
looduslik nahahooldus

Tooted 1 - 25, tooteid kokku 39, lehekülgi 2
Uurige meie laia valikut nahahooldustooteid, mis on valmistatud naha tervise ja ilu suurendamiseks, kasutades looduse parimaid koostisosi. Meie valik sisaldab lahendusi kangekaelsete mustpeade eemaldamiseks, põletuste rahustamiseks, tundliku naha taaselustamise ja niisutamise ning muuks. Selliste pakkumiste nagu aktiveeritud söe näohooldused, aloe veraga infundeeritud põletuskreemid ja toitev taimepõhised seerumid saate hooldada vaevata kiirgavat jume. Ükskõik, kas otsite tõhusaid niisutajaid kuiva naha, õrnade puhastusvahendite või kaitsepalsamite jaoks, koostatakse iga toode looduslike õlide, ekstraktide ja oluliste vitamiinidega, et soodustada tervislikku, hõõguvat välimust. Nautige loodusliku nahahoolduse eeliseid, mis vastavad teie soovitud tervise- ja ilueesmärkidele. Avastage koostisosade nagu jojobaõli, makadaamia pähkliõli ja nõiaharade transformatiivne jõud, mis on tuntud nende naha rahustavate ja taaselustavate omaduste poolest. Ideaalne kõigile nahatüüpidele, meie kollektsioon tagab, et leiate ideaalse toote, mis sobib teie konkreetsete nahahooldusvajadustega, hõlmates samal ajal puhta ja Šveitsi lähenemist nahahoolduse tipptasemele.
Alpmed frischpflanzentüchlein rosmariin 13 tk

Alpmed frischpflanzentüchlein rosmariin 13 tk

Tootekood: 4839969

Rosmariini Alpmed Frischpflanzentüchlein 13 tk omadusedKogus pakendis: 13 tkKaal: 87 g Pikkus: 56 mm Laius: 65 mm Kõrgus: 83 mm Ostke Alpmed Frischpflanzentüchlein rosmariini 13 tk Internetist Šveitsist..

37.94 USD

Alpmed frischpflanzentüchlein wiesengeissb

Alpmed frischpflanzentüchlein wiesengeissb

Tootekood: 4840062

Alpmed Frischpflanzentüchlein Wiesbaden Geissi habeme omadused 13 tkKogus pakendis: 13 tkKaal: 107 g Pikkus: 56 mm Laius: 65 mm Kõrgus: 81 mm Ostke Šveitsist Internetist Alpmed Frischpflanzentüchlein Wiesbaden Geissi habe 13 tk..

37.94 USD

Argiletz heilerde roosa plv ultrafine 200 g

Argiletz heilerde roosa plv ultrafine 200 g

Tootekood: 3513929

Argiletz Heilerde Pink PLV Ultrafine 200g Argiletz Heilerde Pink PLV Ultrafine is a natural skin care product that is made from ultrafine pink clay. This product is perfect for sensitive skin, providing gentle exfoliation and cleansing. The pink clay in this product is rich in minerals, including iron oxide, which helps to give it its distinctive pink color. When applied to the skin, this gentle clay helps to draw out impurities and toxins, while nourishing and soothing the skin. Argiletz Heilerde Pink PLV Ultrafine is suitable for use on the face and body. Simply mix the clay with water to create a smooth paste, and then apply to the skin in a thin layer. Allow the clay to dry for 10-15 minutes, and then rinse off with warm water. The result is soft, supple skin that feels clean and refreshed. This product is free from synthetic fragrances, colors, and preservatives, making it an ideal choice for those with sensitive skin or allergies. The ultrafine texture of the clay ensures that it is easy to apply and spread evenly across the skin. Plus, with 200g of clay in each package, you'll have enough for multiple uses. Discover the benefits of Argiletz Heilerde Pink PLV Ultrafine for yourself and enjoy the natural, gentle cleansing and exfoliation it provides your skin. ..

