

Tooted 1 - 1, tooteid kokku 1, lehekülgi 1
Kogege Beeovitas Swiss Health & Beauty toodete maailmatasemel kvaliteeti ja disaini. Meie mullplaastrid pakuvad tõhusat kaitset, hoiavad ära edasised kahjustused ja soodustavad naha paranemist. Need plaastrid kuuluvad GIPS-i instrumentide kategooriasse, mis annab tunnistust nende laitmatust kvaliteedist ja tõhususest. Beeovita pakub neid mullide kaitselahendusi osana meie pühendumusest pakkuda tipptasemel meditsiiniseadmeid ja praktilisi instrumente, mis on loodud teie vajadustele vastavaks. Rahustage nahka ja kiirendage paranemisprotsessi meie esmaklassiliste mullplaastritega – teie esmavaliku kaitsevahendina nahakahjustuste vastu.
Scholl blasenpflaster fersen (uus)

Scholl blasenpflaster fersen (uus)

Tootekood: 7817593

SCHOLL Blasenpflaster Fersen (neu) Do you suffer from blisters on your heels? SCHOLL Blasenpflaster Fersen (neu) is the solution for you. This blister plaster is specifically designed to provide discreet and effective protection against blisters on the heel. The blister patches are made from soft, flexible and breathable material, which helps to prevent friction and rubbing, reducing the risk of blisters forming. The plasters are also very comfortable to wear, making them ideal for use during physical activity or everyday wear. The innovative hydrocolloid technology used in SCHOLL Blasenpflaster Fersen (neu) helps to accelerate the healing process of blisters. The plaster creates a protective barrier over the blister, which helps to keep it clean and dry, allowing the blister to heal naturally. The blister patches are easy to apply and remove, and are suitable for use on both dry and wet skin. They are also sterile and hypoallergenic, making them safe for sensitive skin. SCHOLL Blasenpflaster Fersen (neu) comes in a convenient pack containing six blister patches, perfect for carrying in your bag or pocket. With SCHOLL Blasenpflaster Fersen (neu), you can enjoy your favourite activities without worrying about painful blisters on your heels...

14.26 USD

Tooted 1 - 1, tooteid kokku 1, lehekülgi 1
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