
Täiskasvanute mähkmed

Tooted 26 - 44, tooteid kokku 44, lehekülgi 2
Saidil pakume mitmesuguseid Šveitsist pärit Health & Beauty tooteid, sealhulgas täiskasvanutele mõeldud mähkmeid. Meie tooted sobivad suurepäraselt klientidele, kes otsivad inkontinentsi lahendusi. Meie kategooriate valik sisaldab "Muud tooted", "Haavahooldus ja põetus", "Meditsiinilised seadmed", "Pidamatus", "Pidamatuse mähkmepüksid", "Mähkmed - mähkmed", "Attends" ja "Molicare". Meie täiskasvanutele mõeldud mähkmed pakuvad suurepärast lekkekaitset ja nahasõbralikke eeliseid. Need ühekordselt kasutatavad püksikud ja inkontinentsipadjad on olulised kehahoolduseks, säilitades uriinipidamatusega inimeste väärikuse ja mugavuse. Lisaks parandavad meie nahahooldustooted naha tervist tundlikes piirkondades. Meie püksikute imavus on võrratu, tagades meie klientidele turvalisuse ja kindlustunde. Avastage Šveitsi toodete kvaliteet saidil
Elastne molicare 10 l 14 tk

Elastne molicare 10 l 14 tk

Tootekood: 7624407

Elastic MoliCare 10 L 14 tk omadusedEuroopas CE sertifitseeritudKogus pakendis: 14 tkKaal: 2940g Pikkus: 190 mm Laius: 380 mm Kõrgus: 290 mm Ostke Elastic MoliCare 10 L 14 tk Internetist Šveitsist..

71.26 USD

Elastne molicare 10 s 22 tk

Elastne molicare 10 s 22 tk

Tootekood: 7624382

The Elastic MoliCare 10 S 22 pcs are high-quality adult diapers designed to meet the needs of people who require incontinence care. These diapers are a popular choice for caregivers who are looking for a reliable and effective solution to manage incontinence. With a comfortable elastic waistband, the MoliCare diapers provide a secure and snug fit, ensuring that the wearer experiences maximum comfort and protection. The elastic waistband is soft and flexible, and it adapts to the movement of the wearer for a more comfortable experience. The MoliCare diapers come with a breathable and absorbent core that quickly captures and locks away moisture, providing the wearer with long-lasting protection. The superabsorbent core helps to keep the skin dry, reducing the risk of irritation and infection. Additionally, the diapers are pH-neutral, making them gentle on the skin. The MoliCare diapers feature a wetness indicator that changes color when the diaper is full, alerting caregivers that it is time to change the diaper. This feature helps to promote good hygiene practices and reduces the risk of skin irritation and infection. The Elastic MoliCare 10 S 22 pcs are ideal for people with moderate to heavy incontinence. They are suitable for use during the day or at night, providing the wearer with the freedom and confidence they need to go about their daily activities. In conclusion, if you or someone you know requires reliable and effective incontinence care, the Elastic MoliCare 10 S 22 pcs are an excellent option that provide maximum comfort and long-lasting protection. ..

79.12 USD

Elastne molicare 10 xl 14 tk

Elastne molicare 10 xl 14 tk

Tootekood: 7624413

Elastic MoliCare 10 XL 14 pcs Are you looking for a comfortable and reliable solution for your incontinence issues? Look no further than Elastic MoliCare 10 XL 14 pcs. These adult diapers are designed to provide maximum absorbency and protection, allowing you to go about your day with confidence and peace of mind. Key Features and Benefits Extra-large size to fit a variety of body types and shapes Elastic waistband for a comfortable and secure fit Double absorbent core to quickly lock away moisture and odors Wetness indicator to let you know when it's time to change Soft and breathable materials to keep skin dry and healthy How to Use Using Elastic MoliCare 10 XL 14 pcs is easy and straightforward. Simply remove the diaper from its packaging and unfold it. Place the diaper between your legs, with the back of the diaper resting against your lower back. Fasten the tabs on each side of the diaper to create a secure and comfortable fit. Make sure the diaper is snug but not too tight, and adjust the fit as needed throughout the day. When it's time to change, simply remove the old diaper and replace it with a fresh one. Who Is It For? Elastic MoliCare 10 XL 14 pcs is ideal for anyone who experiences incontinence or bladder control issues. It's especially useful for those who need extra coverage and absorbency, such as people with larger body types or those who experience heavy leaks. Whether you're dealing with temporary issues or a long-term condition, Elastic MoliCare 10 XL 14 pcs will help you stay dry, comfortable, and confident. Why Choose Elastic MoliCare 10 XL 14 pcs? Elastic MoliCare 10 XL 14 pcs offers a range of features and benefits that make it a top choice for anyone who needs reliable incontinence protection. With its extra-large size, elastic waistband, and double absorbent core, it provides maximum coverage and protection. The wetness indicator lets you know when it's time to change, while the soft and breathable materials keep your skin dry and comfortable. Choose Elastic MoliCare 10 XL 14 pcs for a comfortable and reliable solution to your incontinence needs...