23.16 USD

Biokosma indulgence kehaõli bio-wild rose 100 ml

Biokosma indulgence kehaõli bio-wild rose 100 ml

Tootekood: 6876495

The Biokosma pampering body oil with organic wild roses from Switzerland cares for and harmonises normal and dry skin.High-quality vegetable oils such as grape seed, corn, rosehip seed and almond oil make the skin noticeably smooth and soft. VeganActive ingredients from Swiss plantsnatural preservatives and dyeswithout Mineral oils and siliconesGMO-freedermatologically tested Application Apply to wet skin after showering. Also suitable for massage...

23.56 USD

Biokosma kätekreem orgaaniline sidruni verbena & orgaaniline sidruni tb 50 ml

Biokosma kätekreem orgaaniline sidruni verbena & orgaaniline sidruni tb 50 ml

Tootekood: 7122048

The nourishing and smoothing hand cream from Biokosma with organic lemon verbena and organic lemon moisturizes, absorbs quickly and leaves your hands soft and supple. The oil and moisture balance of the skin is supported by the high-quality formula and the ability to regenerate is improved. VeganActive ingredients from Swiss plantsnatural preservatives and coloringswithout mineral oils and siliconesGMO-freedermatologically tested..

17.22 USD

Carmex lippenbalsam naturally pear stick 4,25 g

Carmex lippenbalsam naturally pear stick 4,25 g

Tootekood: 7782683

CARMEX huulepalsami Naturally Pear Stick 25,4 g omadusedKogus pakendis: 1 gKaal: 14 g Pikkus: 18 mm Laius: 76 mm Kõrgus: 127 mm Ostke Šveitsist veebist CARMEXi huulepalsam Naturally Pear Stick 25,4 g..

