
toitev suupiste

Tooted 1 - 13, tooteid kokku 13, lehekülgi 1
Avastage lai valik toiteväärseid suupisteid, mis on loodud teie aktiivse elustiili õhutamiseks. Need tooted nagu sinergegy dekstroosmaasikas, kiire energia suurendaja, looduse maitsmise baaride ja kiudainete hulgas ning vitamiinide ja antioksüdantidega pakitud külmutatud maasikate biokivi, pakuvad need suupisted maitsvaid ja tervislikke võimalusi liikvel olevate inimeste jaoks. Nautige riitsepoppide tervislikku krõmpsu, valkudega pakitud Nutramino Nutra-Go vahvleid või lubage optimeerides kuivatatud mango orgaanilist magusust. Ükskõik, kas otsite näljaga rahulolu söögikordade või treeningujärgse valimise vahel, pakub meie valimine Šveitsist pärit toiteväärtuslikud suupisted süütuid järeleandmisi teie heaolu toetamiseks.
Bioking maasikad külmkuivatatud bag 40 g

Bioking maasikad külmkuivatatud bag 40 g

Tootekood: 4868391

Bioking Strawberries Freeze-Dried Btl 40g Looking for a healthier snack alternative? Look no further than Bioking Strawberries Freeze-Dried Btl 40g, a delicious and nutritious snack that promises to satisfy your sweet tooth cravings without compromising your health. These freeze-dried strawberries retain their natural taste, texture, and nutrients while also being easy to consume on-the-go. The process of freeze-drying preserves the vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber content of the strawberries, making it an excellent source of nutrition. Bioking Strawberries Freeze-Dried Btl 40g is made from high-quality, organically-grown strawberries that are carefully harvested at the peak of ripeness. It is free from any additives, preservatives, or artificial sweeteners, so you can enjoy it as a guilt-free treat. It's perfect for snacking, sprinkling over cereals and yogurt bowls, or adding to smoothies to give them a flavorful and nutritious boost. Whether you're looking to maintain a healthy diet or simply want to indulge in a fruity snack, Bioking Strawberries Freeze-Dried Btl 40g is an excellent choice. Order now and discover the deliciously natural taste of Bioking Strawberries Freeze-Dried Btl 40g that is sure to satisfy your cravings and leave you feeling energized and refreshed...

23,19 USD

Fresubin 2 kcal chocolate cream 4 x 125 g

Fresubin 2 kcal chocolate cream 4 x 125 g

Tootekood: 7841292

Fresubin 2 kcal Chocolate Cream 4 x 125 g Looking for a delicious and nutritious snack that's easy to consume on-the-go or at home? Look no further than Fresubin 2 kcal Chocolate Cream! This creamy and indulgent chocolate dessert provides 2 kcal per ml, making it a great choice for people looking for ways to increase their calorie intake. This pack contains 4 x 125 g servings of the chocolate cream, each of which is packed with essential vitamins and minerals. With essential nutrients like calcium, vitamin D, and magnesium, this dessert can help support your overall health and well-being. Whether you're recovering from an illness or injury, or simply looking for a tasty and convenient way to increase your calorie intake, Fresubin 2 kcal Chocolate Cream is the perfect option. So why not place your order today and start enjoying this delicious and nutritious snack right away? ..

