

Tooted 1 - 25, tooteid kokku 83, lehekülgi 4
Tere tulemast saidile, mis on esmaklassiliste Šveitsi tervise- ja ilutoodete kodu. Meie laialdaselt tunnustatud tootevaliku hulgast leiate kvaliteetseid kompressioonsidemeid, mis on nii professionaalse tervishoiu kui ka igapäevaste esmaabikappide oluline element. Meie kompressioonsidemed, mida kasutatakse erinevates kategooriates, nagu haavahooldus ja põetus, sidemed – sidemed – plaastrid, sidemed ja plaastrid, tagavad optimaalse toe, parandades paranemisprotsessi. Lisaks on need kompressioonsidemete lahutamatu osa – see on meie meditsiiniseadmete valikus. Alates elastsetest sidemetest kuni mittekootud tampoonide ja kompressideni – meil on kõik teie vajadused. Ükskõik, kas tegemist on kehahooldus- ja kosmeetikatoodete või kompressioonteraapiaga, meie tooted on loodud tervise edendamiseks, maksimeerides samas mugavust. Kogege meie tänaste toetavate meditsiiniliste sidemetega võrratut nahahooldust.
3m coban 2 2-kihiline tihendussüsteemi komplekt

3m coban 2 2-kihiline tihendussüsteemi komplekt

Tootekood: 3481388

3M Coban 2 kahekihilise tihendussüsteemi komplekti omadusedEuroopas CE sertifitseeritudKogus pakendis: 1 tkKaal: 219 g p>Pikkus: 116 mm Laius: 161 mm Kõrgus: 92 mm Ostke 3M Coban 2 kahekihiline tihendussüsteemi komplekt Šveitsist veebis p>..

37,36 USD

3m coban 2 lite 2-kihiline tihendussüsteemi komplekt

3m coban 2 lite 2-kihiline tihendussüsteemi komplekt

Tootekood: 4524295

3M Coban 2 Lite kahekihiline tihendussüsteemi komplekt Mis see on? 3M Coban 2 Lite kahekihiline kompressioonisüsteemi komplekt on meditsiiniline toode, mis on loodud venoossete jalahaavandite või tursete raviks. See koosneb mugavast vahukihist ja ühtsest isekleepuvast mähisest, mis säilitab tõhusalt kokkusurumise kahjustatud alal, soodustades optimaalset paranemist ja takistades edasist tursete teket. See toode on jätk edukale 3M Coban 2 Lite sarjale ja pakub täiustatud lahendust, mis vastab ja ületab uusimaid kompressioonravi juhiseid. Kuidas see töötab? 3M Coban 2 Lite 2-kihiline kompressioonisüsteem töötab, rakendades kahjustatud jäsemele astmelist kompressiooni, suurendades vereringet ja alandades tõhusalt turset. Toode kasutab patenteeritud neljakihilist süsteemi, et tagada optimaalne kokkusurumine, pakkudes samas mugavust ja kasutuslihtsust. Esimene kiht on pehme vaht, mis tagab mugava ja turvalise aluse. Teine kiht on sidus side, mis kleepub ise, vähendades vajadust täiendavate teipide või klambrite järele. See ainulaadne disain tagab, et kompressioon rakendub ühtlaselt kogu jäsemele, soodustades optimaalset paranemist.Millised on funktsioonid ja eelised? Toodet on lihtne peale kanda ja reguleerida, mistõttu on patsiendil mugav kogu päeva kanda. Isekleepuva sideme jaoks ei ole vaja klambreid ega teipe, mis vähendab libisemise või reguleerimise ohtu. Patenteeritud disain tagab, et toode surub ühtlaselt kogu kahjustatud jäseme ulatuses, soodustades optimaalset paranemist ja hoides ära turse. 3M Coban 2 Lite kahekihilise tihendussüsteemi komplekt vastab uusimatele juhistele ning on efektiivne veenihaavandite ja muude seotud seisundite ravis. Toode on saadaval erinevates suurustes, mis tagab, et seda saab kasutada erinevatel patsientidel ja kahjustatud kehaosadel. Toode on taskukohane ja annab investeeringule kõrge väärtuse, pakkudes tõhusalt parimat ravi minimaalsete tüsistustega. Kuidas kasutada? 3M Coban 2 Lite kahekihilise tihendussüsteemi komplekt on mõeldud kasutamiseks tervishoiutöötajate poolt. Siiski saavad patsiendid õppida, kuidas toodet ohutult ja kindlalt peale kanda. Tootega on kaasas üksikasjalikud juhised ja enne kasutamist tuleb konsulteerida tervishoiutöötajaga.Lõppsõnad 3M Coban 2 Lite kahekihiline kompressioonisüsteemi komplekt on usaldusväärne ja tõhus meditsiiniline toode, mis on loodud venoossete jalahaavandite, tursete ja sellega seotud seisundite raviks. Seda on lihtne kasutada, mugav kanda ja see järgib uusimaid juhiseid, pakkudes optimaalset kompressioonravi, mis tagab paranemise ja ennetab tüsistusi. Toode on saadaval taskukohase hinnaga, pakkudes investeeringule kõrget väärtust ning seda saab kasutada mitmesugustel patsientidel ja kehaosadel...

