
Kuivad silmad

Tooted 26 - 42, tooteid kokku 42, lehekülgi 2
Kuivad silmad võivad põhjustada ebamugavust, põhjustades võõrkeha tunnet, põletust ja sügelust. pakub laia valikut kvaliteetseid Šveitsist pärit tervise- ja ilutooteid, mis on spetsiaalselt suunatud kuivadele silmadele ja silmahooldusele. Meie toodete hulka kuuluvad silmatilgad, oftalmoloogilised lahused ja geelid, mis on loodud teie silmade rahustamiseks, määrimiseks ja niisutamiseks. Need tooted võivad leevendada kergeid silmade ärritusi, muutes need ideaalseks kontaktläätsede kandjatele või neile, kellel on silmade väsimus. Lisaks pakume parimat näo- ja kehahooldust, esitledes terviklikku lähenemist heaolule. Alates Cationorm Eye Drops Emulsionist, suurepärasest kunstpisara- ja oftalmilisest geelist kuni meie nahahooldustoodete valikuni, võite usaldada meie Šveitsi täpsuse ja looduslike koostisosade valemit, mis aitavad leevendada ja noorendada.
Cationorm silmatilkade emulsioon ud 30 x 0,4 ml

Cationorm silmatilkade emulsioon ud 30 x 0,4 ml

Tootekood: 7772206

Cationorm Eye Drops Emulsion UD 30 x 0.4 ml Introducing the Cationorm Eye Drops Emulsion UD 30 x 0.4 ml, a gentle and fast-acting eye drop solution that provides lasting lubrication for your eyes. This product is designed to help calm and soothe your eyes, making them feel refreshed and comfortable. For those who suffer from dry eyes, the Cationorm Eye Drops Emulsion UD is truly a game-changer. Its unique formula combines cationic emulsion, hyaluronic acid, and natural lipids to give you instant relief from dry or irritated eyes. The eye drops create a thin, protective layer that keeps your eyes hydrated and moisturized, even in harsh or dry environments. What's more, these eye drops come in a single-use vial which ensures that there is no contamination, making it extremely safe for people with sensitive eyes. The vials are also very convenient for carrying around in a purse or backpack, easy to use, and the perfect size for travel. Use Cationorm Eye Drops Emulsion UD 30 x 0.4 ml every time you feel discomfort or dryness in your eyes. It is also suitable for those who wear contact lenses or spend long hours in front of screens. With regular use, your eyes will feel more hydrated and comfortable, allowing you to focus on what's important without the distraction of dry or irritated eyes. Order Cationorm Eye Drops Emulsion UD 30 x 0.4 ml today and experience the difference!..

45.70 USD

Evotears silmatilkade tilgutipudel 3 ml

Evotears silmatilkade tilgutipudel 3 ml

Tootekood: 6603627

Kogege mugavust, mida pakub EvoTears – õrn silmatilkade lahus, mis on loodud kuivade ja ärritunud silmade rahustamiseks ja niisutamiseks. Meie uuenduslik valem pakub kauakestvat leevendust ilma nõelamise või põletuseta. Põhifunktsioonid:Pikaajaline niiskusSilmadele õrnSobib kontaktläätsede kandjatele Kasutamine EvoTearsi kasutamiseks kallutage oma pead tahapoole ja tilgutage üks tilk mõlemasse silma. Pilgutage paar korda, et tilgad oleksid ühtlaselt jaotunud. Soovitatav on kasutada EvoTearsi vastavalt pakendil olevatele juhistele või vastavalt professionaali juhistele. ..

36.33 USD

Fermavisc gel multi gtt opht fl 10 ml

Fermavisc gel multi gtt opht fl 10 ml

Tootekood: 6603610

Inhaltsverzeichnis Indikation Dosierung Fermavisc Gel multi Indikation Trockene oder gereizte Augen, inkl. während des Tragens von Kontaktlinsen. Dosierung 2?3×tgl. 1?2 Tr. 764603 / 15.03.2019 ..

21.52 USD

Fermavisc gel sine gtt opht 20 monodos 0,35 ml

Fermavisc gel sine gtt opht 20 monodos 0,35 ml

Tootekood: 3140776

Inhaltsverzeichnis Indikation Dosierung Kontraindikation Fermavisc Gel sine Indikation Trockene Augen, Benetzung der Kontaktlinsen beim Einsetzen und während des Tragens. Dosierung 1?2 Tr. Kontraindikation Augeninfektion. 762275 / 28.04.2022 ..

