Aquacel ag+ extra kompresse 10x10cm
AQUACEL Ag+ Extra Kompresse 10x10cm The AQUACEL Ag+ Extra Kompresse 10x10cm is an innovative wound dressing product that combines two powerful technologies ? the Hydrofiber Technology and the Ag+ Technology. The Hydrofiber Technology allows the dressing to absorb excess exudate and lock it in, reducing the risk of maceration and promoting a moist wound healing environment. The Ag+ Technology adds an extra antimicrobial action to the dressing, killing bacteria, viruses, and fungi that can cause infections and slow down the healing process. The AQUACEL Ag+ Extra Kompresse 10x10cm is made of soft, conformable, and sterile material that conforms to the wound bed and minimizes trauma during dressing changes. The dressing has an extended wear time of up to 7 days, depending on the level of exudate and the wound condition. The AQUACEL Ag+ Extra Kompresse 10x10cm is indicated for use in the management of moderate to heavily exuding wounds, such as pressure ulcers, diabetic foot ulcers, venous leg ulcers, and surgical wounds. Key features Combines Hydrofiber Technology and Ag+ Technology for optimal wound healing Provides excellent absorbency and locking of exudate Has a strong antimicrobial action against bacteria, viruses, and fungi Conforms to the wound bed and minimizes trauma during dressing changes Has an extended wear time of up to 7 days Indicated for use in the management of moderate to heavily exuding wounds Comes in a 10x10cm size for easy application and dressing customization The AQUACEL Ag+ Extra Kompresse 10x10cm is a reliable and effective wound dressing product that combines the best of both worlds ? the clinically proven Hydrofiber Technology and the cutting-edge Ag+ Technology. By using this product, healthcare professionals can provide their patients with a comprehensive wound care solution that promotes faster healing and reduces the risk of complications. Try the AQUACEL Ag+ Extra Kompresse 10x10cm today and experience the benefits of advanced wound care!..
206.09 USD
Aquacel ag+ extra kompresse 5x5cm (uus)
AQUACEL Ag+ Extra Kompresse 5x5cm (neu) on mitmekülgne ja uuenduslik haavaside, mis on loodud paranemise soodustamiseks ja nakkuste ennetamiseks. Sellel tootel on ainulaadne kombinatsioon Hydrofiber Technologyst ja ioonsest hõbedast, mis on tuntud oma antimikroobsete omaduste poolest. Hydrofiber tehnoloogia loob haavaeritise kokkupuutel pehme geeli, säilitades paranemiseks ideaalse niiske keskkonna. Ioonse hõbeda lisamine tagab tõhusa antimikroobse toime, kaitstes haava kahjulike bakterite eest. 5x5cm suurus teeb selle sobilikuks väiksematele haavadele ja piirkondadele, mis vajavad sihipärast ravi. AQUACEL Ag+ Extra Kompresse'iga võite usaldada usaldusväärset ja täiustatud haavahoolduslahendust, mis toetab paranemisprotsessi...
77.58 USD
Aquacel foam pro 10x10cm 10 stk
AQUACEL Foam Pro 10x10cm 10 Stk AQUACEL Foam Pro 10x10cm 10 Stk is a superior wound dressing designed to provide effective wound management solution for complex wounds involving high exudate levels. This product is perfect for treating pressure ulcers, leg ulcers, surgical wounds, and traumatic wounds. The dressing is made up of a soft, absorbent foam which quickly wicks away excess exudate, and conforms easily to the wound bed for a comfortable and secure fit. The foam also includes a micro-contouring layer that adapts to uneven wound surfaces, helping to reduce the risk of maceration while increasing patient comfort level. The AQUACEL Foam Pro dressing also includes Hydrofiber Technology, a unique blend of fibers that form a gel-like layer on the wound surface. This gel helps to prevent the formation of biofilm, a layer of bacteria that can impede wound healing. The Hydrofiber Technology also promotes autolytic debridement, which helps to remove non-viable tissue and promote wound healing. The dressing also includes a waterproof film layer that provides an effective barrier against bacteria, helping to reduce the risk of infection. The waterproof film layer also allows the patient to shower or bathe while wearing the dressing, reducing disruption to their daily routine. The AQUACEL Foam Pro 10x10cm 10 Stk is a sterile product, and supplied in a convenient pack of 10 dressings. This product is also suitable for use on sensitive skin and can be easily removed without causing discomfort for the patient. Overall, AQUACEL Foam Pro 10x10cm 10 Stk is a highly effective wound dressing that provides exceptional wound management, helping to promote faster healing times, and a more comfortable patient experience. ..
