
Reguleeritav kõrgus

Tooted 1 - 7, tooteid kokku 7, lehekülgi 1
Beeovitas pakume laia valikut reguleeritava kõrgusega meditsiiniseadmeid ja karke. Need on olulised tööriistad neile, kes vajavad haavahooldust või põetust, pakkudes teile paindlikkust ja mugavust vastavalt oma pikkusele ja mugavustasemele kohandamiseks. Ükskõik, kas vajate kergeid karkusid või vastupidavaid meditsiiniseadmeid, tagavad meie reguleeritava kõrgusega tooted stabiilsuse ja töökindluse. Seda kõike pakkudes samal ajal parimaid Šveitsi tervise- ja ilutooteid, mis on tuntud oma täppisehituse ja kõrge kvaliteedi poolest. Sirvige meie karkude, kõndimisabivahendite, haavahooldus- ja põetustoodete kategooriaid, et leida oma vajadustele kõige paremini sobiv.
King griffpolster kargud must tõmblukk 1 paar

King griffpolster kargud must tõmblukk 1 paar

Tootekood: 6011944

King Griffpolster crutches black zipper 1 pair Introducing the King Griffpolster crutches, designed to provide maximum comfort and support for anyone with mobility issues. This package includes one pair of crutches in a sleek black color with a convenient zipper feature. The Griffpolster crutches are made with high-quality materials and are sturdy yet lightweight for easy maneuverability. The crutches feature comfortable hand grips with ergonomic padding that contours to the shape of your hand, reducing any discomfort or strain. The handles are also adjustable to fit your height, ensuring maximum support and stability as you move around. The King Griffpolster crutches have a weight capacity of up to 300 lbs, and the durable construction ensures long-lasting use. The crutches are easy to assemble and disassemble for convenient storage and transport. The black zipper feature allows for easy access to the grips, making it easy to adjust the height or replace the grips if needed. Whether you're recovering from an injury or living with a long-term mobility issue, these crutches are the right choice for you. They provide comfort, support, and mobility, allowing you to move around with ease and confidence. Get your King Griffpolster crutches today and experience the ultimate in comfort and support!..

30.85 USD

Ossenberg crutch capsule pivoflex 16mm blue 1 pair

Ossenberg crutch capsule pivoflex 16mm blue 1 pair

Tootekood: 6004134

Ossenbergi kargukapsel Pivoflex 16 mm sinine (1 paar) – mugavad ja stiilsed kargud igapäevaseks kasutamiseksKui peate vigastuse või puude tõttu karkudega kõndima, oluline on leida paar, mis pakub nii mugavust kui ka stiili. Ossenbergi kargukapsel Pivoflex 16 mm on loodud nende vajaduste rahuldamiseks, pakkudes kasutajatele mugavat, stiilset ja vastupidavat kargupaari. Ossenbergi kargukapsel Pivoflex 16 mm sinine (1 paar) on uuendusliku kapsli disainiga, mis võimaldab lihtsat ja pingutuseta liigutamist, tagades samal ajal kasutajatele suurepärase stabiilsuse. Kargupaar on valmistatud tugevatest materjalidest ja talub kuni 286 naela (130 kg), mistõttu on see suurepärane valik erinevate liikumisvajadustega inimestele. Nende karkude disainis kasutatav Pivoflexi tehnoloogia võimaldab keha loomulikku liikumist, pakkudes kasutajale mugavat ja ergonoomilist haaret. Käepidemed on kaetud pehme polstriga, pakkudes kasutajatele pikaajalisel kasutamisel suurepärast tunnet. Samuti on kargupaar konstrueeritud nii, et see oleks kergesti reguleeritav, pakkudes kasutajatele paindlikkust kõrguse reguleerimiseks vastavalt oma konkreetsetele vajadustele. Reguleeritav kõrgus võimaldab kasutajal leida ideaalse sobivuse, tagades piisava toe ja mugava kõndimiskogemuse. Ossenbergi kargukapslil Pivoflex 16mm Blue (1 paar) on ka vastupidav kummist ots põhjas, mis tagab piisava veojõu ja haarduvuse. Lisaks on otsikud vahetatavad, tagades, et kasutajad saavad need kergesti välja vahetada, kui need on kulunud, mis pikendab kargupaari eluiga. Need kargud on saadaval stiilse ja elegantse sinise värviga, mis muudab need suurepäraseks lisandiks teie igapäevasele kandmisele. Põhifunktsioonid Mugavad ja ergonoomilised käepidemed pikemaks kasutamiseks Reguleeritav kõrgus täiusliku sobivuse tagamiseks Vastupidav ja vastupidav konstruktsioon talub kuni 286 naela (130 kg) raskust Vahetavad kummiotsad pikendavad kasutusiga Stiilne sinine värv lisab teie igapäevasele kandmisele stiili Üldiselt on Ossenbergi kargukapsel Pivoflex 16 mm sinine (1 paar) suurepärane valik neile, kes otsivad mugavat ja stiilset kargupaari igapäevaseks kasutamiseks. Selle uuenduslik disain ja kvaliteetne konstruktsioon tagavad vastupidavuse, ülima mugavuse ja pingutusteta liikumise...