5.16 USD

Hametumi salv tb 100 g

Hametumi salv tb 100 g

Tootekood: 7462117

Hametum sisaldab Hamamelis virginiana, Virginia nõiapuu aktiivseid taimseid koostisosi. Hametumil on põletikuvastased, kokkutõmbavad ja lokaalsed hemostaatilised omadused. See soodustab väiksemate nahavigastuste paranemist, leevendab sügelust ning on jahutava ja valuvaigistava toimega. Hametum'i kasutatakse väiksemate nahavigastuste raviks, nagu marrastused ja lõiked, lõhenenud, lõhenenud nahk, naha ja limaskestade lokaalne ärritus, kuiv ja valus. nina limaskesta, Hemorroidid, valu vastu lastel, noorukitel ja täiskasvanutel, hunt, põletusvillide ja kergema astme päikesepõletuse vastu. Šveitsi meditsiini poolt heakskiidetud patsienditeaveHametum® salvSchwabe Pharma AGTaimne ravim Mis on Hametum ja millal seda kasutatakse?Hametum sisaldab aktiivseid taimseid koostisosi, mis pärinevad Virginia nõiapuust Hamamelis virginiana. Hametumil on põletikuvastased, kokkutõmbavad ja lokaalsed hemostaatilised omadused. See soodustab väiksemate nahavigastuste paranemist, leevendab sügelust ning on jahutava ja valuvaigistava toimega. Hametum'i kasutatakse väiksemate nahavigastuste raviks, nagu marrastused ja lõiked, lõhenenud, lõhenenud nahk, naha ja limaskestade lokaalne ärritus, kuiv ja valus. nina limaskesta, Hemorroidid, valu vastu lastel, noorukitel ja täiskasvanutel, hunt, põletusvillide ja kergema astme päikesepõletuse vastu. Millal ei tohi Hametumi kasutada või tuleb olla ettevaatlik?Kasutamine alla 2-aastastel lastel ei ole soovitatav, kuna selle vanuserühma kohta pole piisavalt andmeid. Kui esineb lokaalne kahjustus või kui paranemine ei toimu 2-3 nädala jooksul, tuleb konsulteerida arsti, apteekri või apteekriga. Üldise seisundi halvenemisel (nt palavik), tuleb viivitamatult pöörduda arsti poole. Kui olete ülitundlik mõne koostisosa, näiteks villavaha või tsetostearüülalkoholi suhtes, ei tohi salvi kasutada. Võib põhjustada lokaalset nahaärritust (nt kontaktdermatiit). See ravim sisaldab 8,3 mg propüleenglükooli 0,5 cm salvikiudu kohta, mis vastab 50 mg/g salvile. Öelge oma arstile, apteekrile või apteekrile, kui põdete muid haigusi,te olete allergiline võikasutage muid ravimeid (sh ise ostetud ravimeid!) või kasutate neid välispidiselt!Kas Hametumit võib kasutada raseduse või rinnaga toitmise ajal?Varasemate kogemuste põhjal ei ole juhiste järgi kasutamisel teadaolevat ohtu lapsele. Süstemaatilisi teaduslikke uuringuid pole aga kunagi tehtud. Ettevaatusabinõuna peaksite raseduse ja imetamise ajal hoiduma ravimite võtmisest või küsima nõu oma arstilt, apteekrilt või apteekrilt. Kuidas te Hametumit kasutate?Täiskasvanud, noorukid ja lapsed alates 2. eluaastast: kui ei ole ette nähtud teisiti, kandke Hametumi õhukese kihina mitu korda päevas või masseerige kergelt sisse vastavalt vajadusele. 0,5 cm pikkune salvi kiud vastab 0,17 g salvile. Hemorroidide lokaalseks raviks sisestage salv kaks korda päevas keeratava kanüüli abil (25 g, 35 g ja 50 g kanüüliga tuubid). Pidage kinni pakendi infolehes märgitud või arsti määratud annusest. Kui teile tundub, et ravim on liiga nõrk või liiga tugev, pidage nõu oma arsti, apteekri või apteekriga. Hametum salvi kasutamist ja ohutust alla 2-aastastel lastel ei ole veel testitud. See ravim sisaldab 8,3 mg propüleenglükooli 0,5 cm salvikiudu kohta, mis vastab 50 mg/g salvile. Millised kõrvaltoimed võivad Hametumil olla?Siiani ei ole Hametumil ettenähtud kasutamisel kõrvaltoimeid täheldatud. Kui te siiski märkate kõrvaltoimeid, teavitage sellest oma arsti, apteekrit või apteekrit. Kui allergilised reaktsioonid korduvad (nt nahapunetus, sügelus), peaksite hoiduma edasisest kasutamisest ja vajadusel teavitama arsti. Millega veel tuleb arvestada?Ravimit võib kasutada ainult kuni kuupäevani, mis on märgitud pakendile „EXP“. SäilitamisjuhisedSäilitada toatemperatuuril (15–25°C). Hoida lastele kättesaamatus kohas. LisateaveÄrge neelake alla. Teie arst, apteeker või apteeker võib teile anda lisateavet. Mida Hametum sisaldab?1 g salvi sisaldab: Toimeained62,5 mg Hamamelis virginiana (Hamamelis virginiana L., folium et ramus recens) värsketest lehtedest ja okstest saadud destillaat, ravim -destillaadi suhe 1:1,12-2,08, destillatsioonivahend: etanool 7,5% v/v AbiainedValge vaseliin, villavaha 165,0 mg, glütserool (mono/di/tri) (adipaat, alkanoaat (C6-C) 20)), isostearaat, tsetüülstearüülalkohol 20,0 mg, mikrokristalne vaha, sidrunhape glütseroolmonooleaat glütseroolmonostearaat-L-(+)-6-0-palmitoüülaskorbiinhape-DL-alfa-tokoferoolletsitiin (2, 5:7,5:20:20:25:25), propüleenglükool 50 mg, puhastatud vesi, naatriumedetaat, vedel parafiinKinnitusnumber08653 (Swissmedic) Kust Hametumi saab? Millised pakendid on saadaval?Apteekides ja apteekides, ilma arsti retseptita. 25 g, 35 g ja 50 g pakendid koos nõelaga ning 50 g ja 100 g pakendid ilma nõelata. Loa omanikSchwabe Pharma AG, Erlistrasse 2, 6403 Küssnacht am Rigi. Seda infolehte kontrollis viimati ravimiamet (Swissmedic) 2020. aasta novembris. ..