22.87 USD

Hyabak silmatilgad 10 ml

Hyabak silmatilgad 10 ml

Tootekood: 7836551

Hyabaki silmatilgad pakuvad tõhusat leevendust kuivadele ja väsinud silmadele. Naatriumhüaluronaadiga, kehas leiduva loodusliku määrdeainega, pakuvad need tilgad kauakestvat niisutust ja mugavust. Olenemata sellest, kas tunnete silmade kuivust ekraani vaatamisest, kontaktläätsede kandmisest või keskkonnateguritest, pakub Hyabak kiiret ja rahustavat lahendust. Säilitusainetevaba koostis on silmadele õrn, mistõttu sobib see tundlikele kasutajatele. Hüabaki silmatilkadega jätke hüvasti ebamugavustundega ja tere värskendatud, niisutatud silmadega. Hoolitsege oma silmade eest, mida nad väärivad, kasutades Hyabaki, mis on teie silmade niisutamise peamine valik...

26.63 USD

Hylo night silmasalv 5 g

Hylo night silmasalv 5 g

Tootekood: 7805166

See silmasalv leevendab edukalt silmade põletustunnet või sügelust. Niisutab ja jätab meeldiva, kauakestva kaitsekile.TOOTEKIRJELDUSHylo Öine silmasalv leevendab edukalt silmade põletustunnet või sügelemist. Nagu sageli juhtub kontaktläätsede kandmisel või konditsioneeri, tuule, külma, tugeva päikesevalguse, halva õhu või sigaretisuitsu mõjul. Selliste kaebuste põhjuseks võib olla ka keskendunud nägemine (nt pärast pikka ekraanitööd, televiisorit või pikka autojuhtimist). Hylo Night silmasalv leevendab neid sümptomeid ja moodustab silmadele meeldiva, kauakestva kaitsekile. Salvi kõrge rasvasisaldusega konsistents põhjustab lühiajalist, kerget nägemisvõime halvenemist. Seetõttu peaksite selle kasutamisel vältima päevasel ajal autojuhtimist. Silmasalv kuivadele, ärritunud silmadele vitamiiniga AJätab kauakestva kaitsekile Ilma säilitusaineteta KASUTAMINE Kandke enne magamaminekut silmadele tükk Hylo Night silmasalvi.Nõuanne: kandke salk sidumiskotile ja sulgege seejärel aeglaselt silmad...

16.18 USD

Idroflog lahus silmal kasutamiseks

Idroflog lahus silmal kasutamiseks

Tootekood: 7835663

IDROFLOGi silmalahus IDROFLOG Ocular Solution on steriilne silmatilkade lahus kuivade ja ärritunud silmade leevendamiseks. Lahendus sobib eriti hästi inimestele, kellel on probleeme pisaravooluga. Tänu ainulaadsele koostisele sisaldab IDROFLOG Ocular Solution naatriumhüaluronaati ja naatriumkloriidi. Naatriumhüaluronaat on silma oluline looduslik komponent ja tagab silmapinna piisava niisutamise. Naatriumkloriid seevastu toetab pisarakile taastumist ja toimib loodusliku pisaraasendajana. IDROFLOG Ocular Solution on kiire ja lihtne kasutada. Silmatilku saate kasutada igal ajal ja igal pool, et oma silmi niisutada ja rahustada. Tilgad sobivad ka kontaktläätsedega inimestele ja neid saab kasutada ka nende kandmise ajal. IDROFLOG silmalahuse kasutamine on ohutu ja tõhus. Lahus ei sisalda säilitusaineid ja sobib seetõttu eriti hästi tundlikele silmadele. Kuna see on steriilne, sobib see ka nõrgestatud immuunsüsteemiga inimestele, kes on eriti vastuvõtlikud nakkustele. IDROFLOG silmalahus on ideaalne lahendus inimestele, kes kannatavad kuivade ja ärritunud silmade all. Oma ainulaadse koostisega võib see aidata teie silmadel end taas mugavalt ja tervena tunda. ..