35,70 USD

Beež bilasto handgelenkbandage m pöidlaga lähenemisega

Beež bilasto handgelenkbandage m pöidlaga lähenemisega

Tootekood: 2960201

The Bilasto wrist support with thumb attachment provides mechanical support for the wrist, preventing incorrect posture and excessive strain on the joints. It also helps prevent re-injury and provides proper compression. The light pressure stimulates the metabolism and thus promotes blood circulation in the joint capsules. This leads to a reduction of pain and swelling. The functionality of the wrist is not restricted. The muscles are activated, which accelerates the healing process of blunt injuries. Colour: BeigeSize: M (17.5-19cm) Bilasto Bilasto supports are medical supports which must fit perfectly in order to guarantee the most comfortable possible wearing comfort. Therefore they are produced seamlessly using the circular knitting process and are also longitudinally and transversely elastic, non-slip and have no pressure points...

61,26 USD

Beež bilasto handgelenkbandage s pöidla lähenemisega

Beež bilasto handgelenkbandage s pöidla lähenemisega

Tootekood: 2960193

The Bilasto wrist bandage with a thumb attachment provides mechanical support for the wrist, preventing incorrect posture and excessive stress on the joints. In addition, the bandage helps to prevent further injuries and ensures the right compression. The slight pressure stimulates the metabolism and thus promotes blood circulation in the joint capsules. This leads to pain relief and a decrease in swelling. The functionality of the hand is not restricted. The muscles are activated, which accelerates the healing process in the case of blunt injuries. Bilasto bandages are medical bandages that have to fit perfectly in order to guarantee the most comfortable wear possible. They are therefore made seamlessly using a circular knitting process and are also elastic lengthwise and crosswise, non-slip and have no pressure points. This wrist bandage is beige in color and size S (16-17.5cm)...

61,26 USD

Bilasto pahkluu side s konts avatud beež

Bilasto pahkluu side s konts avatud beež

Tootekood: 2960336

Bilasto Ankle Bandage S pakub sihipärast tuge ja kompressiooni hüppeliigese vigastuste, venituste ja nikastuste korral. Mugava pehmes beežis avatud kontsaga side pakub igapäevaste tegevuste ajal mugavust ja paindlikkust. Valmistatud kvaliteetsetest materjalidest, soodustab paranemist, stabiliseerides hüppeliigese ja vähendades turset. Reguleeritav sulgur tagab kindla sobivuse kohandatud survetasemete jaoks. Ideaalne nii ennetavaks kui ka vigastusjärgseks hoolduseks, Bilasto Ankle Bandage S on usaldusväärne valik inimestele, kes otsivad oma pahkluudele tõhusat tuge ja kaitset...

