Inkontinentsi hooldus
Attends cover dri plus dokumendid 60x90cm bag 50 tk
Attends Cover Dri Plus documents 60x90cm Btl 50 pcs The Attends Cover Dri Plus documents are specially designed for the protection of mattresses and other surfaces from liquid spills or contamination. It is made from high-quality materials with advanced absorbent technology, enabling it to effectively absorb and lock in fluids to prevent leakage and unpleasant odors. This product is ideal for use in healthcare facilities, home care, nurseries, and even for pet owners. It provides reliable protection for mattresses, chairs, wheelchairs, and beddings, reducing the need for frequent cleanups and replacements. The Attends Cover Dri Plus documents come in a convenient and practical bottle of 50 pieces, measuring 60 x 90cm. It is hassle-free to use and dispose of, making it a cost-effective solution for managing incontinence and other fluid-related issues. The product is dermatologically tested and proven to be gentle on the skin, with no known skin irritations or allergic reactions. When it comes to managing fluid-related issues, the Attends Cover Dri Plus documents offer a reliable and efficient solution. It provides superior protection against liquid spills and contamination, ensuring clean and hygienic surfaces at all times. ..
73.32 USD
Attends pull ons 8 xl
Attends Pull Ons 8 Pant XL on mõeldud pidamatuse probleemidega inimestele, pakkudes diskreetset ja mugavat lahendust põie lekke juhtimiseks. Suurusevahemikuga 130–170 cm tagavad need püksid kindlalt, et tagada optimaalne kaitse ja enesekindlus. Kott sisaldab 14 tükki, mis teeb selle mugavaks kasutamiseks kodus või liikvel olles. Need kvaliteetsed Attendsi mähkmed seavad esikohale mugavuse, tagades samas maksimaalse imavuse, aidates kasutajatel püsida kuivana ja mugavalt kogu päeva. Attends Pull Ons 8 Pant XL on ideaalne valik neile, kes otsivad usaldusväärset uriinipidamatuse ravi...
64.21 USD
Elastne molicare 10 s 22 tk
The Elastic MoliCare 10 S 22 pcs are high-quality adult diapers designed to meet the needs of people who require incontinence care. These diapers are a popular choice for caregivers who are looking for a reliable and effective solution to manage incontinence. With a comfortable elastic waistband, the MoliCare diapers provide a secure and snug fit, ensuring that the wearer experiences maximum comfort and protection. The elastic waistband is soft and flexible, and it adapts to the movement of the wearer for a more comfortable experience. The MoliCare diapers come with a breathable and absorbent core that quickly captures and locks away moisture, providing the wearer with long-lasting protection. The superabsorbent core helps to keep the skin dry, reducing the risk of irritation and infection. Additionally, the diapers are pH-neutral, making them gentle on the skin. The MoliCare diapers feature a wetness indicator that changes color when the diaper is full, alerting caregivers that it is time to change the diaper. This feature helps to promote good hygiene practices and reduces the risk of skin irritation and infection. The Elastic MoliCare 10 S 22 pcs are ideal for people with moderate to heavy incontinence. They are suitable for use during the day or at night, providing the wearer with the freedom and confidence they need to go about their daily activities. In conclusion, if you or someone you know requires reliable and effective incontinence care, the Elastic MoliCare 10 S 22 pcs are an excellent option that provide maximum comfort and long-lasting protection. ..
79.12 USD
Hollister dm kondoomi pissuaar 26-30mm 30 tk
Tutvustame HOLLISTER DM kondoomi pissuaari – usaldusväärset lahendust pidamatuse mugavuse ja diskreetsuse juhtimiseks. See pakend sisaldab 30 esmaklassilist lateksivaba kondoomi pissuaari, mis on mõeldud kindlalt istumiseks läbimõõduga 26-30 mm. HOLLISTER DM kondoomi pissuaar, mis sobib ideaalselt inimestele, kes vajavad abi põie kontrollimisel, pakub praktilist ja hügieenilist lahendust. See toode sobib suurepäraselt veereva kohtunikuga kasutamiseks ja on hädavajalik tarvik mugavaks pidamatuse hoolduseks kodus või tervishoiuasutustes. Usaldage HOLLISTERi pühendumust kvaliteedile ja uuendustele teie kuseteede hooldusvajaduste rahuldamiseks...
