Põlvevalu leevendamine
3m futuro sport stabilisaator knie-bandage anpa sch
Stabilize Your Knee with 3M FUTURO SPORT Stabilisier Knie-Bandage anpa sch Do you often feel knee pain or discomfort while playing sports or doing physical activities? Worry no more as 3M brings you FUTURO SPORT Stabilisier Knie-Bandage anpa sch that offers excellent knee support and protection. This knee bandage is designed to stabilize the knee joint and provide compression to reduce swelling and irritation, relieve pain, and prevent injuries. 3M FUTURO SPORT Stabilisier Knie-Bandage anpa sch is made of high-quality materials that are breathable, comfortable, and lightweight. The bandage is adjustable, and you can customize the level of compression and support that suits your needs. It fits snuggly around your knee, allowing you to move freely without any restrictions. FUTURO SPORT Stabilisier Knie-Bandage anpa sch is ideal for athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and anyone who wants to take care of their knees. It is suitable for various knee injuries, including sprains, strains, and arthritis. If you have a previous knee injury, wearing this bandage can help you prevent further injuries and promote faster recovery. Product Features: Stabilizes the knee joint, reduces swelling and irritation, relieves pain, and prevents injuries. Made of high-quality materials that are breathable, comfortable, and lightweight. Adjustable bandage for customized compression and support. Fits snuggly around the knee, allowing free movement without restrictions. Ideal for athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and people with knee injuries. Investing in 3M FUTURO SPORT Stabilisier Knie-Bandage anpa sch is an excellent way to take care of your knees, prevent injuries, and improve your performance. Don't let knee pain stop you from doing what you love. Order your knee bandage today and enjoy the benefits of excellent knee support. ..
58.66 USD
3m futuro ultra performance knie-bandage xl
3M FUTURO Ultra Performance Knie-Bandage XL Are you seeking support for your injured knee while still being able to move comfortably? If so, the 3M FUTURO Ultra Performance Knie-Bandage XL is the perfect product for you. This knee brace provides firm support to your knee, helping to reduce knee pain, swelling, and stiffness. Key Features Provides firm support for weak or injured knees. Designed to fit most people with an XL size. The 4-way stretch fabric ensures a comfortable fit. Antimicrobial treatment inhibits the growth of odor-causing bacteria. The open kneecap design helps stabilize your knee. Benefits of Using the 3M FUTURO Ultra Performance Knie-Bandage XL When you're dealing with an injured knee, getting the right support is crucial to your recovery. By using the 3M FUTURO Ultra Performance Knie-Bandage XL, you'll enjoy the following benefits: Pain relief: The knee brace provides targeted compression to your knee joints, relieving pain and reducing inflammation that may have resulted from an injury such as a sprain, strain, or arthritis. Increased stability: The open kneecap design provides support and stability to your knee joint. This makes it perfect for people who are dealing with weak knees or suffering from patella tracking disorder. Improved movement: The 4-way stretch fabric ensures that you can move your knee comfortably while still receiving the support you need. Hygienic: The antimicrobial treatment helps to reduce the growth of bacteria and odors, keeping the knee brace fresh and hygienic. Easy to put on and take off: The hook-and-loop straps on this knee brace make it easy to adjust and put on, even if you have limited mobility. If you're dealing with an injured or weak knee, the 3M FUTURO Ultra Performance Knie-Bandage XL is a must-have product. It provides firm support, stability, and compression to help reduce pain, inflammation, and discomfort in your knee. ..
87.68 USD
Actimove everyday support knee support m kinnine põlvekedra
Actimove Everyday Support Knee Support M suletud põlvekedra omadusedEuroopa CE sertifikaatKogus pakendis: 1 tkKaal: 81 g Pikkus: 38 mm Laius: 95 mm Kõrgus: 108 mm Ostke Šveitsist Internetist Actimove Everyday Support Knee Support M kinnine põlvekedra..