36,20 USD

Cellacare manus classic gr3 lingid

Cellacare manus classic gr3 lingid

Tootekood: 7176771

A knit bandage that provides compression and support for the wrist. Reduces the tendency to swell and stabilizes dynamically. Integrated splint can be shaped with heat if necessaryCan be adapted to the healing process of the wrist with a detachable wrist strap and removable splint Areas of application TenosynovitisArth rose or arthritisInstability and functional overload in the wrist areaAftercare of wrist fractures after surgery or plaster castPost-traumatic after moderate to severe sprainsStage I of the complex regional pain syndrome Size/color Size 1: wrist circumference 14.0-15.0 cmSize 2: wrist circumference 15.0-17.0 cmSize 3: wrist circumference 17.0-19.5 cmSize 4: wrist circumference 19.5-22.5 cmLeft versionColour: black/green Features Compression of the wrist through a combination of knitted fabric, silicone pad and stabilization strapStabilization through anatomically shaped Splint Product composition Cotton, elastane, elastodiene, polyamide, polyester, polyurethane, silicone Note Do not wear while sleepingWashable at 30 degrees, do not iron, do not bleach, do not machine dry, do not dry clean..

64,96 USD

Comprilan lühike veniv side 5mx10cm

Comprilan lühike veniv side 5mx10cm

Tootekood: 1250319

Comprilani lühikese venitussideme omadused 5mx10cmEuroopas CE sertifitseeritudSäilitustemperatuur min/max 15/25 kraadi Celsiuse järgiKogus pakendis: 1 tükidKaal: 106 g Pikkus: 65 mm Laius: 65 mm Kõrgus: 110 mm Ostke Comprilan lühike venitusside 5mx10cm Internetis Šveitsist..

18,84 USD

Comprilan lühike veniv side 5mx8cm

Comprilan lühike veniv side 5mx8cm

Tootekood: 1250302

Comprilani lühikese venitussideme omadused 5mx8cmEuroopas CE sertifitseeritudSäilitustemperatuur min/max 15/25 kraadi Celsiuse järgiKogus pakendis: 1 tükidKaal: 86 g Pikkus: 62 mm Laius: 65 mm Kõrgus: 88 mm Ostke Comprilan lühike venitusside 5mx8cm Internetis Šveitsist..

15,98 USD

Comprilani lühike veniv side 5mx12cm

Comprilani lühike veniv side 5mx12cm

Tootekood: 1250325

Comprilani lühikese venitussideme omadused 5mx12cmEuroopa CE sertifikaatSäilitustemperatuur min/max 15/25 kraadi Celsiuse järgiKogus pakendis: 1 tükidKaal: 123 g Pikkus: 65 mm Laius: 65 mm Kõrgus: 127 mm Ostke Comprilan lühike venitusside 5mx12cm Internetis Šveitsist..

21,60 USD

Dermaplast stretch elastne marli side 4cmx10m valge

Dermaplast stretch elastne marli side 4cmx10m valge

Tootekood: 7779560

Dermaplast STRETCH Elastic Gauze Bandage 4cmx10m White Get the perfect combination of comfortable fit and reliable support with Dermaplast STRETCH Elastic Gauze Bandage. This versatile bandage is ideal for wound care, injury recovery, and everyday use. Stretchable Design Made from lightweight, breathable materials, this gauze bandage is stretchable and conformable which makes it comfortable to wear for extended periods of time. The elastic nature of the product also makes it an effective solution for managing swelling, sprains, and strains. Secure Protection This white-colored elastic gauze bandage provides a secure and protective barrier without causing irritation or discomfort. The high-quality construction allows it to withstand exposure to moisture and prevent the spread of harmful bacteria while still allowing air to circulate to the wound site. Size and Length Each roll of Dermaplast STRETCH Elastic Gauze Bandage measures 4cm wide x 10 m long, making it suitable for use on different parts of the body. You can easily cut it to the desired length to fit a specific injury or wound, and the compact size makes it highly portable so you can always have it on hand when needed. Multiple Uses Suitable for both adults and children, the Dermaplast STRETCH Elastic Gauze Bandage is perfect for first aid kits, sports bags, and emergency kits. Some of the main uses include: Wound protection and support Compression for swelling, sprains, and strains Dressing retention Stabilization of splints and other medical devices Conclusion Dermaplast STRETCH Elastic Gauze Bandage 4cmx10m White is an excellent product for people who need reliable and affordable wound care solutions. Buy it today and experience the benefits of a stretchable and breathable bandage that is ideal for managing different types of injuries. ..

