
Immuunsuse tugi

Tooted 51 - 75, tooteid kokku 139, lehekülgi 6
Saidil mõistame tugeva immuunsüsteemi tähtsust üldise tervise ja heaolu jaoks. Seetõttu on meie Šveitsist pärit tervise- ja ilutoodete valikus lai valik immuunsüsteemi toetamise kategooriaid – tervisetooted, looduslikud abinõud, homöopaatia, tervis + toitumine, toidukaubad, dieedi- ja salenemistooted kuni kursuseni/toidulisanditeni. Meie immuunsüsteemi toetavad tooted on teaduslikult välja töötatud, et aidata tugevdada teie immuunsüsteemi. Olenemata sellest, kas otsite taimseid toidulisandeid, looduslikke ravimeid või probiootilisi toidulisandeid, pakub teid kindlasti. Samuti mõistame kasulikke adaptogeenseid omadusi, mis ulatuvad füüsilise kehahoolduse ja kosmeetika vahel. Tutvuge meie nahahooldustoodete, kosmeetikatoodete, D3-vitamiini ja K2-vitamiini toidulisanditega luude tervise jaoks. Neile, kes on keskendunud südame tervisele, on meil kolesteroolilisandid, mis aitavad LDL-kolesterooli taset alandada. Meie sortiment on rikastatud laia valiku vitamiinide ja mineraalidega, et rahuldada teie erinevaid vajadusi. Muutke oma Šveitsist kõigi oma tervise- ja iluvajaduste jaoks universaalteenuse pakkujaks.
A.vogel echinaforce vastupidavus külmatilgad fl 100 ml

A.vogel echinaforce vastupidavus külmatilgad fl 100 ml

Tootekood: 7759341

Värske taimne preparaat Echinaforce Resistance - Cold on valmistatud värskest õitsvast ürdist ja lilla käbilille värsketest juurtest. Echinaforce Resistance – külm on traditsiooniliselt hea neile, kes on külmetushaigustele vastuvõtlikud. Samuti soodustab see külmetushaiguste paranemisprotsessi. Echinaforce Resistance – külma kasutatakse keha kaitsevõime tõstmiseks, olles vastuvõtlik külmetushaigustele ja palavikulistele külmetushaigustele. Šveitsi meditsiini poolt heakskiidetud patsienditeaveEchinaforce®-i külmakindlusA. Vogel AGTaimne ravim Mis on Echinaforce Resistance – külmakindlus ja millal seda kasutatakse?Värske taimne preparaat Echinaforce Resistance – Cold on valmistatud värskest õitsvast ürdist ja taime värsketest juurtest Punane käbiõis. Echinaforce Resistance – külm on traditsiooniliselt hea neile, kes on külmetushaigustele vastuvõtlikud. Samuti soodustab see külmetushaiguste paranemisprotsessi. Echinaforce Resistance – külma kasutatakse keha kaitsevõime tõstmiseks, olles vastuvõtlik külmetushaigustele ja palavikulistele külmetushaigustele. Millega tuleks arvestada?Kui lapsed on vastuvõtlikud külmetushaigustele, on soovitatav konsulteerida arstiga. Millal ei tohi Echinaforce'i tilku võtta või tuleb neid võtta ainult ettevaatusega? Echinaforce vastupanu – külma ei tohi kasutada, kui on teadaolev ülitundlikkus mõne koostisosa või karikakra perekonda (Asteraceae) kuuluvate taimede suhtes, nagu arnika, saialill (Calendula), raudrohi (Achillea millefolium). ), karikakrad (Bellis perennis), käbiõied (Echinacea)! Kui lapsed külmetavad, on soovitatav konsulteerida arstiga. Preparaat ei sobi imikutele. Põhimõtteliselt ei tohiks Echinaforce Resistance - Cold'i kasutada autoimmuunhaiguste, leukoosi või hulgiskleroosi korral. Echinaforce Resistance - Cold kasutamist ja ohutust alla 4-aastastel lastel ei ole veel testitud. Rääkige oma arstile, apteekrile või apteekrile, kui põete muid haigusi, olete allergiline või kasutate muid ravimeid (sealhulgas neid, mille olete ise ostnud). Kas Echinaforce Resistance – külma võib võtta raseduse või rinnaga toitmise ajal?Varasemate kogemuste põhjal ei ole juhiste järgi kasutamisel teadaolevat ohtu lapsele. Süstemaatilisi teaduslikke uuringuid pole aga kunagi tehtud. Ettevaatusabinõuna peaksite raseduse ja imetamise ajal hoiduma ravimite võtmisest või küsima nõu oma arstilt, apteekrilt või apteekrilt. Kuidas te kasutate Echinaforce'i külmakindlust?Täiskasvanud ja üle 12-aastased noorukid, kes on vastuvõtlikud külmetushaigustele (profülaktika): 20 tilka väheses vees 3 korda päevas enne sööki. Alates 4-aastastele lastele: 10 tilka 3 korda päevas. Täiskasvanud ja noorukid alates 12. eluaastast, kellel on külmetus- ja palavikuhaigused: 20-25 tilka väheses vees 3-5 korda päevas. 4-aastased lapsed: 10 tilka 3-5 korda päevas. Echinaforce Resistance – külmetushaiguse kasutamist ja ohutust alla 4-aastastel lastel ei ole testitud. Seda ei tohiks pidevalt võtta kauem kui 2 kuud. Järgige pakendi infolehes antud või arsti poolt määratud annust. Kui teile tundub, et ravim on liiga nõrk või liiga tugev, pidage nõu oma arsti, apteekri või apteekriga. Milliseid kõrvaltoimeid võib Echinaforce Resistance - Cold'il olla?Echinaforce Resistance - Cold võtmisel võivad tekkida järgmised kõrvaltoimed: harvadel juhtudel ülitundlikkusreaktsioonid (nagu nahk on täheldatud lööbeid ja väga harva astmat, vereringereaktsioone). Sellisel juhul tuleb ravi kohe katkestada ja pöörduda arsti poole. Kui märkate kõrvaltoimeid, mida siin ei ole kirjeldatud, teavitage sellest oma arsti, apteekrit või apteekrit. Millega veel arvestada?Echinaforce-kindlus – külm sisaldab tootmisega seotud alkoholisisaldust 62–70 mahuprotsenti. Echinaforce'i vastupidavus – külma tuleks hoida toatemperatuuril (15-25°C) ja lastele kättesaamatus kohas. Echinaforce'i vastupidavus – külma võib kasutada ainult kuni kuupäevani, mis on märgitud mahutile "EXP". Värskete taimede tinktuurid võivad aeg-ajalt kogeda öist hägusust, kuid see ei mõjuta mõju. Kasutamata või aegunud pakendid tuleb kõrvaldamiseks tagastada apteekrile. Teie arst, apteeker või apteeker võib teile anda lisateavet. Echinaforce on saadaval ka alkoholivabade tablettidena ja kuuma joogina. Mis sisaldab Echinaforce Resistance - Cold?1 ml Echinaforce Resistance - Cold sisaldab: 860 mg värskelt õitseva lilla käbilille ürdi tinktuuri*, ravimi ekstraktandi suhe 1: 12, ekstraheeriv etanool 65% (maht/maht); 45 mg lilla okaslille* värsketest juurtest valmistatud tinktuura, ravimi ja ekstraktsiooni suhe 1:11, ekstraktiiv etanool 65% (maht/maht). *kontrollitud maheviljelusest. Echinaforce Resistance – külm sisaldab 62–70 mahuprotsenti alkoholi. 1 ml = 28 tilka. Kinnitusnumber30724 (Swissmedic) Kust saab Echinaforce Resistance – tavaline külmetushaigus? Millised pakendid on saadaval? Apteekides ja apteekides, ilma arsti retseptita, 50 ml, 100 ml ja 200 ml pakendites. Loa omanikA.Vogel AG, CH-9325 Roggwil Seda infolehte kontrollis viimati ravimiamet (Swissmedic) 2003. aasta novembris. ..