22.16 USD
Actimove everyday support knee support s kinnine põlvekedra
Actimove Everyday Support Knee Support S suletud põlvekedra omadusedEuroopa CE sertifikaatKogus pakendis: 1 tkKaal: 74 g Pikkus: 38 mm Laius: 95 mm Kõrgus: 108 mm Ostke Šveitsist Internetist Actimove Everyday Support Knee Support S suletud põlvekedra..
22.16 USD
Bilasto knee brace m must / sinine
The Bilasto knee bandage provides mechanical support for the knee, preventing incorrect posture and excessive strain on the joints. It also helps prevent re-injury and provides the correct compression. The light pressure stimulates the metabolism and thus promotes blood circulation in the joint capsules. This leads to a reduction of pain and swelling. The functionality of the knee is not restricted. The muscles are activated, which accelerates the healing process of blunt injuries. Colour: Black/ BlueSize: M (34-36cm) Bilasto Bilasto supports are medical supports which must fit perfectly in order to guarantee the most comfortable possible wearing comfort. Therefore they are produced seamlessly using the circular knitting process and are also longitudinally and transversely elastic, non-slip and have no pressure points...
36.50 USD
Bilasto põlveside beež s
BILASTO Knee Bandage Beige S The BILASTO Knee Bandage Beige S is a high-quality compression knee brace designed to provide support and comfort for individuals suffering from knee pain or discomfort. The bandage is made with premium materials that give it durability, elasticity, and a comfortable fit. The Beige S size is ideal for people with small knees as it has a circumference of 32-36cm. The BILASTO Knee Bandage Beige S comes with a unique compression technology that helps to reduce swelling and inflammation in the knee area. The compression also helps to improve blood circulation, which aids in the healing and recovery process. This knee brace is perfect for individuals recovering from knee surgery or those with mild knee injuries such as strains or sprains. One of the standout features of the BILASTO Knee Bandage Beige S is its breathable fabric. This means that you can wear it all day without feeling uncomfortable or sweaty. The bandage also has an adjustable strap that allows you to customize the level of compression you need, ensuring a perfect fit every time. The BILASTO Knee Bandage Beige S is easy to care for and can be hand-washed with mild detergent. It is lightweight, compact, and can easily fit in your bag or purse, meaning that you can take it wherever you go. This knee brace is perfect for athletes, people with active lifestyles, or anyone looking for extra support and comfort for their knees. Experience the comfort and support of the BILASTO Knee Bandage Beige S today and feel the difference it makes in your knee health and well-being. ..
36.07 USD
Bort active color knee support xl + 42cm sinine
Bort Active Color Knee Support XL + 42cm blue Introducing the Bort Active Color Knee Support XL, the perfect solution for those looking to reduce knee pain and support their joint during physical activities. Made with high-quality materials, this knee support is designed for durability and long-lasting use. The knee support is made with breathable and comfortable fabric that allows for a wide range of motion while providing adequate support to the knee joint. The XL size of this product fits most people and ensures a comfortable fit for individuals with a knee circumference of up to 42cm. One of the key features of this product is the use of Blue Meryl® fiber, which helps to reduce skin irritation and wick away moisture from the skin. This means that users can stay comfortable and dry during any physical activity, from hiking and running to weightlifting and aerobics. In addition to providing support and comfort, the Bort Active Color Knee Support XL also helps to alleviate knee pain caused by arthritis, inflammation, or injury. It's lightweight and easy to use, making it the perfect accessory for athletes and individuals who lead an active lifestyle. This product is available in blue, which adds a stylish touch to any workout or physical activity. Whether you're a seasoned athlete or just starting on your fitness journey, the Bort Active Color Knee Support XL is a must-have for anyone looking to protect their knee joint and alleviate knee pain. ..
