
Kohandatav öökaitsja

Tooted 1 - 1, tooteid kokku 1, lehekülgi 1
Kogege ülimat mugavust ja kaitset kohandatava öövalvuriga, Solubrux Splint läbipaistev. See uuenduslik ühendusvastane kilp pakub reguleeritavat sobivust, tagades, et see vastab sujuvalt teie ainulaadsele hambaravi struktuurile. Solubruxi kildu, mis on mõeldud hammaste, eriti une ajal jahvatavate inimestele, saab seda kuumas vees kuumutades hõlpsalt kohandada. See protsess võimaldab materjalil templlivõimeda, võimaldades teil saavutada ülemiste hammaste täiusliku mulje vaid mõne minutiga. Kilp mitte ainult ei leevenda survet teie hammastele ja temporomandibulaarsele liigesele, vaid on valmistatud ka kvaliteetsetest materjalidest, mida kasutavad hambaarstid. Öelge hüvasti, et ebamugavustunne ja kaitsta oma hambaravi tervist Solubruxi kohandatava öövalvuriga, mis on lahendus rahuliku öö une jaoks.
Solubrux crunch siini läbipaistev

Solubrux crunch siini läbipaistev

Tootekood: 4421230

The SoluBrux Anti-Gnashing Tooth Splint Transparent is an adjustable anti-grinding splint that is suitable for people who grind their teeth, especially at night. By heating the material in hot water, it becomes deformable, so that the upper teeth are pressed in deeply when biting into it and the splint is shaped accordingly. In this way, the anti-grinding tooth tray is easily and dynamically adapted to the individual dentition in just a few minutes. The SoluBrux anti-grinding tooth splint relieves the teeth and the temporomandibular joint because the pressure is evenly distributed. The SoluBrux anti-grinding dental splint is made of the same material as high-quality splints from the dentist and/or dental technician. Application Place the SoluBrux anti-grinding dental splint in hot water for a few minutes. The material becomes soft and malleable due to the heat. Then put the anti-grinding splint in your mouth and bite down hard for one minute. The upper teeth leave the individual shape of the denture...

144.55 USD

Tooted 1 - 1, tooteid kokku 1, lehekülgi 1
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