
kauakestev kaitse

Tooted 1 - 10, tooteid kokku 10, lehekülgi 1
Avastage ülim pikaajaline kaitse meie Šveitsist pärit tervise- ja ilutoodete valikuga. Meie pakkumised, sealhulgas kvaliteetsed looduslikud deodorandid ja tõhusad higistamisvastased lahendused, on loodud selleks, et hoida teid värske ja enesekindlana kogu päeva. Olenemata sellest, kas võitlete stressist põhjustatud higistamisega või otsite õrna hooldust tundlikule nahale, tagavad need tooted suurepärase kaitse higi ja lõhna eest, ilma et see ohustaks turvalisust või mugavust. Nautige meelerahu looduslike koostisosadega rikastatud koostistega, mis ei sisalda kahjulikke kemikaale. Meie erakordse tootevalikuga saate nautida püsivat värskust ja hooldust.
Athanor alum deodorant 120 g

Athanor alum deodorant 120 g

Tootekood: 3089621

Athanor Alum Deodorant 120g Keep yourself fresh and feeling clean all day long with Athanor Alum Deodorant 120g. This product is a high-quality natural deodorant that helps you fight off unpleasant odors caused by sweating. Made from natural ingredients, this deodorant is completely safe for use and free from harmful chemicals that are usually present in other deodorant products in the market. Long-lasting Protection: This deodorant offers you long-lasting protection from sweat and bad odor. It effectively keeps you fresh and dry all day long. Natural Ingredients: Athanor Alum Deodorant is made from natural ingredients such as potassium alum, water, and citric acid. It is free from harmful chemicals such as parabens, alcohol, and other synthetic substances that irritate the skin and can cause damage to your health in the long run. Gentle on Skin: This product is gentle on your skin and does not cause any irritation or discomfort. You can use it on sensitive skin without worrying about any negative side effects. It is also suitable for people who suffer from allergies. Easy to Apply: Athanor Alum Deodorant comes in a convenient roll-on bottle that is easy to use. You can apply it directly to your skin and it will dry quickly, leaving no residue or stains on your clothes. Say goodbye to unpleasant underarm odors and enjoy all-day freshness with Athanor Alum Deodorant 120g. This product is perfect for men and women who want to stay fresh and confident throughout the day without compromising their health. ..

20.42 USD

Borotalco active fresh roll tsitrusel ja laimil 50 ml

Borotalco active fresh roll tsitrusel ja laimil 50 ml

Tootekood: 7296624

Borotalco Active Fresh Roll tsitrusel ja laimil 50 ml Tutvustame Borotalco Active Fresh Roll on! Värskendava tsitruse- ja laimilõhnaga 50 ml rulldeodorant sobib ideaalselt neile, kes on alati liikvel. See rulldeodorant, mis sisaldab kauakestvaid aktiivseid koostisosi, pakub 48-tunnist kaitset higi ja lõhna eest. Selle kiiresti kuivav valem hoiab teid kogu päeva värske ja kuivana, olenemata sellest, kui aktiivne te olete. Lisaks võimsatele desodoreerivatele omadustele on Borotalco Active Fresh Roll on ka õrn nahale. Selle mittekleepuv ja mitterasvane koostis ei jäta teie riietele jääke ega plekke, muutes selle mugavaks ja probleemivabaks lisandiks teie igapäevarutiini. Hankige Borotalco Active Fresh Roll ja kogege ülimat värskust ja kaitset liikvel olles. Olenemata sellest, kas käite jõusaalis, jooksmas või lihtsalt asju ajamas, see rulldeodorant hoiab teid enesekindlana ja lõhnab suurepäraselt...