155.92 USD
Aquacel foam pro 15x15cm
AQUACEL Foam Pro 15x15 cm AQUACEL Foam Pro 15x15cm on kõrgelt arenenud haavaside, mis on loodud pakkuma optimaalset paranemiskeskkonda erinevat tüüpi haavadega patsientidele. See side ühendab vahust sideme eelised Hydrofiber Technology tõestatud jõudlusega, mis on kliiniliselt tõestatud, et see tagab suurepärase vedeliku käitlemise võime. AQUACEL Foam Pro 15x15cm on steriilne, mitteinvasiivne side, mis on mõeldud eksudaadi juhtimiseks ja tõhusaks haavapõhja ettevalmistamiseks. See on spetsiaalselt loodud pakkuma ideaalset kombinatsiooni niiskusaurude läbilaskmisest ja neeldumisest, mis aitab kaasa niiskele haava paranemiskeskkonnale ja vähendab leotamise ohtu. Sidemega on kaasas AquaClear Technology, mis annab haava hindamiseks ja jälgimiseks selge ülevaate haavast. Samuti on sellel ainulaadne viiekihiline konstruktsioon, mis pakub suurepärast imavust ja aitab säilitada niisket haava paranemiskeskkonda. Vahukiht on pehme ja mugav, pakkudes haavale suurepärast polsterdust ja kaitset. Veekindel pealiskiht hoiab ära välise saastumise ja hoiab haavapõhja kuivana, samas kui kleepuv ääris tagab turvalise fikseerimise nahale. Side sobib hästi ka keha kontuuridega, pakkudes suurepärase haavakatte ning vähendades servade tõusmise ja lekkimise ohtu. AQUACEL Foam Pro 15x15cm sobib ideaalselt kasutamiseks paljude haavade, sealhulgas survehaavandite, diabeetiliste jalahaavandite, jalahaavandite, kirurgiliste haavade ja traumaatilise haava korral. See on saadaval erinevates suurustes, et sobitada erineva kuju ja suurusega haavasid, mistõttu on see ideaalne valik tervishoiutöötajatele, kes otsivad tõhusat haavasidumislahendust. ..
246.75 USD
Aquacel hydrofiber side extra 10x10cm 10 tk
AQUACEL Hydrofiber dressing Extra 10x10cm 10 pcs AQUACEL Hydrofiber dressing Extra 10x10cm 10 pcs is a highly advanced wound dressing that contains hydrofiber technology, which is designed to help with wound healing. It is made from a soft, non-woven fabric that absorbs exudates and turns into a gel, keeping the wound moist and accelerating the healing process. The extra-large 10x10cm size is perfect for larger wounds, and the pack of 10 makes it cost-effective for multiple uses. The AQUACEL Hydrofiber dressing Extra is easy to apply and stays in place, providing a comfortable and secure fit. It also helps in reducing the risk of infection, as the gel formed by the dressing is highly absorbent, protecting the wound from harmful bacteria. The dressing can be easily removed without causing any pain or discomfort to the surrounding skin. The Hydrofiber dressing Extra is ideal for wounds that are highly exuding and can be used in a variety of healthcare settings. It can be used for surgical wounds, pressure ulcers, leg ulcers, diabetic foot ulcers, and burn wounds. The AQUACEL Hydrofiber dressing Extra is a highly effective wound dressing that provides optimum healing time while also ensuring patient comfort. Its innovative technology makes it a must-have product for anyone that requires highly effective wound care. ..
165.15 USD