
hälli korgi ravi

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Hälli kork on hädavajalik beebi peanaha tervise säilitamiseks ja Bioderma abcderm Babysquam 40 ml pakub tõhusat lahendust. Spetsiifiliselt formuleerituna laste dermo-kosmeetilise tootena, on see ettevaatlikult hälli kork, olles samal ajal vastsündinutele ohutu. Aktiivsete koostisosade ainulaadne segu toimib skaalade eemaldamiseks, samal ajal ärritus, tagades, et teie lapse peanahk püsib mugav. Valemis olev kaitseõli ei aita mitte ainult olemasolevate skaalade kõrvaldamisel, vaid aitab ka uusi moodustumist vältida, edendades peanaha üldist tervist. Bioderma Abcderm Babysquam, mis on mõeldud beebi naha tundlikku olemust, austab peanaha haplikkust, pakkudes tohutut tõhusust, tekitamata kahju. Tsingi kaasamine formulatsiooni toimib nii rahustav kui ka puhastav aine, aidates hoida peanaha lisanditeta. Lisaks võite selle toote kasutamisel olla kindel, kuna selle hüpoallergeense koostise tõttu, mis pole aroom, parabeenid ja kahjulikud kemikaalid - täiuslik imikute õrna naha jaoks. Bioderma Abcderm Babysquami regulaarselt kasutades võivad vanemad oodata oma pisikeste jaoks tervislikku, skaalavaba peanahka, võimaldades neil mänguaega nautida ilma ebamugavustundeta. Avastage meelerahu, mis kaasneb selle usaldusväärse hälli korgi raviga teie lapse jaoks.
Bioderma abcderm babysquam 40 ml

Bioderma abcderm babysquam 40 ml

Tootekood: 5171893

BIODERMA ABCDerm Babysquam 40 ml BIODERMA ABCDerm Babysquam is a pediatric dermo-cosmetic product specially designed to provide effective treatment for cradle cap in babies. The gentle formula is suitable for newborns and is proven to eliminate scales and soothe the irritated scalp caused by cradle cap. The active ingredients in the formula, combined with a protective oil, help to prevent the occurrence of new scales and improve the scalp's overall health. BIODERMA ABCDerm Babysquam is bio-inspired and formulated to respect the fragility of the scalp of babies to achieve maximum efficacy and safety. This reliable product is developed using the ABCDerm formula developed by BIODERMA based on the dermatological knowledge acquired from research works, and uses the essential principles of dermatology. It also contains zinc, which acts as a soothing and purifying agent, keeping the scalp free of impurities. BIODERMA ABCDerm Babysquam has a hypoallergenic formula with no fragrance, parabens, or other harmful ingredients. It is free from harmful chemicals and is suitable for use on sensitive skin, making it the perfect product for parents looking for a safe and effective solution for their baby's cradle cap. With the regular use of BIODERMA ABCDerm Babysquam, your baby's scalp will be free from scales and look healthy, allowing your baby to grow and play without any discomforts. Size: 40 ml ..

25.77 USD

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