12.57 USD

Nivea female deo fresh natural (new) roll-on 50 ml

Nivea female deo fresh natural (new) roll-on 50 ml

Tootekood: 7799453

Nivea Female Deodorant Fresh Natural (New) Roll-On 50 ml Stay confident and fresh all day long with Nivea Female Deodorant Fresh Natural (New) Roll-On 50 ml. This deodorant roll-on is designed specifically for women, providing long-lasting protection against sweat and odor. Formulated with natural elements, this deodorant is gentle on the skin and free from harmful chemicals, making it the perfect choice for those with sensitive skin. The roll-on applicator allows for easy and seamless application, ensuring that you stay fresh for up to 48 hours. The Nivea Female Deodorant Fresh Natural (New) Roll-On 50 ml comes in a compact and travel-friendly size, making it easy to carry with you wherever you go. The subtle fragrance provides a refreshing and feminine scent that will leave you feeling confident and beautiful all day long. So if you are looking for a reliable and effective deodorant that will keep you feeling fresh and confident, the Nivea Female Deodorant Fresh Natural (New) Roll-On 50 ml is the perfect choice. Order yours today and experience long-lasting freshness like never before. ..

8.90 USD

Perspirex originaal higistamisvastane uus valem roll-on 20ml

Perspirex originaal higistamisvastane uus valem roll-on 20ml

Tootekood: 7765220

Particularly effective antiperspirant roll-on, original. Composition Alcohol denat., aluminum chloride, calcium lactate, hydroxypropylcellulose, hydrogenated castor oil.. Properties Inhibits sweating and body odor.These unique formula combats body odor and offers particularly effective protection against perspiration for 3 to 5 days. The latter has been confirmed by clinical tests. The active skin care system ensures a better feeling on the skin. Application Apply the antiperspirant to completely dry, undamaged skin in the evening. No need to reapply in the morning. ..

35.53 USD

Puressentiel anti-stich abwehr roll on kind

Puressentiel anti-stich abwehr roll on kind

Tootekood: 7807043

PURESSENTIEL Anti-Stich Abwehr Roll on Kind PURESSENTIEL Anti-Stich Abwehr Roll on Kind is a highly effective and natural mosquito repellent. This specially formulated insect repellent is safe for children and effectively keeps mosquitoes, ticks, and other insects at bay. This product is perfect for your child's outdoor activities. The PURESSENTIEL Anti-Stich Abwehr Roll on Kind is enriched with botanical ingredients such as Geraniol and Citronella oil, which provide a pleasant scent while keeping mosquitoes away. These active ingredients are clinically tested and proven to provide long-lasting protection against mosquito bites, which may cause irritating and infectious diseases such as Malaria and Dengue Fever. The Anti-Stich Abwehr Roll on Kind is carefully formulated with natural ingredients and does not contain any synthetic or harmful chemicals, making it safe for your child's delicate skin. The roll-on design of the repellent makes it easy to apply to your child's skin without any mess, and the convenient size is perfect for travel, making it an essential addition to your child's outdoor gear. Protect your little one from insect bites and enjoy your outdoor activities with the PURESSENTIEL Anti-Stich Abwehr Roll on Kind. Order yours today! ..

22.89 USD

Syneo 5 unisex roll on 50 ml

Syneo 5 unisex roll on 50 ml

Tootekood: 4737878

The Syneo 5 Deodorant Antiperspirant protects against excessive perspiration for up to 5 days, depending on the skin type. It also prevents unpleasant body odor. Allantoin protects the skin from irritation and moisturizes. For women and men. Application For evening use in the armpits or other body regions. Ingredients fragrance-freedeveloped to minimize allergy risks Application Evening use in the armpits or other body regions. Also suitable for the feet. Note Highly flammable...