26,85 USD

Fruchtbar frucht tasche bio dink blaub ap

Fruchtbar frucht tasche bio dink blaub ap

Tootekood: 1007782

FRUCHTBAR Frucht Tasche Bio Dink Blaub Ap Looking for a healthy and delicious snack that you can enjoy anytime and anywhere? Check out FRUCHTBAR Frucht Tasche Bio Dink Blaub Ap! This amazing product is perfect for busy people who need a quick and nutritious snack on the go. Each package contains a delicious blend of organic fruit and wholegrain spelt flakes that are carefully selected and blended to create a satisfying snack that will keep you energized throughout the day. The ingredients are all-natural with no preservatives or artificial flavors, making it the perfect choice for health-conscious individuals. FRUCHTBAR Frucht Tasche Bio Dink Blaub Ap is a great source of dietary fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants that will help you support your immune system, improve digestion, and maintain overall health and wellbeing. The product is vegan-friendly and gluten-free, making it suitable for people with different dietary requirements. Whether you're heading to work, going for a hike, or simply need a quick snack to satisfy your cravings, FRUCHTBAR Frucht Tasche Bio Dink Blaub Ap is the perfect choice. With its convenient packaging and delicious taste, it's the ultimate snack that you can take with you anywhere! Key Features: Organic fruit and wholegrain spelt flakes blend All-natural ingredients with no preservatives or artificial flavors Great source of dietary fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants Vegan-friendly and gluten-free Convenient packaging that you can take anywhere Try FRUCHTBAR Frucht Tasche Bio Dink Blaub Ap today and experience the ultimate snack for busy and health-conscious individuals! ..

10,12 USD

Fruchtbar frucht tasche bio dink erdb apf

Fruchtbar frucht tasche bio dink erdb apf

Tootekood: 1007781

Tutvustame maitsva maalähedase õunamaitsega orgaanilist puuviljakotti FRUCHTBAR. See toitev suupiste on ideaalne valik terviseteadlikele inimestele, kes soovivad oma keha täisväärtuslike koostisosadega toita. Orgaanilistest puuviljadest pakatav ja kunstlike lisanditeta puuviljakott pakub mugavat võimalust liikvel olles nautida loomulikku energiapuhangut. Olenemata sellest, kas järgite reformi/tervisliku toitumiskava või otsite lihtsalt maitsvat suupistete alternatiivi, FRUCHTBAR on suurepärane võimalus oma isu süümepiinadeta rahuldada. Võtke omaks tervislikumad suupisted FRUCHTBAR puuviljakotiga ja nautige maheviljade headust kõikjal, kus viibite...

10,12 USD

Looduse maitse riegeli pähkel

Looduse maitse riegeli pähkel

Tootekood: 4483679

Nautige maitsvat ja tervislikku Taste of Nature batpähklipähklit 40g, mis on ideaalne valik terviseteadlikule inimesele, kes otsib toitvaid suupisteid. See pähklisegu sisaldav batoon on rikas valgu- ja kiudainete poolest, pakkudes rahuldavat ja energiat suurendavat maiust liikvel olles. Ükskõik, kas otsite kiiret suutäit söögikordade vahel või treeningjärgset tankimist, ühendab see batoon suurepärase maitse looduslike koostisosadega, et toetada teie aktiivset elustiili. Lisage oma päevale killuke krõmpsuvust Taste of Nature batoonipähkliga 40g – süümepiinadeta mõnulemine neile, kes peavad tähtsaks nii maitset kui ka toitumist...

5,44 USD

Nutramino nutra-go protein wafer hazelnut 39g

Nutramino nutra-go protein wafer hazelnut 39g

Tootekood: 7833199

Nutramino Nutra-Go Protein Wafer Hazelnut 39g Enjoy a delicious and nutritious snack with the Nutramino Nutra-Go Protein Wafer Hazelnut. Each pack contains a crunchy wafer filled with a luxurious hazelnut cream and a generous serving of high-quality protein. Made from a blend of whey protein isolate and milk protein isolate, this protein wafer delivers a whopping 9g of protein per serving. It is also low in sugar and carbs, making it an ideal snack for anyone following a high-protein or low-carb diet. The Nutramino Nutra-Go Protein Wafer Hazelnut is perfect for busy individuals who are always on the go. It is a convenient snack that you can take with you anywhere ? to the gym, to work, or even on a long road trip. Each pack contains a single-serving wafer, making portion control easy. And because it is wrapped in a protective foil, you can be sure that it stays fresh and crunchy until you are ready to indulge. With its delicious hazelnut flavor and satisfying crunch, the Nutramino Nutra-Go Protein Wafer Hazelnut is sure to become your new favorite snack. Order yours today and enjoy the convenience of a high-protein snack that you can take with you anywhere. ..