46.92 USD
Cellacare genu classic gr2
Cellacare Genu Classic Gr2 Cellacare Genu Classic Gr2 on põlvetugi, mis on loodud toetama ja stabiliseerima inimesi, kes kogevad põlvevalu või vigastusi, nagu nikastused, venitused või artriit. See traks on valmistatud kvaliteetsetest materjalidest, mis pakuvad maksimaalset mugavust ja vastupidavust, tagades, et kasutajad saavad seda kanda pikka aega ilma ebamugavust või ärritust kogemata. Sellel traksil on kerge konstruktsioon, mis muudab selle kandmise ja liikumise lihtsaks, pakkudes samas ka kindlat ja stabiilset sobivust. Genu Classic Gr2-l on ka reguleeritavad rihmad, mis võimaldavad kasutajatel kohandada sobivust ja tihendustaset vastavalt nende konkreetsetele vajadustele ja eelistustele. Cellacare Genu Classic Gr2 on mitmekülgne põlvetugi, mida saab kasutada mitmesuguste tegevuste jaoks, sealhulgas sportimiseks, treenimiseks ja igapäevaseks kasutamiseks. See sobib ka inimestele, kes on läbinud põlveoperatsiooni või taastuvad vigastusest. Cellacare Genu Classic Gr2 muud põhifunktsioonid on järgmised: Pehmest kootud materjal, mida on mugav kanda Anatoomiline sobivus, mis vastab põlve kujule Avatud põlvekedra disain, mis leevendab survet põlvekedrale Saadaval erinevates suurustes, mis sobivad erinevatele kehatüüpidele Kui otsite kvaliteetset põlvetuge, mis aitaks teil hallata põlvevalu või vigastusi, on Cellacare Genu Classic Gr2 suurepärane valik. Kerge konstruktsiooni, kohandatava sobivuse ja mugava disainiga traksid pakuvad tuge ja stabiliseerimist, mida vajate aktiivse ja tervena püsimiseks. ..
62.64 USD
Cellacare genu classic gr3
Cellacare Genu Classic Gr3 omadusedEuroopa CE sertifikaatSäilitustemperatuur min/max 15/25 kraadi Celsiuse järgiKogus pakendis: 1 tk Kaal: 174 g Pikkus: 31 mm Laius: 111 mm Kõrgus: 302 mm Ostke Cellacare Genu Klassikaline Gr3 Internetis Šveitsist..
62.64 USD
Dermaplast active genu soft plus s2
Dermaplast Active Genu Soft Plus S2 Dermaplast Active Genu Soft Plus S2 on kvaliteetne toode, mis on välja töötatud põlvele meditsiinilise toe ja stabiilsuse pakkumiseks vigastuse või füüsilise tegevuse ajal. See tipptehnoloogia ja esmaklassiliste materjalidega loodud põlvetugi on ideaalne inimestele, kes kannatavad kerge kuni mõõduka põlvevalu, ebastabiilsuse või spordivigastuste all. Funktsioonid ja eelised: Aktiivne põlveliigese tugi valu leevendamiseks ja stabiilsuse tagamiseks Pehme ja hingav materjal suurendab mugavust kogu päeva jooksul Kerge disain piiramatuks liikumiseks ja kasutusmugavuseks Anatoomiline konstruktsioon silikoonrõngaga optimaalse haarde ja survejaotuse tagamiseks Reguleeritavad rihmad kohandatud istuvuse ja maksimaalse toe tagamiseks Lihtne kanda ja kohandada igapäevaseks kasutamiseks, sportimiseks või taastusraviks Toote üksikasjad: Dermaplast Active Genu Soft Plus S2 on valmistatud kvaliteetsest materjalide segust, mis pakuvad optimaalset tuge ja hingavust. Sisemine kiht on valmistatud pehmest ja elastsest materjalist, mis kohandub teie põlve kujuga, välimine kiht aga vastupidavast ja hingavast kangast, mis tagab maksimaalse õhuvoolu ja niiskuse juhtimise. Integreeritud silikoonrõngas pakub täiendavat tuge ja jaotab survet ühtlaselt, vähendades vigastuste või