3m micropore fliisist liimkrohv dosaatoriga 25mmx5m helepruun
Tutvustame mugava dosaatoriga fliisist kleepuvat plaastrit 3M Micropore, mis sobib ideaalselt haavahoolduseks ja põetusvajadusteks. See helepruun krohv on disainitud 25 mm x 5 m suuruses, pakkudes suurepärast katvust ja kindlat nakkumist, et kaitsta väiksemaid lõikeid ja haavu. Pehme fliismaterjal tagab kandjale mugavuse, õrn liim muudab pealekandmise ja eemaldamise lihtsaks ja valutuks. Olgu see regulaarseks esmaabiks kasutamiseks või meditsiinitöötajatele, see plaaster on mitmekülgne lisand igale esmaabikomplektile või tervishoiuasutusele. Usaldage 3M-i haavahoolduslahenduste kvaliteedi ja usaldusväärsuse osas...
10.12 USD
3m micropore fliisist liimkrohv dosaatoriga 25mmx5m valge
3M Micropore fliisist kleepplaaster koos dosaatoriga on usaldusväärne ja mitmekülgne haavahoolduslahendus. Valge 25 mm x 5 m mõõtmetega kvaliteetne plaaster on nahale õrn, kuid tagab haava optimaalseks paranemiseks kindla nakkumise. Pehme fliismaterjal tagab mugavuse ja paindlikkuse, mistõttu sobib see tundlikule nahale. Mugav jaoturi funktsioon võimaldab hõlpsat ja täpset pealekandmist, muutes selle ideaalseks kasutamiseks tervishoius ja esmaabis. Usaldage 3M Micropore krohvi, et pakkuda tõhusat kaitset ja tuge väiksemate sisselõigete, marrastuste ja haavade korral...
9.69 USD
3m micropore kootud liimkrohv ilma dosaatorita 25mmx5m valge täiteaine
3M Micropore kootud kips ilma jaoturita on kvaliteetne meditsiiniline kleeplint, mis on loodud haavahoolduseks ja põetamiseks. See 25 mm laiune ja 5 m pikk valge täiterull pakub usaldusväärset ja õrna lahendust sidemete ja sidemete kinnitamiseks. Kootud konstruktsioon tagab mugava kandmise ja hingavuse pikemaks ajaks. Ideaalne tundlikule nahale, Micropore plaaster on hüpoallergeenne ja lateksivaba. See mitmekülgne toode on hädavajalik esmaabikomplektide, meditsiiniasutuste ja igapäevase väiksemate haavade hooldamiseks kodus või liikvel olles. Usaldage 3M-i tõhusate ja lihtsalt kasutatavate haavahoolduslahenduste jaoks...
6.15 USD
3m transpore liimkrohv 5 m x 25 mm täitepakk
The transparent and hypoallergenic plaster is used to securely fix wound dressings and cannulas and is ideal for frequent dressing changes. Properties The breathable and hypoallergenic 3M Transpore transparent fixation plaster is used to securely fix wound dressings and cannulas and is ideal for frequent dressing changes. It is water-repellent and adheres particularly well to perspiring skin. Because it can be easily torn both lengthwise and crosswise, it is extremely flexible in useThe carrier material consists of a porous PE film (polyethylene) and the adhesive is made of skin-friendly polyacrylate. One pack contains 24 rolls of plaster measuring 12mm x 9.14m.Caution: Do not stick the adhesive plaster directly onto open skin.This product is CE marked. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..
6.22 USD
Döll kleepplaastrid 19x72mm dinosaurused can 20 tk
Dölli kleepplaastrite omadused 19x72mm dinosaurused Ds 20 tkEuroopas CE sertifitseeritudSäilitustemperatuur min/max 15/30 kraadi Celsiuse järgiKogus pakk: 20 tükkiKaal: 0,00000000 g Pikkus: 0 mm Laius: 0 mm Kõrgus: 0 mm Ostke Šveitsist Internetist Dölli kleepplaastreid 19x72mm dinosaurused Ds 20 tk..
9.86 USD
Döll kleepplaastrid 19x72mm haldjad can 20 tk
Dölli kleepplaastrite omadused 19x72mm haldjad Ds 20 tkEuroopas CE sertifitseeritudSäilitustemperatuur min/max 15/30 kraadi Celsiuse järgiKogus pakk: 20 tükkiKaal: 0,00000000 g Pikkus: 0 mm Laius: 0 mm Kõrgus: 0 mm Ostke Šveitsist Internetist Dölli kleepplahve 19x72mm haldjad Ds 20 tk..
9.86 USD
Döll kleepplaastrid 19x72mm unicorn can 20 tk
Dölli kleepplaastrite omadused 19x72mm Unicorn Ds 20 tkEuroopa CE sertifikaatSäilitustemperatuur min/max 15/30 kraadi Celsiuse järgiKogus pakk: 20 tükkiKaal: 50 g Pikkus: 78 mm Laius: 110 mm Kõrgus: 22 mm >Ostke Šveitsist Internetist Dölli kleepplahve 19x72mm Unicorn Ds 20 tk..
