
Tervislik seedimine

Tooted 1 - 4, tooteid kokku 4, lehekülgi 1
Veebisaidil usume looduslike abinõude ja tervisetoodete potentsiaali teie üldise tervise ja heaolu parandamisel; veelgi enam, terve seedimine. Meie tooted, alates võilillejuureekstrakti looduslikest lisanditest, veganisõbralikest toidulisanditest kuni tuntud Arkomoralini, on kõik loodud teie seedimist toetama. Meie põlised orgaanilistest koostisosadest valmistatud tooted on koostatud nii, et need leevendavad erinevaid seedehäireid, toetavad käärsoole funktsiooni ja aitavad kaasa ka muudele terviseaspektidele, sealhulgas veresuhkru taseme ja immuunsüsteemi toetamisele. Kuna mõistame õige seedimise üliolulist rolli laste kasvus ja arengus, pakume ka imiku piimasegusid piima- ja pepitikomplektides. Vegansõbralikud ning homöopaatia ja reformitoodete juured on meie pakkumine ideaalne täiendus teie igapäevasele režiimile tervislikuks eluks. Avastage toidulisandite ja looduslike abinõude jõud optimaalse tervise ja ilu tagamiseks.
Arkomoral + tabl ds 30 stk

Arkomoral + tabl ds 30 stk

Tootekood: 7848834

Arkomoral + Tabl Ds 30 Stk - Overview Arkomoral + Tabl Ds 30 Stk is a powerful natural supplement designed to help people suffering from digestive discomfort. This product combines the goodness of natural herbs with the latest in scientific research to bring you a potent solution that can help you lead a healthier and more fulfilling life. Ingredients: Milk thistle extract - this powerful herb helps support liver and gallbladder function, which plays an important role in promoting efficient digestion. Artichoke extract - this extract is rich in compounds that can stimulate the production of digestive juices in the stomach, promoting better nutrient absorption and easing discomfort. Turmeric extract - this antioxidant-rich spice can help reduce inflammation in the digestive tract, and support the overall health and wellbeing of the gut. Benefits: Relieves digestive discomfort: Arkomoral + Tabl Ds 30 Stk is designed to help ease the symptoms of indigestion, acid reflux, and bloating, making it easier for you to enjoy your favorite foods without worrying about discomfort. Improves digestive function: The natural ingredients in this product help support liver and gallbladder function, boosting the production of digestive juices that promote better nutrient absorption and healthy digestion. Promotes overall health and wellbeing: By reducing inflammation and supporting healthy gut function, Arkomoral + Tabl Ds 30 Stk can help improve your overall health and wellbeing, leaving you feeling more energetic and vibrant. Convenient and easy to use: These tablets are compact and easy to swallow, making them ideal for people on the go who need a quick and effective solution for their digestive discomfort. Recommended Usage: Take two tablets of Arkomoral + Tabl Ds 30 Stk with a glass of water before meals to help promote efficient digestion and minimize discomfort. For best results, use this product as part of a healthy diet and lifestyle, and consult with your healthcare provider before taking any new supplements. ..

56.19 USD

Dragon super foods odraheina pulber 150 g

Dragon super foods odraheina pulber 150 g

Tootekood: 1029732

Dragon Super Foods Barley Grass Powder 150 g Discover the amazing benefits of Dragon Super Foods Barley Grass Powder. Our premium barley grass powder is made from 100% organic and fresh barley grass, which is a nutrient-rich superfood that is packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Why Dragon Super Foods Barley Grass Powder is the best choice for you 100% pure and organic barley grass powder Non-GMO, gluten-free, and vegan-friendly Rich in vitamins A, C, K, and B-complex, calcium, iron, potassium, and chlorophyll High in antioxidants and alkalizing properties that help to reduce inflammation and support healthy digestion Easy to use and convenient for adding to smoothies, juices, or any favorite recipe The benefits of Barley Grass Powder Barley grass is a nutrient-dense superfood that has been used for centuries in traditional medicine to improve health and vitality. It is considered a complete food because it contains all nine essential amino acids, making it an excellent source of protein for vegetarians and vegans. Moreover, some of the benefits of consuming Barley Grass Powder include: Improves digestion and detoxification Boosts the immune system Promotes healthy skin and hair Helps to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress Increases energy and improves mental clarity Supports healthy weight management Dragon Super Foods Barley Grass Powder is an excellent addition to any healthy diet. Add it to your daily routine and start enjoying the benefits of this amazing superfood. Order now and experience the difference!..