ebamugavustunde ohtu. Reguleeritavad rihmad võimaldavad kohandatud istuvust, samas kui kerge disain tagab optimaalse mugavuse ja liikuvuse. Kasutus: Dermaplast Active Genu Soft Plus S2 sobib erinevat tüüpi põlvevalu, ebastabiilsuse, spordivigastuste ja operatsioonijärgse hoolduse korral. Seda saab kanda igapäevaste tegevuste, sportimise või taastusravi ajal. Enne selle toote kasutamist pidage nõu oma arsti või tervishoiutöötajaga, eriti kui teil on mõni vigastus või haigusseisund. Hooldusjuhised: Dermaplast Active Genu Soft Plus S2 saab käsitsi pesta pehme seebi ja veega temperatuuril alla 40 °C. Ärge kasutage valgendit ega pesupehmendajat. Loputage hoolikalt ja laske õhu käes kuivada. Ärge jätke otsese päikesevalguse ega soojusallikate kätte. Ärge kasutage, kui see on kahjustatud või olete mõne koostisosa suhtes allergiline. Hoida lastele kättesaamatus kohas. Valige põlvele optimaalse toe, mugavuse ja liikuvuse tagamiseks Dermaplast Active Genu Soft Plus S2...
130.75 USD
Dermaplast active genu soft plus s4+
Tutvustame DermaPlast Active Genu Soft plus S4+ DermaPlast Active Genu Soft plus S4+ on ülitõhus, mugav ja terapeutiline põlvetugi, mis pakub täiuslikku toe ja mugavuse segu. See toode on spetsiaalselt loodud põlvevalu leevendamiseks, liigese toetamiseks ja stabiilsuseks ning paranemise soodustamiseks. See on valmistatud kvaliteetsetest, hingavatest ja hüpoallergeensetest materjalidest, mis tagavad maksimaalse mugavuse ja vastupidavuse. Funktsioonid Pehme ja mugav materjal, mis muudab selle ideaalseks kandmiseks kogu päevaks Seal on hingedega reguleeritav rihm, mis pakub täiendavat tuge ja stabiilsust Pakub optimaalset kokkusurumist, soodustades verevoolu ja vähendades põletikku Aitab vähendada põlvevigastuste, nagu põlvekedra jälgimise ja põlve ebastabiilsuse riski. Madala profiiliga disain muudab selle kandmise hõlpsaks riiete all, mis tagab korraliku toe ja diskreetsuse Lihtne puhastada ja hooldada, tagades selle hügieenilisuse ja lõhnavaba Eelised DermaPlast Active Genu Soft plus S4+ on mitteinvasiivne lahendus põlvevalu korral ilma kirurgilise sekkumiseta. Selle ainulaadne disain aitab pakkuda põlveliigesele maksimaalset tuge ja stabiilsust, mis võib aidata vähendada valu, ebamugavustunnet ja põletikku. Kasutajad võivad seda toodet kanda füüsiliste tegevuste (nt sportimine) ajal või taastusravi eesmärgil. See sobib ideaalselt ka inimestele, kellel on vanusest või vigastusest tingitud põlvevalu. Kasutamine Reguleerige tugi nii, et see sobiks põlvega mugavalt Täiendava toe ja stabiilsuse tagamiseks kinnitage reguleeritav rihm ümber põlve Kanna seda päeva jooksul vastavalt vajadusele või füüsiliste tegevuste (nt sportimise) ajal Pärast kasutamist eemaldage ja puhastage Järeldus Kui otsite põlvetuge, mis pakub optimaalset tuge, mugavust ja stabiilsust, on DermaPlast Active Genu Soft plus S4+ ideaalne lahendus. See toode on valmistatud kvaliteetsetest materjalidest, mis tagavad vastupidavuse ja kauakestva toe. Seda on lihtne kasutada, seda on mugav kogu päeva kanda ning see võib aidata vähendada põlvevalu, põletikku ja edasiste vigastuste ohtu. Ostke DermaPlast Active Genu Soft pluss S4+ põlvetugi juba täna ning nautige taas valutuid ja terveid põlvi...
