

Tooted 101 - 125, tooteid kokku 135, lehekülgi 6
Beeovita pakub Šveitsist pärit tervise- ja ilutooteid, keskendudes teie heaolule. Meie taimetee kategooria sisaldab suurepärast valikut rahustavaid ja diureetilise toimega teesid, mis sobivad ideaalselt igaks elujuhtumiks – hommikusöögist magamaminekuni, imetamiseks või detoksikatsiooniks. Meie pakkumiste hulgas on puuvilja- ja taimetee segu, mis sobib ideaalselt külmadeks päevadeks, ning ingveri, kardemoni ja apteegitilli vürtsitee, mis toetab vaimset selgust. Me rahuldame kõigi vajadusi, alates naiste tervisest, laste toitumisest kuni sportlaste ja teesõpradeni üldiselt. Meie teed on kofeiinivabad ja valmistatud tippkvaliteetsetest orgaanilistest koostisosadest, tagades ülima kasu tervisele. Pakume ka kehahooldust ja kosmeetikat naha toitmiseks, tagades, et näed nii hea välja, kui tunned. Tutvuge meie tee- ja tervisetoodete valikuga juba täna.
Herboristeria dankeschön-tee 90 g

Herboristeria dankeschön-tee 90 g

Tootekood: 7735789

Nautige HERBORISTERIA tänuteed – imelist puuvilja- ja ürditõmmiste segu, mis pakub iga lonksuga rahulikku tänulikkust. Hoolikalt valmistatud aromaatne tee ühendab erinevate puuviljade lõhnad ja looduslike ürtide rahustav essents, et saada värskendav kogemus. Ükskõik, kas seda nauditakse rahustava õhtuse põgenemise või noorendava hommikuse rituaalina, äratab see tee kindlasti teie meeled ja tõstab teie tuju. Nautige looduse headust HERBORISTERIA tänuteega, mis on ideaalne täiendus teie terviserutiini...

13.23 USD

Herboristeria fruit strawberry raspberry 135 g

Herboristeria fruit strawberry raspberry 135 g

Tootekood: 7745082

Nautige veetlevat Herboristeria puuviljateed, mis sisaldab täiuslikku segu küpsetest maasikatest ja teravatest vaarikatest. See 135 g aromaatne infusioon pakub värskendavat ja kosutavat elamust, ühendades maasikate magususe vaarikate uljasusega, et luua harmooniline puuviljamaitse. Hoolikalt käsitsi valmistatud puuvilja- ja taimetee segu on tervislik valik, mis ei sisalda kunstlikke lisaaineid ega säilitusaineid. Nautige igal ajal auravat tassi Herboristeria puuviljateed, et lõõgastuda, lõõgastuda ja iga lonksuga noorendada. Ideaalne teehuvilistele, kes otsivad looduslikku ja maitsvat alternatiivi...

12.95 USD

Herboristeria palju õnne sünnipäevaks tee

Herboristeria palju õnne sünnipäevaks tee

Tootekood: 7683077

Nautige maitsvat Herboristeria Happy Birthday Tea segu. Selles veetlevas tees on harmooniline puuviljade ja ürtide kombinatsioon, mis on hoolikalt koostatud, et iga lonksuga teie meeli kosutada. Kvaliteeti silmas pidades on see 155-grammine maiustuste pakend ideaalne valik teehuvilistele, kes soovivad lisada oma igapäevasesse rutiini pidulikkust. See naturaalsest headusest ja värskendavatest nootidest pakatav puuvilja- ja taimetee segu muudab teie päeva kindlasti säravaks. Lubage endale hetk õndsust Herboristeria Happy Birthday Teaga...

16.13 USD

Homedi-kind schwangerschaftstee ds 50 g

Homedi-kind schwangerschaftstee ds 50 g

Tootekood: 7753768

Kodusliku Schwangerschaftstee Ds 50 g omadusedSäilitustemperatuur min/max 15/25 kraadi Celsiuse järgiKogus pakendis: 1 gKaal : 84 g Pikkus: 76 mm Laius: 76 mm Kõrgus: 115 mm Ostke kodumaist Schwangerschaftstee Ds 50 g Internetist Šveitsist ..

19.09 USD

Homedi-kind stilltee

Homedi-kind stilltee

Tootekood: 7753770

Kodulaadse Stilltee Ds 65 g omadusedSäilitustemperatuur min/max 15/25 kraadi Celsiuse järgiKogus pakendis: 1 gKaal : 101 g Pikkus: 76 mm Laius: 76 mm Kõrgus: 115 mm Ostke Šveitsist veebist kodune Stilltee Ds 65 g ..