15.55 USD

Ossenbergi kark alu / hall kõva käepide 140kg 1 paar

Ossenbergi kark alu / hall kõva käepide 140kg 1 paar

Tootekood: 6003726

Ossenbergi alumiiniumkargu / halli kõva käepidemega 140 kg 1 paarTutvustame Ossenbergi alumiiniumkargu / halli kõva käepideme 140 kg 1 paari – täiuslikku liikumisabi neile, kes peavad oma vigastatud jäsemetele veidi tuge andma. Kark on valmistatud kvaliteetsest alumiiniumist ja sellel on kõva hall käepide, mida on lihtne ja mugav haarata. 140 kg kaalupiirang tagab, et kark saab hõlpsasti hakkama mitmesuguste keharaskustega. Nii sise- kui ka välistingimustes kasutamiseks mõeldud Ossenbergi Alu / Grey kõva käepideme 140 kg 1 paar on piisavalt kerge ja manööverdatav, et hõlpsasti liikuda, samas kui libisemisvastane kummijalg hoiab teid kindlalt igal pinnal. Kargul on ka reguleeritava kõrguse seaded, mis tagavad teie kehale täiusliku sobivuse, ja koos paariga on teil kaks karku mõlema kehapoole toetamiseks. Kui vajate kvaliteetset karku, on Ossenbergi kargu alumiinium/hall kõva käepidemega 140 kg 1 paar suurepärane valik. Lihtne ja hõlpsasti kasutatav ning see pakub suurepärast tuge, kui seda kõige rohkem vajate. Valmistatud kvaliteetsest alumiiniumist Kõva hall käepide lihtsaks haardeks 140 kg kaalupiirang Reguleeritava kõrguse seaded Libisemisvastane kummijalg Kaasas paar karku ..

65.34 USD

Sahag kargud soft grip punane metalliseeritud schwwarz -140kg 1 paar

Sahag kargud soft grip punane metalliseeritud schwwarz -140kg 1 paar

Tootekood: 7843502

Sahag Crutches Soft Grip Red Metallized Schwarz - 140kg 1 Pair The Sahag Crutches Soft Grip Red Metallized Schwarz - 140kg 1 Pair is a high-quality set of crutches designed to provide comfort and stability to people who require assistance with their movement. These crutches are made using durable and lightweight materials, making them easy to carry and use. They are ideal for individuals who have suffered from an injury, illness or have a disability that limits their mobility. Key Features Soft and comfortable handle grips: The crutches come with soft grip handles that ensure comfortable use even for extended periods. Sturdy construction: The crutches can support up to 140kg and are designed to withstand daily use for a long time. Adjustable height: The height of the crutches can be adjusted to suit different needs, making them ideal for people of different heights. Metallic finish: The red metallized Schwarz finish provides a sleek and modern look to the crutches. Lightweight and portable: The crutches are lightweight and easy to carry, making them convenient for use both indoors and outdoors. The Sahag Crutches Soft Grip Red Metallized Schwarz - 140kg 1 Pair is an excellent addition to anyone who needs assistance with their mobility. They offer durability, stability, comfort and ease of use, making them a reliable and convenient solution for individuals with mobility challenges. Order your pair today and enjoy the convenience of easier mobility...

92.06 USD

Sahag krücken ergo hart 76-96cm alu blau

Sahag krücken ergo hart 76-96cm alu blau

Tootekood: 7843505

SAHAG Krücken Ergo Hart 76-96cm alu blau Spend your recovery time in comfort and style with the SAHAG Krücken Ergo Hart 76-96cm alu blau! These crutches are designed to offer superior ergonomics and comfort, while also providing reliable support and durability. The adjustable height allows you to customize the crutches to your individual needs, ensuring maximum comfort and support throughout your recovery process. The aluminum construction ensures lightweight portability, making it easy to use the crutches both inside and outside the home. The crutches come in a sleek blue finish, adding an element of style to your recovery period. The ergonomic design of the handles is created for long-term use, reducing the risk of developing irritation, blisters, or sores. Additionally, the non-slip rubber tips offer superior grip and make sure that you stay stable and secure at all times. The SAHAG Krücken Ergo Hart 76-96cm alu blau crutches are ideal for people recovering from injuries or surgeries and anyone looking for a reliable and comfortable mobility aid. Get your hands on these crutches today and experience a comfortable and stylish recovery period! ..