9,05 USD

Dermaplast stretch elastne marli side 4cmx4m valge 20 tk

Dermaplast stretch elastne marli side 4cmx4m valge 20 tk

Tootekood: 7779556

Dermaplast STRETCH Elastic Gauze Bandage 4cm x 4m White 20 pcs The Dermaplast STRETCH Elastic Gauze Bandage is a versatile and essential component of any first aid kit. Made with quality materials, it is designed to provide superior support and compression to injured areas, allowing for faster healing and recovery. This product comes in a pack of 20 individually-wrapped bandages, each measuring 4cm x 4m. The bandage is made from a combination of cotton, polyester, and spandex, ensuring that it stretches and conforms comfortably to the contours of the body. One of the key benefits of the Dermaplast STRETCH Elastic Gauze Bandage is its ability to maintain its shape and tension over time. This means that you can rely on it for consistent, reliable support during the healing process. Whether you are treating a sprained ankle, a pulled muscle, or a wound that needs dressing, this elastic gauze bandage is an excellent choice. Its high-quality construction makes it ideal for use in a wide range of medical settings, including hospitals, clinics, and first aid stations. With its affordable price, high-quality construction, and versatility, the Dermaplast STRETCH Elastic Gauze Bandage is a must-have item in any first aid kit or medical supply collection...

22,12 USD

Flawa nova extra tsentraalne venitusside 4cmx5m tan

Flawa nova extra tsentraalne venitusside 4cmx5m tan

Tootekood: 7498888

FLAWA NOVA EXTRA Mittelzugbinde 4cmx5m tan The FLAWA NOVA EXTRA Mittelzugbinde 4cmx5m tan is an ideal bandage for athletes and people recovering from an injury. This bandage is designed to provide support, stability, and compression to the injured area, thus aiding in the recovery process. It is made of a high-quality elastic material that provides a snug fit and comfortable wear. The FLAWA NOVA EXTRA Mittelzugbinde 4cmx5m tan is perfect for sports enthusiasts who engage in high-impact activities such as running, soccer, basketball, and more. The bandage helps prevent injuries by reducing the strain on muscles and joints, thus enabling you to perform your best. It is also an excellent choice for individuals recovering from an injury or surgery. The compression and support provided by the bandage help reduce inflammation and promote healing. The FLAWA NOVA EXTRA Mittelzugbinde 4cmx5m tan features a unique mid-pull design that allows you to adjust the compression level easily. This makes it an ideal choice for individuals with minor injuries who need a bandage that is easy to use and adjust. The bandage is 4cm wide and 5m long, making it suitable for most areas of the body. It is tan in color, making it discreet and ideal for use in professional settings. The FLAWA NOVA EXTRA Mittelzugbinde 4cmx5m tan is of high quality, durable, and washable. It can be used multiple times, making it a cost-effective option for athletes and individuals recovering from injuries. In summary, the FLAWA NOVA EXTRA Mittelzugbinde 4cmx5m tan is a must-have for athletes and people recovering from injuries or surgeries. Its unique design, convenient size, and high-quality elastic material make it a reliable and effective bandage for all your compression and support needs. ..

11,71 USD

Hartmann ideaalne side 10cmx5m

Hartmann ideaalne side 10cmx5m

Tootekood: 5341711

HARTMANN Idealbandage 10cmx5m The HARTMANN Idealbandage 10cmx5m is a high-quality, soft and elastic bandage made with a combination of viscose, polyamide and elastane materials. This bandage is suitable for use in a variety of medical settings such as hospitals, clinics, and homes, and is suitable for both professional and personal use. The bandage is perfect for providing reliable and effective support to injured or strained muscles, joints and ligaments. The woven fabric provides excellent elasticity and pressure, creating a comfortable and secure fit that doesn't slip or loosen over time. The bandage conforms perfectly to the shape of the body, providing exceptional support and compression even in the most difficult areas. The HARTMANN Idealbandage 10cmx5m is also highly absorbent, making it perfect for use during wound care. The bandage is breathable, allowing air to circulate through the fabric and allowing the skin to remain dry and comfortable. This makes it ideal for use in hot and humid environments, or during physical activities where excess heat and moisture can cause discomfort or irritation. The HARTMANN Idealbandage 10cmx5m is easy to use and safe for patients of all ages. It is designed to be reusable, meaning it can be washed and reused multiple times, making it a cost-effective and environmentally friendly option. The bandage is also latex-free, making it suitable for patients with latex allergies. Overall, the HARTMANN Idealbandage 10cmx5m is an exceptional product that provides reliable and effective support and compression to strained, sore or injured muscles and joints. It is a versatile, comfortable and convenient option for both personal and professional use, and is an essential item in any first aid kit or medical setting...