32.39 USD

Innodrops cp silmatilkad

Innodrops cp silmatilkad

Tootekood: 1008994

INNODROPS CP Eye Drops INNODROPS CP Eye Drops is an advanced formulation designed to relieve irritated and dry eyes. The eye drops are made with a unique combination of ingredients that work together to deliver fast relief and lasting hydration to your eyes. This product is specially formulated to help people who suffer from conditions like dry eyes, eye fatigue, and other eye problems. INNODROPS CP Eye Drops provide essential moisture to your eyes, resulting in brighter, clearer, and more comfortable eyes. Key Benefits Alleviates dry and itchy eyes, reducing irritation and redness Reduces eye fatigue and helps to prevent further damage to the eyes Moisturizes the eyes, resulting in brighter, clearer, and more comfortable eyes Ensures maximum safety and efficacy with its sterile, preservative-free formula that is safe for use with contact lenses Active Ingredients Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose - Provides essential moisture to the eyes to alleviate irritation and dryness Glycerin - Helps to soothe and moisturize the eyes, preventing further irritation and damage Boric Acid - Helps to reduce redness and irritation, promoting healthier eyes Directions for Use To use INNODROPS CP Eye Drops, simply tilt your head back and place one or two drops in each eye. Blink several times to distribute the solution throughout the eye. Use as often as needed to relieve dryness and irritation or as directed by your healthcare professional. INNODROPS CP Eye Drops are a must-have for anyone who experiences dry, itchy, and irritated eyes. With their unique formulation and advanced technology, INNODROPS CP Eye Drops provide fast and effective relief for all types of eye problems. ..

23.00 USD

Livsane befeuchtende augentropfen

Livsane befeuchtende augentropfen

Tootekood: 7819190

LIVSANE Befeuchtende Augentropfen Are you experiencing dry and irritated eyes? LIVSANE Befeuchtende Augentropfen offers rapid relief to dry, red or irritated eyes caused by external factors such as air conditioning, computer usage, pollution or dry air in airplane cabins. These eye drops provide a long-lasting comfort and relief, as they are formulated with Sodium Hyaluronate that naturally occurs in the eye and acts as a lubricant. The patented OcuPure preservative system of LIVSANE Befeuchtende Augentropfen enhances the safety and efficacy of the eye drops, as it breaks down into natural components upon exposure to light, minimizing any potential ocular surface damage. The dropper bottle design of LIVSANE Befeuchtende Augentropfen makes it easy and convenient to use, providing precise dosage with each application. Simply tilt your head back and instill 1-2 drops in each eye. The eye drops are pH balanced, isotonic and free from preservatives or added colors, making it safe to use for individuals with sensitive eyes or contact lenses wearers. Trust LIVSANE Befeuchtende Augentropfen to provide immediate and sustained relief, while also hydrating and protecting your eyes. Features: Rapid relief to dry, red or irritated eyes; Long-lasting comfort and relief; Formulated with Sodium Hyaluronate; Patented OcuPure preservative system; Dropper bottle design for precise dosage; pH balanced, isotonic and preservative-free; Suitable for contact lens wearers and sensitive eyes. ..

21.11 USD

Livsane intensiv befeuchtende augentropfen fl 10 ml

Livsane intensiv befeuchtende augentropfen fl 10 ml

Tootekood: 7819191

Livsane Intensiv befeuchtende Augentropfen Fl 10 ml Do you suffer from dry, itchy eyes? The Livsane Intensiv befeuchtende Augentropfen Fl 10 ml product can help relieve your discomfort. These eye drops are designed to provide intensive moisture to the eyes, reducing the effects of dryness and providing a refreshing and soothing feel. This product is ideal for people who spend long hours in front of a computer or in air-conditioned rooms. The dry air can cause your eyes to become dry and irritated, leading to discomfort and even vision problems. These drops are designed to combat this problem by providing a gentle and refreshing feel that soothes and cools your eyes. The Livsane Intensiv befeuchtende Augentropfen Fl 10 ml product is easy to use and comes in a convenient and portable 10 ml bottle. Simply apply a few drops to the affected eye or eyes as needed, and enjoy the benefits of intensive moisture that lasts for hours on end. With Livsane Intensiv befeuchtende Augentropfen Fl 10 ml, you can enjoy clean, clear, and refreshed eyes throughout the day, even in dry and harsh environments. Order yours today and experience the relief and comfort you deserve! ..

