seebi saast eemaldaja
Ecover essential bath cleaner 500ml
Ecover Essential Bath Cleaner 500 ml The Ecover Essential Bath Cleaner 500 ml is the perfect cleaning solution for your bathroom needs. Made with plant-based ingredients, this cleaner is eco-friendly and safe for use around pets and humans. The bath cleaner is specially formulated to effortlessly remove dirt, grime, and soap scum from your bathtub and shower stall, leaving them sparkling clean and smelling fresh. This bath cleaner is tough on stains yet gentle on surfaces, making it suitable for use on all types of bathroom fixtures and materials, including acrylic, enamel, and ceramic. The powerful formula eliminates the need for harsh chemicals, making it safe for daily use without causing any damage or discoloration to your bathroom surfaces. The Ecover Essential Bath Cleaner 500 ml features a recyclable bottle that is easy to use and store. The trigger spray ensures that you can easily apply the cleaner to your bathroom surfaces without wasting any of the product, while the ergonomic design of the bottle makes it easy to handle and use. Overall, the Ecover Essential Bath Cleaner 500 ml is an essential cleaning product for anyone who wants to maintain a pristine and healthy bathroom without using harsh and toxic chemicals. Order this eco-friendly bath cleaner today and enjoy a safe, efficient, and effective cleaning solution...
12.32 USD
Method bad-reiniger fl 490 ml
Tutvustame meetodi Vannitoapuhastussprei mugavas 828 ml pudelis. Selle võimsa taimse koostise abil saate hõlpsalt võidelda vannitoa tugeva mustusega. Mõeldud pingutusteta puhastamiseks ja desodoreerimiseks, eemaldab see tõhusalt seebijäägid, veeplekid ja mustuse ilma karmide kemikaalideta. Ergonoomiline pihustuspudel tagab sihipärase pealekandmise sädelevate tulemuste saavutamiseks erinevatel pindadel, nagu plaadid, valamud ja vannid. Värskendavate lõhnadega keskkonnasõbralik puhastusvahend on keskkonnale ja teie perele õrn. Hoidke oma vannituba puhas ja värske, kasutades Method Bathroom Cleaner Sprayit...
13.35 USD