17.95 USD

Hipp 2 bio combiotik 600 g

Hipp 2 bio combiotik 600 g

Tootekood: 7836386

Hipp 2 Bio Combiotik 600g The Hipp 2 Bio Combiotik 600g is a top-quality baby formula that is designed for babies from the age of six months. It is made with the finest organic ingredients that are gentle on your baby's delicate tummy. This baby formula contains essential vitamins and minerals that support your baby's growth and development, helping them to achieve their milestones. Features Organic ingredients Contains Omega 3 & 6 LCP's that promote brain development Contains prebiotics and probiotics that promote healthy digestion Contains iron and other essential minerals that help support the immune system No artificial colors, flavors or preservatives The Hipp 2 Bio Combiotik 600g is specially designed to provide your baby with all the essential nutrients they need to grow healthy and strong. It contains a unique blend of prebiotics and probiotics that promote healthy digestion, reducing the likelihood of constipation and colic. The added iron and other minerals strengthen your baby's immune system, helping them fight off infections and diseases. With no artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives, you can be sure that your baby is getting the best food possible. The Hipp 2 Bio Combiotik 600g is easy to prepare and use, giving you peace of mind that your baby is getting the best nutrition possible. Directions for Use Boil fresh drinking water and allow it to cool to approx. 40-50°C Pour the required amount of water into a clean bottle Fill the measuring scoop with the required amount of formula and level with a clean knife Add the formula to the bottle Close the bottle and shake until the formula is dissolved Check the temperature and feed immediately Choose Hipp 2 Bio Combiotik 600g for your baby and give them the best start in life. Buy now and enjoy free delivery at your doorstep...

35.55 USD

Zwicky orgaanilised hirsihelbed 500 g

Zwicky orgaanilised hirsihelbed 500 g

Tootekood: 6503848

Tutvustame Zwicky orgaanilisi hirsihelbeid 500 g Avastage Zwicky 500 g orgaaniliste hirsihelveste headust, mis sobivad ideaalselt teie igapäevaseks hommikusöögiks. 100% sertifitseeritud orgaanilisest hirsist valmistatud helbed on gluteenivabad ning rikkad oluliste vitamiinide ja mineraalainete poolest. Zwicky orgaaniliste hirsihelveste 500 g eelised Gluteenivaba ja ohutu tsöliaakia või gluteenitundlikkusega inimestele Rikkalikult kiudaineid, valku ja olulisi mineraale, nagu magneesium, fosfor ja tsink Aitab säilitada tervislikku seedimist ja vähendab kõhukinnisuse riski Madal glükeemiline indeks, mis teeb sellest suurepärase võimaluse diabeetikutele või neile, kes püüavad säilitada tervet veresuhkru taset. Lihtsalt seeditav ja sobib imikutele, eakatele ja nõrgenenud seedesüsteemiga inimestele Kasutamine Need helbed on mitmekülgsed ja neid saab kasutada mitmel viisil. Lisage need oma igapäevasesse hommikusöögirutiini, piserdades neid jogurti peale, segades teravilja sisse või kasutades omatehtud granolabatoonide alusena. Saate neid kasutada ka küpsetusretseptides, nagu muffinid, leib ja isegi küpsised. Teave Zwicky kohta Zwicky on Šveitsi bränd, mis on tootnud kvaliteetseid mahetoidutooteid alates aastast. Nad kasutavad kõigis oma toodetes ainult looduslikke ja orgaanilisi koostisosi, et tagada teile parim kvaliteet ja tervislikumad toidud. Hankige juba täna Zwicky Organic Hirsihelbed 500 g ja kogege mahe- ja gluteenivaba toidu headust...

12.57 USD

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Huebacher 36
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