
loomulik hambapasta

Tooted 1 - 8, tooteid kokku 8, lehekülgi 1
Avastage meie valik looduslikku hambapastat, mis pakub tõhusat suuhooldust, olles samal ajal hammaste ja igemete õrnalt. Meie toodetel on kvaliteetseid koostisosi nagu Ratanhia, piparmünt ja salvei, pakkudes pingutamist, rahustavat ja värskendavat eeliseid. Karmidest kemikaalidest, säilitusainetest ja kunstlikest värvainetest soodustab meie loomulik hambapasta tervislikke igemeid ja hoiab ära naastude moodustumise. Ideaalne tundlike igemetega inimestele, meie keskkonnasõbralikud ja julmusvabad võimalused sobivad suurepäraselt kohusetundlikele tarbijatele, kes eelistavad suu tervist ja keskkonna jätkusuutlikkust. Võtke omaks looduse jõud puhtama, värskema naeratuse jaoks.
Argiletz toothpaste sage bio 75 ml

Argiletz toothpaste sage bio 75 ml

Tootekood: 3199574

Argiletz Toothpaste Sage bio 75 ml Experience the power of nature in every brush with the Argiletz Toothpaste Sage bio 75 ml. This toothpaste is designed to give you a refreshing and soothing brushing experience while also keeping your teeth strong and healthy. The product contains high-quality ingredients, such as clay, sage, and essential oils, which work together to keep your mouth clean, fresh, and healthy. The sage with its antiseptic and astringent properties helps to make your gums stronger and aids in fighting against the bacteria, making it the perfect toothpaste for those who suffer from gum problems. The toothpaste is biodegradable, and the packaging is entirely recyclable, making it an eco-friendly choice for those who want to protect the environment. The Argiletz Toothpaste Sage bio 75 ml is suitable for everyday use and is gentle on your teeth and gums. It's perfect for those who prefer natural dental care products that offer effective results without harsh chemicals. Take your daily brushing routine to the next level with this natural and healthy toothpaste that's designed to give you a fresh smile every morning...

17.42 USD

Buccotherm zahngel tundlikud igemed bio (fluor) 75 ml

Buccotherm zahngel tundlikud igemed bio (fluor) 75 ml

Tootekood: 7738605

Buccotherm Zahngel sensitive gums BIO (fluorine) 75 ml If you're looking for a natural toothpaste that is designed for those with sensitive gums, look no further than Buccotherm Zahngel sensitive gums BIO (fluorine) 75 ml. This toothpaste is formulated with natural ingredients, including thermal spring water, aloe vera, and green tea extract, which are known for their soothing properties. It is free from harsh chemicals or synthetic fragrances, making it gentle on even the most sensitive gums. Buccotherm Zahngel sensitive gums BIO (fluorine) 75 ml also contains fluoride, which helps to strengthen tooth enamel and prevent cavities. It is recommended by dentists for daily use and is suitable for the whole family. The toothpaste comes in an easy-to-use tube, making it convenient for travel or home use. Simply squeeze a pea-sized amount onto your toothbrush and brush for two minutes, twice a day. Experience the gentle cleaning power of natural ingredients with Buccotherm Zahngel sensitive gums BIO (fluorine) 75 ml. Order yours today! ..

11.83 USD

Humble hambapasta mint tb 75 ml

Humble hambapasta mint tb 75 ml

Tootekood: 7257185

The Humble Toothpaste Mint Tb 75ml The Humble Toothpaste Mint Tb 75ml is a fantastic product that is suitable for anyone looking for a natural, eco-friendly toothpaste. It is formulated with natural ingredients and contains no harmful chemicals or preservatives, making it one of the best options for people with sensitive teeth and gums. Offering a refreshing mint flavor, this toothpaste is sure to leave your mouth feeling fresh and clean. It comes packaged in a recyclable tube, which is made from sustainable materials, making it an environmentally-conscious choice. Plus, with a toothbrush included in the package, you'll have everything you need to keep your teeth and gums healthy and shining bright! The Humble Toothpaste Mint Tb 75ml is made using high-quality ingredients, including: Xylitol, which helps to prevent cavities and maintain healthy teeth and gums Calcium carbonate, which helps to remove surface stains and keep your teeth bright and shiny Potassium sorbate, which acts as a natural preservative to ensure the toothpaste stays fresh for longer Sodium Lauroyl Sarcosinate, a gentle foaming agent that makes it easier to brush your teeth This toothpaste is free from harmful chemicals that can irritate your teeth and gums, making it an excellent choice for people with sensitive teeth and gums. It's also vegan-friendly, gluten-free, and cruelty-free, so you can use it knowing that you're doing your part for the environment and animal welfare. So if you're looking for a natural toothpaste that leaves your mouth feeling fresh and clean, look no further than the Humble Toothpaste Mint Tb 75ml. ..