73.26 USD

Hans karrer lipocream microsilver 100 ml

Hans karrer lipocream microsilver 100 ml

Tootekood: 4491265

Hans Karrer Lipocreme MikroSilber based on derma membranes (DMB) (skin-related lipid structures) and with natural almond oil is ideal for very dry skin. Intensively moisture-binding glycerin has an exceptionally good hydrating effect and micro-silver, which optimizes the skin flora, stabilizes your skin. Free from emulsifiers Free from fragrances Free from mineral oils Free from parabens Hans Karrer Lipocreme MikroSilver based on derma membranes (DMB) (skin-related lipid structures) and with natural almond oil is ideal for very dry skin. Intensively moisture-binding glycerin has an exceptionally good hydrating effect and micro-silver, which optimizes the skin flora, stabilizes your skin.Free from emulsifiersFree from fragrancesFree from mineral oilsFree from parabens ..

28.35 USD

Hirudoid natural gel tb 100 g

Hirudoid natural gel tb 100 g

Tootekood: 7787638

Hirudoid Natural Gel Tb 100 g Hirudoid Natural Gel Tb 100 g is a natural and effective solution for various skin problems. This gel is made from a blend of natural ingredients that have been scientifically proven to provide excellent relief for skin conditions such as eczema, bug bites, bruises, and acne. The key ingredient in this gel is the Badiaga Microalgae which has been shown to have a positive impact on skin health. This ingredient is known for its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties which help to calm the skin and reduce inflammation. The gel also contains Arnica which is known for its pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties. This ingredient is especially useful for reducing pain and swelling caused by bruises. The Hirudoid Natural Gel Tb 100 g is also enriched with Aloe Vera which is known to have anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. This ingredient helps to hydrate and nourish the skin while reducing redness and inflammation. This gel is easy to apply and is quickly absorbed into the skin without leaving any greasy residue. The Hirudoid Natural Gel Tb 100 g is suitable for use on all skin types and can be used regularly as a part of your daily skincare routine. Benefits of Hirudoid Natural Gel Tb 100 g: Effective relief for skin conditions such as eczema, bug bites, bruises, and acne. Contains natural and effective ingredients such as Badiaga Microalgae, Arnica, and Aloe Vera. Anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties to calm the skin and reduce inflammation. Easy to apply and quickly absorbed into the skin without leaving any greasy residue. Suitable for use on all skin types. Invest in the Hirudoid Natural Gel Tb 100 g and enjoy healthier, smoother and more hydrated skin in no time!..

47.44 USD

Intercosma taruvaigu palsam kreem 75 ml

Intercosma taruvaigu palsam kreem 75 ml

Tootekood: 1283804

Intercosma taruvaigu palsamikreemi omadused 75 mlKogus pakendis: 1 mlKaal: 108 g Pikkus: 27 mm >Laius: 78 mm Kõrgus: 78 mm Ostke Šveitsist Internetist Intercosma taruvaigu palsamkreemi 75 ml..

21.47 USD

Malta mustpea nr 14

Malta mustpea nr 14

Tootekood: 1198719

MALTESE Blackhead No 14 The MALTESE Blackhead No 14 is a gentle yet effective solution for removing stubborn blackheads from the skin. Made with natural ingredients, this product is suitable for all skin types and is safe for use on sensitive skin. The key ingredient in this product is activated charcoal, which has been proven to effectively draw out impurities from the skin. It works by binding with toxins and dirt, lifting them out of pores to leave skin looking and feeling fresh and clean. In addition to activated charcoal, MALTESE Blackhead No 14 also contains a blend of natural oils and plant extracts, including jojoba oil, olive oil, and eucalyptus oil. These ingredients work together to nourish and hydrate the skin while gently exfoliating and unclogging pores. To use, simply apply a thin layer of the product to the affected area and allow it to dry for 10-15 minutes. Once dry, gently peel off the mask, taking care to avoid the delicate eye area. Rinse with warm water to remove any residue and reveal smooth, clear skin. With regular use, MALTESE Blackhead No 14 can help to minimize the appearance of pores and prevent future blackheads from forming. So why wait? Try it today and experience the benefits for yourself!..