20.13 USD

Pukka feel new tea organic deustch btl 20 tk

Pukka feel new tea organic deustch btl 20 tk

Tootekood: 7633085

Introducing Pukka Feel New Tea Organic in Deustch Bottle - 20pcs Indulge in a refreshing cup of tea with Pukka Feel New Tea Organic, designed to help you feel fresh and invigorated. This product comes in a Deutsch bottle, containing 20 tea bags, which makes it perfect for sharing with friends and family. Pukka Feel New Tea Organic is a 100% organic blend of nature's finest herbs, including aniseed, fennel seed, cardamom pod, licorice root, and coriander seed. These ingredients are expertly blended to provide a smooth and balanced taste, with a subtle hint of sweetness. The tea is caffeine-free, so you can enjoy it at any time of the day without worrying about jitters or sleeplessness. One of the benefits of Pukka Feel New Tea Organic is that it helps support your body's natural detoxification process. The ingredients in this tea have traditionally been used to aid digestion and eliminate toxins. So, if you've overindulged in rich or fatty foods, a cup of Pukka Feel New Tea Organic can help you feel much better. Another advantage of Pukka Feel New Tea Organic is that it helps promote healthy skin. The herbs in this tea are rich in antioxidants, which can help prevent oxidative stress and cell damage. This, in turn, can help keep your skin looking healthy and glowing. Overall, Pukka Feel New Tea Organic in Deustch Bottle - 20pcs is an excellent choice for anyone looking to enjoy a refreshing cup of tea that provides a range of health benefits. Its organic ingredients, smooth taste, and detoxifying properties make it ideal for regular use...

11.99 USD

Pukka night time tee bio btl 20 stk

Pukka night time tee bio btl 20 stk

Tootekood: 7737855

Pukka Night Time Tea Bio Btl 20 Stk Looking for a soothing and relaxing tea to sip before bed? Look no further than Pukka Night Time Tea. This organic tea blend is specially crafted to help calm the mind and bring about a sense of peace and tranquility. It is perfect for those who struggle to unwind after a long day or who have trouble falling asleep at night. With a delicious blend of soothing herbs like chamomile, lavender, and valerian root, this tea is sure to help you drift off into a peaceful slumber. The organic ingredients ensure that you are getting the purest, most high-quality blend possible. This tea comes in a convenient bio bottle with 20 tea bags, making it easy to enjoy a cup of Night Time Tea whenever you need it. Simply steep for 3-5 minutes in hot water and enjoy the calming effects of this herbal tea. Say goodbye to restless nights and hello to sweet dreams with Pukka Night Time Tea. ..

11.96 USD

Salus neuro balance ashwagandha tee orgaaniline btl 15 tk

Salus neuro balance ashwagandha tee orgaaniline btl 15 tk

Tootekood: 7738539

Salus Neuro Balance Ashwagandha Tea is a herbal tea with ashwagandha, passion flower and lemon balm. The tea also contains natural vitamin C from the acerola cherry, which contributes to normal nervous system function and normal mental function. A tea with a particularly balanced flavour. Application Pour 200ml of boiling water over 1 sachet and leave to stand for 7 minutes. CompositionAshwagandha root (20%), apple fruit, passion flower herb (10%), lemon balm leaves (10%), rose hip peel, chokeberry, eucalyptus leaves, sweet orange peel, acerola fruit powder (5%) , peppermint leaves, cinnamon bark*.*) From organic farming...

10.75 USD

Salus paradiestee bio c-vitamiin btl 15 tk

Salus paradiestee bio c-vitamiin btl 15 tk

Tootekood: 7647012

The Paradise Tea of ??Salus is a fruit tea with a variety of natural, exotic flavors. The tea contains natural vitamin C from the acerola cherry. The daily requirement of vitamin C is covered by 4 cups. Salus quality since 1916 Application Pour 200ml of boiling water over 1 sachet and let it stand for 5-10 minutes.The tea can be served cold or hot, mixed with mineral water or used as an additive to fruit cocktails. Composition Hibiscus flowers, apples, rose hip peel, blackcurrant fruit, acerola juice powder (6%), natural flavor. From organic farming...