78.54 USD

A.vogel echinaforce vastupidavus külmatilgad fl 50 ml

A.vogel echinaforce vastupidavus külmatilgad fl 50 ml

Tootekood: 7759340

Värske taimne preparaat Echinaforce Resistance - Cold on valmistatud värskest õitsvast ürdist ja lilla käbilille värsketest juurtest. Echinaforce Resistance – külm on traditsiooniliselt hea neile, kes on külmetushaigustele vastuvõtlikud. Samuti soodustab see külmetushaiguste paranemisprotsessi. Echinaforce Resistance – külma kasutatakse keha kaitsevõime tõstmiseks, olles vastuvõtlik külmetushaigustele ja palavikulistele külmetushaigustele. Šveitsi meditsiini poolt heakskiidetud patsienditeaveEchinaforce®-i külmakindlusA. Vogel AGTaimne ravim Mis on Echinaforce Resistance – külmakindlus ja millal seda kasutatakse?Värske taimne preparaat Echinaforce Resistance – Cold on valmistatud värskest õitsvast ürdist ja taime värsketest juurtest Punane käbiõis. Echinaforce Resistance – külm on traditsiooniliselt hea neile, kes on külmetushaigustele vastuvõtlikud. Samuti soodustab see külmetushaiguste paranemisprotsessi. Echinaforce Resistance – külma kasutatakse keha kaitsevõime tõstmiseks, olles vastuvõtlik külmetushaigustele ja palavikulistele külmetushaigustele. Millega tuleks arvestada?Kui lapsed on vastuvõtlikud külmetushaigustele, on soovitatav konsulteerida arstiga. Millal ei tohi Echinaforce'i tilku võtta või tuleb neid võtta ainult ettevaatusega? Echinaforce vastupanu – külma ei tohi kasutada, kui on teadaolev ülitundlikkus mõne koostisosa või karikakra perekonda (Asteraceae) kuuluvate taimede suhtes, nagu arnika, saialill (Calendula), raudrohi (Achillea millefolium). ), karikakrad (Bellis perennis), käbiõied (Echinacea)! Kui lapsed külmetavad, on soovitatav konsulteerida arstiga. Preparaat ei sobi imikutele. Põhimõtteliselt ei tohiks Echinaforce Resistance - Cold'i kasutada autoimmuunhaiguste, leukoosi või hulgiskleroosi korral. Echinaforce Resistance - Cold kasutamist ja ohutust alla 4-aastastel lastel ei ole veel testitud. Rääkige oma arstile, apteekrile või apteekrile, kui põete muid haigusi, olete allergiline või kasutate muid ravimeid (sealhulgas neid, mille olete ise ostnud). Kas Echinaforce Resistance – külma võib võtta raseduse või rinnaga toitmise ajal?Varasemate kogemuste põhjal ei ole juhiste järgi kasutamisel teadaolevat ohtu lapsele. Süstemaatilisi teaduslikke uuringuid pole aga kunagi tehtud. Ettevaatusabinõuna peaksite raseduse ja imetamise ajal hoiduma ravimite võtmisest või küsima nõu oma arstilt, apteekrilt või apteekrilt. Kuidas te kasutate Echinaforce'i külmakindlust?Täiskasvanud ja üle 12-aastased noorukid, kes on vastuvõtlikud külmetushaigustele (profülaktika): 20 tilka väheses vees 3 korda päevas enne sööki. Alates 4-aastastele lastele: 10 tilka 3 korda päevas. Täiskasvanud ja noorukid alates 12. eluaastast, kellel on külmetus- ja palavikuhaigused: 20-25 tilka väheses vees 3-5 korda päevas. 4-aastased lapsed: 10 tilka 3-5 korda päevas. Echinaforce Resistance – külmetushaiguse kasutamist ja ohutust alla 4-aastastel lastel ei ole testitud. Seda ei tohiks pidevalt võtta kauem kui 2 kuud. Järgige pakendi infolehes antud või arsti poolt määratud annust. Kui teile tundub, et ravim on liiga nõrk või liiga tugev, pidage nõu oma arsti, apteekri või apteekriga. Milliseid kõrvaltoimeid võib Echinaforce Resistance - Cold'il olla?Echinaforce Resistance - Cold võtmisel võivad tekkida järgmised kõrvaltoimed: harvadel juhtudel ülitundlikkusreaktsioonid (nagu nahk on täheldatud lööbeid ja väga harva astmat, vereringereaktsioone). Sellisel juhul tuleb ravi kohe katkestada ja pöörduda arsti poole. Kui märkate kõrvaltoimeid, mida siin ei ole kirjeldatud, teavitage sellest oma arsti, apteekrit või apteekrit. Millega veel arvestada?Echinaforce-kindlus – külm sisaldab tootmisega seotud alkoholisisaldust 62–70 mahuprotsenti. Echinaforce'i vastupidavus – külma tuleks hoida toatemperatuuril (15-25°C) ja lastele kättesaamatus kohas. Echinaforce'i vastupidavus – külma võib kasutada ainult kuni kuupäevani, mis on märgitud mahutile "EXP". Värskete taimede tinktuurid võivad aeg-ajalt kogeda öist hägusust, kuid see ei mõjuta mõju. Kasutamata või aegunud pakendid tuleb kõrvaldamiseks tagastada apteekrile. Teie arst, apteeker või apteeker võib teile anda lisateavet. Echinaforce on saadaval ka alkoholivabade tablettidena ja kuuma joogina. Mis sisaldab Echinaforce Resistance - Cold?1 ml Echinaforce Resistance - Cold sisaldab: 860 mg värskelt õitseva lilla käbilille ürdi tinktuuri*, ravimi ekstraktandi suhe 1: 12, ekstraheeriv etanool 65% (maht/maht); 45 mg lilla okaslille* värsketest juurtest valmistatud tinktuura, ravimi ja ekstraktsiooni suhe 1:11, ekstraktiiv etanool 65% (maht/maht). *kontrollitud maheviljelusest. Echinaforce Resistance – külm sisaldab 62–70 mahuprotsenti alkoholi. 1 ml = 28 tilka. Kinnitusnumber30724 (Swissmedic) Kust saab Echinaforce Resistance – tavaline külmetushaigus? Millised pakendid on saadaval? Apteekides ja apteekides, ilma arsti retseptita, 50 ml, 100 ml ja 200 ml pakendites. Loa omanikA.Vogel AG, CH-9325 Roggwil Seda infolehte kontrollis viimati ravimiamet (Swissmedic) 2003. aasta novembris. ..