73.62 USD

Molicare elastic 8 s 26 pcs

Molicare elastic 8 s 26 pcs

Tootekood: 7624330

MoliCare Elastic 8 S inkontinentsi mähkmed pakuvad inkontinentsi probleemidega inimestele esmaklassilist kaitset ja mugavust. Need ühekordsed püksid, mis sisaldavad 26 tk, on mõeldud diskreetseks ja turvaliseks kandmiseks. Elastne vöörihm tagab tiheda istuvuse, samas kui pehme, hingav materjal pakub mugavust kogu päevaks. Nende pükste kõrge imamisvõime aitab vältida lekkeid ning hoiab naha kuiva ja tervena. MoliCare Elastic 8 S püksid sobivad ideaalselt neile, kes vajavad usaldusväärset uriinipidamatuse juhtimist, ning pakuvad meelerahu ja enesekindlust igapäevaste toimingute tegemiseks ilma katkestusteta...

81.47 USD

Molicare elastic 8 s 78 pcs

Molicare elastic 8 s 78 pcs

Tootekood: 7623744

Tutvustame MoliCare Elastic 8 S inkontinentsi mähkmepükse, mis pakuvad võrratut kaitset ja mugavust pidamatuse probleemidega inimestele. See pakend sisaldab 78 tükki, mis on loodud hästi istuma ja suure imavusega, säilitades samal ajal naha tervise. Elastne vöörihm tagab kindla ja diskreetse istuvuse, võimaldades liikumisvabadust ja meelerahu. Need pidamatuspüksid, mis sobivad ideaalselt nii aktiivseks päevaseks kasutamiseks kui ka ööseks kaitseks, tagavad usaldusväärse lekkekontrolli. Usaldage MoliCare Elastic 8 S-i, et see pakub teile väärilist hoolt ja enesekindlust, edendades iseseisvust ja väärikust igapäevaelus...

215.63 USD

Molicare elastic 8 xl 14 tk

Molicare elastic 8 xl 14 tk

Tootekood: 7624347

MoliCare Elastic 8 XL 14 pcs - Adult Diapers for Heavy Incontinence MoliCare Elastic 8 XL is a high-quality adult diaper designed for heavy incontinence. It is made with soft, breathable materials that are gentle on the skin, ensuring maximum comfort and protection to the user. This product is an excellent choice for people who may have mobility issues or who require extra support throughout the day. Secure Fit: MoliCare Elastic 8 XL has an innovative elastic waistband that provides a secure fit, preventing the product from moving around or slipping down. The elastic waistband also ensures maximum comfort, allowing the diaper to move with the user's body without rubbing or causing discomfort. High Absorbency: The product has a high absorbent core that quickly absorbs and retains large amounts of liquid, ensuring maximum protection against leaks, odor and minimizing the risk of skin irritation. Leak Protection: These adult diapers feature an advanced leak guard that provides extra protection to the user, minimizing the risk of leaks and keeping the skin dry and comfortable. Easy to Use: MoliCare Elastic 8 XL is easy to use and dispose of. It features a wetness indicator that indicates when the user needs to change the diaper, making it easy to monitor the usage throughout the day. Each pack comes with 14 pieces to ensure that the user has a sufficient supply on hand. Suitable for Heavy Incontinence: This product is suitable for people who suffer from heavy incontinence. It is perfect for people who require extra support and protection throughout the day, providing maximum comfort and protection to the user. Overall, MoliCare Elastic 8 XL is a high-quality, reliable, and effective solution for heavy incontinence. It provides maximum protection, ensuring the user's dignity and comfort. With its innovative features and advanced technology, it is an excellent choice for people who struggle with incontinence. ..