17.30 USD

Mettler elustav dušigeel kassiekstraktiga 200 ml

Mettler elustav dušigeel kassiekstraktiga 200 ml

Tootekood: 6293842

Mettler Revitalizing Shower Gel with Cassis Extract 200ml Indulge in the refreshing and rejuvenating experience with Mettler Revitalizing Shower Gel enriched with the goodness of cassis extract and other natural ingredients. The 200ml of the nourishing formula is capable of combating the harsh pollution and environmental factors that affect the health of your skin. It is perfect for daily use, and its gentle cleansing properties make it incredibly suitable for all skin types. Benefits Formulated with cassis extract, it provides antioxidants and hydration to the skin, improves skin elasticity, and promotes cell turnover. The Shower Gel has a pH-balanced formula that doesn't disturb the natural pH of your skin, which makes it non-irritating and suitable for all skin types. Deeply cleanses the skin, removes impurities, and provides long-lasting freshness. With its refreshing fragrance, it stimulates the senses, elevates the mood, and uplifts the mind and body. The formula is free from harmful chemicals that may harm the skin, such as parabens, sulfates, and phthalates. Usage Take the required amount of Shower Gel in your hand or loofah. Work up the lather by rubbing gently all over the body. Rinse well with water. Ingredients Aqua, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Glycerin, Acrylates Copolymer, Parfum, Coco-Glucoside, Sodium Chloride, Benzophenone-4, Styrene/Acrylates Copolymer, Citric Acid, Tetrasodium Glutamate Diacetate, Cassis Fruit Extract, CI 42090, CI 17200, Sodium Hydroxide, Sodium Benzoate. Experience the luxurious and refreshing showering experience with Mettler Revitalizing Shower Gel with Cassis Extract 200ml. Pamper your skin with the nourishing and hydrating formula to get soft, supple, and glowing skin...

27.32 USD

Mettler niisutav geel silmakontuurile 30 ml

Mettler niisutav geel silmakontuurile 30 ml

Tootekood: 6293486

Mettler Moisturizing Gel for Eye Contour 30 ml The Mettler Moisturizing Gel for Eye Contour is a 30 ml gel that is specially formulated to provide intense hydration to the delicate skin around the eyes. This gel is packed with a potent blend of active ingredients that work synergistically to hydrate, firm, and soothe the skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, while improving the overall texture and tone of the skin. Key Ingredients Hyaluronic Acid - Provides long-lasting hydration and helps to plump up the skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Green Tea Extract - A powerful antioxidant that helps to protect the skin from free radicals, while also providing anti-inflammatory benefits to help soothe the skin. Vitamin E - A potent antioxidant that helps to protect the skin from environmental stressors, while also promoting healthy cell regeneration. Panthenol - Helps to strengthen the skin barrier, improving overall hydration and reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Benefits Intensely hydrates the delicate skin around the eyes. Reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Improves skin texture and tone. Provides antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits to protect and soothe the skin. Strengthens the skin barrier, improving overall hydration. How to Use After cleansing and toning, apply a small amount of the gel to the eye area, using gentle patting motions to blend the product into the skin. Use morning and night for best results. The Mettler Moisturizing Gel for Eye Contour is suitable for all skin types, and is free from parabens, sulfates, and phthalates. Experience the benefits of this luxurious eye contour gel, and restore the youthful glow to your eyes with Mettler...

