

Tooted 1 - 9, tooteid kokku 9, lehekülgi 1
Avastage täiustatud haavahoolduslahendused koos meie asjatundlikult kureeritud tootevalikuga, mis on kohandatud mugavuse, paranemise ja kaitse tagamiseks. Alates kvaliteetsetest marlisidemetest kuni uuenduslike meegeelide ja edasijõudnute kompressioonideni pakub meie kollektsioon mitmekülgseid ja tõhusaid võimalusi erinevate haavade raviks. Ükskõik, kas vajate igapäevaseks kasutamiseks vastupidavaid sidemeid, antimikroobseid kaste nakkuste ennetamiseks või haavageele rahustavaks leevendamiseks, on meie valik nii spetsialistidele kui ka kodukasutajatele. Uurige meie optimaalse haavahalduse pakkumisi, kus pakutakse tooteid, mis on loodud patsiendi mugavuse tagamiseks ja kiirema paranemise edendamiseks, kõik Šveitsi tervise ja iluhoolduse usaldusväärse standardi piires.
Aquacel ag+ extra kompresse 10x10cm

Aquacel ag+ extra kompresse 10x10cm

Tootekood: 7803835

AQUACEL Ag+ Extra Kompresse 10x10cm The AQUACEL Ag+ Extra Kompresse 10x10cm is an innovative wound dressing product that combines two powerful technologies ? the Hydrofiber Technology and the Ag+ Technology. The Hydrofiber Technology allows the dressing to absorb excess exudate and lock it in, reducing the risk of maceration and promoting a moist wound healing environment. The Ag+ Technology adds an extra antimicrobial action to the dressing, killing bacteria, viruses, and fungi that can cause infections and slow down the healing process. The AQUACEL Ag+ Extra Kompresse 10x10cm is made of soft, conformable, and sterile material that conforms to the wound bed and minimizes trauma during dressing changes. The dressing has an extended wear time of up to 7 days, depending on the level of exudate and the wound condition. The AQUACEL Ag+ Extra Kompresse 10x10cm is indicated for use in the management of moderate to heavily exuding wounds, such as pressure ulcers, diabetic foot ulcers, venous leg ulcers, and surgical wounds. Key features Combines Hydrofiber Technology and Ag+ Technology for optimal wound healing Provides excellent absorbency and locking of exudate Has a strong antimicrobial action against bacteria, viruses, and fungi Conforms to the wound bed and minimizes trauma during dressing changes Has an extended wear time of up to 7 days Indicated for use in the management of moderate to heavily exuding wounds Comes in a 10x10cm size for easy application and dressing customization The AQUACEL Ag+ Extra Kompresse 10x10cm is a reliable and effective wound dressing product that combines the best of both worlds ? the clinically proven Hydrofiber Technology and the cutting-edge Ag+ Technology. By using this product, healthcare professionals can provide their patients with a comprehensive wound care solution that promotes faster healing and reduces the risk of complications. Try the AQUACEL Ag+ Extra Kompresse 10x10cm today and experience the benefits of advanced wound care!..

206.09 USD

Fixomull läbipaistev kileside 2mx10cm

Fixomull läbipaistev kileside 2mx10cm

Tootekood: 6524709

Fixomulli läbipaistev kileside on mitmekülgne ja tõhus haavahoolduslahendus. See 2 meetri pikkune ja 10 cm laiune side tagab haavade kaitsmiseks turvalise ja läbipaistva barjääri, võimaldades samal ajal hõlpsat jälgimist. Läbipaistev kile disain tagab haavakoha nähtavuse, muutes selle ideaalseks paranemise edenemise jälgimiseks ilma sidet eemaldamata. Selle õrn liim tagab mugava ja turvalise sobivuse, mis sobib erinevate suuruste ja asukohtade jaoks. See toode on igakülgse haavahoolduse jaoks hädavajalik, pakkudes haavade tõhusal ravimisel usaldusväärsust ja mugavust...

17.32 USD

Flawa fikseeritud koormusega marli side 4mx4cm valge cellux
Mepilex border flex lite 15x15cm 5 stk

Mepilex border flex lite 15x15cm 5 stk

Tootekood: 7845927

Mepilex Border Flex Lite 15x15cm 5 tk pakub uuendusliku disainiga täiustatud haavahooldust. Nendel sidemetel on õrn silikoonist liimpiir, mis tagab turvalise paigutuse ja lihtsa eemaldamise, minimeerides haavapiirkonna traumasid. Safetaci tehnoloogiaga imav padi juhib tõhusalt eksudaati, säilitades samal ajal niiske haavakeskkonna optimaalseks paranemiseks. Mepilex äärise õhuke ja paindlik konstruktsioon võimaldab mugavat kandmist ja kehakontuuridele vastavust. See toode sobib ideaalselt erinevate haavatüüpide, sealhulgas survehaavandite ja kirurgiliste sisselõigete korral, soodustab paranemist ja vähendab leotamise ohtu. Usaldage Mepilexit suurepäraste haavahoolduslahenduste jaoks...

202.14 USD

Revamil meditsiiniline meegeel tube 18 g

Revamil meditsiiniline meegeel tube 18 g

Tootekood: 6161483

Revamil Medical Honey Gel Tb 18 g The Revamil Medical Honey Gel Tb 18 g is a powerful medicinal product that is made from premium quality honey. This gel has been specially formulated to provide quick and effective relief for a wide range of wounds and skin irritations. It is a natural and safe alternative to synthetic medications that may have harmful side effects. One of the key benefits of this honey gel is its antibacterial properties. The honey used in this product contains high levels of an enzyme called glucose oxidase, which can release antibacterial hydrogen peroxide when it comes into contact with wound fluid. This helps to create a hostile environment for bacteria and promotes healing. The Revamil Medical Honey Gel Tb 18 g is ideal for use on a variety of wounds, including burns, cuts, and grazes. It can also be used to treat skin irritations such as eczema and dermatitis. The gel is easy to apply and doesn't require any complicated dressings, making it a convenient and effective option for home use. This honey gel is also suitable for use on diabetic patients, as it has been shown to have no impact on blood sugar levels. It is also safe for use on children and pregnant women. In summary, the Revamil Medical Honey Gel Tb 18 g is a natural and effective way to promote healing and provide relief for a wide range of wounds and skin irritations. Its antibacterial properties, ease of use, and suitability for a variety of patients make it a great choice for anyone looking for a safe, trustworthy alternative to synthetic medications. ..

28.18 USD

Tooted 1 - 9, tooteid kokku 9, lehekülgi 1
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