9.96 USD

Sidroga sapi- ja maksatee n 20 btl 2

Sidroga sapi- ja maksatee n 20 btl 2

Tootekood: 6661263

Sidroga® sapi- ja maksatee N Sidroga AG Taimne ravim Mis on Sidroga Bile and Liver Tea N ja millal seda kasutatakse? Sidroga Bile and Liver Tea N sisaldab järgmisi kuivatatud ja lõigatud taimeosi: võilillerohi juure, piimaohaka viljade, raudrohi ürdi ja piparmündilehtedega.Sidroga sapi- ja maksatee N on taimne ravim ja seda kasutatakse traditsiooniliselt kergete ja krambilaadsete seedehäirete, nagu puhitus ja kõhupuhitus, sümptomite leevendamiseks. kasutatud. Millega tuleks arvestada? Kui teie sümptomid süvenevad või 14 päeva pärast ei parane, peate konsulteerima arstiga. Kui seedeprobleemid püsivad või korduvad, peate konsulteerima arstiga. Alla 12-aastaste laste seedeprobleemid peab selgitama arst. Millal Sidroga Gallen- und Lebertee N ei tohi kasutada või tuleb seda kasutada ainult ettevaatusega? Sidroga Gallen- und Lebertee N ei tohi kasutada kui olete teadaolevalt ülitundlik mõne toimeaine suhtes või mõne muu toimeaine suhtes. ühte koostisainet (vt "Mida sisaldab Sidroga Gall ja Liver Tea N?") või teiste Asteraceae vastu.sapiteede põletiku või ummistuse, sapikivide või muude sapihaiguste, soolesulguse, mao- ja soolehaavandite korral ja maksahaigused. Gastroösofageaalse reflukshaigusega patsiendid (maomahla tagasivool söögitoru) peaksid vältima piparmündilehti sisaldavaid preparaate, kuna kõrvetised võivad süveneda.Sidroga Gall ja Liver Tea N kasutamise ja ohutuse kohta lastel puuduvad piisavad uuringud. Seetõttu ei soovitata seda ravimit alla 12-aastastel lastel kasutada. Teavitage oma arsti, apteekrit või apteekrit, kui te põete muid haigusi, olete allergiline või kasutate muid ravimeid (kaasa arvatud neid, mille olete ise ostnud!). Kas Sidroga Gall ja Liver Tea N võib võtta raseduse või rinnaga toitmise ajal? Senise kogemuse põhjal ei ole teadaolevat ohtu lapsele kui seda kasutatakse vastavalt juhistele. Süstemaatilisi teaduslikke uuringuid pole aga kunagi tehtud. Ettevaatusabinõuna peaksite raseduse ja rinnaga toitmise ajal võimalusel hoiduma ravimite võtmisest või küsige nõu oma arstilt, apteekrilt või apteekrilt. Kuidas te kasutate Sidroga Galli ja maksateed. N? Täiskasvanud joovad 1 tass teed – 1-2 filtrikotti 3–4 korda päevas.Noored 12-aastased ja vanemad joovad 1 tassi teed – 1 filtrikott 3–4 korda päevas.Valmistamine: valatakse 1–2 filtrikotti Sidroga Gall ja Liver Tea N üle ca. 150 ml keeva veega ja lase tõmmata 10–15 minutit. Seejärel pigistage kotti (kotte) õrnalt ja eemaldage. Sidroga Gall ja Liver Tea N kasutamist alla 12-aastastel lastel ei ole veel testitud. Kasutusaeg ei ole piiratud. Üleannustamise juhtudest ei ole teatatud. Järgige pakendi infolehel märgitud või arsti poolt määratud annust. Kui arvate, et ravim on liiga nõrk või liiga tugev, või kui teil on selle ravimi kasutamise kohta lisaküsimusi, pidage nõu oma arsti, apteekri või apteekriga. Milliseid kõrvaltoimeid võib Sidroga Gallen- und Lebertee N põhjustada? Sidroga Gallen- und Lebertee N võtmisel võivad tekkida järgmised kõrvaltoimed: Kõhuvalu Allergilised reaktsioonid, eriti nahal. Gastroösofageaalne refluks (maomahla tagasivool söögitorusse) võib süveneda ja kõrvetised võivad muutuda tugevamaks. Teave maomahla esinemissageduse kohta. kõrvaltoimeid ei saa anda. Kui märkate kõrvaltoimeid, mida siin pole kirjeldatud, teavitage sellest oma arsti, apteekrit või apteekrit. Mida veel tuleks tähele panna? Sidroga Gall ja Liver Tea N tuleks hoida toatemperatuuril (15–25 °C) ja lastele kättesaamatus kohas. Kahekambrilisi aroomikaitsepakendis kotte võib kasutada ainult kuni kõlblikkusaja lõpuni. kuupäev, mis on märgitud sildile.kuupäev, mis on märgitud pakendile «EXP». Teie arst, apteeker või apteeker võib teile anda lisateavet. Mida sisaldavad Sidroga Gall ja Liver Tea N? 1 topelt -kamberkott à 2 g sisaldab toimeainetena järgmisi kuivatatud ja tükeldatud taimeosi: 0,6 g võililleürti juurtega, 0,5 g piimaohaka vilja, 0,5 g raudrohi ürti ja 0,2 g piparmündilehti. Teised koostisosad: mõru apteegitill ja köömned. Aktiivsusnumber 65046 (Swissmedic). Kust saada Sidroga Gall ja Liver Tea N? Millised paketid on saadaval? See on käsimüügiravim. Karbid 20 kahekambrilise kotiga aroomikaitsepakendis. Loa hoidja Sidroga AG, 4310 Rheinfelden. ..

