
Demeter sertifitseeritud

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Demeteri sertifitseeritud tooted, näiteks Natukraftwerke odra rohupulber, tähistavad mahepõllumajanduse kõrgeimat standardit, tagades, et kasutatud põllumajandustavad pole mitte ainult jätkusuutlikud, vaid edendavad ka bioloogilist mitmekesisust ja mulla tervist. Demeteri sertifikaat tähendab, et nendes pulbrites kasutatavat odrarohtu kasvatatakse biodünaamilistes taludes, järgides rangeid ökoloogilisi ja eetilisi juhiseid. Natukraftwerke pakub kahte varianti odrarohupulbrit: 50 g ja 130 g võimalused, mis mõlemad on 100% puhtad ja vabad kunstlikest lisanditest või säilitusainetest. Need tooted kasutavad odrarohu toitevõimsust, mis on rikkalik oluliste vitamiinide, mineraalide ja antioksüdantide, mis tugevdavad seedimist, toetavad immuunsussüsteemi ja detoksifitseerivad keha. Kõrge klorofülli sisaldusega aitavad nad keha leelistada, olles samas veganisõbralik ja gluteenivaba. Natukraftwerke odra rohupulbri lisamine oma dieeti on suurepärane viis Demeteri sertifitseeritud toitumise eeliste omaksvõtmiseks. Ükskõik, kas segunedes smuutideks, mahladeks või piserdatud salatites, suurendavad need pulbrid heaolu, toetades samal ajal jätkusuutlikke põllumajandustavasid. Valige tervisliku ja keskkonnateadliku toidulisandi jaoks Natukraftwerke.
Naturkraftwerke odrarohu pulber demeter 130 g

Naturkraftwerke odrarohu pulber demeter 130 g

Tootekood: 5339140

Naturkraftwerke Barley Grass Powder Demeter 130 g Get your daily dose of nutrients with Naturkraftwerke's Barley Grass Powder Demeter! This 130 g jar is made from the finest quality organic barley grass, hand-picked from certified Demeter farms. Barley grass is a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can help improve digestion, boost immunity, and promote overall well-being. It is loaded with chlorophyll, a natural detoxifier that helps flush out toxins from the body. Naturkraftwerke's Barley Grass Powder Demeter is 100% pure and free from any additives or preservatives. It is gluten-free, vegan, and non-GMO, making it a healthy addition to your daily diet. You can add it to your smoothies, juices, or sprinkle it on your salads for an extra nutritional boost. Order your Naturkraftwerke Barley Grass Powder Demeter 130 g today and experience the benefits of this nutritious superfood! ..

73.99 USD

Naturkraftwerke odrarohu pulber demeter 50 g

Naturkraftwerke odrarohu pulber demeter 50 g

Tootekood: 3414647

Naturkraftwerke Barley Grass Powder Demeter 50 g Experience the power of barley grass with Naturkraftwerke Barley Grass Powder Demeter 50 g. It is a high-quality dietary supplement that contains 100% pure barley grass with no artificial additives or preservatives. This product is made of barley grass grown on certified organic farms using biodynamic farming methods, ensuring the highest quality and potency of the product. The barley grass is harvested at the peak of its nutritional value and then dried and grounded into a fine powder. This process helps to retain all the essential vitamins, minerals, and enzymes present in the barley grass, making it a great source of nutrition for health-conscious individuals. One of the most significant advantages of Naturkraftwerke Barley Grass Powder Demeter 50 g is the high content of chlorophyll, which provides numerous health benefits such as improving digestion, alkalizing the body, boosting the immune system, and detoxifying the liver. This product is vegan-friendly, gluten-free, and suitable for people following a raw food diet. It can be added to smoothies or juices, sprinkled on salads, or used as a seasoning in soups or sauces. Overall, Naturkraftwerke Barley Grass Powder Demeter 50 g is a great way to incorporate the goodness of barley grass into your daily routine and maintain a healthy lifestyle...

34.52 USD

Tooted 1 - 2, tooteid kokku 2, lehekülgi 1
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