21.65 USD

Ocutears hydro+ 0,4 % fl 10 ml

Ocutears hydro+ 0,4 % fl 10 ml

Tootekood: 7806967

Ocutears Hydro+ 0,4% Fl 10 mlOcutears Hydro+ 0,4% Fl 10 ml on oftalmoloogiline lahus, mis on hoolikalt koostatud, et pakkuda leevendust kuivade silmadega patsientidele. See on eemaldatava ja hõlpsasti kasutatava tilgutiga, mis tagab täpse doseerimise ja minimeerib raiskamist.See toode põhineb hüaluroonhappe määrdesüsteemil. Pealekandmisel suurendab see silmapinna määrimise taset, muutes selle mugavaks ja hästi kaitstuks. Valem on loodud pikaajalise viskoelastse kile loomiseks sarvkesta ja sidekesta peale, pakkudes silmapinnale piisavat niisutust ja kaitset.Ocutears Hydro+ 0,4% Fl 10 ml oftalmoloogiline lahus on soovitatav mitmesugustest seisunditest põhjustatud kuiva silma sümptomite leevendamine, nagu vananemine, hormonaalsed muutused, digitaalsete seadmete pikaajaline kasutamine, kontaktläätsede kulumine ja keskkonnategurid, nagu saaste ja kuiv õhk. Toode sobib täiskasvanutele ja üle kuueaastastele lastele ning seda võivad arsti järelevalve all kasutada ka rasedad ja imetavad emad. Tõhususe tagamiseks on Ocutears Hydro+ 0,4% Fl 10 ml oftalmoloogiline lahus säilitusainetevaba, muutes selle ohutuks silmaallergiate või -ärrituste all kannatavatele patsientidele. Samuti ei sisalda see õlisid ega muid komponente, mis võivad põhjustada nägemise hägusust või takistada nägemist, mistõttu on see ideaalne erineva nägemisteravuse tasemega kasutajatele.Regulaarse kasutamise korral on võimalik kuiva silma sümptomeid leevendada, võimaldades patsiendid saavad nautida selget, mugavat ja hästi määritud nägemist. Hankige oma Ocutears Hydro+ 0,4% Fl 10 ml juba täna ja kogege, millist mõju see teie silmade tervisele ja heaolule muudab!..

40.80 USD

Sanddorn argousier vision augenspray

Sanddorn argousier vision augenspray

Tootekood: 7778082

For quick and instant hydration. Suitable for sensitive eyes. Composition Sea buckthorn oil, hyaluronic acid. Properties relieves the symptoms of dry eyes from the outsidemoisturizes the skin around the eyessuitable for sensitive eyescan be used with eye make-up Application Spray onto closed eyelids. Suitable for contact lens wearers. This product is CE-marked. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..

39.87 USD

Sanddorn argousier visioon sanddornöl kaps

Sanddorn argousier visioon sanddornöl kaps

Tootekood: 7778081

For natural wetting and protection of the eyes. Property nameFood supplement with sea buckthorn oil, beta-carotene, vitamin E and lutein The product contains nutrients for the mucous membrane that protects the eyes, the retina and the tear fluid. Strengthens the macular pigment. For natural lubrication and protection of the eyes.Sea buckthorn oil capsules Composition Sea buckthorn oil (from seeds and pulp) 70% with 30% omega-7 fatty acids; Capsule shell (modified corn starch, humectant: glycerin, gelling agent: carrageenan, acidity regulator disodium phosphate), thickener (silicon dioxide); Lutein (marigold extract), antioxidants (alpha-tocopherol, rosemary antioxidant extract), beta-carotene, sunflower oil. Properties Nutritional supplement for long-term health maintenanceof eye vitality. 100% natural, herbal help from the inside for dry eyes. Dietary supplement with unsaturated fatty acids from sea buckthorn oil, beta-carotene, vitamin E, lutein and zeaxanthin. Vegan, free from colourings, preservatives, yeast, sugar, lactose, gluten, milk and GMOs. Application Recommended consumption: 2-4 capsules daily, whole with something Drink liquid. Allergens Contains Does not contain any allergens that must be declared Notes Store in a cool, dry place. Please do not exceed the recommended daily consumption. Dietary supplements should not be used as a substitute for a balanced and varied diet and a healthy lifestyle. Keep out of the reach of children. ..

