilist haigust või otsite füüsiliste tegevuste ajal täiendavat tuge, Sigvaris MOBILIS GenuCare põlveside S pakub turvalist sobivust ja usaldusväärset jõudlust. Selle vastupidav konstruktsioon ja kontuuritud disain tagavad tiheda ja mugava istuvuse, võimaldades samal ajal paindlikkust ja loomulikku liikumist. Kogege sihipärase põlvetoe eeliseid Sigvaris MOBILIS GenuCare põlvesidemega S...
Sigvaris MOBILIS GenuCare põlveside XS pakub sihipärast tuge ja kompressiooni põlvevigastuste ja taastusravi korral. See kvaliteetsetest materjalidest valmistatud põlveside on loodud pakkuma õrna, kuid tõhusat stabiilsust ja mugavust igapäevaste tegevuste või sportimise ajal. XS suurus tagab tiheda istuvuse väiksematele põlvedele, soodustades korralikku paranemist ja liikuvust. Olenemata sellest, kas taastute vigastusest või soovite vältida pingeid, see side on usaldusväärne kaaslane põlvede tervise säilitamisel. Usaldage Sigvarise esmaklassilist kvaliteeti ja GenuCare põlvesideme XS suurepärast tuge...
Sigvaris MOBILIS GenuWrap põlveside S/M on loodud põlvepiirkonna sihipäraseks toetamiseks ja kokkusurumiseks. See uuenduslik side tagab mugava ja turvalise sobivuse, mis sobib ideaalselt venituste, nikastuste ja kerge turse leevendamiseks. Reguleeritavad rihmad tagavad isikupärase sobivuse ning võimaldavad hõlpsat pealekandmist ja eemaldamist. Hingav ja nahasõbralik materjal soodustab õhuvoolu ja suurendab mugavust pikema kandmise ajal. Sigvaris MOBILIS GenuWrap põlveside pakub usaldusväärset stabiliseerimist ja leevendust nii vigastusjärgseks taastumiseks kui igapäevaseks toeks füüsilise tegevuse ajal...
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