Carefree plus original karton 56 stk
Carefree Plus Original Karton 56 Stk The Carefree Plus Original Karton 56 Stk is an ideal product for women who want to stay comfortable and confident throughout their menstrual cycle. This product is designed to provide maximum protection against leaks and stains that are common during menstruation. Each pack contains 56 individually wrapped unscented liners that offer reliable and comfortable protection all day long. The liners are made of super-absorbent materials that quickly draw moisture away from the skin, keeping you feeling fresh and clean at all times. The Carefree Plus Original Karton 56 Stk liners are also ultra-thin, making them virtually undetectable when worn under clothing. They are designed to fit snugly against the contours of your body, providing a secure fit and allowing you to go about your day with complete confidence. The liners are also easy to use and dispose of, making them a convenient choice for busy women on the go. The individual wrapping allows for discreet and easy storage, making them perfect for travel or on-the-go use. The Carefree Plus Original Karton 56 Stk is a must-have product for every woman who wants to stay comfortable and confident during her menstrual cycle. Order yours today and stay protected and comfortable throughout the day...
8.98 USD
Glad nacht periodenunterwäsche s stark
Tutvustame GLAD Night Period aluspesu suuruses S. Need korduvkasutatavad püksid on loodud pakkuma öösel usaldusväärset kaitset ja mugavust. Spetsiaalselt intiimhoolduse ja igakuiste hügieenivajaduste jaoks loodud perioodiline aluspesu on ideaalne neile, kes otsivad jätkusuutlikku ja keskkonnasõbralikku alternatiivi traditsioonilistele ühekordselt kasutatavatele toodetele. Tugev, kuid pehme materjal tagab tiheda istuvuse ja lekkekindla katte, võimaldades teil kogu öö rahulikult ja enesekindlalt puhata. Öelge hüvasti mahukate padjandite ja ebamugavate hetkedega – GLAD Night Period Aluspesu pakub meelerahu ja mugavust teie menstruaalhoolduse rutiinil. S-suuruses GLAD Night Period aluspesu pakub mugavust, jätkusuutlikkust ja ülimat kaitset...
74.37 USD