110.61 USD

Mettler värskendav tooniv näovesi 200 ml

Mettler värskendav tooniv näovesi 200 ml

Tootekood: 6293434

Mettler Refreshing Toning Lotion for Face 200ml Overview Mettler Refreshing Toning Lotion Face is a refreshing facial toner that provides a luxurious touch to your daily skincare routine. Made with all-natural ingredients such as plant-based extracts and nutrients, this toning lotion helps to balance your skin, moisturize it deeply, and leave it feeling revitalized and glowing. Features Rich in natural plant-based extracts, hydrating nutrients, and vitamins, this toning lotion is gentle on the skin and does not contain any harmful chemicals It is non-greasy and is easily absorbed into the skin, leaving no residue or stickiness It is suitable for all skin types and can help to reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and blemishes The toning lotion has a natural, refreshing fragrance that leaves your skin feeling clean and rejuvenated It comes in a convenient 200 ml bottle and is easy to use at home or on-the-go How to Use To use, first cleanse your face with your favorite facial cleanser. After cleansing, apply a small amount of toning lotion to a cotton pad and gently wipe it over your face and neck. Allow the toner to fully absorb into your skin before applying any other facial products. Ingredients Mettler Refreshing Toning Lotion Face contains a blend of natural plant extracts and nutrients, including: Aloe Vera Extract - which soothes the skin and reduces inflammation Witch Hazel Extract - which helps to reduce the appearance of pores and blemishes Vitamin E - which nourishes and moisturizes the skin Cucumber Extract - which gently cleanses and refreshes the skin Conclusion Mettler Refreshing Toning Lotion Face is the perfect addition to any skincare routine. With all-natural ingredients, it is gentle on your skin, and its refreshing formula leaves your skin feeling revitalized and glowing. Try it today and experience the difference for yourself! ..

52.13 USD

Mettler vahutav puhastusgeel 200 ml

Mettler vahutav puhastusgeel 200 ml

Tootekood: 6293440

Mettler Foaming Cleanser 200 ml The Mettler Foaming Cleanser is a luxurious cleansing foam that thoroughly removes dirt, oil, and impurities from the skin. This gentle yet effective cleanser is perfect for everyday use and is suitable for all skin types. It contains natural ingredients that help to soothe and nourish the skin, leaving it feeling soft, smooth, and radiant. Key Features: Gentle yet effective cleansing foam Thoroughly removes dirt, oil, and impurities Suitable for all skin types Contains natural ingredients that soothe and nourish the skin Leaves skin feeling soft, smooth, and radiant Ingredients: The Mettler Foaming Cleanser is made from a blend of natural ingredients that work together to cleanse and nourish the skin. These include: Green tea extract Aloe vera Vitamin E Glycerin Chamomile extract These ingredients help to soothe and moisturize the skin while providing a gentle yet effective cleansing experience. How to Use: To use the Mettler Foaming Cleanser: Wet your face with warm water. Dispense a small amount of the cleanser into your hands. Gently massage the foam onto your face, avoiding the eye area. Rinse with warm water. Pat your face dry with a clean towel. For best results, use the Mettler Foaming Cleanser twice a day, morning and night. Follow with your favorite moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated and nourished. Conclusion: The Mettler Foaming Cleanser is a luxurious and effective cleansing foam that is perfect for everyday use. It is suitable for all skin types and contains natural ingredients that help to soothe and nourish the skin. With regular use, this gentle yet effective cleanser will leave your skin feeling soft, smooth, and radiant...