9,10 USD

Ideaalne flex universaalköide 6cmx5m 10 tk

Ideaalne flex universaalköide 6cmx5m 10 tk

Tootekood: 3214670

Ideaalse Flex universaalköite omadused 6cmx5m 10 tkEuroopas CE sertifitseeritudKogus pakendis: 10 tkKaal: 0,00000000g >Pikkus: 0 mm Laius: 0 mm Kõrgus: 0 mm Ostke Šveitsist Internetist Ideaalne Flex universaalköide 6 cm x 5 m 10 tk..

18,79 USD

Ivf idealcrepe binding 4mx8cm 10 pcs

Ivf idealcrepe binding 4mx8cm 10 pcs

Tootekood: 4522126

IVF Idealcrepe Binding 4mx8cm - 10 pcs IVF Idealcrepe binding is a high-quality, medical-grade bandage that is perfect for use during in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment. These bandages come in a pack of 10 and each bandage measures 4 meters long and 8 centimeters wide, making them ideal for wrapping around various parts of the body. IVF Idealcrepe binding is made from soft and breathable crepe material, which means that they are comfortable to wear and won't irritate the skin. The bandages are also stretchy, which makes them easy to apply and ensures a snug fit that won't slip or loosen. They are designed to provide firm support and compression to the affected area, helping to reduce swelling and promote healing. These bandages are perfect for use during IVF treatment when a reliable and secure dressing is required. They can be used to wrap around the abdomen following egg retrieval or to secure a dressing after embryo transfer. IVF Idealcrepe binding is also useful in cases where additional support is needed during pregnancy or after surgery. IVF Idealcrepe binding is a must-have for anyone undergoing IVF treatment or for those recovering from surgery. These bandages come in a convenient pack of 10 and are easy to use and apply. Whether you're using them during IVF treatment or for other medical reasons, these bandages are the perfect choice for reliable and secure support...

50,56 USD

Köide rosidal k kurzzug 10cmx5m

Köide rosidal k kurzzug 10cmx5m

Tootekood: 1114303

Rosidal K Kurzzug köite omadused 10cmx5mEuroopa CE sertifikaatSäilitustemperatuur min/max 15/25 kraadi Celsiuse järgiKogus pakendis: 1 tükidKaal: 103 g Pikkus: 59 mm Laius: 59 mm Kõrgus: 108 mm Ostke Rosidal K Kurzzug köide 10cmx5m võrgus Šveitsist..

20,98 USD

Mollelast flexible bandage 4cmx4m valge 20 tk

Mollelast flexible bandage 4cmx4m valge 20 tk

Tootekood: 2591672

Mollelast Flexible Bandage 4cmx4m white 20 pcs The Mollelast Flexible Bandage 4cmx4m white 20 pcs is a high-quality bandage designed to provide optimal support and compression for various injuries. The bandage is made with a high-quality material that is gentle on your skin, ensuring maximum comfort when used. It features a unique design that allows it to conform easily to your body's shape, providing a perfect fit that helps to eliminate pain and discomfort. Features High-quality material Conforms easily to your body's shape Provides optimal support and compression Gentle on your skin Easy to use Benefits Reduces pain and discomfort Provides support and compression to affected areas Accelerates healing time Prevents the worsening of injuries Easy to apply and remove Usage The Mollelast Flexible Bandage 4cmx4m white 20 pcs is perfect for anyone looking for a high-quality bandage that offers support and compression for various injuries. Whether you are recovering from surgery or dealing with a sports injury, this bandage can help to provide the relief you need to get back on your feet. Conclusion If you are looking for a reliable and high-quality bandage that provides optimal support and compression for your injuries, then look no further than the Mollelast Flexible Bandage 4cmx4m white 20 pcs. With its unique design and gentle material, this bandage is sure to become your go-to solution for all your injury care needs. Get yours today and experience the difference! ..

