
Kolumbia kohv

Tooted 1 - 1, tooteid kokku 1, lehekülgi 1
Tere tulemast Beeviatasse – teie ülimasse sihtkohta Šveitsist pärit esmaklassiliste tervise- ja ilutoodete ostmiseks. Siin oleme uhked oma laia tootevaliku üle, mis edendab tervislikumat elustiili ja heaolu. Meie tee/kohvi/jookide kategooriast leiate meie ainulaadse Colombia kohvi. See ei puuduta ainult meie Colombia kohvi pakutavat ahvatlevat maitset, vaid ka mitmesuguseid sellega kaasnevaid tervisega seotud eeliseid. Meie Colombia kohv on valmistatud eetiliselt, tagades, et iga teie lonks on täidetud õiglase kaubanduse tavadega ja austusega kohvikasvatajate vastu. Boonusena annab see tõuke teie tervisele + toitumisele, sobides ideaalselt teie tervislikku rutiini. See on midagi enamat kui jook; see on elustiili valik. Ostke meie juures, et nautida meie Colombia kohvi aromaatset ja tervist tugevdavat kogemust. Täiendage oma toidukaupade nimekirja Beeviataga juba täna!
Bc cafe bio bravo kaffee kalliskivi fairtr

Bc cafe bio bravo kaffee kalliskivi fairtr

Tootekood: 5887611

BC CAFE BIO BRAVO Kaffee gem Fairtr Looking for high-quality, organic coffee that is both delicious and eco-friendly? Look no further than BC CAFE BIO BRAVO Kaffee gem Fairtr! Our coffee is made from 100% organic beans grown in the heart of Colombia. We carefully select only the finest beans, which are then roasted to perfection to bring out the rich, full-bodied flavor that coffee lovers around the world crave. But our commitment to sustainability goes beyond just using organic beans. We are also proud to be Fairtrade certified, which means that we pay our growers a fair price for their beans and ensure that their working conditions are safe and fair. By choosing BC CAFE BIO BRAVO Kaffee gem Fairtr, you can feel good knowing that you are supporting ethical and sustainable coffee production. Not only is our coffee delicious and socially responsible, but it is also easy to prepare. Simply grind the beans to your desired level of coarseness, add hot water, and enjoy a fresh, hot cup of organic coffee that is sure to please. So why wait? Order your bag of BC CAFE BIO BRAVO Kaffee gem Fairtr today and experience the taste and quality of organic, fair trade coffee for yourself!..

27.48 USD

Tooted 1 - 1, tooteid kokku 1, lehekülgi 1
Huebacher 36
8153 Rümlang
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