47.31 USD

Verdan alum deodorant roll-on mineral natural 50 ml

Verdan alum deodorant roll-on mineral natural 50 ml

Tootekood: 4092111

Verdan Alum Deodorant Roll-On Mineral Natural 50ml The Verdan Alum Deodorant Roll-On Mineral Natural 50ml is an all-natural deodorant that is free from chemicals, toxins, and other harmful elements. It is designed to keep you feeling fresh and smelling great all day long. This deodorant is made with natural mineral salt that helps to kill odor-causing bacteria without clogging your pores or leaving any residue on your skin. The result is a clean, refreshing feeling that lasts for hours. Key Features All-natural Chemical-free Long-lasting protection Non-sticky formula No residue What Makes Verdan Alum Deodorant Roll-On Mineral Natural 50ml Unique? This deodorant is unique because it is free from harsh chemicals and toxins that are commonly found in other deodorants. It is made with natural mineral salt, which is a safe and effective way to control odor-causing bacteria. The unique formula is designed to provide long-lasting protection without leaving any residue on your skin. How to Use Verdan Alum Deodorant Roll-On Mineral Natural 50ml Shake well before use and apply to clean, dry skin. Allow the deodorant to dry completely before dressing. Reapply as needed throughout the day. Ingredients Aqua Potassium Alum Sodium Benzoate Parfum Potassium Sorbate Hydroxyethylcellulose Citric Acid Limonene Coumarin Geraniol Citronellol Linalool Alpha-Isomethyl Ionone Conclusion The Verdan Alum Deodorant Roll-On Mineral Natural 50ml is an excellent choice for anyone who wants an all-natural, long-lasting deodorant that is free from harmful chemicals and toxins. Its unique formula is both safe and effective, and it provides all-day protection without leaving any residue on your skin. If you're looking for a natural deodorant that really works, give Verdan a try!..

13.05 USD

Vichy deodorant stress resist duo -20% 2 roll-on 50 ml

Vichy deodorant stress resist duo -20% 2 roll-on 50 ml

Tootekood: 5091869

Vichy Deo Resist Stress Duo –20% 2 Roll-On 50 mlPüsige värske ja enesekindlana kogu päeva Vichy Deo Resist Stress Duo abil. See uuenduslik deodorant on loodud pakkuma pikaajalist kaitset higi ja lõhna eest, hoolitsedes samal ajal teie tundliku kaenlaaluste naha eest. Vichy Deo Resist Stress Duo on pakis kahe mugava rulliga pudeliga, millest igaüks sisaldab 50 ml toodet. Selle duopakiga saate kaks deodoranti ühe hinnaga, nii et saate hoida ühte kodus ja ühte oma spordikotis või rahakotis liikvel olles.Põhifunktsioonid: Kaks 50 ml rulliga pudelit Pakub kauakestvat kaitset higi ja lõhna eest Hoolitseb tundlikku kaenlaaluste nahka Sisaldab higistamisvastaseid toimeaineid, mis reguleerivad higi tootmist Rikastatud Vichy mineraliseeriva termaalveega, mis rahustab ja tugevdab nahka Ei jäta riietele valgeid ega kollaseid plekke Kiire kuivav valem, mis ei tundu nahal kleepuv ega raske Hüpoallergeenne ja parabeenivaba Vichy Deo Resist Stress Duo üks silmapaistvamaid omadusi on selle võime stressile vastu seista. Stress on sagedane liigse higistamise vallandaja, mis võib põhjustada kehalõhna ja üldist ebamugavustunnet. See deodorant on loodud higi tootmise reguleerimiseks, tagades maksimaalse kaitse higi ja lõhna eest isegi stressirohketes olukordades.Vichy Deo Resist Stress Duo on rikastatud ka Vichy mineraliseeriva termaalveega, mis on tuntud oma rahustava ja tugevdava toime poolest. omadused. See mineraaliderikas vesi aitab õrna kaenlaaluste nahka rahustada ja niisutada, jättes selle pehmeks ja siledaks.Selle deodorandi koostis kuivab kiiresti ega jäta nahale valgeid jälgi ega kollaseid plekke. Riietus. Samuti on see hüpoallergeenne ja parabeenivaba, mistõttu sobib see tundliku nahaga inimestele.Üldiselt on Vichy Deo Resist Stress Duo tõhus ja usaldusväärne deodorant, mis pakub hooldamise ajal kauakestvat kaitset higi ja lõhna eest. teie naha jaoks. Võtke see duopakett juba täna kätte ja nautige meelerahu, mis kaasneb terve päeva värske ja enesekindlana püsimisega...

55.07 USD

Vichy homme deo c.c roll 96h de/it/fr

Vichy homme deo c.c roll 96h de/it/fr

Tootekood: 7826506

VICHY Homme Deo C.C Roll 96h DE/IT/FR Väga tõhus higistamis- ja lõhnavastane hooldustoode, mis läbib iga testi! Higistamisvastane aine Vichy Homme Clinical Control 96h on rikas higistamisvastaste toimeainete ja antibakteriaalse tsingi poolest...

25.71 USD

Tooted 1 - 10, tooteid kokku 10, lehekülgi 1
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