13.81 USD
Dermaplast active epi soft plus s4
DermaPlast Active Epi Soft plus S4 DermaPlast Active Epi Soft plus S4 on uuenduslik nahasõbralik kleepplaaster pehme ja hingava padjaga. See on spetsiaalselt loodud selleks, et pakkuda optimaalset haavahooldust ja kaitset inimestele, kes juhivad aktiivset eluviisi. DermaPlast Active Epi Soft plus S4 pehme ja painduv padi järgib haava kuju, tagades kiire paranemise ja vähendades armistumise ohtu. Eriti tugev kleepuv kiht hoiab kipsi kindlalt paigal, lastes nahal hingata, vältides ärritust ja ebamugavustunnet. DermaPlast Active Epi Soft plus S4 on hüpoallergeenne ega sisalda lateksit, mistõttu on see ohutu isegi kõige tundlikumale nahale. See on ka veekindel, võimaldades duši all ja vannis käimist, ilma et see kahjustaks krohvi terviklikkust. Ükskõik, kas olete sportlane, hõivatud lapsevanem või lihtsalt keegi, kes naudib aktiivset elustiili, on DermaPlast Active Epi Soft plus S4 teile ideaalne haavahoolduslahendus. Selle täiustatud tehnoloogia ühendab endas mugavuse, vastupidavuse ja tõhususe, tagades igat tüüpi haavade optimaalse paranemise ja kaitse. ..
100.90 USD
Dermaplast active epi soft s
DermaPlast Active Epi Soft S DermaPlast Active Epi Soft S is a premium-quality adhesive plaster that has been designed to provide effective wound care to individuals with sensitive or delicate skin. This adhesive plaster is made with natural and skin-friendly materials, making it ideal for use on patients with prone or sensitive skin. Furthermore, DermaPlast Active Epi Soft S is convenient to use and comes in a practical and easy-to-handle roll dispenser. Features and Benefits Soft and gentle for sensitive or delicate skin Natural materials - hypoallergenic and breathable Convenient and easy-to-handle roll dispenser Long-lasting adhesive hold Flexible and comfortable to wear Usage Instructions Clean and dry the affected area before applying the plaster. Remove the plaster from the dispenser and position it over the wound, ensuring the adhesive side is facing the skin. Press down on the plaster firmly for optimal adherence. Change the plaster as necessary. DermaPlast Active Epi Soft S is ideal for people with sensitive skin and is especially useful when treating delicate wounds. Its natural and hypoallergenic materials ensure that your skin stays healthy and irritation-free. Order one today and enjoy the benefits of a high-quality adhesive plaster that guarantees optimal wound care and skin protection...
57.03 USD
Dermaplast medical skin+ 15x8cm
DERMAPLAST Medical skin+ 15x8cm DERMAPLAST Medical skin+ 15x8cm is a premium-quality adhesive plaster that has been specifically designed to provide effective wound protection and healing support. This product features a unique, medical-grade adhesive that sticks firmly to the skin without causing discomfort or irritation, making it ideal for use on sensitive areas of the body. Features: 15x8cm dimensions for larger wound coverage Medical-grade adhesive that sticks firmly without causing discomfort or irritation Provides effective wound protection and healing support Designed to be resistant to water and other liquids Flexible and conformable to the body's contours for comfortable wear Benefits: Easy to apply for quick wound protection and treatment Can be used on sensitive areas of the body without causing irritation or discomfort Provides a protective barrier against dirt, bacteria, and other contaminants Helps wounds heal faster by providing a moist wound environment Flexible and conformable to the body's contours, allowing for comfortable wear during physical activity or movement Usage: DERMAPLAST Medical skin+ 15x8cm is suitable for use in various healthcare settings, including hospitals, clinics, and at home. This product is ideal for covering and protecting larger wounds, providing effective wound healing support, and keeping the wound area clean and protected from external contaminants. It is recommended that you clean and dry the affected area before applying the plaster, ensuring that the skin is free from any dirt or debris. Apply the plaster to the wound, ensuring that it is firmly in place and covering the entire wound area. Replace the plaster as needed, depending on the condition of the wound. For best results, use DERMAPLAST Medical skin+ 15x8cm in conjunction with other wound healing products, such as antiseptics and dressings. With its high-quality features and benefits, DERMAPLAST Medical skin+ 15x8cm is the perfect product for effective wound protection, treatment, and healing support. Buy yours today from our online store!..
25.00 USD
Dermaplast sparablanc läbipaistev 1,25cmx5m valge
DERMAPLAST Sparablanc läbipaistev 1,25 cm x 5 m valge Haavasidemete kinnitamiseks . DermaPlast® Sparablanc kinnitusplaaster (kleepplaaster) sobib ideaalselt haavasidemete kinnitamiseks. Kips on valmistatud mikroperforeeritud kilest ja on nahasõbralik, veekindel, läbipaistev ja käsitsi rebitav. Saadaval ka praktilises jaoturis täpseks rebimiseks klambrikarbis või säästurullina...