48.33 USD

A.vogel zinc complex ekraanitahvlid saksa 6 x 30 tk

A.vogel zinc complex ekraanitahvlid saksa 6 x 30 tk

Tootekood: 7747139

A.Vogel Zinc Complex Display Tablets - 6 x 30 Pieces (German) Looking for a supplement that can help boost your immune system and support your overall health? A.Vogel Zinc Complex Display Tablets may just be what you need. What is Zinc Complex? Zinc is an essential mineral that is important for many different bodily functions. It helps support a healthy immune system, promotes wound healing, and plays a role in the metabolism of nutrients like protein and carbohydrates. Unfortunately, many people don't get enough zinc in their diets. Zinc Complex is a supplement that provides a combination of zinc, vitamin C, and vitamin BThese nutrients work together to support your immune system, promote healthy skin and hair, and help your body produce energy. Why Choose A.Vogel Zinc Complex Tablets? There are many reasons why you might choose A.Vogel Zinc Complex over other zinc supplements. Here are just a few: High-quality ingredients. A.Vogel Zinc Complex is made with high-quality, all-natural ingredients that are carefully selected for their purity and potency. Easily absorbed. A.Vogel Zinc Complex is formulated to be easily absorbed by your body, so you can get the most benefit from each tablet. Convenient. Each pack contains six boxes of 30 tablets each, so you can easily keep a supply on hand. German made. A.Vogel is a trusted German brand that is known for its high-quality natural products. How to Use A.Vogel Zinc Complex Tablets To use A.Vogel Zinc Complex Tablets, simply take one tablet per day with food. Do not exceed the recommended dosage. Store in a cool, dry place out of the reach of children. These tablets are not a substitute for a balanced and varied diet and a healthy lifestyle. Order your A.Vogel Zinc Complex Display Tablets today and start supporting your immune system and overall health!..

124.82 USD

A.vogel zinc complex tabletid näitavad prantsuse / itaalia 6 x 30 tk

A.vogel zinc complex tabletid näitavad prantsuse / itaalia 6 x 30 tk

Tootekood: 7747140

A.Vogel Zinc Complex Tablets The A.Vogel Zinc Complex Tablets Display French/Italian 6 x 30 Pieces is a dietary supplement that provides an essential mineral for the body. Zinc is important for multiple functions, including the immune system, protein synthesis, wound healing, and DNA synthesis. This product offers a convenient and easy way to obtain the necessary amount of zinc daily. Features: Each tablet contains 5mg of zinc Rich in Vitamin C and Iron The packaging includes six boxes of 30 pieces each that offer a total of 180 tablets Available in predominantly French or Italian packaging The tablets are gluten-free, GMO-free, and contains no added preservatives, colors or flavors Health Benefits of Zinc: Several studies have shown that zinc plays a vital role in maintaining a healthy immune system. It helps reduce the severity of the common cold and is also essential for faster wound healing. In addition, zinc is a vital mineral for DNA synthesis, protein synthesis, and growth and development during pregnancy, childhood, and adolescence. It is also beneficial for maintaining healthy vision and promoting healthy hair, skin, and nails. Zinc helps in supporting the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins, making sure that our body is utilizing nutrients effectively. How to Use: For adults, it is recommended to take one tablet daily with food. This product is not suitable for children under the age of If you are pregnant, breastfeeding or taking any medication, please consult your healthcare professional before using this product. Conclusion: A.Vogel Zinc Complex Tablets Display French/Italian 6 x 30 Pieces is the perfect supplement for those looking to support their immune system and overall health. The convenient packaging makes it easy to take on-the-go, and the absence of any artificial additives ensures the safety of use for all. ..