130.75 USD
Epitact physiostrap knee brace medical m 38-41cm
Epitact Physiostrap was developed for people with unstable or painful knees, osteoarthritis, kneecap diseases and ligament instability. The bandage gives a feeling of stability and helps to maintain or improve mobility in everyday life and is hardly noticeable when worn. The slight compression around the knee stabilizes the kneecap, improves body awareness and relieves pain. The relief achieved increases mobility and increases the ability to walk.Epitact Physiostrap has been specially developed to be worn under any type of clothing because it is extra fine and unobtrusive. ..
114.12 USD
Epitact physiostrap knee brace medical s 35-38cm
Epitact Physiostrap knee bandage MEDICAL S 35-38cm The Epitact Physiostrap knee bandage is a medical-grade compression sleeve designed to provide support and relief to individuals dealing with knee pain due to injuries or chronic conditions. It has been specially developed by orthopedic specialists to cater to the specific needs of individuals dealing with knee pain and discomfort. Size: S 35-38cm Material: 96% polyamide and 4% elastane Supports the knee joint: The Epitact Physiostrap knee bandage provides targeted compression in the knee joint area, helping stabilize the knee and reducing the risk of injury. Pain relief: The knee bandage uses a unique design that helps to increase blood flow to the area and reduce pain and inflammation. Comfortable fit: The Epitact Physiostrap knee bandage is made from a lightweight, breathable, and durable material that is comfortable to wear for prolonged periods. Perfect for everyday wear: Suitable for people who work, exercise, or have an active lifestyle, the bandage can be worn on a regular basis to provide support and relief while carrying out everyday activities. Easy to use: The bandage is easy to put on and take off and can be adjusted to achieve the desired level of compression. The Epitact Physiostrap knee bandage is a high-quality medical product that has been tested and certified to meet rigorous quality and safety standards. It is an essential tool for anyone who wants to manage their knee pain effectively and get back to living an active and healthy lifestyle. ..
114.12 USD
Epitrain active support gr1 titanium
Epitrain Active Support Gr1 Titanium The Epitrain Active Support Gr1 Titanium is an advanced knee support designed to help you move better, recover faster, and perform at your best. Made with medical-grade compression and a unique knitted design, this knee brace helps to support and stabilize the knee joint during physical activity while still allowing for a full range of motion. Whether you're an athlete looking to improve your performance or someone who suffers from knee pain or instability, the Epitrain Active Support Gr1 Titanium is a great solution. This knee brace is designed to provide targeted compression to the knee joint, helping to relieve pain and reduce swelling and inflammation. It also features a silicone insert that provides additional support and stabilization to the patella, helping to improve overall knee function. The Epitrain Active Support Gr1 Titanium is made with high-quality materials, including medical-grade compression and breathable knit fabric. The compression helps to improve blood flow to the knee joint, while the breathable fabric wicks away moisture and helps to regulate temperature, keeping you cool, dry, and comfortable throughout your workout or daily activities. Overall, the Epitrain Active Support Gr1 Titanium is a great option for anyone looking to improve knee stability, reduce pain and inflammation, and enhance their overall abilities. With its advanced design and high-quality construction, it's sure to provide you with the support and performance you need to reach your goals. ..
