väga imav
Tooted 1 - 1, tooteid kokku 1, lehekülgi 1
Suure imavusega tooted on loodud pakkuma maksimaalset imavust ja pehmust, muutes need ideaalseks isiklikuks hoolduseks. Need tooted, mis sobivad ideaalselt intiimpiirkonna puhastamiseks ja üldiseks kehahoolduseks, sobivad eriti hästi kasutamiseks koos täiendavate esemetega, pakkudes tõhusat hooldust tundlikule ja vanemale nahale. Esitatud meie Šveitsi tervise- ja ilutoodete veebisaidi kategooriates „Õendusabivahendid, haavahooldus ja põetamine”.
Tena soft wipe 19x30cm
Ultra-soft, highly absorbent and strong washcloths, ideal for regular care of the intimate area when changing products. Properties The Tena Soft Wipe washcloths are ultra-soft, highly absorbent and at the same time strong, making them ideal for the care of older skin in combination with the Tena Wash Cream or Mousse . They are mainly suitable for regular care of the intimate area when changing products, but they can also be used for care of the entire body. ..
22,51 USD
Tooted 1 - 1, tooteid kokku 1, lehekülgi 1