Glad tag pesukann periodenunterwäsche m leicht
Tutvustame M-suuruses pestavat perioodilist aluspesu Glad Tag, mis sobib ideaalselt kergeteks päevadeks. Need korduvkasutatavad püksikud on loodud mugavuse ja mugavuse tagamiseks, pakkudes jätkusuutlikku ja keskkonnasõbralikku alternatiivi traditsioonilistele ühekordselt kasutatavatele hügieenitoodetele. Pehmest, hingavast kangast ja sisseehitatud imava kihiga aluspesu pakub kogu päeva kaitset, ilma et oleks vaja padjandeid või tampoone. Jäta hüvasti lekete ja ebamugavustundega – Glad Tag perioodi aluspesu on lihtne hooldada, lihtsalt masinas pesta ja taaskasutada. Püsige värskena, enesekindlana ja keskkonnateadlikuna Glad Tag Washable Period aluspesuga...
71.04 USD
Organika slipeinlagen extra dünn valgusvoog
ORGANYC Slipeinlagen extra dünn light flow ORGANYC Slipeinlagen extra dünn light flow is a must-have for any woman who is looking for exceptional protection from light flow. Made from 100% organic cotton, this product is free from any harmful chemicals, synthetic materials, or artificial additives, thus making it safe and gentle on your skin. The ultra-thin design of the slipeinlagen makes it an ideal choice for everyday wear while ensuring maximum comfort and discretion. The extra-thin design ensures that you can wear it comfortably under your tight-fitting clothes without showing any visible panty lines. Designed with a unique multi-channeled cover, it quickly absorbs moisture and locks it away for an extended period, leaving you feeling dry and fresh. The breathable backing ensures that air flows freely, eliminating moisture and heat, giving you a cool and comfortable sensation throughout the day. The adhesive strips are made from non-toxic glue, which firmly secures the slipeinlagen to your underwear. The strips are thin and discreet, making it easy to attach and remove the pad without ruining your clothes. ORGANYC Slipeinlagen extra dünn light flow is hypoallergenic and dermatologically tested to minimize the risk of irritation or allergic reactions. Each pack contains 24 individually packaged pads, ensuring that you have reliable protection whenever you need it. Choose ORGANYC Slipeinlagen extra dünn light flow and give your skin the care it deserves. ..
7.21 USD