144.79 USD
Genutrain aktiivne tugi gr3 titaan
GenuTrain aktiivne tugi Gr3 titaan – teie põlve parim sõber Kas olete väsinud põlvevalu või ebastabiilsusest? GenuTraini aktiivtugi Gr3 titaan on loodud pakkuma ülimat põlvetuge ja mugavust. Ükskõik, kas olete vigastusest taastuv sportlane või soovite lihtsalt tulevasi probleeme ennetada, on see põlvetugi ideaalne lahendus. Põhifunktsioonid: Uudne 3D-kudumistehnoloogia täiusliku sobivuse tagamiseks Integreeritud titaansegmendid sihipäraseks toeks Hingav materjal tagab kogu päeva mugavuse Parandab põlve stabiilsus ja vähendab valu GenuTraini aktiivtugi Gr3 titaan on midagi enamat kui lihtsalt põlvetugi. See on meditsiinilise kvaliteediga seade, mis pakub tuge ja stabiilsust, mida vajate, et naasta selle juurde, mida armastate. Tellige oma juba täna ja kogege erinevust!..
143.13 USD
Genutrain aktiivne tugi gr5 comfort titan
Description: The GenuTrain active support Gr5 Comfort titan is a high-quality knee brace designed to provide active support and relief for knee pain, inflammation, and injury. This knee brace is made from breathable knit fabric that conforms to the shape of your knee, providing a comfortable and secure fit that promotes optimal range of motion and flexibility. The Gr5 Comfort titan knee brace incorporates a special viscoelastic pad that helps to redistribute pressure around the knee joint, reducing pain and promoting healing. This pad conforms to the contours of your knee and provides targeted compression to key areas, helping to reduce inflammation and swelling while also promoting blood flow and oxygenation to the affected area. Whether you're an athlete recovering from a knee injury or you're simply looking for a comfortable and supportive knee brace to help you manage chronic pain and inflammation, the GenuTrain active support Gr5 Comfort titan is the perfect solution. With its advanced design, breathable fabric, and viscoelastic pad technology, this knee brace is sure to provide the active support and pain relief you need to stay active and comfortable all day long. Features: Designed for active support and relief for knee pain, inflammation, and injury Made from breathable knit fabric that conforms to the shape of your knee, providing a comfortable and secure fit that promotes optimal range of motion and flexibility Incorporates a special viscoelastic pad that helps to redistribute pressure around the knee joint, reducing pain and promoting healing Conforms to the contours of your knee and provides targeted compression to key areas, helping to reduce inflammation and swelling while also promoting blood flow and oxygenation to the affected area Perfect for athletes recovering from a knee injury or for individuals with chronic knee pain and inflammation ..
143.13 USD
Genutrain aktiivne tugi gr5 titaan
GenuTrain aktiivne tugi Gr5 titanium – teie ülim põlvetugi Kas teil on põlvevalu või ebastabiilsus? GenuTrain aktiivne tugi Gr5 titaan on lahendus, mida olete otsinud. See suure jõudlusega põlvetugi pakub tänu uuenduslikule disainile ja kvaliteetsetele materjalidele võrratut tuge ja mugavust. Põhiomadused: Integreeritud titaan komponendid suurepärase stabiilsuse tagamiseks Kohandatav sobivus isikupärastatud toe tagamiseks Hingav kangas kogu päeva mugavuse tagamiseks Kerge ja diskreetne disain Ideaalne sportimiseks, artriidiks ja vigastustejärgseks taastusraviks Kogege GenuTraini aktiivtoe Gr5 titaani erinevust. Tellige oma juba täna ja jätkake sellega, mida armastate!..
143.13 USD
Genutrain aktivbandage gr6 comfort titan
GenuTraini aktiivtugi Gr6 Comfort titanium on tipptasemel põlveside, mis on loodud pakkuma erakordset tuge ja mugavust neile, kellel on põlvevigastused või -valu. Kvaliteetsetest materjalidest valmistatud side sobib mitmesugusteks tegevusteks, alates igapäevasest kandmisest kuni sportimiseni. Titaaniga kaetud kangas pakub vastupidavust ja paindlikkust, samas kui uuenduslik disain tagab turvalise ja mugava istuvuse. Olenemata sellest, kas taastute vigastusest või otsite füüsilise tegevuse ajal lisatuge, GenuTrain aktiivtugi Gr6 Comfort titaan on teie usaldusväärne kaaslane põlvehoolduses. Kogege selle täiustatud põlvesidemega kergendust ja stabiilsust...