128.37 USD

Arkoroyal mesilaspiim forte bio 20 trinkamp 10 ml

Arkoroyal mesilaspiim forte bio 20 trinkamp 10 ml

Tootekood: 7782566

Arkoroyal Royal Jelly Forte Bio 20 Trinkamp 10 ml The Arkoroyal Royal Jelly Forte Bio 20 Trinkamp is a dietary supplement made of 100% pure organic royal jelly extracted from the honeycomb. It is a rich source of essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants that helps to support your overall health and well-being naturally. The product is available in an easy to consume 10ml trinkamp that contains 20% pure organic royal jelly and organic honey for a rich and smooth taste. Key Features: 100% Pure Organic Royal Jelly: The product is made of 100% pure, organic royal jelly extracted from the honeycomb without any additives or preservatives. Rich in Nutrients: It is a rich source of essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants that help to support your overall health and well-being. Easy to Consume: The product is available in an easy to consume 10ml trinkamp that contains 20% pure organic royal jelly and organic honey for a rich and smooth taste. Natural Formula: The product is made with natural ingredients and free from artificial colors, flavors, and sweeteners. It is also gluten-free and non-GMO. Benefits: Boosts Immune System: The rich nutrients in the royal jelly can help to boost your immune system and protect against infections and diseases. Improves Skin Health: The antioxidants in the royal jelly can help to protect your skin from damage caused by free radicals and improve your skin's overall health and appearance. Increases Energy Levels: The rich nutrients in the royal jelly can help to increase your energy levels and reduce fatigue, helping you to feel more alert and focused throughout the day. Improves Digestive Health: The natural formula of the product helps to improve your digestive health and promotes better absorption of nutrients from food. Overall, the Arkoroyal Royal Jelly Forte Bio 20 Trinkamp 10 ml is an excellent dietary supplement that offers a range of health benefits to support your overall health and well-being. Its rich nutrients and natural formula make it a perfect choice for anyone looking to boost their immune system, increase energy levels, and improve their overall health and well-being...

78.54 USD

Beba optipro junior 12+ vanuses 12 kuud ds 800 g

Beba optipro junior 12+ vanuses 12 kuud ds 800 g

Tootekood: 7759329

Beba Optipro Junior 12+ at 12 months Ds 800 g Beba Optipro Junior is a specially formulated powdered milk drink for children 12 months and up. It contains essential nutrients that support the growth and development of your child's brain and body during this crucial stage. Optipro Formula The Optipro formula is a unique blend of high-quality whey protein and partially hydrolyzed protein that provides a balanced ratio of amino acids. This formula helps to support optimal growth and development, immune function and overall health. Advanced Lipid System The Advanced Lipid System in Beba Optipro Junior is a combination of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPs) and nucleotides that support cognitive development, vision and immune function. Iron and Vitamins Beba Optipro Junior is fortified with iron and vitamins A, C, and D to support normal immune system function and cognitive development. Mixing Instructions Mix one scoop of Beba Optipro Junior with 30 ml of water for every 30 ml of prepared milk. Stir well and serve. Storage Instructions Store in a cool, dry place. After opening, keep the package tightly closed and use within 4 weeks. 400 g Packaging This product comes in an 800 g package, providing you with a convenient and economical way to ensure that your child gets the nutrition they need. Total symbols: 871..

52.61 USD

Biosana glucosamin q10 tabl folsäure ds 140 stk

Biosana glucosamin q10 tabl folsäure ds 140 stk

Tootekood: 1000131

Biosana Glucosamin Q10 Tabl Fols\u00e4ure Ds 140 Stk The Biosana Glucosamin Q10 Tabl Fols\u00e4ure Ds 140 Stk is a dietary supplement that is designed to support joint health and strengthen the body's immune system. This supplement contains a unique combination of natural ingredients that work together to provide maximum benefits. Ingredients Glucosamine - Helps to improve joint mobility and reduce inflammation. Q10 - Provides antioxidant support and helps to protect the body against free radicals. Folic Acid - Supports the body's immune system and helps to promote healthy cell growth. Benefits The Biosana Glucosamin Q10 Tabl Fols\u00e4ure Ds 140 Stk offers a variety of benefits for those looking to support their joint health and overall well-being. These benefits include: Improved joint mobility and flexibility Reduced inflammation and stiffness Enhanced immune system function Promotion of healthy cell growth Antioxidant support to protect against free radical damage How to Use Take 2 tablets of the Biosana Glucosamin Q10 Tabl Fols\u00e4ure Ds supplement daily with a glass of water. It is recommended to take this supplement with food to help optimize absorption and minimize the risk of stomach upset. As with all dietary supplements, it is important to speak with your healthcare provider before beginning any new supplement regimen. ..