76.16 USD

Supair krücke 140kg alu/blau softgriff mit reflektor und pivoflex-kapseln, 77-98cm clip 1 paar

Supair krücke 140kg alu/blau softgriff mit reflektor und pivoflex-kapseln, 77-98cm clip 1 paar

Tootekood: 7813403

Supair Krücke 140kg alu/blau Softgriff mit Reflektor und Pivoflex-Kapseln, 77-98cm Clip 1 Paar Introducing the Supair Krücke 140kg alu/blau Softgriff mit Reflektor und Pivoflex-Kapseln, 77-98cm Clip 1 Paar, the perfect pair of crutches to assist with mobility and provide support while recovering from injury or surgery. Sturdily constructed from durable aluminum, these crutches are capable of supporting up to 140kg in weight. Designed with user comfort in mind, these crutches feature soft grips that provide a comfortable and secure grip during use. Additionally, the crutches are equipped with reflective surfaces that enhance visibility and safety during low-light conditions. For added convenience and versatility, these crutches are also equipped with Pivoflex-Kapseln. These innovative caps provide greater stability and support on any surface, making it easy to navigate uneven terrain or slippery surfaces. The Supair Krücke 140kg alu/blau Softgriff mit Reflektor und Pivoflex-Kapseln, 77-98cm Clip 1 Paar are designed to accommodate a wide range of users, with adjustable height settings that can be modified between 77cm and 98cm to ensure a comfortable and secure fit. The crutches also come with a clip that holds them together for easy storage and transportation. Experience superior mobility and support with the Supair Krücke 140kg alu/blau Softgriff mit Reflektor und Pivoflex-Kapseln, 77-98cm Clip 1 Paar ? the perfect solution for anyone seeking a reliable and comfortable pair of crutches. ..

43.89 USD

Vitility cane anthracite

Vitility cane anthracite

Tootekood: 6875573

Vitility Cane Anthracite The Vitility Cane Anthracite is the ideal mobility aid for any senior or individual in need of assistance with walking or balance. This cane is designed to provide stability, support, and comfort to those who require assistance with mobility. This cane is made of high-quality materials that make it durable and reliable. This cane offers several features that are beneficial for seniors or those experiencing difficulty with mobility. Features: Adjustable Height: The cane features an adjustable height that can be adjusted to fit the user's height and requirements. This makes it versatile and suitable for a wide range of individuals. Ergonomic Grip: The ergonomic grip on the cane ensures that the user is comfortable while using it. The handle is designed to fit the contours of the hand, providing a secure and comfortable grip. Lightweight Design: The cane is lightweight, making it easy to carry around. It is easy to maneuver, even in tight spaces. Stable Base: The cane has a stable base that provides excellent support and stability. This makes the cane safe for use on all surfaces, including slippery floors. Durable Construction: The cane is made of high-quality materials that make it durable and long-lasting. It is designed to withstand daily use and abuse without breaking or wearing out easily. Benefits: Improves Mobility: The Vitility Cane Anthracite is a valuable mobility aid that can help users maintain their independence and improve their mobility. Reduces Risk of Falls: This cane is designed to provide stability, support, and balance to seniors or those experiencing mobility issues, reducing the risk of falls. Comfortable to Use: The ergonomic grip ensures the user is comfortable while using it. The handle is designed to fit the contours of the hand, providing a secure and comfortable grip, reducing the risk of hand fatigue. Easy to Carry: The lightweight design of the cane makes it easy to carry around. This allows users to take it with them wherever they go. Safe: This cane is safe for use on all surfaces, including slippery floors, thanks to its stable base. Conclusion: The Vitility Cane Anthracite is a top-quality mobility aid that is designed to provide stability, support, and balance to seniors or those experiencing mobility issues. Its adjustable height, ergonomic grip, lightweight design, stable base, and durable construction make it an excellent choice for anyone in need of assistance with mobility. Plus, its many benefits, which include improved mobility, reduced risk of falls, comfort, ease of carrying, and safety, make it a valuable tool for anyone looking to maintain their independence and improve their quality of life. ..

65.32 USD

Tooted 1 - 7, tooteid kokku 7, lehekülgi 1
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