142.36 USD
Genutrain s aktivbandage gr1 rechts titan
GENUTRAIN S Aktivbandage Gr1 rechts titan The GENUTRAIN S Aktivbandage Gr1 rechts titan is a specialized knee support designed to provide comfort and support to individuals suffering from knee pain, discomfort, and inflammation. This knee support is perfect for individuals who have undergone a knee surgery or have experienced an injury to their knee. It is also ideal for athletes and fitness enthusiasts who want to protect their knees from injuries during high-impact workouts or training sessions. The GENUTRAIN S Aktivbandage Gr1 rechts titan is made of high-quality materials, which make it durable and long-lasting. The fabric of this knee support is soft and breathable, ensuring maximum comfort and support to the knee area without causing any irritation or discomfort to the skin. The knee support is designed to fit comfortably around the knee joint, providing targeted compression and support to the ligaments and muscles surrounding the knee. This helps to reduce the strain on the knee joint and provide relief from pain and inflammation. The GENUTRAIN S Aktivbandage Gr1 rechts titan also features a unique silicone padding that helps to improve proprioception and stability of the knee joint. This means that the knee support helps to improve the sense of balance and control, reducing the risk of further injury. Overall, the GENUTRAIN S Aktivbandage Gr1 rechts titan is an excellent choice for individuals looking for a high-quality knee support that provides comfort, support, and stability to the knee joint. It is easy to use and can be worn during sports, exercise, or everyday activities. Order your GENUTRAIN S Aktivbandage Gr1 rechts titan today and experience the benefits of this high-quality knee support for yourself. ..
255.72 USD
Genutrain s aktivbandage gr3 rechts titan
Toote kirjeldus: GENUTRAIN S Aktivbandage Gr3 rechts titan GENUTRAIN S Aktivbandage Gr3 rechts titan on täiustatud põlvetugi, mis on loodud pakkuma tõhusat tuge inimestele, kellel on põlvevalu või ebamugavustunne. See on ainulaadne põlvetugi, mis on loodud põlveliigese toetamiseks ja stabiilsuseks, võimaldades teil igapäevaste tegevustega jätkata ilma ebamugavustundeta. See põlvetugi on loodud põlveliigese mugavaks surumiseks ja toetamiseks, vähendades turset ja valu ning aidates ära hoida edasisi vigastusi. See on valmistatud kvaliteetsetest materjalidest, mis on nii vastupidavad kui ka mugavad, tagades, et saate seda kanda pikka aega ilma ebamugavustundeta. GENUTRAIN S Aktivbandage Gr3 rechts titan sobib inimestele, kellel on kerge kuni mõõdukas põlvevalu ja ebamugavustunne, sealhulgas inimestele, kes kannatavad põlveliigese osteoartriidi, põlvekedra ebastabiilsuse ja muude põlvehaiguste all. Põlvetoel on hingav konstruktsioon, mis hoiab teie naha kuivana ja jahedana, vältides ärritust ja pakkudes maksimaalset mugavust. Põlvetugi on kujundatud reguleeritava rihmasüsteemiga, mis tagab kohandatud istuvuse, tagades mugava ja turvalise istuvuse. Seda on lihtne selga panna ja ära võtta ning selle kerge konstruktsioon muudab selle pikemaajalise kandmise lihtsaks. Põlvetugi sobib nii meestele kui naistele ning on saadaval nii parem- kui ka vasakpoolses versioonis vastavalt teie vajadustele. Kasutage GENUTRAIN S Aktivbandage Gr3 rechts titani eeliseid ja nautige valuvaba ja aktiivset elustiili. ..
270.32 USD