
0-9 kuud

Tooted 1 - 1, tooteid kokku 1, lehekülgi 1
Saidil mõistame, et teie 0–9 kuu vanuste tervis ja heaolu on ülimalt tähtsad. Seetõttu toome teieni parimad erivajadustele kohandatud Health & Beauty tooted otse Šveitsist. Meie haavahoolduse ja põetamise kategooriasse kuuluvad ohutud ja õrnad tooted nahavigastuste raviks ja ennetamiseks. Meditsiiniseadmete kategoorias on meil spetsiaalselt selle vanuserühma jaoks loodud seadmed, mis tagavad absoluutse ohutuse. Meie teraapiakategooria pakub abinõusid ja tuge erinevate seisundite, nagu bronhiidi ja muude hingamisteede probleemide korral. Inhalatsiooniseadmed ja -tarvikud toetavad beebi hingamist ja aitavad lahendada hingamisprobleeme, muutes hingamise lihtsamaks ja sujuvamaks. Kõik meie tooted on ülima kvaliteediga, tagades parima hoolduse teie väikese tervise eest. Kõik, mida vajate vanusevahemikule 0-9 kuud piisavaks hoolduseks ja raviks, on siinsamas Beeovitas.
Biosynex inhalationshilfe 0-9mt

Biosynex inhalationshilfe 0-9mt

Tootekood: 7800900

BIOSYNEX Inhalationshilfe 0-9Mt The BIOSYNEX Inhalationshilfe 0-9Mt is specially designed for infants and young children up to 9 months old. This inhalation aid makes it easier to administer aerosol therapy to your little one, helping to alleviate respiratory issues such as bronchitis, asthma, and cystic fibrosis. The inhalation aid is made of soft, medical grade silicone that is gentle on your baby's delicate skin. It is designed to provide a tight yet comfortable seal around the mouth and nose, ensuring that the medication is delivered directly into the lungs. The BIOSYNEX Inhalationshilfe 0-9Mt is lightweight and easy to use. It can be taken apart for thorough cleaning and is dishwasher safe. Using the inhalation aid is simple and straightforward. Place the medication cup in the holder, then attach the mouthpiece to the silicone mask. Place the mask over your baby's mouth and nose, ensuring a tight seal. Then, administer the medication according to your doctor's instructions. With the BIOSYNEX Inhalationshilfe 0-9Mt, you can help your little one breathe easier and manage their respiratory issues more effectively. Order today and experience the difference! ..

52.15 USD

Tooted 1 - 1, tooteid kokku 1, lehekülgi 1
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