77.19 USD

Dr jacob's basentabletten 250 stk

Dr jacob's basentabletten 250 stk

Tootekood: 5084579

Property name Dietary supplements. Rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium and D3, with zinc and silicon. Composition Potassium citrate, calcium citrate, inulin (from chicory), magnesium citrate, magnesium carbonate, magnesium hydroxide, separating agent cellulose and magnesium salts of fatty acids (vegetable), acerola extract (1%) , Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C), Silica, Zinc Citrate, Vitamin D3.. Properties Fruit and vegetables provide valuable organic minerals such as potassium, calcium and magnesium (in a ratio of about 3:2), but little sodium. Dr. Jacob's base tablets are based on nature's example and consist of nutrients that contribute to the following normal bodily functions: Acid-base metabolism: zinc. Nervous system, muscle function:: potassium, magnesium. Maintenance of bones and teeth:: calcium, magnesium, vitamin D. Maintenance of normal blood pressure: potassium. Reduction of fatigue, energy metabolism: magnesium, vitamin C. Maintenance of skin, hair and nails: zinc. Collagen formation for normal cartilage function: vitamin C. Immune system: zinc, vitamins C and D. Application Swallow 2 × 4 tablets daily with plenty of liquid. Best before end/lot no.: see bottom of can. Nutritional values Nutritional value Quantity per % Measurement accuracy Sodium 5 g 9.6 g Vitamin C 80 mg 9.6 g Potassium 1000 mg 9.6 g Calcium 500 mg 9 .6 g Magnesium 330 mg 9, 6 g Zinc 5 mg 9.6 g Allergens Contains div> Contains no allergens that must be declared Notes Store the can in a dry place and keep the lid closed. Only use after medical advice in the case of (medication-related) disorders of the potassium balance, hyperkalemia, alkalosis or kidney failure. The full daily dose (8 tablets) is suitable for people aged 15 and over. The specified recommended daily dose must not be exceeded. Keep out of reach of children. Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a varied, balanced diet. Included drying element not suitable for consumption. Property name Food supplements. Rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium and D3, with zinc and silicon. Composition Potassium citrate, calcium citrate, inulin (from chicory), magnesium citrate, magnesium carbonate, magnesium hydroxide, separating agent cellulose and magnesium salts of fatty acids (vegetable), acerola extract (1%) , Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C), Silica, Zinc Citrate, Vitamin D3.. Properties Fruit and vegetables provide valuable organic minerals such as potassium, calcium and magnesium (in a ratio of about 3:2), but little sodium. Dr. Jacob's base tablets are based on nature's example and consist of nutrients that contribute to the following normal bodily functions: Acid-base metabolism: zinc. Nervous system, muscle function:: potassium, magnesium. Maintenance of bones and teeth:: calcium, magnesium, vitamin D. Maintenance of normal blood pressure: potassium. Reduction of fatigue, energy metabolism: magnesium, vitamin C. Maintenance of skin, hair and nails: zinc. Collagen formation for normal cartilage function: vitamin C. Immune system: zinc, vitamins C and D. Application Swallow 2 × 4 tablets daily with plenty of liquid. Best before end/lot no.: see bottom of can. Nutritional values Nutritional valueQuantityper%Measurement accuracy Sodium5 g9.6 gVitamin C80 mg9.6 gPotassium1000 mg 9.6 gCalcium500 mg9 .6 gMagnesium330 mg9, 6 gZinc5 mg9.6 g Allergens Contains div>Contains no allergens that must be declared Notes Store the can in a dry place and keep the lid closed. Only use after medical advice in the case of (medication-related) disorders of the potassium balance, hyperkalemia, alkalosis or kidney failure. The full daily dose (8 tablets) is suitable for people aged 15 and over. The specified recommended daily dose must not be exceeded. Keep out of reach of children. Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a varied, balanced diet. Included drying element not suitable for consumption. ..

53.29 USD

Dr jacobi d3-vitamiin öl 20 ml

Dr jacobi d3-vitamiin öl 20 ml

Tootekood: 5838386

Property name Food supplement. The sun vitamin in drop form. Composition MCT oil (medium chain triglycerides from coconut oil), antioxidants: vitamin E of natural origin, vitamin D3.. Properties Most of the sun vitamin is formed by our body itself when there is sufficient exposure to the sun in the skin. However, in autumn and winter, when the sun is too short (office work) and when the skin is dark, this is sometimes not enough. In addition, the body's own production of the sun vitamin decreases with age. If the body does not produce vitamin D itself, the German Society for Nutrition recommends a daily intake of 20 µg (800 IU) of vitamin D for adults. This corresponds to 1 drop of vitamin D3 oil. Vitamin D3 contributes the following normal bodily functions: immune system maintenance of bones and teeth muscle function Application 1 drop daily. Children under 1 year: 1 drop every other day. Best before date and batch number: see bottom of pack. Allergens May contain Peanuts and peanut products Notes Store in a cool (6-25°C) and protected from light. Use within 6 months after opening. The recommended daily dose must not be exceeded. Keep out of reach of children. Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a varied diet. Property name Food supplement.The sun vitamin in drop form. Composition MCT oil (medium-chain triglycerides from coconut oil), antioxidant: vitamin E of natural origin , Vitamin D3.. Properties Our body forms the majority of the sun vitamin in the skin itself when there is sufficient exposure to the sun. In autumn and winter, when stays in the sun (office work) and dark skin color is sometimes not enough. In addition, the body's own production of the sun vitamin decreases with age. If the body does not produce vitamin D itself, the German Society for Nutrition recommends a daily intake of 20 µg (800 IU) of vitamin D for adults. This corresponds to 1 drop of vitamin D3 oil. Vitamin D3 contributes the following normal bodily functions: immune system maintenance of bones and teeth muscle function Application 1 drop daily. Children under 1 year: 1 drop every other day.Best before date and batch number: see bottom of pack. Allergens May contain Peanuts and peanut products Notes Store in a cool (6-25°C) and protected from light. After opening, use up within 6 months. The recommended daily dose must not be exceeded. Keep out of reach of children. Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a varied diet. ..

27.43 USD

Dr. jacob's aminobase plv

Dr. jacob's aminobase plv

Tootekood: 5780617

DR. JACOB'S AminoBase Plvon kvaliteetne toidulisand, mis pakub asendamatuid aminohappeid optimaalse tervise ja heaolu edendamiseks. Selle toote ainulaadne aminohapete segu on hoolikalt koostatud, et rahuldada nende oluliste valgu ehitusplokkide igapäevast vajadust. Mis on aminohapped? Aminohapped on valgu ehitusplokid, mis on oluline makrotoitaine, mida organism vajab kudede kasvuks, paranemiseks ja säilitamiseks. Keha normaalseks toimimiseks vajab 20 erinevat aminohapet, millest üheksa peetakse hädavajalikuks, kuna keha ei suuda neid ise toota. Miks võtta DR. JACOB'S AminoBase Plv? DR. JACOB'S AminoBase Plv on suurepärane valik neile, kes soovivad tagada, et nad saaksid optimaalsel tasemel asendamatuid aminohappeid. See toode sobib ideaalselt inimestele, kes tarbivad piiratud koguses valgurikkaid toite või kes tegelevad regulaarse füüsilise tegevusega, nagu raskuste tõstmine, jooksmine või muud suuremat aminohapete vajadust nõudvad spordialad. DR-i peamised eelised. JACOB'S AminoBase Plv Toetab lihaste kasvu ja taastumist Parandab immuunfunktsiooni Edendab tervet nahka, juukseid ja küüsi Vähendab lihaste valulikkust ja väsimust Parandab kognitiivset funktsiooni Miks valida DR. JACOB'S AminoBase Plv? DR. JACOB'S AminoBase Plv on valmistatud kvaliteetsetest mitte-GMO koostisosadest, mida on kliiniliselt testitud, et tagada nende ohutus ja tõhusus. See toode ei sisalda kunstlikke säilitusaineid, värve ega maitseaineid, mistõttu on see täiesti loomulik ja tervislik valik neile, kes soovivad toetada optimaalset tervist ja heaolu. DR. JACOB'S AminoBase Plv-d on lihtne kasutada ja seda saab lisada oma lemmiksmuutidele, kokteilidele või muudele jookidele. See on saadaval mugavas pulbri kujul, mis muudab igapäevase tarbimise kohandamise lihtsaks vastavalt teie individuaalsetele vajadustele ja eelistustele. Järeldus DR. JACOB'S AminoBase Plv on kõrgekvaliteediline aminohappeline toidulisand, mis pakub optimaalse tervise ja heaolu jaoks üliolulisi valkude ehitusplokke. Seda on lihtne kasutada ja seda saab lisada oma lemmikjookidele, et toetada lihaste kasvu, kognitiivset funktsiooni, immuunfunktsiooni ja üldist heaolu. Proovige DR. JACOB'S AminoBase Plv juba täna ja kogege ise selle hämmastava toidulisandi eeliseid...

