
aroomiteraapia tooted

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Aroomiteraapiatooted on loodud heaolu suurendamiseks eeterlike õlide rahustavate lõhnade kaudu. Need tooted võivad hõlmata mitmesuguseid esemeid, näiteks eeterliku õli segusid, hajuti, massaažiõlisid ja emulgaatoreid, mis aitavad õlisid erinevatesse rakendustesse lisada. Üks selline suurepärane toode aroomiteraapia valdkonnas on eeterlike õlide suboli looduslik emulgaator. See 100% looduslik emulgaator on oluline kaaslane kõigile, kes soovivad sujuvalt segada eeterlikke õlisid veepõhiste toodetega. Looduslikust kookospähkli- ja mandliõlidest valmistatud Solubol võimaldab teil luua aromaatseid kehaõlisid, toapihuseid ja palju muud, tagades, et teie aroomiteraapia kogemus paraneks ilma karmide kemikaalideta. Ideaalne nii isiklikuks kui ka professionaalseks kasutamiseks, avab Solubol oma ainulaadsete aroomiteraapia segude meisterdamiseks.
Looduslik emulgaator solubol eeterlike õlide jaoks 100 ml

Looduslik emulgaator solubol eeterlike õlide jaoks 100 ml

Tootekood: 4733745

Solubol Natural Emulsifier for Essential Oils 100mL Looking for a natural emulsifier for your essential oils? Look no further than Solubol. 100% natural, Solubol is a safe, effective and easy-to-use emulsifier for all of your essential oil needs. The unique formula allows you to easily mix essential oils and water-based products, making it ideal for use in bath and body products, room sprays, and more. Solubol is made from natural coconut and almond oils, and is free from harsh chemicals, preservatives and artificial colors, making it gentle on your skin and safe for the environment. With its non-ionic properties, Solubol is perfect for use with all essential oils, ensuring that you can get the most out of your aromatherapy experience. To use Solubol, simply add a few drops to your essential oils and mix well. It's that easy! Solubol is perfect for use in a wide range of aromatherapy products, including body oils, massage oils, room sprays and diffusers. Order your bottle of Solubol Natural Emulsifier for Essential Oils today and start creating your own unique blends for an enhanced aromatherapy experience! ..

39.36 USD

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