Tutvuge meie Šveitsis valmistatud taimsete köharavimite valikuga, mis on loodud kuiva, ärritava köha loomulikuks rahustamiseks ja leevendamiseks. Ideaalne neile, kes otsivad tervise- ja ilulahendusi, mis on saadud looduse parimatest koostisosadest.
The Phytopharma thyme syrup is a dietary supplement with vitamin C, zinc, thyme, honey and ginger.The syrup contains valuable thyme and ginger, both of which have been used for centuries in the Mediterranean and Asia because of their diverse uses.Vitamin C and zinc contribute to the normal function of the immune system.
Before use, you should shake the syrup well.Adolescents and adults should take 10 ml of the syrup 3 times a day.Children from one year of age take 10ml once a day.
The specified daily dose should not be exceeded.If consumed in excess, the syrup can have a laxative effect.The syrup should be kept away from children.
Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a balanced and varied diet or a healthy lifestyle. ..
Sidroga Breast and Hustentee N 20 Btl 2g
If you're looking for a natural way to support your breast and respiratory health, Sidroga Breast and Hustentee may be the perfect product for you. Each box contains 20 tea bags, each with 2 grams of specially selected herbs to help promote breast health and alleviate symptoms of cough and cold.
What's in the tea?
Sidroga Breast and Hustentee is made with a carefully blended combination of natural herbs including thyme, aniseed, fennel, and marshmallow root. These herbs have been used for centuries for their beneficial effects on respiratory and breast health.
How does it work?
The active compounds in the herbs help to soothe the respiratory tract and promote healthy mucus production, which can be particularly helpful when dealing with coughs and colds. Additionally, the breast health benefits of these herbs may help support overall breast health and functioning.
How to use
To prepare the tea, simply place one tea bag in a cup of boiling water and steep for 5-10 minutes. For best results, drink 2-3 cups per day. The tea is unsweetened and can be consumed as is or with a natural sweetener such as honey or stevia.
Why choose Sidroga?
Sidroga is a trusted brand with a long history of producing high-quality, natural remedies for a variety of health concerns. The company is committed to using only the finest natural ingredients and employs rigorous quality control standards to ensure that every product is safe and effective.
Choose Sidroga Breast and Hustentee N 20 Btl 2g for a natural, effective way to support your respiratory and breast health...