mittekleepuv side
Dermaplast compress plus 7,5x10cm
DermaPlast Compress Plus 7,5x10cm 25 tk Dermaplast Compress Plus on valmistatud täielikult imavast puuvillast. Haavakompressid sobivad marrastuste, lõikehaavade ja rebendite korral. Need on ühelt poolt kaetud perforeeritud kilega. DermaPlast® Compress Plus on pehmest fliisist valmistatud imav kompress, mis sobib ideaalselt marrastuste, sisselõigete või rebendite katmiseks. Kate vähendab haava külge kleepumist...
24.74 USD
Dermaplast quickaid 6cmx2m blue
DermaPlast QuickAid 6cmx2m sinine Isekleepuv elastne vahtside . DermaPlast® Quick Aid on ideaalne haavade katmiseks, et kaitsta haava. Tegemist on isekleepuva vahtplastist haavasidemega. Lisaks on haavaplaaster elastne, vetthülgav, verd imav ning ei kleepu naha, juuste ega haavade külge...
20.38 USD
Dermaplast quickaid 6cmx2m tan
DermaPlast QuickAid 6 cm x 2m nahavärvi Isekleepuv elastne vahtside . DermaPlast® Quick Aid on ideaalne haavade katmiseks, et kaitsta haava. Tegemist on isekleepuva vahtplastist haavasidemega. Lisaks on haavaplaaster elastne, vetthülgav, verd imav ning ei kleepu naha, juuste ega haavade külge...
20.38 USD
Lomatuell pro 10x10cm
LOMATUAL Per 10x10cm on mitmekülgne salvikompress, mis on loodud tõhusaks haavahoolduseks. See toode pakub suurepäraselt neutraalset ja õrna ravilahendust erinevatele haavadele. Suurusega 10x10cm pakub see piisavat katvust erineva suurusega haavadele. Kompress on asjatundlikult valmistatud, et säilitada niiske keskkond, mis soodustab haava optimaalset paranemist. Selle mittenakkuv olemus tagab valuvaba sidemevahetuse, soodustades patsiendi mugavust. LOMATUAL Per 10x10cm on oluline täiendus igale esmaabikomplektile või meditsiiniseadmele, pakkudes usaldusväärset abi haavahoolduseks...
111.24 USD
Mepitel wundauflage 12x15cm silik bag 5 stk
MEPITEL Wundauflage 12x15cm Silik Btl 5 Stk The MEPITEL Wundauflage is a high-quality medical product designed to ease the healing process of wounds. Measuring 12x15cm, this product comes in a pack of 5 pieces, providing you with a sufficient number of wound dressings for regular use. The wound dressing is made from soft silicone and polyamide, ensuring exceptional comfort, and ease of use for patients of all ages. The MEPITEL Wundauflage is suitable for use on all types of wounds, including surgical incisions, abrasions, lacerations, and burns. The product is designed to adhere gently to the wound surface, promoting healing while minimizing the risk of damage to the surrounding healthy skin. The MEPITEL Wundauflage allows for rapid wound healing by absorbing the wound exudate, which provides a moist environment that is essential for faster healing. The sterilized packaging of the MEPITEL Wundauflage ensures that it is free from any harmful substances, which makes it safe for use by anyone. The product is easy to use and can be applied by anyone without any special training. By using the MEPITEL Wundauflage, you can provide excellent care for your wounds while promoting increased comfort and faster healing. Whether you have a wound at home, or you are looking for a quality product for your medical facility, the MEPITEL Wundauflage is an excellent choice. Order yours today and experience the benefits of this unparalleled wound dressing solution...
168.86 USD
N solvaline haavakompress 10x10cm 100 tk
N Solvaline Wound Compress 10x10cm 100 pcs The N Solvaline Wound Compress 10x10cm 100 pcs is an advanced wound care solution for treating primary and secondary healing wounds. This product is specially designed with a unique absorbent material that facilitates faster healing and maximum comfort for patients. The wound compress is made of a polypropylene top sheet that provides a protective barrier against bacterial infection. The middle layer contains high-quality absorbent materials that can absorb large amounts of wound exudate without sticking to the wound itself. The inner layer is made of a polyurethane film that has a perforated structure, which allows the wound to breathe and maintains the healing environment moist. Features: Provides maximum absorbency for faster wound healing. Perforated structure allows the wound to breathe and maintain a moist healing environment. Polyurethane film layer reduces skin maceration, maintains proper temperature, and helps prevent infection. Polypropylene top sheet acts as a protective barrier against bacterial infections and further injury Convenient packaging with 100 pieces per box. Ideal for use in clinics, hospitals, and personal medical care. With N Solvaline Wound Compress, treating wounds is now easier and more comfortable for patients. Get yours today and provide optimal care for your patients' wounds...
105.76 USD