
beebi mugavus nööv

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Tutvustades diraksitoetuse looduslikku 12+m silikooni, on uutele vanematele, kes otsivad täiuslikku segu kvaliteedist, funktsionaalsusest ja ohutusest. See lutt on asjatundlikult meisterdatud kvaliteetsest silikoonist, mis on loodud spetsiaalselt teie pisikesele mugavuse tagamiseks. Selle vastupidav konstruktsioon tagab, et ta talub igapäevast kasutamist, jäädes samal ajal teie lapse õrnadele igemetele õrnaks. Diffraxi ühel teisel on loomulik kuju, mis jäljendab tähelepanelikult ema nibu, mis mitte ainult ei lohuta teie last, vaid julgustab ka nende loomulikku imemisrefleksi. See disain aitab teie last tõhusalt rahustada, muutes selle murettekitavaks kaaslaseks. Puhastamine on selle lutiga imelihtne; Seda saab mikrolaineahjus hõlpsalt steriliseerida või keeda, tagades, et see on alati teie lapse kasutamiseks valmis. Kaitsekork hoiab seda hügieenilisena, kui seda ei kasutata, pakkudes vanematele meelerahu. Ohutus on peamine prioriteet ja diraksnõel on valmistatud mittetoksilistest materjalidest, mis peavad kinni rangetest ohutusstandarditest, tagades teie lapsele ohutu kogemuse. Kokkuvõtteks võib öelda, et difrax nn looduslik 12+m silikoon on teie lapsehoolduse hädavajalik lisand, pakkudes vastupidavust, mugavust ja ohutust kõik ühes veetlevas tootes.
Difrax soother natural 12+m silikoon

Difrax soother natural 12+m silikoon

Tootekood: 5576360

Difrax Nuggi Natural 12 + M silicone The Difrax Nuggi Natural 12 + M silicone is a must-have for new parents looking to provide their babies with a comfortable and soothing pacifier. This pacifier is made with top-quality materials that are designed to last while providing maximum comfort to your baby. Durable Design The Difrax Nuggi Natural 12 + M silicone has a durable design that ensures it lasts a long time without any damage. The pacifier is made using high-quality silicone that is soft and comfortable for your baby's mouth. In addition, the pacifier is designed to withstand tough conditions without wear and tear. Comfortable and Soothing This pacifier is specially designed to provide comfort and soothe your baby whenever they need it. It features a natural shape that mimics the shape of a mother's nipple, ensuring that your baby feels comfortable and secure while using it. Also, the pacifier is designed to promote your baby's natural sucking reflex, which helps in calming them down and making them feel relaxed. Easy to Clean The Difrax Nuggi Natural 12 + M silicone pacifier is designed to be easy to clean. It can be easily sterilized using the microwave or boiled to eliminate any harmful germs and bacteria. Additionally, the pacifier comes with a protective cap that helps keep it clean and hygienic when you're not using it. Safe for Your Baby The Difrax Nuggi Natural 12 + M silicone pacifier is made using safe and non-toxic materials that are free from harmful chemicals. It is designed to meet the highest safety standards, ensuring your baby's safety and comfort whenever they use it. Conclusion The Difrax Nuggi Natural 12 + M silicone pacifier is an excellent product for new parents who value quality, comfort, and safety for their babies. With its durable design, natural shape, and easy-to-clean features, this pacifier is guaranteed to provide your baby with maximum comfort and soothing whenever they need it...

12.69 USD

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