Kogege tõhusat valu leevendamist ja kiirendatud paranemist meie hüdrokolloidgeeli sidemetega. Need sidemed, mis on loodud kaitsma haavu vee, mustuse ja bakterite eest, loovad optimaalse niiske keskkonna naharakkude kiiremaks kasvuks ja neid saab kanda mitu päeva. Meie CE-sertifikaadiga tooted, mis sobivad ideaalselt erinevate haavahooldusvajaduste rahuldamiseks, tagavad Euroopa ohutusnõuete täitmise, pakkudes teie nahale usaldusväärset hooldust.
Pain-relieving abrasion plaster to speed up the healing process. Offers protection against water, dirt and bacteria and prevents scabbing. Can be used for several days.
The DermaPlast® Effect products with hydrocolloids relieve pain and accelerate wound healing. They create a moist wound environment in which skin cells can grow better. The plasters can remain on the wound for several days. They lie gently and securely on the wound like a pressure pad. The plasters with a wafer-thin film protect against water, bacteria and dirt.
This product is CE-certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met.