187.54 USD
Molicare premium voodimatt 7 40x60cm 25 stk
MoliCare Premium voodimati 7 40x60cm 25 tk omadusedEuroopa CE sertifikaatKogus pakendis: 25 tkKaal: 673g Pikkus: 130 mm Laius: 180 mm Kõrgus: 290 mm Ostke Šveitsist Internetist MoliCare Premium voodimatt 7 40x60 cm 25 tk..
23.90 USD
Tena bed super haiguslood 60x90cm 35 tk
TENA Bed Super tervisekaardi omadused 60x90cm 35 tkEuroopa CE sertifikaatKogus pakendis: 35 tkKaal: 3228g Pikkus: 192 mm Laius: 346 mm Kõrgus: 278 mm Ostke Šveitsist TENA Bed Super haiguslugusid 60x90 cm 35 tk...
58.17 USD
Tena soft wipe 30x32cm
TENA Soft Wipe 30x32cm TENA Soft Wipe 30x32cm on oluline isikliku hügieeni toode, mis tagab kõrgeima puhtuse ja mugavuse. Need salvrätikud sobivad ideaalselt tundliku nahaga inimestele ja neile, kes vajavad uriinipidamatuse korral täiendavat hoolt. Need on nahale ülipehmed ja õrnad, kuid samas piisavalt tugevad, et puhastada kiiresti ja hõlpsalt mustused ja lekked. Iga salvrätik on eriti suur, 30 x 32 cm, mistõttu on see ideaalne suurte kehapiirkondade puhastamiseks. TENA pehmed salvrätikud on mugavalt ühekordselt kasutatavad, mistõttu on need ideaalsed kasutamiseks kodus või liikvel olles. See on kompaktses ja vastupidavas pakendis, mida on lihtne kaasas kanda, hoiustada ja liikvel olles juurde pääseda. Salvetid on niiskusrikkad, tasakaalustatud pH-ga ning sisaldavad E-vitamiini ja Aloe Verat, et nahka toita ja kaitsta. Need on hüpoallergeensed ja dermatoloogiliselt testitud, tagades maksimaalse mugavuse ja ohutuse. TENA Soft Wipe 30x32cm sobib igale vanusele ja soole ning seda saab kasutada mitmel otstarbel, sealhulgas tundlike kehapiirkondade, käte ja pindade puhastamiseks. Selle mitmekülgne disain muudab selle suurepäraseks valikuks haiglatesse, hooldekodudesse ja kodudesse. Investeerige TENA Soft Wipe'i 30x32 cm juba täna ja nautige erakordset puhtust ja hügieeni igal kasutuskorral. ..
27.84 USD
Tena wet wash glove lõhnastatud 8 tk
TENA Wet Wash Glove perfumed 8 pcs The TENA Wet Wash Glove perfumed 8 pcs is an innovative product designed to provide the ultimate convenience while caring for your loved ones. It is an all-in-one solution for personal care, providing a gentle yet effective way to clean and refresh even the most sensitive people. Key Features: Made from soft and strong materials for a comfortable and efficient cleaning experience Packed with a light and fresh fragrance that leaves the skin feeling clean and refreshed A safe, gentle and pH balanced formula that ensures sensitive skin stays healthy and moisturized A versatile product that can be used anywhere on the body and easily disposed of after use Pack of 8 gloves provides great value for money and ensures you always have a product on hand The TENA Wet Wash Glove perfumed 8 pcs delivers a mess-free, quick and easy solution for incontinence and personal care. Its innovative design makes cleaning effortless, with the gloves offering a consistent and effective clean every time. The gloves are perfect for busy caregivers, hospitals, and homes, ensuring cleanliness and comfort for those who need it the most. The gloves are suitable for a wide range of users, delivering a gentle and comfortable solution for individuals with urinary and fecal incontinence, or those with limited mobility. The perfumed fragrance helps to mask any unpleasant odors, leaving the skin feeling fresh and clean for longer periods. This product is a must-have for anyone looking for a convenient, all-in-one solution for their personal care needs. Whether you're a caregiver or an individual in need, the TENA Wet Wash Glove perfumed 8 pcs is an effective and convenient solution that delivers the perfect balance of convenience, cleanliness, and comfort...
9.48 USD