14.21 USD

Sirocco 9 teebeutel wellness selection

Sirocco 9 teebeutel wellness selection

Tootekood: 6566234

Sirocco 9 Teebeutel Wellness Selection The Sirocco 9 Teebeutel Wellness Selection is a set of tea bags that are designed to promote wellness and support the body's natural functions. This selection includes nine different blends of organic tea, each with its own unique blend of herbs, spices, and natural ingredients that have been carefully chosen to promote specific health benefits. Whether you need a boost of energy, help with digestion, or relaxation and stress relief, there is a tea in this selection that is perfect for you. The organic ingredients in each blend are all-natural and free from additives, preservatives, and artificial flavors, making them a healthy and delicious choice for any time of day. Benefits of the Sirocco 9 Teebeutel Wellness Selection Promotes relaxation and stress relief Boosts energy and improves focus Supports digestion and gut health Helps to boost the immune system Promotes healthy skin and hair Free from additives, preservatives, and artificial flavors 100% organic ingredients What's included in the selection The Sirocco 9 Teebeutel Wellness Selection includes the following nine blends of organic tea: Ginger and Turmeric - helps to reduce inflammation, boost immunity, and aid digestion Lemon and Ginger - provides relief from nausea, supports digestion, and boosts energy Peppermint and Liquorice - helps to soothe digestion, promote healthy skin, and aid respiratory health Chamomile and Lavender - promotes relaxation and stress relief, aids sleep, and supports healthy skin Hibiscus and Rosehip - supports heart health, boosts the immune system, and provides antioxidant benefits Rooibos and Vanilla - provides relief from allergies, supports digestion, and promotes healthy skin and hair Cinnamon and Apple - helps to regulate blood sugar, provides antioxidants, and promotes healthy digestion Green Tea and Mint - provides energy and focus, aids digestion, and promotes healthy skin Lemongrass and Ginger - provides relief from headaches, supports digestion, and boosts immunity Each blend comes in its own individually sealed tea bag, making it easy to enjoy at home or on the go. Get started with the Sirocco 9 Teebeutel Wellness Selection today Whether you're looking for a way to boost your energy, promote relaxation, or support digestive health, the Sirocco 9 Teebeutel Wellness Selection has a blend of tea that is perfect for you. Made from 100% organic ingredients and free from additives and artificial flavors, these teas are a healthy and delicious choice for any time of day. Get started with the Sirocco 9 Teebeutel Wellness Selection today and discover the benefits of organic tea for yourself!..

14.84 USD

Sonnentor cinnamon magic tea battalion 18 pieces

Sonnentor cinnamon magic tea battalion 18 pieces

Tootekood: 7740054

Kogege Sonnentor Cinnamon Magic Tea lummavat aroomi ja maitset. See veetlev puuvilja- ja taimetee segu võlub teie meeli soojade ja vürtsikate kaneeli nootidega, mis on kombineeritud puuviljaste koostisosade harmoonilise seguga. Iga teepakk on hoolikalt valmistatud, et pakkuda rahustavat ja kosutavat joogikogemust, mis sobib ideaalselt lõõgastushetkedeks või lisab teie päevale maagiat. Kui igas karbis on 18 teepakki, lubage end lohutava tassikese Sonnentor Cinnamon Magic Teaga alati, kui ihkate veetlevat maitsete tõmmist...

10.70 USD

Sonnentor früchte traum tee einzeln bio

Sonnentor früchte traum tee einzeln bio

Tootekood: 5543722

SONNENTOR Früchte Traum Tee einzeln BIO The SONNENTOR Früchte Traum Tee is a delicious and aromatic tea blend that will bring a fruity twist to your daily cup of tea. Made with the finest organic ingredients, this tea is a perfect combination of raspberries, apples, hibiscus, and other colorful fruits. Each sip will transport you to a summer garden, where the sun is shining and the birds are chirping. This tea is packed with natural antioxidants and vitamins that will help boost your immune system and keep you healthy. The fruity flavor of the tea is naturally sweet and does not require any additional sweeteners. It is an ideal tea to enjoy either hot or cold, making it perfect for all seasons. The SONNENTOR Früchte Traum Tea is made with organic ingredients and is free from any additives, artificial flavors or preservatives. It is a certified organic tea that is harvested and processed sustainably, making it an environmentally friendly choice. Each tea sachet is individually packed to ensure freshness and convenience. If you are a tea lover who enjoys bold and fruity flavors, then the SONNENTOR Früchte Traum Tea is the perfect tea for you. With each sip, you will be transported to a magical land of fruity dreams. So, why wait? Order your pack of SONNENTOR Früchte Traum Tea today! ..