44.26 USD

Grethers red currant c-vitamiin pastillen ohne zucker ds 110 g

Grethers red currant c-vitamiin pastillen ohne zucker ds 110 g

Tootekood: 1003372

Grethers Redcurrant Vitamin C Pastillen ohne Zucker Ds 110 g If you're looking for a delicious way to supplement your vitamin C intake, look no further than Grethers Redcurrant Vitamin C Pastillen ohne Zucker. These pastilles are sugar-free and made with real redcurrant flavoring for a delicious and fruity taste. But they don't just taste good ? each pastille contains a healthy dose of vitamin C to support your immune system and overall health. The 110 g package contains approximately 54 pastilles, making it easy to keep a stash at home, at work, or on the go. Simply pop a pastille in your mouth whenever you need a quick vitamin C boost. The convenient packaging also makes these pastilles a great option for traveling or for taking to the gym or on hikes. The Grethers brand is known for its high-quality, great-tasting pastilles that have been enjoyed for over 150 years. All Grethers products are made with natural ingredients and are free from harmful additives, making them a nutritious option for any health-conscious individual. Whether you're looking to support your immune system, improve your overall health, or simply enjoy a tasty way to get your daily dose of vitamin C, Grethers Redcurrant Vitamin C Pastillen ohne Zucker are the perfect choice. Try them out today and see the difference for yourself!..

15.12 USD

Livsane vitamiin c+d3 kautabletten

Livsane vitamiin c+d3 kautabletten

Tootekood: 1001676

LIVSANE Vitamin C+D3 Kautabletten LIVSANE Vitamin C+D3 Kautabletten is a dietary supplement designed to provide your body with the necessary vitamins it requires for optimal health. These chewable tablets contain two essential vitamins, Vitamin C and Vitamin D3, which play vital roles in supporting a healthy immune system, bone health, and overall wellness. Vitamin C Vitamin C is an essential nutrient that acts as an antioxidant in the body, helping to protect our cells from damage. It is also necessary for collagen production, which is essential for the health of our skin, bones, and connective tissues. Additionally, Vitamin C is known to support the immune system, helping to fight off infections and illnesses. Vitamin D3 Vitamin D3 is a fat-soluble vitamin, commonly known as the sunshine vitamin, as our skin naturally produces it when exposed to sunlight. It is necessary for calcium absorption in the body, which is vital for maintaining strong bones and teeth, and also supports the immune system and heart health. LIVSANE Vitamin C+D3 Kautabletten is an easy and convenient way to ensure that you are getting these essential vitamins in your diet, in a delicious orange flavor that makes them enjoyable to take. Each tablet contains 500mg of Vitamin C and 15µg of Vitamin D3, making it an effective way to support your overall health and well-being. ..

28.16 USD

Luce d3 tropftube 10 ml

Luce d3 tropftube 10 ml

Tootekood: 7778206

This food supplement contains vitamin D3 for people who have an increased need for vitamin D3. It is also suitable for use during the sunny months of autumn or winter. Developed and manufactured in Switzerland.Vitamin D3 supports the body as follows: Normal functioning of the immune systemPreservation of normal bonesNormal muscle function The product is: Vegan li>Gluten-freeLactose-freeWithout alcoholNo preservatives application: 1. year of age: take 2 drops dailyFrom the 2nd year of life: take 4 drops dailyAdults: Take 4 - 10 drops daily ..

34.41 USD

Marcus rohrer spirulina tablets 180 pieces + 60 pieces free glasfl

Marcus rohrer spirulina tablets 180 pieces + 60 pieces free glasfl

Tootekood: 1000725

Marcus Rohrer Spirulina Tablets Marcus Rohrer Spirulina Tablets is a natural food supplement that delivers an abundance of nutrients to your body. It is made with 100% natural,organic and high-quality Spirulina algae. Each spirulina tablet is rich in proteins, amino acids, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that help to support healthy digestion, strengthen the immune system, and improve energy levels. Benefits of Spirulina Boosts energy levels Supports healthy digestion Strengthen immune system Improves overall well-being Rich in nutrients, including protein, B-vitamins, iron, and antioxidants Helps in maintaining a healthy blood pressure level 180 Pieces + 60 Pieces Free Glass Bottle This product comes in a convenient glass bottle containing 180 pieces of spirulina tablets. You are also given an additional 60 pieces absolutely free so that you can enjoy the benefits of this wonderful supplement for a longer period of time. The glass bottle packaging helps to protect the spirulina tablets from moisture, sunlight and other environmental factors that may damage the nutrients and quality of the product. Directions for Use Take 3-6 tablets per day with a glass of water. It is recommended that you take this supplement on a daily basis to enjoy maximum benefits and support a healthy lifestyle. This product is suitable for anyone who is looking for a natural supplement that will help to support their overall health and well-being. Get your Marcus Rohrer Spirulina Tablets 180 pieces + 60 pieces free glass bottle today and enjoy the benefits of this amazing natural supplement...

