
Mugavad menstruaaltooted

Tooted 1 - 2, tooteid kokku 2, lehekülgi 1
Menstruaaltsükli haldamisel on mugavus võtmetähtsusega. Mugavad menstruaaltooted võivad teie kogemusi muuta, võimaldades teil oma igapäevaseid tegevusi enesekindlalt ja hõlpsalt teha. Naistele, kes otsivad tõhusaid lahendusi, pakuvad nii OB-tampoonid Procomfort Super Plus kui ka pehme tempo Mini erakordset mugavust ja kaitset, mis on kohandatud individuaalsetele vajadustele. OB -tampoonid Procomfort Super Plus, mis on saadaval pakis 32, on valmistatud spetsiaalselt raskemate voogudega neile. Vedeliku-lukuga soontega kinnitavad need menstruaaltvoolu, samas kui nende siidist puudutus minimeerib ärritust. Nende ainulaadne disain pakub paindlikkust ja turvalist sobivust, tagades, et neid saab mugavalt kanda kuni kaheksa tundi ilma lekketa. Kergemate päevade või aktiivsemate eluviiside korral on pehmed tempod mini ideaalsed. Hüpoallergeenilisest pehmest vahust valmistatud tampoonid on nahal õrnad ja hõlpsasti sisestatavad, muutes need igaks puhuks praktiliseks valikuks, sealhulgas ujumisele või spordile. Ilma keelpillide ja diskreetse kujunduseta kontuuris see teie keha külge, et saada lõplik mugavus. Mõlemad tooted näitavad mugavaid menstruaaltooteid, mis eelistavad teie heaolu, võimaldades teil end perioodil turvaliselt ja vabalt tunda.
Ob tampoonid procomfort super plus 32 tk

Ob tampoonid procomfort super plus 32 tk

Tootekood: 7803181

OB Tampons ProComfort Super Plus 32 pcs The OB Tampons ProComfort Super Plus is the perfect solution for women who require superior protection during their menstrual cycle. This pack includes 32 tampons that are designed to provide maximum comfort and protection, catered specifically to women who have a heavy flow. The OB Tampons ProComfort Super Plus is designed with Fluid-Lock grooves that work to capture and lock away your menstrual flow. This ensures that you stay comfortable and protected throughout the day without worrying about leaks. Additionally, the tampons come with a silk touch cover that helps to reduce irritation, chafing, and discomfort, thus making them perfect for women with sensitive skin. Unlike other tampons on the market, the OB ProComfort tampons feature a unique design that offers superior flexibility and fit. They are easy to insert and can be worn for up to eight hours, providing long-lasting protection throughout the day. Additionally, the tampons are also unscented, making them perfect for women who are allergic to fragrances or who prefer a more natural option. Overall, the OB Tampons ProComfort Super Plus 32 pcs is the perfect choice for women who want a tampon that is comfortable, reliable and provides superior protection during their menstrual cycle. Whether you are going to work or engaging in physical activity, these tampons will keep you comfortable and protected all day long...

11.61 USD

Soft-tampons mini 3 tk

Soft-tampons mini 3 tk

Tootekood: 5331196

Soft-Tampons Mini 3 pcs The Soft-Tampons Mini 3 pcs are designed to provide you with maximum comfort and convenience during your menstrual cycle. They are made with hypoallergenic, soft foam material that is gentle on your skin and won't cause any irritation or discomfort. These tampons are incredibly easy and comfortable to insert, ensuring you won't experience any discomfort or pressure during use. The practical finger grips make the tampon easy to handle and remove, providing ease of use to women of all ages and lifestyles. The Soft-Tampons Mini are ideal for use during activities such as swimming and sports, as they won't fall out or leak. Unlike traditional tampons, these are designed for comfort as they are non-irritating, do not contain any chemicals, and have no strings to interfere with physical activities. Each package of the Soft-Tampons Mini contains three tampons designed for light to moderate flow. They can be easily carried in your purse or gym bag, making them convenient for any woman on-the-go. The soft foam material contours to your individual shape, providing you with discreet and comfortable protection throughout the day. The Soft-Tampons Mini 3 pcs offer a great alternative to traditional menstrual products that can be uncomfortable and difficult to use. Give them a try and see the difference they make in your menstrual experience! ..

10.19 USD

Tooted 1 - 2, tooteid kokku 2, lehekülgi 1
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