11.38 USD

Lebon essentiels zahnpasta minze+kohle bio

Lebon essentiels zahnpasta minze+kohle bio

Tootekood: 7826236

LEBON ESSENTIELS hambapasta piparmündi+orgaaniline süsi Atribuudid Sisaldab rohelisest teest saadud looduslikku fluori.99,84% looduslikke koostisosi 100% alumiiniumist torud Valmistatud Prantsusmaal Organic sertifitseeritud ECOCERT COSMOS ORGANIC märgisega Lisateave Vgan; Titaandioksiidivaba, SLS-vaba, sulfaadivaba, värvainevaba, triklosaanivaba, PEG-vaba, parabeenivaba, mikrohelmesteta, sünteetilisi magusaineid, sünteetilisi fluoriide. ..

16.69 USD

Trybol nature hambapasta rohelise tee ja taruvaiguga tb 150 ml

Trybol nature hambapasta rohelise tee ja taruvaiguga tb 150 ml

Tootekood: 7751719

A natural toothpaste with a fresh vanilla-peppermint flavor that prevents plaque formation and provides natural protection against tooth decay. Composition Chamomile (Chamomilla recutita L./Matricaria chamomilla), myrrh, peppermint oil, clove oil, anise oil, calcium carbonate. Properties Properties: without dyes; without fluorine; without preservative substances; cruelty free; ..

11.81 USD

Trybol taimne hambapasta classic tb 100 ml

Trybol taimne hambapasta classic tb 100 ml

Tootekood: 1667278

Composition Chamomile (Chamomilla recutita L./Matricaria chamomilla), peppermint oil, clove oil, anise oil, sodium hydrogen fluorophosphate, calcium carbonate, coneflower (Echinacea purpurea L. ), sage (Salvia officinalis L.). Properties Properties: without preservatives; without dyes; cruelty free; Composition Chamomile (Chamomilla recutita L./Matricaria chamomilla), peppermint oil, clove oil, anise oil, sodium hydrogen fluorophosphate, calcium carbonate, purple coneflower (Echinacea purpurea L.), sage (Salvia officinalis L.). Properties Properties: without preservatives; without dyes; cruelty free; ..

11.30 USD

Tundlik buccotherm hambapasta igemed bio 75 ml

Tundlik buccotherm hambapasta igemed bio 75 ml

Tootekood: 7300194

Buccotherm Sensitive hambapasta igemetele BIO 75 mlBuccotherm Sensitive hambapasta igemetele BIO 75 ml on looduslik ja orgaaniline hambapasta, mis on spetsiaalselt loodud teie hammaste ja igemete kaitsmiseks, pakkudes samal ajal leevendust tundlikele hammastele . See ei sisalda kangeid kemikaale ega kunstlikke koostisosi, mistõttu on selle kasutamine tundlike igemetega inimestele ohutu.BIO-sertifikaadiga hambapasta on rikastatud Prantsusmaal Cevennes'i piirkonnast pärit termilise allikaveega, mis on näidanud. omada igemeid ravivaid omadusi. See koos taimeekstraktidega, nagu kummel ja saialill, aitab leevendada põletikku ja kaitsta igemeid kahjustuste eest, jättes need terveks ja värskeks.Buccothermi hambapasta on loodud igemete verejooksu ja hambakivi kogunemise vältimiseks. ja emaili erosioon, hoides suu puhta ja värske. Selle mitteabrasiivne koostis on teie hammastele õrn ja sobib igapäevaseks kasutamiseks, muutes selle teie suuhooldusrutiini oluliseks osaks.Hambapasta on 75 ml tuubis, mis muudab selle mugavaks reisimisel ja ladustamine. Selle värskendav piparmündimaitse jätab su suu puhtaks ja värskeks kogu päevaks.Oma naturaalsete ja orgaaniliste koostisainetega Buccotherm Sensitive hambapasta igemetele BIO 75 ml on ideaalne valik inimestele, kes otsivad õrna ja värskena. tõhus hambapasta, mis aitab kaasa heale suuhügieenile, igemete tervisele ja üldisele heaolule...

11.86 USD

Weleda ratanhia hambapasta 75 ml

Weleda ratanhia hambapasta 75 ml

Tootekood: 1622904

Ratanhia tanniinid moodustavad igeme nahale vahvelõhukese kile, millel on pinguldav ja bakterite vastu kaitsev toime. See hoiab ära igemete taandumise. p>Lisaks ratanhia juure ekstraktidele on ka teisi taimeekstrakte: mürri, mis rahustab suu limaskesta, ning värskendavaid piparmündi ja rohemündi eeterlikke õlisid.Weleda Ratanhia hambapasta on varustatud loodusliku, mineraalse puhastuskehaga, mis on valmistatud kaltsiumkarbonaadist (parim merlangi kriit). Puhastab hambaid eriti õrnalt, kuid põhjalikult...

10.65 USD

Tooted 1 - 8, tooteid kokku 8, lehekülgi 1
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