rahustav jalapalsam
Bioligo pédicure cream 50 ml
Tutvustame Bioligo pediküürikreemi – luksuslikku jalahoolduslahendust väsinud jalgade hellitamiseks. See täiustatud valem, mis on rikastatud toitvate koostisosadega, niisutab ja elustab teie nahka sügavalt, jättes selle pehmeks ja siledaks. Kreem aitab tõhusalt leevendada karedaid kohti, pragusid ja nahakalluseid, edendades samal ajal üldist jalgade tervist. Bioligo pediküürikreemiga jätke hüvasti kuivade, lõhenenud kontsadega ja tere kaunilt pehmete jalgadega. See 50 ml tuub sobib suurepäraselt mõnusaks koduses spaas nautimiseks. Hoolitse oma jalgade eest Bioligo pediküürikreemiga...
29.00 USD
Gehwol värskendav palsam 75 ml
Gehwol Freshness Balm is a cooling cream for fresh feet that cares for and deodorizes. Composition peppermint oil, levomenthol. Properties Properties: deodorant; cooling; ..
11.18 USD
Valley fusscreme tube 75 ml
Applied daily, the cream improves the complexion significantly within a week. Brittle and cracked feet become velvety soft, smooth and supple. Properties Properties: contains urea, olive oil, cupuacu butter, calendula and arnica; without perfume; ..
21.07 USD
Yegi activ ürdipalsam tube 75 ml
Refreshing foot balm that facilitates blood circulation in the skin with heavy and painful feet. Has a preventative effect against burning feet and blistering. Properties The Yegi Activ herbal balm facilitates blood circulation in the skin with heavy and painful feet. It has a preventive effect against burning feet and blisters and gives you a refreshing feeling. ..
21.29 USD