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Baby hammustusrõngad on olulised aksessuaarid imikutele, kes pakuvad seda keerukat etappi mugavust ja leevendust. Need rõngad on mõeldud nii väikestele igemetele leebeks, stimuleerides samal ajal sensoorset uurimist. Sageli on neid erinevaid materjale, sealhulgas ohutuid ja mittetoksilisi võimalusi. Üks suurepärane valik vanematele, kes otsivad nii ilu kui ka funktsionaalsust, on ambrose loomulik merevaigukollane kaelakee, millel on vääriskivid barokk -konjakis ja türkiissinides. See armas kaelakee ei lisa mitte ainult teie lapse rõivastusele elegantsi, vaid kasutab ka Balti merevarju loomulikke tervendavaid omadusi, mis võib aidata rahustada ebamugavusi ja edendada üldist heaolu. Uimastatavate kivide ja praktilise kasutamise kombinatsioon muudab selle beebitoodete kategoorias kohustuslikuks esemeks, eriti neile, kes soovivad stiili ühendada hammustusrõngaste ja merevaigukollase kettide rahustavate eelistega.
Amberos natur bernsteinkette koos edelsteini barokkkonjaki türkiisiga

Amberos natur bernsteinkette koos edelsteini barokkkonjaki türkiisiga

Tootekood: 7754538

Product Description: AMBEROS Natur Bernsteinkette mit Edelsteinen Baroque Cognac Turquoise is a beautiful piece of jewelry that you'll love to wear every day. Made with high-quality Baltic Amber, it is sure to last for years to come. The necklace features a stunning combination of baroque cognac and turquoise stones that make it stand out from the crowd. The chain is adjustable from 45 cm to 50 cm in length, making it a perfect fit for most people. The amber stones are polished to a high shine, and the sterling silver clasp ensures a secure fit. This necklace is perfect for those who love to add a touch of elegance to their daily attire. It is suitable for any occasion, from casual outings to formal events. The AMBEROS Natur Bernsteinkette mit Edelsteinen Baroque Cognac Turquoise is a must-have for any fashion-conscious person. Not only does this necklace look great, but it also has potential health benefits. Baltic Amber is known for its healing properties, and wearing it close to the skin can help with a range of ailments, including arthritis, anxiety, and more. In summary, if you're looking for a high-quality, beautiful necklace that is also beneficial for your health, the AMBEROS Natur Bernsteinkette mit Edelsteinen Baroque Cognac Turquoise is the perfect choice. Order yours today and enjoy the many benefits of this stunning piece of jewelry...

35.36 USD

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