23,17 USD

Opti plaste-c kompressioonside 2,5mx6cm

Opti plaste-c kompressioonside 2,5mx6cm

Tootekood: 3768859

OPTI PLASTE-C kompressioonside 2,5mx6cmOPTI PLASTE-C kompressioonside 2,5mx6cm on kvaliteetne meditsiinitoode, mis on loodud pakkuma usaldusväärset kompressioon tõhusaks haavahoolduseks. See side on valmistatud kergest ja hingavast materjalist, mis tagab maksimaalse mugavuse ja toe.Omadused: Pakub tõhusaks haavahoolduseks usaldusväärse tihenduse Valmistatud kergest ja hingavast materjalist, et tagada maksimaalne mugavus ja tugi Lihtne pealekandmine ja reguleerimine tänu isekleepuvatele omadustele Lateksivaba ja nahasõbralik 2,5 meetrit pikk ja 6 sentimeetrit lai, sobib enamiku sidumisvajaduste jaoks. Eelised:OPTI PLASTE-C kompressioonside 2,5 m x 6 cm on ideaalne valik haavahoolduseks. See pakub tõhusat kompressiooni, mis aitab vähendada turset ja parandada vereringet. See side tagab vigastatud piirkonnale korraliku toe ja mugavuse, hõlbustades samal ajal kiiremat paranemist. Isekleepuvate omadustega sidet saab hõlpsasti reguleerida ja peale kanda, mis teeb selle kasutamise mugavaks ka hädaolukordades.Lisaks on OPTI PLASTE-C surveside 2,5mx6cm kergesti lahti rullitav ja kergesti lõikatav. . Selle lateksivaba ja nahasõbralik materjal vähendab nahaärrituse või allergiliste reaktsioonide riski, tagades tõhusa haavahoolduse ilma tüsistusteta. Kasutamine:OPTI PLASTE-C surveside 2,5 m x 6 cm saab kasutada erinevat tüüpi vigastuste, sealhulgas nikastuste, venituste, verevalumite ja muljumiste raviks ja toetamiseks. Selle isekleepuvad omadused muudavad selle pealekandmise ja reguleerimise lihtsaks, mistõttu sobib see ideaalselt nii tervishoiutöötajatele kui ka isiklikuks kasutamiseks. Järeldus:OPTI PLASTE-C kompressioonside 2,5 m x 6 cm on hädavajalik igas hädaolukorras ja esmaabikomplektis. Selle kvaliteetne materjal, usaldusväärne kokkusurumine, mugavus ja lihtne pealekandmine muudavad selle tõhusaks haavahoolduseks parimaks valikuks. ..

18,86 USD

Pütteri ühing 8/2 ühik 10cmx5m

Pütteri ühing 8/2 ühik 10cmx5m

Tootekood: 5309601

Pütteri Ühingu 8/2 ühiku omadused 10cmx5mEuroopas CE sertifitseeritudKogus pakendis: 2 tkKaal: 189g Pikkus: 55 mm Laius: 107 mm Kõrgus: 104 mm Ostke Šveitsist Internetist Pütter Association 8/2 ühikut 10 cm x 5 m..

34,56 USD

Peha crepp kreppside 4mx8cm valge 20 tk

Peha crepp kreppside 4mx8cm valge 20 tk

Tootekood: 2952466

Peha Crepp kreppsideme omadused 4mx8cm valge 20 tkEuroopas CE sertifitseeritudKogus pakis: 20 tkKaal: 262g Pikkus: 85 mm Laius: 184 mm Kõrgus: 146 mm Ostke Šveitsist Internetist Peha Crepp kreppsideme 4mx8cm valge 20 tk..

48,54 USD

Putter flex köide 8 / 10cmx5m 2 tk

Putter flex köide 8 / 10cmx5m 2 tk

Tootekood: 5600934

Putter Flex köite omadused 8 / 10cmx5m 2 tkEuroopa CE sertifikaatKogus pakendis: 2 tkKaal: 192g Pikkus: 55 mm Laius: 108 mm Kõrgus: 108 mm Ostke Šveitsist Internetist Putter Flex köide 8 / 10 cm x 5 m 2 tk..