4,50 USD

Optimys kuivatatud mango bio 150 g

Optimys kuivatatud mango bio 150 g

Tootekood: 7764888

Introducing the delectable Optimys Dried Mango Bio - 150 g, a delicious snack made with organic mangoes that are hand-picked at the peak of ripeness, and sun-dried to perfection. This snack is made using the best ingredients and processes, which means it retains all the essential nutrients that are present in fresh mangos. Eating this dried mango is like having the real fruit itself, only better because it lasts longer and is easier to eat on-the-go. The Optimys Dried Mango Bio - 150 g is a great source of vitamins A and C, which are necessary for healthy skin and strong immunity. It is also rich in dietary fiber, which aids digestion and helps maintain a healthy weight. Our dried mangoes are made without any artificial preservatives, flavors, or additives. It is a perfect guilt-free snack that everyone in the family can enjoy at any time of the day. Plus, it comes in a resealable pack that keeps the snacks fresh for longer periods. Order your pack of Optimys Dried Mango Bio - 150 g today, and enjoy this delicious and nutritious snack anytime, anywhere. Also, don't forget to check out our other organic snacks to add to your healthy eating routine. ..

13,35 USD

Ovomaltine original powder stickpack 10 x 15 g

Ovomaltine original powder stickpack 10 x 15 g

Tootekood: 7833636

Ovomaltine Original Plv Stickpack 10 x 15 g Ovomaltine Original Plv Stickpack on täiuslik segu Šveitsi šokolaadist ja linnasest, mis annab väga energiat ja maitseb. Igas pakis on 10 pulgapakki, millest igaüks on 15 g, mis muudab selle kaasaskandmise lihtsaks ja mugavaks liikvel olles. Funktsioonid Šveitsi šokolaadi ja linnase maitsega Väga energiat andev Mugav 10-ne pulgapakk Ideaalne liikvel olles tarbimiseks Eelised Ovomaltine Original Plv Stickpack on täis olulisi toitaineid, mis on kehale kasulikud. See annab energiat, mis kestab kaua, muutes selle ideaalseks inimestele, kes peavad pikki tunde töötama. See sobib ideaalselt ka üliõpilastele, kes vajavad loengute ajal kiiret energialaengut, ja see võib aidata sportlastel saavutada parimat tulemust. Šveitsi šokolaadi ja linnase maitse on hõrk, muutes Ovomaltine Original Plv Stickpacki nauditavaks suupisteks, mis pakub olulisi toitaineid. Stickpacke on mugav ja lihtne kaasas kanda, mistõttu on see ideaalne kiiretele inimestele, kes on alati liikvel. Kui pakis on 10 pulgapakki, on teil alati rahuldav suupiste valmis, kui seda vajate. Koostisained Ovomaltine Original Plv Stickpack sisaldab segu linnaseekstraktist, piimaseerumi kontsentraadist, madala rasvasisaldusega kakaopulbrist, suhkrust, fruktoosist, magneesiumkarbonaadist, kaltsiumfosfaadist, C-vitamiinist, niatsiinist, E-vitamiinist, pantoteenhappest, B6-vitamiinist, riboflaviinist , tiamiin, foolhape, vitamiin B12 ja raudpürofosfaat. See sobib inimestele, kellel on laktoositalumatus. Järeldus Kui otsite maitsvat, toitvat ja energiat andvat suupistet, on Ovomaltine Original Plv Stickpack teile ideaalne. Selle ainulaadse Šveitsi šokolaadi ja linnase seguga pakub see maitsvat maitset, mis sobib suurepäraselt liikvel olles. Selle 10 pakki sisaldavat pulgapakki muudavad selle kaasaskandmise ja tarbimise mugavaks, mistõttu on see ideaalne inimestele, kes on alati liikvel. Niisiis, hankige oma pakk juba täna ja nautige maitsvat suupistet, mis on toitev!..