55.99 USD

Phytopharma infect stop pastillid 30 tk

Phytopharma infect stop pastillid 30 tk

Tootekood: 7773613

Tutvustame Phytopharma Infect Stop pastille – teie ülimat kaitset tüütute infektsioonide vastu. Iga pakend sisaldab 30 mugavat imemistabletti, mis on spetsiaalselt koostatud tavaliste külmetushaiguste, kurguvalu ja hingamisteede infektsioonide vastu võitlemiseks. Need imemistabletid, mis sisaldavad võimsaid looduslikke koostisosi, sealhulgas taimeekstrakte ja immuunsüsteemi tugevdavaid ühendeid, leevendavad tõhusalt sümptomeid ja soodustavad kiiremat taastumist. Ükskõik, kas võitlete kangekaelse köhaga või otsite gripihooajal lihtsalt lisakaitset, on Phytopharma Infect Stop pastillid teie parim lahendus. Ärge laske infektsioonidel end aeglustada – relvastage end nende pastillidega ning püsige aastaringselt tugevad ja terved...

29.36 USD

Puhas mustikaekstrakt cape ds 60 tk

Puhas mustikaekstrakt cape ds 60 tk

Tootekood: 7773585

Pure Blueberry Extract Cape DS 60 pcs Are you looking for a natural way to boost your health and wellness? Look no further than Pure Blueberry Extract Cape DS! Our supplement is made from fresh, whole blueberries and provides all the benefits of this superfood in an easy-to-take capsule form. Each bottle contains 60 capsules, each of which contains 500 mg of pure blueberry extract. Our extraction process is designed to preserve the natural vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants found in blueberries, ensuring that you get the most out of each dose. Benefits of Pure Blueberry Extract Cape DS Supports healthy brain function and memory Helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels Boosts immunity and supports overall health Contains potent antioxidants to protect against free radical damage May help reduce inflammation and support joint health Our blueberry extract capsules are made in a GMP-certified facility, ensuring the highest quality and purity. They are also third-party tested for potency and purity, so you can feel confident in every dose you take. Take 1-2 capsules per day with food to enjoy the benefits of Pure Blueberry Extract Cape DS. Try it today and experience the power of this amazing superfood for yourself!..

84.78 USD

Salus vitamiin-b-komplex tonikum

Salus vitamiin-b-komplex tonikum

Tootekood: 7752582

The Salus Vitamin B complex is a tonic with 6 important B vitamins B1, B2, niacin (B3), B6, biotin (B7) and vitamin B12. The B vitamins are involved in many metabolic processes in the body and contribute to mental and physical well-being. They all play a role in healthy energy metabolism and healthy nerve function. In addition, the vitamins have other tasks. Vitamin B1 contributes to normal mental function and normal heart function. Vitamin B2 and niacin can help to reduce fatigue and exhaustion and contribute to maintaining normal skin and mucous membranes. Vitamins B6 and B12 play a role in the formation of red blood cells and normal functioning of the immune system. Vitamin B7, also known as biotin, contributes to normal mental function and the maintenance of normal hair and healthy skin and mucous membranes. The tonic has a fruity fresh taste of orange and passion fruit. The tonic also contains natural caffeine from guarana seeds and green tea. 6 B vitaminsWith guarana seeds and green tea Fresh, fruity taste of orange and passion fruit Application Adults and children: Take 20ml daily, preferably in the morning for breakfast. Composition Aqueous vegetable extract (49%) (from guarana seeds, green tea, green oat herb, ginger root, spinach), agave juice concentrate, water, apricot puree, orange juice concentrate (9 %), passion fruit juice concentrate, vitamin B yeast Thickeners Locust bean gum, passion fruit flavor extract, nicotinamide (niacin), orange oil, sodium riboflavin 5'-phosphate (vitamin B2), pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6), thiamine hydrochloride ( vitamin B1), biotin, methylcobalamin (vitamin B12)...

38.28 USD

Schindele's mineralien kaps ds 250 stk

Schindele's mineralien kaps ds 250 stk

Tootekood: 5636286

Schindele's Mineralien Kaps Ds 250 Stk is a high-quality dietary supplement that contains natural mineral ingredients sourced from the manufactory's own deposit. Each capsule is packed with a blend of more than 30 different minerals and trace elements that work together to provide holistic support for your body's various functions. These capsules are 100% natural and free from any harmful chemicals or preservatives, ensuring that you get the best possible nutrition without any adverse effects. The minerals contained in Schindele's Mineralien Kaps Ds 250 Stk are easily absorbable and help to support various body functions, including metabolism, digestion, and immune system function. Whether you're looking to support your overall health or simply want to improve your energy levels, this dietary supplement is the perfect choice. It's easy to incorporate into your daily routine and provides long-lasting benefits that you can feel. Schindele's Mineralien Kaps Ds 250 Stk comes in a pack with 250 capsules, providing you with a convenient and cost-effective way to supplement your diet with essential minerals and trace elements. So why wait? Order your Schindele's Mineralien Kaps Ds 250 Stk today and start experiencing the benefits of natural, holistic nutrition!..