5.89 USD
Dermaplast sparablanc läbipaistev 2,5cmx5m valge
DERMAPLAST Sparablanc läbipaistev 2,5 cm x 5 m valge Haavasidemete kinnitamiseks . DermaPlast® Sparablanc kinnitusplaaster (kleepplaaster) sobib ideaalselt haavasidemete kinnitamiseks. Kips on valmistatud mikroperforeeritud kilest ja on nahasõbralik, veekindel, läbipaistev ja käsitsi rebitav. Saadaval ka praktilises jaoturis täpseks rebimiseks klambrikarbis või säästurullina...
8.04 USD
Hansaplast classic kleepkrohv 5mx1,25cm
Hansaplast Classicu kleepkrohvi omadused 5mx1,25cmEuroopa CE sertifikaatSäilitustemperatuur min/max 15/25 kraadi Celsiuse järgiKogus pakendis : 1 tkKaal: 25 g Pikkus: 23 mm Laius: 60 mm Kõrgus: 90 mm Ostke Šveitsist Internetist Hansaplast Classic Kleepkrohv 5mx1,25cm..
5.66 USD
Leukoplast eco 2 grössen 20 stk
Leukoplast eco Leukoplast eco is a pack of 20 adhesive plasters that are available in 2 different sizes to provide flexibility to users. These plasters are designed to protect minor wounds and cuts and promote faster healing. The product has been created with a focus on being eco-friendly and minimizing the impact on the environment. Features and Benefits Comes in two sizes, offering greater flexibility to users Protects minor wounds and cuts effectively Promotes faster healing of wounds Reusable packaging to minimize waste Free from chlorine, latex, and plastic Made using recycled paper Effective Wound Protection Leukoplast eco is designed to provide effective wound protection without compromising on comfort. The adhesive plaster is made from a soft, flexible material that molds to the skin to provide a comfortable fit. The plaster also features a secure adhesive that ensures it stays in place and protects the wound from bacteria and dirt. Eco-Friendly Design Leukoplast eco has been designed with the environment in mind. The packaging is made from recycled paper, and the plasters are free from chlorine, latex, and plastic. The product is also reusable, which helps to minimize waste and reduce the impact on the environment. Conclusion Leukoplast eco is an eco-friendly product that provides effective wound protection. The pack contains 20 adhesive plasters that are available in two different sizes, providing greater flexibility to users. The plasters are made from a soft, flexible material that molds to the skin to provide a comfortable fit. The product is also free from chlorine, latex, and plastic, and the packaging is made from recycled paper...
8.29 USD
Leukoplast pehme valge 38x72mm 10 stk
Leukoplast Soft White 38x72mm 10 Stk If you're looking for high quality and reliable adhesive plasters to nurse your injuries, Leukoplast Soft White is a perfect choice. Developed by an experienced team of medical professionals, these plasters are perfect for dressing minor cuts and wounds. Made of soft, skin-friendly material, Leukoplast Soft White plasters provide superior comfort while ensuring that your wound remains dry and clean. Its water-resistant properties make it ideal for use in the shower or during sports activities that might cause sweating. Each pack contains 10 individually sealed plasters, each measuring 38x72mm in size. The compact and lightweight pack makes it easy to carry around, ensuring you have it on hand when you need it most. Whether you're an athlete, a parent, or just someone who needs a reliable first aid solution, Leukoplast Soft White plasters are an excellent choice. Order your pack today and enjoy peace of mind knowing that you have a reliable first aid tool at your disposal. ..
5.99 USD
Livsane universaalne liimkrohv 10 tk
Livsane Universal Adhesive Plaster 10 pcs Looking for a versatile and reliable adhesive plaster for minor cuts and injuries? Look no further than Livsane Universal Adhesive Plaster! Made from high-quality material and designed to provide excellent protection, this pack of 10 adhesive plasters is an essential addition to your first-aid kit at home or on-the-go. Each plaster is designed to adhere perfectly to skin, creating a tight and secure seal that protects your wound from bacteria and dirt. The plasters are easy to apply and remove, and come in a convenient size that fits perfectly on various surfaces of your body. They are suitable for all skin types and hypoallergenic, making them safe for anyone to use. Livsane Universal Adhesive Plaster is also water-resistant, which means that you can use it when you take a shower or go for a swim. With this pack of 10 plasters, you'll have enough to keep in your first aid kit at home, in your office, or in your backpack when you go on an adventure. Each plaster is individually wrapped, making it easy to carry around and store. Don't let small cuts and injuries come in the way of your daily activities. Trust Livsane Universal Adhesive Plaster to provide the protection and security you need to recover fast and keep moving forward!..
8.22 USD