11,83 USD

Rice pops original organic 75g

Rice pops original organic 75g

Tootekood: 6824015

Tutvustame RicePops Original Bio 75g, tervislikku ja maitsvat suupistet, mis ühendab sujuvalt tervise ja maitse. Need krõbedad riisipopsid on hoolikalt valmistatud, et pakkuda süümepiinadeta mõnu neile, kes peavad oma heaolu prioriteediks. Valmistatud esmaklassilistest orgaanilistest koostisosadest, pakub iga suutäis rahuldavat krõmpsu ja looduslike maitsete plahvatust. Ideaalne terviseteadlikele inimestele, kes otsivad mugavat, kuid toitvat suupistet. Olenemata sellest, kas olete liikvel või ihkate lihtsalt krõmpsuvat maiust, on RicePops Original Bio ideaalne valik teie päeva turgutamiseks. Selle uuendusliku reformitootega Tervis + Toitumine kategooriast saate omaks tervisliku toitumise maitses järeleandmisi tegemata...

7,46 USD

Sinergy dekstroos maasikas 10 x 40 g

Sinergy dekstroos maasikas 10 x 40 g

Tootekood: 7783401

Sinergy Dextrose Strawberry 10 x 40 g Sinergy Dextrose Strawberry is a delicious and nutritious energy booster that is perfect for people who are always on the go. Each pack comes with 10 individual servings of 40 grams each, packed with a sweet and fruity strawberry flavor. Dextrose is a simple sugar that provides a quick burst of energy, making it a great choice for athletes and active individuals who need to refuel their bodies during intense workouts or competition. This Sinergy Dextrose Strawberry product is made from high-quality ingredients with no artificial sweeteners, colors, or preservatives, ensuring a natural and healthy snack that is suitable for people of all ages. Each serving also contains essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, vitamin B6, and potassium, which can help support overall health and wellness. The convenient packaging makes it easy to carry around wherever you go. Simply tear open the pack and pour the powder into your water bottle or sports drink for an instant energy boost. Whether you're heading to the gym, playing sports, or just need a quick pick-me-up during a busy day, Sinergy Dextrose Strawberry is an excellent choice. So why wait? Add this delicious and healthy energy booster to your snack collection today and elevate your energy levels and performance to new heights. ..

46,86 USD

Taste of nature bars cranberry 16 x 40 g

Taste of nature bars cranberry 16 x 40 g

Tootekood: 7197514

Nautige Taste of Nature Bar Cranberry tervislikku headust. See on mõnus suupistebaar, mis on pakitud looduslikest koostisosadest. Igas batoonis, mis kaalub 40 g, on ühendatud jõhvikate hapukas magusus pähklite, seemnete ja täisteratoodete seguga, et saada rahuldav maitseelamus. See toode sobib ideaalselt neile, kes otsivad tasakaalustatud suupisteid. See toode kuulub kategooriasse Tervis + Toitumine, pakkudes rikkalikku maitsete segu, pakkudes samal ajal olulisi toitaineid. Kui pakis on 16 batooni, saate nautida neid maitsvaid hõrgutisi liikvel olles või kogu päeva jooksul kiirelt kaasa võtta. Luba endale maitsvat ja toitvat Taste of Nature Bar Cranberry!..

73,81 USD

Tervislike laste suupisted bio 65 g

Tervislike laste suupisted bio 65 g

Tootekood: 5901268

Tervislike laste suupistete Bio 65 g Maispopsi omadusedHoida päikese käesKogus pakendis: 1 gKaal: 74 g p>Pikkus: 80 mm Laius: 194 mm Kõrgus: 200 mm Ostke Šveitsist Internetist tervislike laste suupisteid Bio 65 g..

6,32 USD

Tooted 1 - 13, tooteid kokku 13, lehekülgi 1
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