10.70 USD

Sonnentor gingerbread tea time battalion 18 pieces

Sonnentor gingerbread tea time battalion 18 pieces

Tootekood: 7740053

Nautige Sonnentori Gingerbread Time Teepakkide soojust ja pidulikke maitseid. See veetlev puuvilja- ja taimeteede segu haarab oma vürtsika piparkoogiaroomiga talvepühade olemuse. Iga lonks pakub kaneeli, nelgi ja ingveri lohutavat embust, mis meenutab värskelt küpsetatud piparkooke. See 18-osaline teepakkide pakk, mis sobib ideaalselt jahedatel päevadel hubaseks nautimiseks või pärast pikka päeva lõõgastumiseks, toob teie tassi hooajalist rõõmu. Luba endale hetk lõõgastust Sonnentor Gingerbread Time Teaga ja lase rahustaval segul viia end talve imedemaale...

10.70 USD

Sonnentor green nine tee avatud 60g

Sonnentor green nine tee avatud 60g

Tootekood: 7660231

Sonnentor Green Nine tea open 60g Sonnentor Green Nine tea is a perfect blend of nine different herbs which are freshly harvested, dried and then mixed in the right proportions to give you a truly unique and refreshing tea experience. This tea blend contains organic green tea as the base along with several other herbs such as lemon grass, ginger, mint, Chinese star anise, lemon peel, liquorice, juniper berries and elderflowers which contribute to the overall flavour and aroma of the tea. One of the most important features of this tea is its organic nature. The herbs used in this blend are free from harmful pesticides and insecticides, making it a safe and natural choice for tea lovers. Additionally, this tea is also free from any artificial flavourings or preservatives, thus ensuring that you get the most natural and authentic tea blend. Sonnentor Green Nine tea is a perfect drink for any time of the day. The green tea base provides an invigorating and energizing effect while the other herbs provide a refreshing and calming effect, making it an ideal drink for relaxation, stress relief, and overall well-being. The tea comes in an open 60g pack, which makes it easy to use as per individual requirements, and also helps in maintaining the aroma and flavour of the tea for a longer period of time. So, if you are a tea lover, who is looking for a unique and refreshing tea experience, then Sonnentor Green Nine tea open 60g is the perfect choice for you. Give it a try and enjoy the heavenly taste and aroma of this organic tea blend...

12.75 USD

Sonnentor hibiskus tee bio sack 80 g

Sonnentor hibiskus tee bio sack 80 g

Tootekood: 3148097

Sonnentor Hibiskus Tee BIO Sack 80 g The Sonnentor Hibiskus Tee BIO Sack 80 g is an exquisite tea option that is made from organic hibiscus flowers. With its tangy, sour taste, it is an excellent beverage choice for those looking for a refreshing drink with a unique flavor. The tea is packaged in an 80-gram Sachet, which allows you to make several cups of tea, making it ideal for those who love to indulge in a cup of tea multiple times a day. The organic hibiscus flowers used in the production of the tea are of the highest quality, ensuring that you get the best possible taste experience. The Sonnentor Hibiskus Tee BIO Sack is a versatile tea that can be enjoyed hot or cold, based on your preferences. It is perfect for hot summer days, as you can make a refreshing iced tea with it. Additionally, the tea is infused with essential vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to your overall health and wellbeing. This Sonnentor Hibiskus Tee BIO Sack 80 g is ideal for tea enthusiasts, health enthusiasts, and individuals looking for a tasty thirst-quencher. The packaging is simple, yet elegant, making it a great gift option for friends, family, or colleagues. Order your Sonnentor Hibiskus Tee BIO Sack 80 g today and discover the unrivaled tang and refreshment that this exceptional tea has to offer. ..