63.47 USD

Molicare elastic l 8 drops of 24 pcs

Molicare elastic l 8 drops of 24 pcs

Tootekood: 7573360


103.67 USD

Molicare lady pants m 5 tilka 8 tk

Molicare lady pants m 5 tilka 8 tk

Tootekood: 7724327

MoliCare Lady Pants M 5 tilka 8 tk Nahasõbralikest, pehmetest ja hingavatest materjalidest püksid. Quick-Dry süsteem, neutraliseerib lõhnad ja pH neutraalne. Mõõduka põie nõrkuse korral. Inkontinentsipüksid on spetsiaalselt välja töötatud kerge uriinipidamatusega liikuvatele naistele. Pükste imamisvõime on 5. Samuti on need optimaalse lekkekaitsega kandmisel äärmiselt silmapaistmatud ja neid saab kanda nagu tavalist aluspesu. - Dry Plus fliis - anatoomiline istuvus - lõhnu siduv üliimav kiht - elastsed sääremansetid - mitteläbilaskev, välisosa tekstiilist - kõrge imamisvõime - aloe veraga...

24.44 USD

Molicare lisatasu vorm 3

Molicare lisatasu vorm 3

Tootekood: 7830951

MOLICARE Premium Form 3 The MOLICARE Premium Form 3 is an adult diaper that is designed for maximum absorbency and comfort. It is specifically designed for people who are experiencing incontinence and require extra protection to prevent leaks, keeping them dry and comfortable at all times. These diapers are made using high-quality materials that are soft and gentle on your skin. The super absorbent core is designed to quickly draw moisture away from your skin, preventing skin irritation and discomfort. The Molicare Premium Form 3 diaper comes with a wide range of features to ensure maximum protection and comfort. One of the key features is the moisture indicator, which indicates when it?s time to change the diaper. The elastic waistband ensures a snug fit, preventing leakage, and the delicate leg cuffs ensure that there are no leaks on the sides. The Molicare Premium Form 3 is available in different sizes, making it suitable for people of all body types. They come in packs of 30, making them convenient to use, and the resealable tabs make it possible to adjust the fit as needed. The Molicare Premium Form 3 is the perfect solution for people who want maximum comfort and protection from incontinence. The high-quality materials used, along with the excellent design, makes these diapers a reliable and comfortable choice for everyone. ..

46.11 USD

Molicare lisatasu vorm 9

Molicare lisatasu vorm 9

Tootekood: 7830956

MOLICARE Premium Form 9 The MOLICARE Premium Form 9 is a high-quality adult diaper designed for people who are in need of high absorbency and comfort. These adult diapers are perfect for people who suffer from moderate to severe incontinence, and can offer an effective solution for those who desire a comfortable and reliable product. Product Features High absorbency: The MOLICARE Premium Form 9 can effectively handle moderate to severe incontinence, with maximum coverage and protection. Effective leakage control: This adult diaper can prevent unwanted leaks, keeping you comfortable and dry throughout the day or night. Comfortable fit: The MOLICARE Premium Form 9 features a specially designed three-layer absorbent system to provide maximum comfort and absorbency. Soft inner lining: The inner lining of these adult diapers is made from soft, breathable materials, which means you stay comfortable and cool at all times. Easy to use: The MOLICARE Premium Form 9 features secure tape tabs that are easy to adjust, giving you a customized and snug fit. Benefits of using MOLICARE Premium Form 9 Using the MOLICARE Premium Form 9 adult diapers can offer you several benefits, including: Protection from incontinence-related skin irritation Prevention of unwanted leaks, keeping your clothes and surroundings clean and dry Restful sleep due to the high level of absorbency and protection in these adult diapers Ability to maintain an active lifestyle, even with moderate to severe incontinence Overall, the MOLICARE Premium Form 9 is a high-quality adult diaper that can provide a safe, secure, and comfortable solution for people with moderate to severe incontinence...

