Tutvuge meie isotooniliste soolalahuste valikuga, mis sobivad ideaalselt õrnaks ja tõhusaks puhastamiseks haavahoolduse ja silmaga seotud hädaolukordades. Meie kvaliteetsed tooted, nagu ActiMaris Sensitive Wound Irrigation Solution ja Plum Augenspülung NaCl 0,9%, on tasakaalustatud pH-ga ja steriilsed, tagades tundliku naha ja silmade optimaalse hoolduse. Need lahendused sobivad erinevateks rakendusteks, soodustavad paranemist ja pakuvad kohest leevendust. Meie Šveitsist pärit isotoonilised soolalahused, mis sobivad ideaalselt tervise- ja iluvajaduste rahuldamiseks, on teie hooldusrežiimi oluline täiendus.
ActiMarise tundlik haavaniisutuslahus – õrn ja tõhus puhastamine
Kogege ActiMarise tundliku haavaniisutuslahuse õrnat ja tõhusat puhastusjõudu. See isotooniline soolalahus on spetsiaalselt loodud tundliku naha puhastamiseks ja rahustamiseks, mistõttu on see ideaalne haavahoolduseks, operatsioonijärgseks puhastamiseks ja igapäevaseks nahahoolduseks.
Peamised eelised:
Õrn nahale: isotooniline soolalahus on tasakaalustatud pH-ga ega sisalda tugevaid kemikaale.
Tõhus puhastus: eemaldab õrnalt mustuse, prahi ja bakterid.
Soodustab paranemist: loob puhta ja niiske keskkonna haava optimaalseks paranemiseks.
Mitmekülgne: sobib erinevatele nahahaigustele ja haavadele.
Olenemata sellest, kas teil on tegemist väiksema lõikehaava, kirurgilise haavaga või lihtsalt otsite õrna puhastusvahendit tundlikule nahale, on ActiMarise tundlik haavaniisutuslahendus ideaalne valik. Tellige oma juba täna ja kogege erinevust!..
Plum Augenspülung NaCl 0.9 % 200 ml
The Plum Augenspülung NaCl 0.9 % 200 ml is a sterile, isotonic saline solution that is specially formulated to cleanse and rinse the eyes in case of emergency. This product is designed to effectively flush the eyes of any foreign particles and irritants that may have entered it, providing immediate relief to the affected person.
This product is suitable for use in various environments, including in the workplace, at home, or in other settings where the eyes may come into contact with harmful substances. It is also easy to use and provides a quick and effective solution in the event of an eye emergency.
Product Features:
Effective cleansing and rinsing of the eyes
Sterile, isotonic saline solution
Provides relief to the affected person
Easy-to-use product
Suitable for use in various environments
Product Specifications:
Brand: Plum
Product Type: Eye wash solution
Volume: 200 ml
Ingredients: Sterile Sodium chloride 0.9 % w/v solution
Storage: Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight
Shelf life: 2 years from the date of manufacture
How to use:
Remove the dust cap from the bottle and hold it upright
Tilt your head backward and pull the lower eyelid down gently with your index finger
Place the bottle close to your eye and squeeze it gently to create a steady flow of the solution
Allow the solution to rinse your eye thoroughly for at least 5 minutes
If necessary, repeat the process for the other eye
In conclusion, the Plum Augenspülung NaCl 0.9 % 200 ml is a reliable and effective product that provides an essential solution for eye emergencies. It is a must-have for all workplaces, public areas, and households to ensure the safety and well-being of individuals.
25.94 USD
Tooted 1 - 2, tooteid kokku 2, lehekülgi 1
Beeovita Huebacher 36
8153 Rümlang
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