10.70 USD

Sonnentor juustu paplitee pataljon 18 tk

Sonnentor juustu paplitee pataljon 18 tk

Tootekood: 7749250

Sonnentori juustupappli teepataljon, 18 tükkiSonnentori juustupappli teepataljon on suurepärane valik teesõpradele, kes otsivad ainulaadset ja maitsvat teed. See komplekt sisaldab 18 tükki teekotikesi, mis on pakitud paplipungade ja juustu hõrgu maitsega. Toode on valmistatud parima kvaliteediga koostisosadest, et pakkuda unustamatut teejoomise kogemust.MaitseprofiilJuustu paplitee on ainulaadne maitsete segu, mis ühendab magusa ja pehme maitse paplipungadest koos juustu maitsega. See kombinatsioon loob meeldiva ja õrna joogi, mis sobib erinevate maitse-eelistustega teesõpradele. Tee on kergelt magusa järelmaitsega, mis on pehme ja kreemja lõppmaitsega, mis jätab teid lõdvestunud ja rahulolevaks.KoostisSonnentor Cheese Poplar Tea Battalion 18 tükki on valmistatud parima kvaliteediga orgaanilisest materjalist koostisained, sealhulgas: Paplipungad Juust Õunatükid Rodmünt Sidrunhein Verbena Looduslik maitse Vanill Rukkilill Saialill Õllepruulimise juhendSonnentori juustupappli teepataljoni parima maitse saamiseks leotage üks teepakk tassis kuumas vees vähemalt 5–6 minutit. Kui eelistad magusamat jooki, võid maitse järgi lisada mett või suhkrut. Seda teed võib olenevalt teie eelistusest nautida nii kuumalt kui ka külmalt.Tervise eelisedSonnentori juustu paplitee on tervislik jook, millel on tänu kasutatud looduslikele koostisosadele mitmeid tervisega seotud eeliseid. Paplipungad on rikkad antioksüdantide poolest, mis aitavad tugevdada immuunsüsteemi, neutraliseerida vabu radikaale ja vähendada põletikku. Tee on ka kofeiinivaba, mistõttu on see ideaalne inimestele, kes soovivad kofeiini tarbimist vähendada või sellest loobuda.Kui otsite ainulaadset ja maitsvat teed, on Sonnentor Cheese Poplar Tea Battalion 18 tükki suurepärane variant. Ostke kohe ja nautige selle imelise tee maitsvat maitset ja kasu tervisele...

9.81 USD

Sonnentor lavendelblüten tee bio

Sonnentor lavendelblüten tee bio

Tootekood: 3148128

SONNENTOR Lavendelblüten Tee BIO The SONNENTOR Lavendelblüten Tee BIO is a premium quality herbal tea made exclusively from organic lavender flowers. Lavender is known for its soothing and calming properties, making it a popular choice for those looking to unwind and relax. Our Lavendelblüten Tee BIO is made using lavender flowers that have been carefully selected and harvested by hand, ensuring that only the finest quality ingredients are used in each and every cup. The tea has a sweet, floral aroma and a delicate, refreshing taste that is sure to please even the most discerning tea enthusiasts. Our tea is 100% organic and free from pesticides and other harmful chemicals, making it a safe and healthy choice for you and your family. The tea is packaged in a resealable bag, ensuring that it stays fresh and flavorful for longer. Whether you are looking for a calming beverage to enjoy before bed or just want to indulge in a luxurious cup of tea, our Lavendelblüten Tee BIO is the perfect choice. Try it today and discover the soothing and relaxing benefits of organic lavender tea. Ingredients: Organic lavender flowers ..

13.05 USD

Sonnentor leedriõie tee pataljon 18 tk

Sonnentor leedriõie tee pataljon 18 tk

Tootekood: 7749253

Sonnentor Elderflower Tea Battalion 18 Pieces Looking for a refreshing and fragrant tea that's perfect for any time of day? Look no further than Sonnentor Elderflower Tea Battalion! This exquisite blend of hand-picked elderflowers creates a light and cheerful drink that will delight your senses and lift your spirits. Each package contains 18 teabags, so you can enjoy your favorite tea at home or on the go. About Sonnentor Sonnentor is a well-known and trusted brand that specializes in high-quality organic herbs, spices, and teas. Founded in 1988 in the idyllic Waldviertel region of Austria, Sonnentor has grown into a global leader in organic agriculture and sustainable farming practices. All of their products are grown and processed in harmony with nature, without the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, or GMOs. About Elderflowers Elderflowers have been treasured for centuries for their delicate flavor and aroma. They are used in many traditional European recipes, including desserts, drinks, and even medicines. Elderflowers are loaded with antioxidants and other beneficial compounds, making them a popular choice for natural health enthusiasts. They are also believed to have anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties, which may help boost immunity and fight infections. How to Enjoy Sonnentor Elderflower Tea Battalion To brew the perfect cup of Sonnentor Elderflower Tea Battalion, simply place one tea bag in a cup of hot water and let steep for 5-7 minutes. Add honey or lemon if desired, and enjoy! This tea is perfect for any time of day, but especially delightful in the afternoon or evening. It pairs well with light snacks or desserts, and can be enjoyed hot or cold. Try it today and discover the joy of Sonnentor Elderflower Tea Battalion! ..

