
mittetoksiline puhastusvahend

Tooted 1 - 3, tooteid kokku 3, lehekülgi 1
Avastage meie mittetoksiliste puhastusvahendite valik, mis on asjatundlikult valmistatud, et pakkuda teie kodule ohutut ja tõhusat puhastuslahendust. Meie tooted, näiteks Starwax The Fabulous Natroni ja konnaäädikapuhastaja, pakuvad võimsaid puhastamist ja rasvanemist ilma kahjulike kemikaalideta. Ideaalne mitmesuguste pindade jaoks, nagu põrandad, valamud, vaibad ja palju muud, tagavad need lastele ja lemmikloomadele ohutuks vahuveini. Kogege mitmeotstarbelist lakki Credo Magic Shine ainulaadset sära ja kaitset, mis suurendab metalli, puidu, plasti ja nahast pindade ilu. Valige looduslikult puhta ja tervisliku kodukeskkonna jaoks meie mittetoksilised puhastusvahendid.
Credo maagiline sära

Credo maagiline sära

Tootekood: 7826859

Introducing CREDO Magic Shine CREDO is proud to present its latest and greatest creation that will blow your mind away! Introducing CREDO Magic Shine? the revolutionary multi-purpose polish that is designed to make your life a lot easier. This exceptional product is the solution to all your cleaning needs, and more. What Makes CREDO Magic Shine Unique? CREDO Magic Shine is a high-quality magic shine and polish that is specifically designed to give your surfaces, including metal, wood, leather, and even plastic, that spectacular shine that most conventional polishes fail to achieve. The magic formula of this product is what makes it stand out from the rest. It is designed to clean, shine, and protect any surface without leaving behind any sticky or oily residue. What are the Benefits of Using CREDO Magic Shine? Cleaning and polishing surfaces can be a time-consuming and frustrating task, especially if you do not have the right tools for the job. With CREDO Magic Shine, you can enjoy the following benefits: Effortless Cleaning: CREDO Magic Shine cleans effortlessly, leaving surfaces shiny and spotless. Protects Surfaces: This product is designed to protect your surfaces from scratches, dullness, and rusting, ensuring that they last longer. Multifunctional: No need to buy different polishes for various surfaces. CREDO Magic Shine is a multi-purpose polish that can be used on metal, wood, plastic, and leather. Non-toxic: This product is made from natural ingredients, making it safe for you, your family, and the environment. How to Use CREDO Magic Shine Using CREDO Magic Shine is a breeze. Simply follow these simple steps: Shake well before use Apply directly to the surface using a clean and dry cloth Buff the surface gently until the desired shine is achieved For best results, repeat the process until the surface is spotless and gleaming Experience the Magic Shine Today! Now that you have discovered the wonders of CREDO Magic Shine, why not try it for yourself? Say goodbye to tedious cleaning and hello to the sparkling shine that only CREDO Magic Shine can bring. Order your bottle of CREDO Magic Shine today and experience the magic for yourself! ..

7.00 USD

Frog essigreiniger 1000 ml

Frog essigreiniger 1000 ml

Tootekood: 7275361

Konaäädika puhastusvahend 1000 mlKonnaäädika puhastusvahendiga puhastage oma kodu ja hoidke see värske lõhnana. See universaalne puhastusvahend on spetsiaalselt loodud erinevatelt pindadelt mustuse, mustuse, plekkide ja ebameeldiva lõhna eemaldamiseks. See sisaldab ka äädikat, looduslikku ja tõhusat puhastusvahendit, mis lahustab rasva ja desinfitseerib kahjulikke kemikaalijälgi jätmata.Frog Vinegar Cleaner on mitmekülgne puhastuslahus, mida saab kasutada põrandatel, vaipadel, plaatidel, tööpinnad, valamud, tualetid ja palju muud. Selle mittetoksiline ja biolagunev valem muudab selle kasutamise lastele ja lemmikloomadele ohutuks, samas kui selle meeldiv tsitruselõhn jätab värskendava lõhna, mis püsib teie kodus.Kasutamiseks lahjendage Frog Vinegar Cleaner lihtsalt vees. vastavalt etiketil olevatele juhistele ja kandke see puhastatavale pinnale. Seejärel pühkige lapiga või mopiga ja loputage veega. Tugevate plekkide korral pihustage puhastusvahendit otse piirkonnale ja laske sellel enne pühkimist mõni minut mõjuda. Tulemuseks on puhas ja läikiv pind, mis näeb välja ja lõhnab suurepäraselt.Hankige 1000 ml Frog Vinegar Cleaner juba täna ja kogege äädika jõudu, et kodu oleks loomulikult puhas ja värske...

9.84 USD

Starwax vapustav sooda 500 g

Starwax vapustav sooda 500 g

Tootekood: 6753545

Starwax The Fabulous Natron cleans, degreases and descales. It has numerous areas of application such as floors, sinks, pans, shower trays, carpets, etc. Application To clean the taps, mix 3 parts baking soda with 1 part water and stir thoroughly. The paste is applied to the areas and left on for at least 10 minutes. Then rub with a soft brush and rinse off the paste. Precautionary measures Keep out of the reach of children...

12.87 USD

Tooted 1 - 3, tooteid kokku 3, lehekülgi 1
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