55.54 USD

Molicare mobile 10 l 14 tk

Molicare mobile 10 l 14 tk

Tootekood: 7347126

MoliCare Mobile 10 L 14 tk omadusedEuroopas CE sertifikaatKogus pakendis: 14 tkKaal: 1829g Pikkus: 190 mm Laius: 280 mm Kõrgus: 290 mm Ostke MoliCare Mobile 10 L 14 tk Internetist Šveitsist..

84.07 USD

Molicare mobile 5 m 14 pcs

Molicare mobile 5 m 14 pcs

Tootekood: 7735212

MoliCare Mobile 5 M 14 tk on esmaklassiline uriinipidamatuse lahendus, mis on loodud mugavuse ja kaitse tagamiseks. Need uuenduslikud mähkmepüksid on kohandatud mõõduka kuni raske uriini- või roojapidamatuse jaoks, tagades usaldusväärse lekkekontrolli ja diskreetse kulumise. Täiusliku istuvuse ja elastse vööga pakuvad need liikumisvabadust ja kasutusmugavust. Pehme, hingav kangas tagab naha tervise ja mugavuse kogu päevaks. MoliCare Mobile 5 M 14 tk, mis sobib ideaalselt inimestele, kes otsivad kõrgekvaliteedilist ja usaldusväärset lahendust pidamatuse juhtimiseks, tagab kindlustunde ja meelerahu...

50.23 USD

Molicare premium vorm 4 32 stk

Molicare premium vorm 4 32 stk

Tootekood: 7830952

MoliCare Premium Form 4 32 Stk The MoliCare Premium Form 4 is a highly absorbent and comfortable adult diaper designed for individuals with moderate to heavy incontinence. It offers maximum protection against leaks, ensuring that you stay dry and comfortable throughout the day or night. This product is suitable for both men and women and comes in a pack of 32 diapers. Highly Absorbent: The MoliCare Premium Form 4 has a highly absorbent core that quickly wicks away moisture from your skin, eliminating the risk of skin irritation and discomfort. Comfortable Fit: It features a breathable and soft backing material that feels comfortable against your skin, allowing you to wear it for extended periods without feeling uncomfortable. Odor Control: The MoliCare Premium Form 4 is designed with odor control technology that neutralizes any unpleasant odor, leaving you feeling fresh and confident all day long. Leakage Protection: The diaper has a multi-layer design that ensures maximum leakage protection. Its elastic leg cuffs and adjustable tapes also provide a snug fit, preventing any leaks from occurring. The MoliCare Premium Form 4 comes in a convenient pack of 32 diapers, making it an affordable and reliable option for individuals with moderate to heavy incontinence. Order now and experience maximum protection against leaks and maximum comfort! ..

46.15 USD

Molicare premium vorm 5 32 stk

Molicare premium vorm 5 32 stk

Tootekood: 7830953

MoliCare Premium Form 5 32 Stk The MoliCare Premium Form 5 32 Stk is a high-quality incontinence product designed to offer maximum comfort and efficiency for people with moderate to severe bladder weakness. This product is specially designed to handle higher levels of incontinence and provide superior protection against leaks and skin irritation. The MoliCare Premium Form 5 32 Stk comes with an advanced three-layer absorbent core that quickly locks in fluids, leaving the skin dry and comfortable. The outer layer features a breathable textile-like material that allows air circulation and reduces heat buildup. This layer helps to prevent skin irritation and rashes that are common with traditional incontinence products. The MoliCare Premium Form 5 32 Stk is also designed with a multitude of features that improve the overall user experience. The product comes with adjustable side panels that ensure a secure fit and prevent leaks. The super soft and velvety material used in the construction of this product provides a luxurious feel that eliminates discomfort and the risk of skin irritation. The wetness indicator enables users to track the amount of moisture absorbed and identify when it's time to change the product. The MoliCare Premium Form 5 32 Stk is an ideal incontinence product for individuals who require maximum protection, comfort, and peace of mind. The product is unisex and comes in a pack of 32 pieces, making it an affordable and convenient solution for long-term use. Key features High-quality incontinence product Designed for moderate to severe bladder weakness Advanced three-layer absorbent core Breathable textile-like material Adjustable side panels Super soft and velvety material Wetness indicator Unisex design Pack of 32 pieces ..