54.68 USD

Morga creme plv burnt kreemikott 90 g

Morga creme plv burnt kreemikott 90 g

Tootekood: 1569305

Morga cream PLV Burnt cream Btl 90 g The Morga cream PLV Burnt cream Btl 90 g is a high-quality product that is designed to provide relief from burns and other skin irritations. This cream is made from natural ingredients that work together to soothe the skin, reduce inflammation and promote healing. The Morga cream PLV Burnt cream Btl 90 g comes in a convenient bottle that makes application easy and mess-free. The cream is gentle enough to be used on all skin types and is suitable for adults and children alike. Features and Benefits Provides relief from burns and other skin irritations Natural ingredients that soothe the skin and promote healing Convenient bottle makes application easy and mess-free Gentle enough to be used on all skin types Suitable for adults and children Ingredients The Morga cream PLV Burnt cream Btl 90 g is made from natural ingredients that work together to soothe and heal the skin. These ingredients include: Aloe Vera Calendula Chamomile Lavender Tea Tree Oil Directions for Use To use the Morga cream PLV Burnt cream Btl 90 g, apply a small amount of the cream to the affected area and gently massage in. Repeat as needed. For best results, use regularly until the skin has fully healed. Final Verdict The Morga cream PLV Burnt cream Btl 90 g is an excellent product that offers effective relief from burns and other skin irritations. Its natural ingredients make it gentle on the skin while its convenient packaging makes it easy to use. If you're looking for a high-quality cream that can soothe and heal your skin, the Morga cream PLV Burnt cream Btl 90 g is definitely worth a try...

6.37 USD

Phytopharma apricoderm pott 50 ml

Phytopharma apricoderm pott 50 ml

Tootekood: 2712294

PHYTOPHARMA Apricorm pott 50 ml Aprikoosiseemneõli. p> Kompositsioon vaseliin; Kaprüül/kaprika triglütseriid, Prunus Armeniaca tuumaõli, Zea Maysi õli, tokoferüülatsetaat, Helianthus Annuus'i seemneõli, isopropüülmüristaat, Daucus Carota Sativa õli, Daucus Carota Sativa ekstrakt, arahhise hüpogaea õli, Arahis Hypogaea õli, A, beeta-karoteen, Gitatseryl Stearby Hape, parfüüm, limoneen, CI 26100, CI 47000.. ..

33.15 USD

Verfora vaseliini salv

Verfora vaseliini salv

Tootekood: 7367726

Table of Contents Advertisement Verfora Vaseline Ointment Advertisement protection of the skin. 765866 / 01.10.2019 ..

11.20 USD

Vichy normaderm phytosolution reinigungsgel 400 ml

Vichy normaderm phytosolution reinigungsgel 400 ml

Tootekood: 7757386

Vichy Normaderm Phytosolution puhastusgeel 400 ml Mineraalide ja probiootikumidega puhastusgeel. Puhastab põhjalikult nahka, viimistleb poore ja vähendab mustpeade teket. Sügavpuhastusgeel Normaderm Phytosolution puhastab nahka tõhusalt ja õrnalt tänu neutraalsele pH väärtusele. Nahk puhastatakse mustusest ja liigse rasu vastu võitletakse ilma nahka ärritamata või kuivatamata. Tänu looduslikku päritolu koostisosadele tugevdab puhastusgeel samaaegselt naha kaitsebarjääri. Geelil on meeldivalt lõhnav, kergelt vahutav tekstuur optimaalseks pealekandmiseks...

37.57 USD

Weleda astelpaju kätekreem 50 ml

Weleda astelpaju kätekreem 50 ml

Tootekood: 2591011

A cream for stressed hands that reliably protects against moisture loss and makes stressed skin smooth and supple. Properties Contains no synthetic fragrances, colorings or preservatives. Mineral oil free. ..

14.57 USD

Weleda granaatõuna kätekreem 50 ml

Weleda granaatõuna kätekreem 50 ml

Tootekood: 4108705

The regenerating pomegranate hand cream contains unsaturated fatty acids that support the natural balance of the skin and keep it from drying out. The hands can be wrapped in cream after washing or as needed...

19.17 USD

Weleda granaatõunakreem dušš 200 ml

Weleda granaatõunakreem dušš 200 ml

Tootekood: 4108734

The Weleda Pomegranate Creme Shower with a sensual, feminine scent of sandalwood, vanilla, neroli and blood orange inspires the senses, bringing your inner and outer beauty into harmony. The fine sesame oil cares for the skin and has a moisturizing effect, while valuable oils from pomegranate seeds, sesame and macadamia nuts pamper it and keep it from drying out.The yellow to reddish colored, relatively thick pomegranate seed oil is also rich in the rare punicic acid, which has antioxidant properties and promotes regeneration...