11.13 USD

Sonnentor lemon verbena tee pataljon 18 tk

Sonnentor lemon verbena tee pataljon 18 tk

Tootekood: 7727018

Sonnentor Lemon Verbena Tea Battalion 18 Pieces Indulge in a cup of aromatic and refreshing tea with the Sonnentor Lemon Verbena Tea Battalion. This tea is made from the highest quality organic ingredients, sourced from the sun-drenched hillsides of the Mediterranean region. It's a perfect choice for those who love fruity, floral and herbal teas. Product Features: 18 pyramid bags of Lemon Verbena tea 100% natural and organic ingredients Hand-picked and carefully selected A refreshing and delicious taste Vegan and gluten-free Comes in an attractive and eco-friendly package Flavor and Aroma: With the first sip, you'll experience a burst of sunshine as the luscious lemony aroma hits your senses. The Lemon Verbena tea has that soothing and calming effect that's perfect for starting the day, unwinding after a busy day or anytime you need a moment of relaxation. It has a fruity, floral, and herbal taste that's not too overwhelming or bitter. Organic and Eco-friendly: Sonnentor is committed to preserving the environment and providing healthy, natural products. Their Lemon Verbena tea is 100% organic and sourced from sustainable farms, free from any chemicals or artificial flavors. Also, the packaging is made from eco-friendly materials, making it easy to dispose of, and gentle to the planet. Brewing Instructions: To enjoy this Lemon Verbena tea, simply steep one pyramid bag in hot water for 5-7 minutes. For best results, use fresh filtered water, and enjoy it hot or chilled with a dash of honey or lemon. It's a perfect choice for tea lovers who want to enjoy the delightful taste and aroma of a refreshing, organic tea. Conclusion: The Sonnentor Lemon Verbena Tea Battalion offers a delightful and refreshing tea experience that's perfect for any time of day. Its organic, eco-friendly, and flavorful characteristics make it a must-have for anyone who loves quality tea. Get your hands on this pack and indulge in the goodness of this outstanding Lemon Verbena tea. ..

9.81 USD

Sonnentor mate tee bio

Sonnentor mate tee bio

Tootekood: 3147910

Sonnentor Mate Tee BIO is a premium quality tea made from the dried leaves of the South American Yerba Mate plant. This organic herbal tea is sourced from biodynamic farms, where the herbs are grown in harmony with nature and are processed using traditional methods to capture the natural flavor and aroma of the plant. The Mate Tee BIO tea has a rich, earthy flavor and a refreshing taste that is ideal for those seeking a natural energy boost. The tea is caffeine-rich and contains a range of beneficial vitamins and minerals that provide a host of health benefits, including enhanced focus, increased alertness, and improved mental clarity. The tea is packaged in airtight, resealable bags that help to preserve its freshness and flavor, ensuring that you can enjoy a piping hot cup of Mate Tee BIO tea whenever you need it. The tea can be enjoyed as a hot beverage or as a refreshing iced tea, making it an ideal beverage for all occasions. Sonnentor Mate Tee BIO makes a perfect addition to your daily routine, particularly for those who are looking to reduce their caffeine intake or trying to adopt a healthier lifestyle. Order your pack of Sonnentor Mate Tee BIO today and experience the goodness of this herbal tea for yourself...

12.16 USD

Sonnentor nõgestee pataljon 18 tk

Sonnentor nõgestee pataljon 18 tk

Tootekood: 7637835

Experience the Benefits of Nettle Tea with Sonnentor Nettle Tea Battalion 18 Pieces Nettle tea is known for its numerous health benefits. It is a potent herbal tea that is made from the leaves and stems of the stinging nettle plant. Combining the rich and earthy flavor of nettle with the therapeutic benefits of other herbal ingredients, the Sonnentor Nettle Tea Battalion 18 Pieces is a must-try for those who want to enjoy the goodness of nettle tea. The Benefits of Nettle Tea Nettle tea is a great source of antioxidants, which help to fight inflammation and oxidative stress in the body. It is also rich in vitamins and minerals like vitamin C, iron, and potassium, which are essential for a healthy immune system, good blood circulation, and strong bones. The Sonnentor Nettle Tea Battalion 18 Pieces is made with hand-picked organic nettle leaves, which ensure that the tea is of the highest quality. The tea is free from any synthetic additives, artificial flavors, and preservatives. The Ingredients The Sonnentor Nettle Tea Battalion 18 Pieces comprises a blend of nettle leaves and other organic herbs, each with their own unique benefits. These include: Lemon balm: Has been known to aid digestion and promote calmness and relaxation. Peppermint: Can help to relieve tension, headaches, and nausea. Marigold petals: Known for their anti-inflammatory properties, marigold petals can help to soothe skin irritations and promote healthy digestion. How to Enjoy the Sonnentor Nettle Tea Battalion 18 Pieces To prepare a delicious cup of Sonnentor Nettle Tea Battalion 18 Pieces, simply add one tea bag to a cup of boiling water and let it steep for 5-7 minutes. You can enjoy the tea hot or cold depending on your preference. For an extra flavor boost, you can add a slice of lemon or a bit of honey. Get Your Sonnentor Nettle Tea Battalion 18 Pieces Today If you're looking for a healthy and delicious herbal tea, look no further than the Sonnentor Nettle Tea Battalion 18 Pieces. Order yours today and discover the many benefits of nettle tea!..