34,78 USD

Rosidal k kurzzug köide 6cmx5m

Rosidal k kurzzug köide 6cmx5m

Tootekood: 1114289

Rosidal K Kurzzug köite omadused 6cmx5mEuroopa CE sertifikaatSäilitustemperatuur min/max 15/25 kraadi Celsiuse järgiKogus pakendis: 1 tükidKaal: 67 g Pikkus: 61 mm Laius: 61 mm Kõrgus: 70 mm Ostke Rosidali K Kurzzug köide 6cmx5m võrgus Šveitsist..

16,44 USD

Stülpa fix power association gr4 leg roll 25 meters

Stülpa fix power association gr4 leg roll 25 meters

Tootekood: 2305086

Stülpa Fix Power Association Gr4 leg roll 25 meters Introducing the Stülpa Fix Power Association Gr4 leg roll, a powerful and versatile solution perfect for all your compression needs. This 25-meter roll is specially designed to be gentle on the skin while providing maximum support and pressure to injured or strained areas of the legs. The Stülpa Fix Power Association Gr4 leg roll is made from high-quality, latex-free materials that conform easily to the contours of the body for a comfortable fit. It is also washable and reusable, making it a cost-effective option for those who need long-term compression therapy. Whether you are recovering from a sports injury, dealing with chronic pain, or just looking for a way to alleviate swelling and discomfort in your legs, this leg roll is an excellent choice. The Stülpa Fix Power Association Gr4 leg roll can be cut to any size, making it ideal for use on knees, ankles, calves, or thighs. Don't let discomfort or limited mobility hold you back. With the Stülpa Fix Power Association Gr4 leg roll, you can get the compression you need to feel better and get back to your active lifestyle...

104,64 USD

Tale kõhuside 30cm 111-150cm neljarealine valge

Tale kõhuside 30cm 111-150cm neljarealine valge

Tootekood: 5053461

TALE kõhusideme omadused 30cm 111-150cm neljarajaline valgeEuroopas CE sertifitseeritudSäilitustemperatuur min/max 15/25 kraadi Celsiuse järgi >Kogus pakendis: 1 tkKaal: 435 g Pikkus: 61 mm Laius: 121 mm Kõrgus: 365 mm Ostke Šveitsist Internetist TALE kõhusideme 30cm 111-150cm neljarealine valge..

123,34 USD

Wero swiss elasticolor elastne side 5mx6cm sinine 10 tk

Wero swiss elasticolor elastne side 5mx6cm sinine 10 tk

Tootekood: 1820053

WERO SWISS Elasticolor Elastic bandage 5mx6cm blue 10 pcs The WERO SWISS Elasticolor Elastic bandage is an essential tool for athletes, sports enthusiasts, and medical professionals. This Elastic bandage is perfect for providing support and compression for various body parts such as ankles, wrists, knees, and elbows to reduce the risk of injury and promote recovery. The Elastic bandage is made of high-quality materials that are durable and can withstand frequent use. This bandage is crafted with a unique design that allows for both compression and flexibility. The Elasticolor Elastic bandage provides excellent support while allowing for a range of motion, so you can move without feeling restricted. The WERO SWISS Elasticolor Elastic bandage is also easy to use. The bandage easily stretches and conforms to the body when applied, ensuring a secure fit. It is also washable, making it easy to clean and reuse multiple times. This pack contains 10 blue Elastic bandages, each measuring 5mx6cm. The Elasticolor Elastic bandage is suitable for both acute and chronic injuries. It can help support joint stability, reduce swelling and inflammation, and limit motion to promote faster healing. It is an ideal choice for individuals recovering from sprains, strains, or other injuries that require compression and support. Whether you are a professional athlete or someone recovering from an injury, the WERO SWISS Elasticolor Elastic bandage is an indispensable tool for your recovery and rehabilitation. Get your pack of 10 Elastic bandages today and start your journey to a healthier and more active lifestyle! ..

94,26 USD

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