131.79 USD

Systane complete benetzungstropfen ohne konservierungsmittel fl 10 ml

Systane complete benetzungstropfen ohne konservierungsmittel fl 10 ml

Tootekood: 7803630

Systane Complete Wetting Drops without preservatives Fl 10 ml | Product Description Systane Complete Wetting Drops without preservatives Fl 10 ml This is a highly effective and safe eye drop solution for dry eye relief. Systane Complete Wetting Drops without preservatives Fl 10 ml are designed to provide an immediate and lasting relief to dry, irritated and tired eyes. This product is free from harmful preservatives and is suitable for those who experience discomfort from using eye drops that contain preservatives. Features and Benefits Unique dual-action formula providing both lubrication and hydration Provides long-lasting relief to dry, irritated and tired eyes Safe for use with contact lenses Formulated to improve tear film stability, reduce inflammation and restore moisture to the ocular surface Free from preservatives, making it suitable for individuals with sensitive eyes Convenient and easy to use bottle for on-the-go relief How to use It is recommended to wash your hands before using the eye drops. Shake the bottle well before use and tilt your head back slightly while pulling your lower eyelid to create a small pocket. Gently squeeze one or two drops into the pocket and blink a few times to spread the solution evenly. Repeat as needed up to four times daily or as directed by your healthcare professional. Systane Complete Wetting Drops without preservatives Fl 10 ml is an essential eye care product for those who desire comfort and relief from dry eyes. Order yours today to discover the benefits of this unique and effective eye drop solution...

37.08 USD

Systane hydration benetzungstropfen ohne konservierungsmittel fl 10 ml

Systane hydration benetzungstropfen ohne konservierungsmittel fl 10 ml

Tootekood: 7787114

Systane Hydration Wetting Drops without preservatives Fl 10 ml Systane Hydration Wetting Drops without preservatives Fl 10 ml is a product designed to provide relief to dry and irritated eyes. These eye drops are specially designed for people suffering from dry eye syndrome and those who wear contact lenses. The unique formula of Systane Hydration Wetting Drops provides instant relief from dryness, irritation, and burning sensation in the eyes. Features and Benefits Provides long-lasting relief from dry eyes Reduces redness and irritation Helps maintain a healthy and moist tear film Easy to administer drops No preservatives added Packaged in a convenient 10ml bottle Usage It is recommended to use Systane Hydration Wetting Drops without preservatives Fl 10 ml, 1?2 drops in each eye, as needed, or as directed by your eye care professional. Tilt your head back slightly and gently squeeze the bottle to release the drops. Precautions Do not touch the tip of the bottle to your eye or any surface as it could contaminate the solution inside Do not use if the seal is broken or missing If you experience any eye pain, changes in vision, or continued redness or irritation, discontinue use and consult your eye care professional immediately Store the bottle at room temperature and keep away from heat and sunlight Systane Hydration Wetting Drops without preservatives Fl 10 ml is the perfect solution for dry and irritated eyes, providing long-lasting relief that can make a significant difference in your day-to-day life...

37.25 USD

Systane ultra benetzungstropfen või konserv

Systane ultra benetzungstropfen või konserv

Tootekood: 7787113

Inhaltsverzeichnis Indikation Dosierung Systane Ultra Benetzungstropfen ohne Konservierungsmittel Indikation Trockene Augen. Dosierung Bei Bedarf anwenden.Kontaktlinsenträger: auch zur Anwendung vor und nach dem Tragen von Kontaktlinsen. 768032 / 15.12.2020 ..

32.59 USD

Visiodoron malva gtt opht tropffl 10 ml

Visiodoron malva gtt opht tropffl 10 ml

Tootekood: 7815608

Inhaltsverzeichnis Indikation Dosierung Visiodoron Malva Augentropfen Indikation Trockene, gereizte Augen. Dosierung Bei Bedarf 1?2 Tr. (für Kontaktlinsenträger geeignet). 781610 / 13.01.2021 ..

27.15 USD

Tooted 26 - 42, tooteid kokku 42, lehekülgi 2
Huebacher 36
8153 Rümlang
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