68.72 USD

Spagyros gemmo ficus carica glyc maz d 1 spr 30 ml

Spagyros gemmo ficus carica glyc maz d 1 spr 30 ml

Tootekood: 2460349


64.22 USD

Spagyros gemmo tilia tomentosa glyc maz d 1

Spagyros gemmo tilia tomentosa glyc maz d 1

Tootekood: 2460438


64.22 USD

Spagyros gemmo ulmus minor glyc maz d 1

Spagyros gemmo ulmus minor glyc maz d 1

Tootekood: 2740422


64.67 USD

Strath original liq aufbaumittel mit vit d

Strath original liq aufbaumittel mit vit d

Tootekood: 7773458

Strath Original vedel ehitusaine D-vitamiiniga Fl 250 ml Naturaalse D-vitamiiniga Strath ehitusaine põhineb kõrgekvaliteedilisel D-vitamiinil-taimsel pärmil. Naturaalse D-vitamiiniga kihi ehitusaine põhineb kvaliteetsel D-vitamiini taimsel pärmil. Elutähtsate ainete rikas toidulisand sobib lastele, täiskasvanutele, rasedatele, imetavatele emadele ja üliõpilastele; töötavad inimesed; Sportlased ja vanemad inimesed. D-vitamiin Strathis: toetab immuunsüsteemi aitab kaasa normaalsete luude ja hammaste säilimisele aitab kaasa kaltsiumi ja fosfori normaalsele omastamisele aitab kaasa normaalse lihaste funktsiooni säilitamisele kasutatakse tervena laste luude kasvu ja arengut. aitab kaasa laste immuunsüsteemi normaalsele talitlusele. Kasutusala: Võtta 1 teelusikatäis (5 ml) 3 korda päevas enne sööki puhtal kujul või piima, puuvilja- või köögiviljamahlaga segatuna. Lapsed vanuses 1 aastat ja üle poole hinnaga. Täiskasvanutele mõeldud 15 ml Strath ehitusaine päevane annus sisaldab 6 µg ehk 240 RÜ D-vitamiini. Soovitatav päevane kogus 15 ml võib võtta pikaajaliselt. Üleannustamise oht puudub. Koostis:Koostis: Plasmolüüsitud D-vitamiini taimne pärm 83%, (D-vitamiini pärm, fruktoos, dekstroos, taimne pärm segu); Odralinnase ekstrakt 9%, apelsinisiirup 5% (suhkur, vesi, apelsinimahla kontsentraat), mesi 3%. Eelis: laktoosivaba ; taimetoitlane. Toidulisandid ei asenda mitmekülgset ja tasakaalustatud toitumist ega tervislikku eluviisi. ..

30.76 USD

Strath original liq aufbaumittel mit vit d

Strath original liq aufbaumittel mit vit d

Tootekood: 7773459

Strath Original vedel ehitusaine D-vitamiiniga Fl 500 ml Naturaalse D-vitamiiniga Strath ehitusaine põhineb kõrgekvaliteedilisel D-vitamiinil taimsel pärmil. Naturaalse D-vitamiiniga kihi ehitusaine põhineb kvaliteetsel D-vitamiini taimsel pärmil. Elutähtsate ainete rikas toidulisand sobib lastele, täiskasvanutele, rasedatele, imetavatele emadele ja üliõpilastele; töötavad inimesed; Sportlased ja vanemad inimesed. D-vitamiin Strathis: toetab immuunsüsteemi aitab kaasa normaalsete luude ja hammaste säilimisele aitab kaasa kaltsiumi ja fosfori normaalsele omastamisele aitab kaasa normaalse lihaste funktsiooni säilitamisele kasutatakse tervena laste luude kasvu ja arengut. aitab kaasa laste immuunsüsteemi normaalsele talitlusele. Kasutusala: Võtta 1 teelusikatäis (5 ml) 3 korda päevas enne sööki puhtal kujul või piima, puuvilja- või köögiviljamahlaga segatuna. Lapsed vanuses 1 aastat ja üle poole hinnaga. Täiskasvanutele mõeldud 15 ml Strath ehitusaine päevane annus sisaldab 6 µg ehk 240 RÜ D-vitamiini. Soovitatav päevane kogus 15 ml võib võtta pikaajaliselt. Üleannustamise oht puudub. Koostis:Koostis: Plasmolüüsitud D-vitamiini taimne pärm 83%, (D-vitamiini pärm, fruktoos, dekstroos, taimne pärm segu); Odralinnase ekstrakt 9%, apelsinisiirup 5% (suhkur, vesi, apelsinimahla kontsentraat), mesi 3%. Eelis: laktoosivaba ; taimetoitlane. Toidulisandid ei asenda mitmekülgset ja tasakaalustatud toitumist ega tervislikku eluviisi. ..

51.91 USD

Vita c complex depoo kaps

Vita c complex depoo kaps

Tootekood: 5068698

VITA C COMPLEX Depot Kaps VITA C COMPLEX Depot Kaps is a high-quality food supplement that provides the body with the essential nutrients it needs to maintain good health. These capsules contain a combination of vitamins and minerals that support the immune system, enhance energy metabolism and contribute to normal collagen formation for the normal function of bones, cartilage, blood vessels, skin, and teeth. The capsules are designed to deliver a gradual release of vitamin C and other nutrients throughout the day, ensuring optimal absorption and utilization by the body. Main Benefits: Provides powerful antioxidant protection to the body Boosts the immune system Helps enhance energy metabolism Contributes to normal collagen formation for healthy skin, bones, and teeth Delivers a gradual release for optimal absorption and utilization Key Ingredients: Vitamin C - 1000mg Vitamin B6 - 2mg Folic Acid - 200µg Vitamin B12 - 1µg Zinc - 10mg Citrus Bioflavonoids - 50mg Rutin - 20mg Hesperidin - 20mg VITA C COMPLEX Depot Kaps is free from gluten, lactose, and GMOs. It is suitable for vegetarians and carefully manufactured in Germany to the highest quality standards. Take 1 capsule per day with plenty of water in the morning or at noon. Do not chew. Do not exceed the recommended daily dosage. ..

79.38 USD

Vita c complex depoo kaps

Vita c complex depoo kaps

Tootekood: 5068706

VITA C COMPLEX Depot Kaps is a highly effective dietary supplement that contains a combination of pure and natural vitamin C, bioflavonoids, and zinc. Designed to provide long-lasting support for the immune system, this product helps boost the body's defenses against various pathogens and promotes overall well-being. VITA C COMPLEX Depot Kaps capsules are formulated using a unique and innovative technology that enables the slow release of the active ingredients over an extended period. This ensures that the benefits of the supplement are sustained throughout the day, making it an ideal choice for those looking for a convenient and effective way to support their immune system. The vitamin C in VITA C COMPLEX Depot Kaps is derived from high-quality sources, including ascorbic acid, ascorbyl palmitate, and calcium ascorbate. These forms of vitamin C are highly bioavailable and easy for the body to absorb, ensuring maximum benefit. The bioflavonoids in this supplement are extracted from natural sources such as citrus fruits, and they work in synergy with vitamin C to enhance its efficacy. Zinc is a crucial mineral that plays a vital role in supporting immune function, wound healing, and maintaining healthy skin. This supplement contains zinc in a form that is easily absorbed by the body, ensuring maximum benefit. VITA C COMPLEX Depot Kaps is free from artificial colors, preservatives, and flavors, making it a safe and natural way to support your immune system. The capsules are easy to swallow and can be taken with or without food, making them ideal for people on the go. Whether you are looking to improve your immune function or simply maintain your overall health, VITA C COMPLEX Depot Kaps is the perfect supplement for you. Try it today and experience the benefits of this powerful immune support formula. ..

33.51 USD

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Huebacher 36
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