63.09 USD

Seni active classic xl 30 tk

Seni active classic xl 30 tk

Tootekood: 7388740

Seni Active Classic XL 30 tk Seni Active Classic XL 30 pc on esmaklassiline hügieenitoode, mis on loodud pakkuma maksimaalset mugavust ja kaitset pidamatuse eest. Need täiskasvanute mähkmed sobivad suurepäraselt inimestele, kes kannatavad mõõduka kuni raske uriini- või roojapidamatuse all, kuid soovivad siiski säilitada aktiivset elustiili. Need võimaldavad teil püsida kuivana ja mugavalt pikka aega, olenemata sellest, kas olete istuv või aktiivne.Omadused Mõeldud sobima enamiku kehatüüpidega Lihtne kasutada ja ära visata Lõhna kontroll ja niiskuse indikaator Elastsed paelad tagavad kindla sobivuse Väga imav südamik lukustab niiskuse ja vähendab lekkeohtu Pehmed ja hingavad materjalid, mis tagavad naha tervise ja mugavuse Eelised Seni Active Classic XL 30 pc aitab hoida teid kuivana ja mugavalt, võimaldades teil nautida aktiivsemat elustiili. Lõhnakontroll ja niiskuse indikaator tagavad, et tunnete end neid täiskasvanute mähkmeid kandes enesekindlalt ja kindlalt. Elastne nöör tagab tiheda ja mugava istuvuse, mis püsib paigal ka intensiivse tegevuse ajal. Suure imavusega südamik vähendab ka lekete ohtu, mis võib põhjustada ebamugavust ja piinlikkust. Lisaks hoiavad pehmed ja hingavad materjalid ära nahaärrituse, hoides teid tervena ja mugavalt terve päeva.Kellele see mõeldud on? Seni Active Classic XL 30 pc on mõeldud kõigile, kellel on vanuse, haiguse või muude põhjuste tõttu mõõdukas kuni raske uriini- või roojapidamatus. Need täiskasvanutele mõeldud mähkmed sobivad ideaalselt neile, kes soovivad säilitada aktiivset elustiili, kartmata lekkeid või lõhna. Need sobivad ka neile, kes võivad olla piiratud liikumisvõimega või voodihaiged, tagades maksimaalse puhtuse ja mugavuse kogu päeva jooksul.Järeldus Seni Active Classic XL 30 pc on ideaalne toode kõigile, kes soovivad olla mugavad, enesekindlad ja hügieenilised, hoolimata pidamatusest või liikumisprobleemidest. Täiustatud funktsioonide ja usaldusväärse jõudlusega toode vastab kindlasti kõigile teie vajadustele ja ületab teie ootused. ..

57.84 USD

Seni active klassikalised püksid l

Seni active klassikalised püksid l

Tootekood: 7388728


61.24 USD

Tena comfort mini plus 30 tk

Tena comfort mini plus 30 tk

Tootekood: 7430755

TENA Comfort Mini Plus 30 tk omadusedEuroopa CE sertifikaatKogus pakendis: 30 tkKaal: 445 g Pikkus: 252 mm Laius: 86 mm Kõrgus: 180 mm Ostke TENA Comfort Mini Plus 30 tk Internetist Šveitsist..

19.85 USD

Tena comfort mini super 30 tk

Tena comfort mini super 30 tk

Tootekood: 7691295

TENA Comfort Mini Super 30 tk omadusedEuroopa CE sertifikaatKogus pakendis: 30 tkKaal: 1186 g Pikkus: 133 mm Laius: 295 mm Kõrgus: 273 mm Ostke TENA Comfort Mini Super 30 tk Internetist Šveitsist..

26.03 USD

Tena diskreetne normal night 10 stk

Tena diskreetne normal night 10 stk

Tootekood: 7772461

TENA diskreetse Normal Night 10 tk omadusedEuroopa CE sertifikaatKogus pakendis: 10 tkKaal: 279 g Pikkus: 195 mm Laius: 107 mm Kõrgus: 95 mm Ostke TENA diskreetne Normal Night 10 tk Internetist Šveitsist..

10.22 USD

Tooted 26 - 44, tooteid kokku 44, lehekülgi 2
Huebacher 36
8153 Rümlang
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