9.81 USD

Sonnentor pärnaõie tee pataljon 18 tk

Sonnentor pärnaõie tee pataljon 18 tk

Tootekood: 7727024

Sonnentor Lime Blossom Tea Battalion 18 Pieces Indulge in the relaxing and soothing properties of lime blossom tea with Sonnentor Lime Blossom Tea Battalion 18 Pieces. This premium herbal tea is made from 100% organic lime blossoms hand-picked in the Balkan region. Lime blossom tea has a long history of use as a natural remedy for anxiety, stress, and insomnia, promoting calmness and relaxation. Sonnentor Lime Blossom Tea Battalion 18 Pieces comes in convenient tea bags, ensuring maximum freshness and ease of use. Each pack contains 18 tea bags, making it perfect for sharing with family and friends, or for stocking up your office or home pantry. The unique blend of lime blossom's subtle and flowery taste with its natural soothing properties makes it an excellent alternative to coffee, especially during hectic work hours or before bedtime. The tea is rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, making it an excellent choice to boost your immune system and promote overall wellness. Sonnentor Lime Blossom Tea is gluten-free, dairy-free, and caffeine-free, making it an excellent choice for those who have dietary restrictions. Sonnentor Lime Blossom Tea is made with sustainability in mind. The company sources all its ingredients ethically and sustainably, from farmers who practice organic farming without the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers. The tea bags are made from natural, unbleached, and compostable materials, inviting you to enjoy your tea while respecting the environment. Key Features: 100% organic lime blossoms 18 tea bags for maximum convenience Naturally gluten-free and caffeine-free Promotes relaxation and calmness Sourced ethically and sustainably Packed in natural, unbleached, compostable materials Whether you need a break from a hectic day or a cup of soothing tea for bedtime, Sonnentor Lime Blossom Tea is the perfect choice. Indulge in the rich aroma, subtle taste, and natural calming and soothing properties of the highest quality tea made from the finest organic ingredients. Add Sonnentor Lime Blossom Tea Battalion 18 Pieces to your tea collection and enjoy the natural benefits of this delightful herbal tea...

11.13 USD

Sonnentor schafgarbe tee bio sack 50 g

Sonnentor schafgarbe tee bio sack 50 g

Tootekood: 3148186

Sonnentor Schafgarbe Tee BIO kott 50 g Kogege Sonnentor Schafgarbe Tee BIO rahustavat toimet – parimatest orgaanilistest raudrohi õitest valmistatud taimetee. Yarrow on sajandeid kasutatud lõõgastumiseks ja rahustamiseks ning pole ime, miks: selle õrn aroom ja maitse on lihtsalt vastupandamatud. Sonnentor Schafgarbe Tee BIO abil saate nautida raudrohi eeliseid mugavas ja hõlpsasti kasutatavas teekotis. Igas kotis on 50 g teed, mis on hoolikalt hangitud sertifitseeritud mahepõllumajandusettevõtetest üle maailma. Sonnentor tagab, et nende raudrohi kasvatatakse ilma kahjulikke kemikaale või pestitsiide kasutamata, nii et võite olla kindel, et saate võimalikult puhta ja loodusliku toote. Mis kõige parem, kuna see on pakendatud tugevasse, taassuletavasse kotti, püsib teie tee värske ja maitsev esimesest tassist viimaseni. Lihtsalt leotage kott Sonnentor Schafgarbe Tee BIO-d mõneks minutiks kuumas vees ja jooge ära. Ükskõik, kas soovite pärast pikka päeva lõõgastuda või vajate lihtsalt väikest rahuhetke, on see tee ideaalne valik. Tellige oma juba täna ja avastage raudrohi looduslikku headust. ..

10.70 USD

Twinings infuse mango passion fruit vereapelsin 12 btl 2,5 g
Tooted 101 - 125, tooteid kokku 135, lehekülgi 6
Huebacher 36
8153 Rümlang
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