14.97 USD

Weleda lavendli lõõgastav õli 100 ml

Weleda lavendli lõõgastav õli 100 ml

Tootekood: 7085005

The lavender relaxation oil from Weleda cares for the skin and at the same time has a harmonizing and balancing effect with its delicate scent of essential lavender oil. 100% certified natural cosmetics100% natural fragrancesVegan Use Apply the Weleda Lavender Relaxation Oil once a day, ideally after showering or bathing, very thinly. Composition Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis (Sweet Almond) Oil, Sesamum Indicum (Sesame) Seed Oil, Lavandula Angustifolia Oil,Fragrance (Parfum),Limonene,Linalool,Geraniol,CoumarinFrom natural essential oils..

23.15 USD

Weleda wild rose harmonizing care oil 100 ml

Weleda wild rose harmonizing care oil 100 ml

Tootekood: 7084968

The Wild Rose Harmonizing Care Oil from Weleda smooths and pampers the skin. While the natural oils give invigorating impulses and gently envelop the skin, the many unsaturated fatty acids support the natural regeneration of the skin, making it supple and smooth.The high-quality rose oil exudes the delicately soft, harmonizing scent of the essential oil of Damascus roses.When the care oil is gently massaged in, it has a regulating effect on the skin's functions and forms a protective heat cover. Composition Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba) Seed Oil, Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis (Sweet Almond) Oil, Rosa Moschata Seed Oil, Rosa Damascena Flower Oil, Fragrance (Parfum), Limonene, Linalool, Citronellol, Benzyl Alcohol, Benzyl Benzoate, Geraniol, Citral, Eugenol, Farnesol..

29.75 USD

Zechstein magnesium oil sensitive spr 100ml

Zechstein magnesium oil sensitive spr 100ml

Tootekood: 7234652

Zechstein Magnesium Oil Sensitive Spray 100 ml Zechsteini magneesiumiõli tundlik pihusti 100 ml on spetsiaalse koostisega magneesiumiõli, mis on loodud tundliku nahaga inimeste leevendamiseks. See on valmistatud Hollandi iidsest Zechsteini merepõhjast kogutud puhtast magneesiumkloriidist, mis on teadaolevalt puhtaim ja võimsaim magneesiumiõli allikas. See toode on mugavas pihustuspudelis, mis muudab selle otse nahale kandmise lihtsaks. See ei sisalda raskmetalle, sünteetilisi lõhnaaineid, parabeene ega muid kahjulikke kemikaale, mistõttu on see ohutu ja õrn valem õrna nahaga inimestele. Magneesium on üks olulisi mineraale, mida meie keha vajab õigeks toimimiseks. See vastutab tervisliku luutiheduse edendamise, südame-veresoonkonna tervise toetamise, lihaspingete vähendamise ning üldise meeleolu ja lõõgastuse parandamise eest. Zechstein Magnesium Oil Sensitive Spray 100 ml on suurepärane viis igapäevase magneesiumikoguse täiendamiseks ilma kõrvaltoimeid tekitamata. Zechstein Magnesium Oil Sensitive Spray 100 ml regulaarne kasutamine aitab parandada une kvaliteeti, vähendada stressi ja ärevust ning leevendada lihasvalu ja krampe. See on kasulik ka inimestele, kellel on sellised nahahaigused nagu ekseem, psoriaas ja rosaatsea. Üldiselt on Zechstein Magnesium Oil Sensitive Spray 100 ml suurepärane toode inimestele, kes otsivad ohutut ja tõhusat viisi oma magneesiumitaseme tõstmiseks ilma nahaärrituseta. Hankige oma juba täna ja kogege puhta Zechsteini magneesiumiõli imesid!..

24.85 USD

Tooted 1 - 25, tooteid kokku 39, lehekülgi 2
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