
nahakaitse pühk

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Nahakaitse salvrätikud on olulised naha kaitsmiseks kahjulike ainete eest nagu õli, määrde, mustuse ja saasteainete eest. Erinevatele keskkondadele, sealhulgas tööstuskeskkondadele ja tervishoiule mõeldud optimaalse kaitse ja hügieeni jaoks. Ohutu ja vaba lisaainete ja ärritajateta, need salvrätikud sobivad kõigile nahatüüpidele, sealhulgas tundlikule nahale. Ideaalne kõigile, kes töötavad kõrge riskiga keskkonnas, või neile, kes eelistavad head hügieenipraktikat, pakuvad nad tervisliku ja hügieenilise nahahaiguse säilitamiseks hõlpsat ja tõhusat kasutamist.
Welland wbf hautschutztüch 70x160mm unst n

Welland wbf hautschutztüch 70x160mm unst n

Tootekood: 1000675

WELLAND WBF Hautschutztüch 70x160mm unst n The WELLAND WBF Hautschutztüch 70x160mm unst n is an essential product for maintaining a healthy and hygienic environment. Made with high-quality materials, this skin protection wipe is designed to shield the skin from harmful substances such as oil, grease, dirt, and contaminants. The dimensions of the wipe are 70x160mm, which makes it an ideal choice for different skin types and sizes. The WELLAND WBF Hautschutztüch 70x160mm unst n is free from any additives, fragrances, and irritants. This makes it safe for all skin types, including sensitive and delicate skin. The wipe is ideal for use in different environments such as industrial settings, healthcare, food production, and any other environment that requires protection from skin hazards. The wipe is easy to use and offers excellent protection against external substances that can cause skin irritation or infection. It is a must-have product for anyone who needs to work in high- risk environments or wants to maintain good hygiene practices. In summary, the WELLAND WBF Hautschutztüch 70x160mm unst n is a top-quality skin protection wipe that provides optimal skin protection against harmful substances. It is easy to use, safe, and suitable for all skin types, making it an ideal choice for anyone who values good hygiene practices. ..

93.14 USD

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